Monday, April 25, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #63, 4/25/16: Opposites

Kitchen, night. Andres calls for Natalia, drunk. She answers him, but she's pissed. As Angela and the rest of the staff peep through the windows, she asks, why are you bothering me? We're just the maids and waiters down here. Go back to your fancy suite with your fancy wife. Andres falls to his knees and begs her forgiveness. She says no, forgive me for thinking a swell guy like you would be interested in a maid who only wanted to give you her love and care, sorry but you rejected me so now you can stay with her.

Angela has seen all of this and tries to comfort Andres, but he rejects her.

Felipe is scowling outside the comisario when Ayala returns from the hotel. Felipe asks to be arrested. It's where he belongs. He can't stand another minute here on the outside.

Andres has made his way to the cantina. Violeta goes to him, asks him to find Gabriel. Cecelia says this isn't a good time to bother DON Andres. Cece tells him he's brave to come here in his condition, and she likes brave men. He says he's a coward. She tells him not to be so hard on himself. He's a good man, not like his jerk friend Julio. Andres says Julio's not a coward, he's deeply in love. He fights for his great love Isabel Alarcon. Cece gets mad and flounces off to sit with her nieces and Melibea.

At the comisario, Ayala wakes Dagoberto to tell him that Felipe escaped while he was asleep. Felipe has to promise not to escape again. Ayala wants to know who helped him escape. Felipe is afraid he'll do something stupid if he's allowed to roam free. But Ayala wants Felipe's help to find Garrido. He can lead them to the real killer of Felipe's father.

Belen finds Andres nearly passed out drunk on the floor in their suite.

Julio, the lucky dog, gets to serve Diego his breakfast in bed. Diego asks the waiter's name and asks if he was around when he was attacked. Isabel rushes over to run interference. Julio pleads ignorance, and Isabel tells Julio he has to leave because Diego needs his rest. But before Julio can leave, Diego asks Julio if he knows who carried him in that night. They are saved by a knock on the door. Julio excuses himself, and it's the doctor at the door. Isabel asks him to examine Diego while she talks to Julio. The doctor goes a step further and offers them his room key. He says they can chat in privacy, but no more kissing! Smirking, Isabel takes the key.

At the comisario, Cipriano brings an order from the judge - Ayala is restored to his former position. Ayala tells Felipe that this is Teresa's doing. Cipriano takes Felipe to his cell. Dagoberto is sad to be demoted. Ayala says Dagoberto has transformed from a simple village cop and has risen to the oaccasion and become a born investigator. Dagoberto glows with the compliment, but then looks a little sour as Ayala says he won't waste his saliva explaining "carpe diem" to someone who's never even heard of Horace.

Elisa tries to get a lawyer to help her get a civil annulment. She explains that her son's marriage is invalid and the child isn't really theirs. Her in-laws bought someone else's child. Her own son is a saint. She wants the marriage annulled as soon as possible.

Knock knock, it's Olegario. Victoria goes to the door and says she's under strict orders not to let anyone in. Olegario is nasty to her, mocks their pretentious French and their relationship, threatens to tell the "Mexican aristocracy" what the "petite jewel" and her mistress were doing at some spa last year, and tells Victoria to open the damned door! He barges in on Elisa and the lawyer, who excuses himself in a hurry. Olegario sits down and asks Elisa if there's anything she cares more about than owning the local lands.

In Dr. Vicario's room, Julio tells Isabel of the previous night's hot date between Matilde and Sugar Bear... that is, the clue-finding rampage he went on with Ayala and Matilde. He shows her the paper that fell out of the book, on which there is a drawing and a quote from an alchemy book. The drawing is identical to one that Isa's father had in his suite, but she doesn't know what it means. They agree to meet again later when the family is having dinner, and Julio will keep the drawing with him so that Diego doesn't find it.

Jacinto goes to Diego's room and asks the doctor's permission to get his orders. While the doctor waits outside, Jacinto nervously tells Diego that Ayala is asking about Garrido. Jacinto promises not to say anything about the beating Diego gave Garrido, nor that Diego took the car on the night that Garrido disappeared. Diego dramatically pulls Jacinto's head against his own and tells him that he can't stand employees with good memories... and Garrido had a really good memory. "Who knows where he ended up?" And if Jacinto doesn't want to disappear some night too, he'd better be quiet.

Back to Olegario and Elisa. He asks, if she cares so much about her son's welfare, why is she allowing him to be director of this hotel? She says her son rebellious and if that's all, she'd like Olegario to leave because he's unpleasant and he smells bad. He tells her she needs to do something to get her son out of that position. She says she's trying to get the marriage annulled, but it requires a lot of proof and witnesses. Olegario says that should be easy. He remembers that Sofia tried to kill herself twice. Elisa excitedly asks him to swear it to a judge.

Natalia meets with her brother and tries to get him to cheer up. She takes him to Violeta, who sings for him. He gets angry. Natalia tells him he has to go to the hotel because he's got a job with Andres, the new owner.

Teresa finds Sofia sulking in her room. Teresa threatens to send her back to "Father Alfonso." Hah, Sofi should be so lucky. Sofi says that Alfredo isn't going to take the job, he's going to leave the hotel with Beatriz and seek an annulment. "He can't change his mind whenever he feels like it!" Teresa exclaims. Someone at the door says that Ayala is here and Felipe's been released from jail. Tere tells Sofi to be ready for dinner. They're going to get their hotel back! Nobody's going to take it away from them!

Severely hung over, Andres insists to Belen that he did not go out last night.

Teresa does not accept Felipe's warm call of "Mamita" and tells him she's sending his stuff back to the servants' quarters - and it'll be a long time before he moves out of there again. Felipe is grateful. Mamita tells him to report to Benjamin for his duties. Felipe is still grateful. Teresa fends off his hugs and kisses of gratitude. She tells Ayala he can question the hotel employees, but not the guests.

In the dining room, Ignacio is boring Matilde with bland gossip about their friends. She makes a snide remark about a virginal friend who'd been on the hunt for a husband. She sees Ayala with Julio and excuses herself in a hurry. They all meet with Isabel in Romulo's old suite. They find that drawing on a triptych along with some Latin quotes about opposites and "nothing is coincidence." Matilde says it sounds like a cult or secret society. Isabel says her father never belonged to a cult. Julio says she wouldn't know! Ayala says they need to look for things in the room that are organized as counterparts or opposites.

Somehow this leads them to look in the mirror, which somehow leads to them looking at Dad's old chess set, which has a bishop missing - a piece that's important to the army, but is easy to sacrifice. Matilde wonders, if Romulo was in a cult, perhaps he was the bishop - the one that was sacrificed. Only, because we're doing opposites, it's also the piece that was most important. (My head hearts.) Oh no! The people who are renting that room are coming back!

(Ignacio is still waiting for Matilde in the dining room, looking disgruntled.)

Isabel explains their presence as a safety and security check. Her explanation is so long, thorough, and detailed that I fear the guest will smell a rat - but the guest seems satisfied. As they leave, Matilde remembers that she ran out on her breakfast date and runs back to smooth things over. Ayala suggests they all analyze the day's clues and meet again tomorrow to discuss.

It's Felipe's first day on the job. Teresa tells the staff that he'll have the same responsibilities as the rest of them, and won't have any special privileges. He's already off to a bad start - he's not wearing gloves. Benjamin already has some special tasks just for him.

By the time Matilde gets back to the dining room, Ignacio is gone. Watching from above, Ayala sees her unhappy expression and totally misinterprets it. She looks up and sees his unhappy expression and totally misinterprets that.

Diego wants to know where Isabel's been all this time. She says there were problems at the hospital, which she was able to solve over the phone. The doctor helpfully asks if they were able to get the mercury remedy for the diseased women. Isabel tells the doctor she wants to stay here and spend as much time with her husband as possible. (I bet the doctor is mentally laughing his ass off.) Diego says he wishes he could be sick for the rest of his life. The doctor smiles indulgently at this, but snorts derisively on his way out the door.

Elisa's lawyer is threatening Sofia with all the evidence against her: crazy, tried to commit suicide, faked a pregnancy, etc. She's an unfit mother. "I am not crazy! You're all against me!!" Sofia shouts, and accuses them of conspiring against her, which only makes her sound crazier. After Elisa, Alfredo, the baby, and the lawyer all leave, Teresa tells Sofia she's a failure as a wife and the biggest disappointment of Teresa's life. (Really? Worse than Romulo?) Sofia looks to be an the verge of another breakdown. So much for Sofia 2.0.

While Ayala was looking for opposites, Dagoberto found another clue: a baby blanket and a note left in their car. "When you find the this kid, you'll find Garrido."

Jorge supervises the transfer of a weapons shipment and tells her brother that he told her so.

It's already night. Sofia confronts Beatriz out on the hotel lawn. She accuses her of seducing Alfredo and plotting against her and stealing her son. Beatriz said she didn't need to do that - Sofia lost her husband and her child all by herself, and she's been crazy for a long time.

As if to prove Beatriz's point, Sofia stabs her in the neck. "Today my mother will be very proud of me."

Sofi's not wearing gloves, and the knife doesn't look like the Gold Knife. But I'm not so sure that was her first time, either.

Next time: Sofia asks Diego, "what is your price?"


Julie- Looking forward to reading the recap once up tomorrow. ITA about the new/expanded meaning of acting like an Alarcon after this episode! Yikes!

If you or anyone would else like to see my Asia photos, and I did not copy you on my email/don't have your email address, just send me a message and I'll be happy to do so.


My head hurt too Julie! Great recap to get it all down for us.

We are getting some weird, deep stuff now thrown at us. Secret societies? Symbolism and charts. Lay it on me writers, I'm hooked.

Teresa needs to go down if only as the worst, most heartless mother of the year. I'll care about you unless you do something to threaten MY hotel. These poor kids. Sophia has officially snapped. She should willingly go back to the good "padre". I think the knife killing was a red herring to make Sophia look like the possible killer, but I thought we had seen her accounted for before. If not, then some of the attempted murders like Andres would make sense. Was she part of this secret society...she knew the secret of Andres parentage which I always thought odd.

Jorge/Manuela made me tear up. But a shipment of guns? For what use? Hmmmmm

Now that we had that little clue about the docs hatred of Diego, I watch for every look and comment from him. Last night was rich with them. Honestly, it's as if part of his hatred is for how he knows Diego has treated Isa, and that her "love" for him is a sham. Just like a good father helping a daughter. Why that hit me last night I don't know. I think we've had too many baby switches and weird parenting going on.

Those two crazy kids Ayala and Mati are so adorable. Heck, I have more fun watching their budding romance than Isa and Julio right now.

I wonder now what steps Andres will take. Does he throw in as an owner, throw Belen out, throw caution to the wind and take the money and run? I'm hoping he reached out to Julio and Isa for help now if he won't talk to his mother.



Fantastic recap, Julie! Yeah, the secret society stuff had my head spinning. You did a great job explaining what the Scooby Doo Gang has found so far. Could the GKK, and even Ben with his bizarre rituals, be linked to Romulo's secret society? Isa just needs to stop being naive and start realizing that her mother, father, husband, siblings are capable of a lot of crap...even murder. Stop being so shocked and incredulous, Isa!

I don't think Sofia is the GKK. I think she just snapped. Bye bye Beatriz. I wonder why she was crying on the lawn? I bet Alfredo changed his mind after all, and had decided to stay with Sofia.

The other episode when Elisa was brushing Victoria's hair, I wondered if their relationship could be romantic. Now Olegario has basically confirmed it. Hmmm...

Vivi, when they mentioned "secret society," Benjamin was the first person I thought of!

Last week I started wondering if the GKK was a group of people taking turns each full moon. That would be a secret society type of thing too. I don't really think that's what's going on, but it did make me wonder if GKK might be more than one person.

I don't think Sofia is the GKK, but I'm definitely more inclined to think that she's harmed someone else before.

I didn't realize Beatriz was crying on the lawn last night. Somehow her murder seems that much more tragic, knowing that she was already sad when she was killed!

Elisa and Victoria... I thought they seemed awfully close for just an employer and assistant. And I wondered how Elisa could afford to continue paying a personal assistant if she was practically penniless.

Julie, thank you for the wonderful recap and "Sugar Bear". What an episode! So glad Ayala is back in his rightful position and Felipe in any position at all.

Jarifa, Nandicta came up with Sugar Bear! I loved it and swiped it!!

I am looking forward to seeing Felipe's first day at work.

I was thinking, the list of suspects for Bea's murder is going to be very short: Sofia and Teresa. Presumably one or the other will have to spend at least a couple of nights in jail until the judge gets her out - unless Alfredo decides to take the blame for this one too. That doesn't seem likely, but 24 hours ago I would have said that it didn't seem likely Sofia would stab anyone on the hotel lawn either.

I can't believe they have to give away a car to get people to watch this in Mexico. I get that the standard fare is more popular - but you'd think there'd be room for a little variety. I've pretty much given up on most TNs precisely because they all seem too much alike, so this is a real mystery to me.

Julie, I wonder if the Mexican audience had already been exposed to "Gran Hotel" . It is readily available on line. If so, it might have been too much the same way too soon. I made a point of not watching "Gran Hotel" for that reason and also because I usually do not like period pieces.

Well, long ago (during Pasion), Beckster had a theory. I thought Pasion was a masterpiece, but it did poorly in the US and was a big flop in Mexico. Beckster said it was because when most people come home from work and turn on the TV, they don't want Masterpiece Theater. They want Desperate Housewives.

That's true, actually. And I'm no exception, most of the time, but I crave novelty too. For me, especially in the days of Pasion, telenovelas were a novelty because they were in another language and I hadn't gotten sick of all the TN cliches yet. Pasion was a double-novelty because it was also a period piece.

Anyway, I'm thinking TNs probably are, or at least were, a novelty for a lot of Caray readers for the same reason - a different language, a different culture. We're a novelty-seeking bunch. Our motives for watching are not typical. We are not a representative sample of the viewing audience, so naturally we are not going to like the same things.

But if seeing Gran Hotel first is what burned people out on EHDLS, that's a shame. Because I've seen two eps of GH now, and that's just enough to know that our story has gone in a very different direction. I could easily watch all of GH after this and I doubt I'd be very spoiled.

Many thanks for the recap especially trying to make sense of the puzzle Ayala was trying to solve. I'm still confused.

On the GKK and Sophia: I think our sleuth Ayala will figure out that the knife which Sophia used to stab Beatrice (RIP) was not a serrated (jagged edge) knife and thus not the work of the GKK. And I'm not sure last night was a full moon as if Sophia ever needed a full moon to harm someone. (Remember the first baby).

So we have at least 3 homicidal maniacs in this story: the GKK serial full moon killer, Sophia, and Diego. But in terms of intent, Teresa takes first place although she may have never actually killed anyone. I vaguely recall a conversation she had with Diego that when she told Diego to takes care of a problem she meant that he should kill them.

Floodgate - I'm not sure if I did justice to the puzzle and all the clues, but I have a feeling that I would have been lost even without the language barrier. Ayala & co seemed to know what they were doing, though, so I thought it best to leave the figuring to them!

Yes, Teresa is just as murderous as the murderers, even if she doesn't like to get her hands dirty. I don't know what kind of anvil to expect for her, but I bet there's at least one whopper of a sin in her past that we've yet to hear about. (I still think Isabel is really Angela's, and Teresa swapped a dead baby for her. If not, then maybe she killed someone. It's gotta be something really big.)

Great Julie and a big thanks.

I love this show. Even the maids as they walk the hall and move aside to let a guest pass. Awesome detail. It got a bit stupid for the first time last night though when the guest returned to #10 and Isabel spun the stupid story to explain why the four were in his room.

I think the larger mystery for the good Dr is why Isabel is with Diego in the first place. That I believe is why he is disgusted. Why even pretend you dote on a monster when you need not. Sure Julio had a thing with a mama-san but there is no equivalent between CeCe and Diego.

After seeing the promo for last night I didn't think I would be shocked but I was shocked when Sofia drove the blade into Beatriz. I think Sofia may have killed Cristina too, with that hammer.


Tofie, I know I'd be unhappy to find four people nosing around my hotel room without prior warning! "Security inspection," my foot. Maybe the guy had a lot of mimosas with his breakfast.

I was definitely shocked when Sofia stabbed Beatriz. I had to rewind twice just to be confirm that it had really happened. I think I was as surprised as Beatriz! Up till then I didn't think Sofia could hurt anyone (except the baby by accident while crazy on drugs). Now she's looking a lot better for Cristina's death, and possibly the attempt on Andres' life while he was comatose.

I'm still thinking about Sofia's boyfriend at the manicomio. (I bet Sofia is, too.) If Elisa pushes this annulment thing and some authorities want to question the padre about her in person, things could unravel fast.

I'm confused, though, why Elisa is pushing for the annulment. Doesn't disavowing the baby mean Alfredo doesn't get the inheritance, which means no land, which means no deal with Olegario? How's that supposed to work? Or does Alfredo get to keep the kid even after swearing that it isn't his??

Thanks so much Julie

They'll think its the GKK at 1st until super cop Ayala realizes its a different knife, (or is it)?. Sofia just happens to be carrying a knife around!?


Legally the child is Alfredo's and has his name and an annulment of the marriage wouldn't negate fulfilling the conditions of the trust. I get that. What surprised me last night was Elisa telling Sofia the annulment was going to happen because they all knew the child wasn't Sofia's. That may have been bluff but that bluff got Beatriz killed by Sofia.

Thank you Julie for your detailed recap of last night’s show. I’ve been watching the show twice in the evening since it comes on at 7:00 and again at 10:00 p.m. on my Time Warner Cable network. If anyone on the west coast has Time Warner or another cable station with “Univision East”, you can watch everything 3 hours earlier. Watching it twice (how hooked am I on this show? LOL) enables me further understanding and helps me to understand the dialogue better, since I have never been able to master Spanish. I am really loving this show and this is the first time I have EVER watched a Spanish novella. I mean I’ve sat through when my uncle and aunt have them on, but none have ever interested me. But “El Hotel de los Secretos” is an excellent show with excellent actors. I don’t understand how in Mexico they are not interested. It’s kind of a Spanish type of “Downtown Abbey”. I have lots of friends hooked on that one. I love period dramas. I started watching “El Gran Hotel” on Hulu but comparing the two dramas, I am much more impressed with EHDLS because the actors are so much better. My hats off to Diana Bracho and Daniela Romo for their outstanding performances.

I loved the part where Felipe was trying to kiss up to Teresa and she kept pushing him back, it was so funny. “No soy tu Mamasita!! Quita que!”

So what is this drunken Andres up to? What has gotten into him? He used to be so responsible and wanting to do the right thing. I am not liking this new drunken Andres at all. Even Belen was like, “Where have you been all night?” I hope we don’t see Andres turning into another Felipe who is drunk as a skunk all the time. What a disappointment. I sure hope he shapes up soon and someone is able to talk some sense into him. Andres had been my favorite character on this show. Plus the actor, Carlos Rivera is really handsome. (Swoons)

I am so enjoying how Mathilde and Ayala have eyes for each other, but are not realizing that the other is interested. LOL…”Sugar Bear”.

I wasn’t surprised to see Sophia kill Beatriz. But in a way, (for a novela, not real life) she had it coming. The nerve of Beatriz parading around with someone else’s husband right under the wife’s nose. They made no effort to hide anything. I guess that the screenwriters made Sophia “loca” again because if she is caught as Beatriz’s killer, she can plead insanity brought on by infidelity. I don’t know how that would work in Mexico though, since they have a different kind of justice system.

Anyway, can’t wait for tonight’s episode. 


And Beatriz wasn't just parading/paraded under Sofia's nose. This was all happening in Sofia's home and in front of hotel guests. Teresa is always talking about being humiliated, well Sofia had to see all that while eating her meals and outside her window and everywhere she looked. I bet Romulo and Angela were more discreet than that!

So when Teresa has her conniption tonight about finding a stiff on her lawn, I hope she acknowledges or is reminded that Sofia has had a rough week. (I'm not excusing what Sofia did, but we know that Teresa is only just beginning to reap what she's sown after decades of dysfunctional mothering.)

Ah Julie, loved the episode, loved the recap, and of course you swiped Sugar IS such a perfect nickname for our rotund, erudite and adorable Ayala. And loved how Felipe was awed (amused?) by his first name...Serapio.

The mumbo-jumbo of the Secret Society is very much a part of today's New Age mumbo-jumbo (my husband is very much into this). The "as above, down below" "as inside-so outside" etc. could come right out of a current channeling or theosophical meeting, believe me. Just sayin'

Absolutely shocked by the stabbing of Beatriz. And I read the recap before, for goshsakes! But Beatriz was so insulting to Sofia. And while I can't condone it, I sure can understand it. Especially after Teresa's rant to Sofia about what a disappointment she was as a daughter, a spouse and a mother. But what a way to try and regain your mother's respect.

On tenterhooks to see where the next significant moment between Mati and Sugar Bear will come. My only wish is that he had a slightly bigger jacket. That one is straining at the seams. But maybe wardrobe wanted it that way The rascal has too big an appetite for life to fit into his clothes!

Thanks Ms. Julie. Delightful to watch. Delightful to read. Always.

I liked Beatriz at first and was sympathetic to her being brought into Alfredo's mess. However, a decent person would have run away fast, as soon as she knew what the situation was. (Not to mention the way Elisa talked about her DIL. Guess what, Bea? If you marry him, she'll talk about you the same way.)

But Beatriz wanted Alfredo in spite of his crazy mother. Even so, for the sake of her own reputation, you'd think she would have urged Alfredo to be more discreet. The Alarcons must really be nobodies in the social register if it's acceptable to date an Alarcon's husband publicly in her own home while she's still legally married to him.

Thanks Julie for the recap, especially since my DVR screwed up (no, it wasn't me this time) and didn't record it. I didn't catch on until about 40 minutes in.

Didn't Sofia use her right hand to stab Beatriz? I know she's really left-handed, but was shamed into using her right. So she probably isn't the GKK because she would automatically use her right hand?

Vivi: I thought the same thing about Vic and Elisa the other day. Odd, since E seems to be into her son a little bit tooooo much. Maybe she's bi and incestuous.

Julie: liked your points about the different reasons we have for watching the TNs as opposed to the Hispanic community.

This novela is tied to (and possible just passed) Amor Bravio as my fav. Not only because it's an historical with a top notch production, but also because of the limited eps. I was so stoked to read the next TN I'm going to watch is only going to be 62. Less eps keeps the story tight and moving.



Is that Yago with the 62 episodes? I like the sound of that. Maybe I'll give it a chance.

Nanette- Maybe Elisa is like a vampire-- she just sucks the youth out of whichever young person she has influence over. Male or female.

Yes, I had read that Yago was supposed to be short-- called a series, not a telenovela. I wonder how long Tres Veces Ana is supposed to be? I too like the idea of these tns/series.

They should shorten them all (telenovelas or series) to 100 episodes or less. Then they should require them to have a beginning, middle and end set in stone before they start filming. I would like to see that as a plot requirement here in the US as well for ALL series. Just because something is successful does not mean people are still going to watch it when you play with the plot to make it longer to get more$$$.

Missed a word: I too like the idea of these SHORT tns/series.

It's disappointing to hear that El Hotel maybe isn't a slam-dunk winner like we all feel it is with ratings and Mexico. It does deviate from the normal dramas as it actually does play like a Masterpiece theater production, it requires attention to detail and having fun trying to work out the plot itself. There's a lot to absorb in every episode and so if your goal is to plop in front of the TV and simply be entertained and not have to think too hard, this won't suit you. Don't get me wrong, we all enjoy those type scripted shows that aren't as deep and detailed.

This show also comes on late, it may have been hurt that there are no MAJOR big name hunks or actresses in the lead which is the pull for many shows. This ensemble is off the charts in excellence, but again, not the usual actors who pull that initial audience.

I do agree that the idea of shortening these shows has been long in coming. I continually beat my head against the wall when shows went from 130 to 160 to 200 episodes, becoming stupider and sillier as they went along. Had to affect ratings too. Agree, every TN should max out at 100. Of course, it means someone has to start being original more often too. Remakes over and over won't cut it.

I also find it interesting that more of these shows seem to be hitting the US first. Are we the bigger audience now with Univision?


Thanks to all for the recaps, which I have been reading but not necessarily on a steady schedule or in time to comment before the train has left the station. Great work, y'all!

I like this show. The only issue for me is that it is on so (*&^#$ late, so I can't keep up with watching it and joining the discussions. But the quality is fantastic. And it's so different from the original, I can't imagine not wanting to watch it just because I've seen Gran Hotel, though maybe they haven't advertised it sufficiently as being a distinct show of its own with only the same beginning?

You might be right about different audiences wanting different things. At least I've been told before that in Mexico, telenovela watching is often thought to be for less intellectual types, or at least people who want a break and to not think for a bit, so maybe the more dumbed down shows are more popular for that reason. Whereas people who are seeking out a show in a language that's newer to them, or looking for a smarter show to connect with the homeland they miss, might be a self-selective thinkier audience who specifically appreciate more complication in the plot because they're not just trying to relax. Maybe the more intellectual audiences in Mexico are into something else altogether.

Anyway. I'm glad the good team isn't getting completely trounced until the very end. I like that they are figuring things out and outsmarting people a lot of the time.

I think as soon as the current guests leave, Matilde should request to be moved to the room with the secret hideaway link so that they will have free access whenever they need it.

Daisynjay- I have been wondering what kind of deal Uni struck with Televisa to be given the rights to start airing tns here in the US before they begin to air in Mexico. Perhaps the US audience was more rabid about finding episodes online than the Mexican audience? I really don't know. Is this shown on as late in Mexico as it is here?

In any case, I'm sure there are all kinds of reasons why this tn isn't reaching a bigger audience. But can you really imagine someone like Angelique Boyer playing Isabel, or David Zapeda playing Diego? Ugh! No thank you!

Vivi: "But can you really imagine someone like Angelique Boyer playing Isabel, or David Zapeda playing Diego?"--Heavens! Got to get THAT image out of my head.

Someone did comment awhile ago that GKK might be a werewolf. If so, a vampire is definitely in order to round it out.

Julie: I read somewhere on Caray Caray (don't know if it was on this TN's page or PYP's) that Yago was only going to be 62 eps.

Oooh! Forgot to tell you guys. We're having work done in our office suite and the cabinet guy reminds me so much of Ayala!

It seems Mex & US taste in novelas is different as the premios show every year. Blubbering Victoria Ruffo wins & Silvia Navarro isn't even nominated. I'm still pissed.

I do think it has sth to do with mindless watching, I can miss an episode of PyP & it really doesn't matter, 'cause its repeat, repeat, etc. Like, ok I don't have to think too much about this.
Hotel, you really have to pay attention & sometimes that doesn't even help, thank God for all the recappers.

They will just have to give us, in the US the good, short novelas. This one is astonishing for Uni.

I just know I will be yelling at my TV during this years Premios

The late hour doesn't help either, I like 8PM & 9PM. 10PM my brain starts to dissolve.

"But can you really imagine someone like Angelique Boyer playing Isabel, or David Zapeda playing Diego?"

Great comparison & the answer is NOOOOO!

I am not a fan of A Boyer, don't know why or even Sebastion Rulli.
Zepeda is a pretty good villain , just needs more work, but definitely not a Jorge Poza.

All of the actors in Hotel are fantastic, pure acting & not because they are beautiful.

Variopinta: STOP WATCHING PREMIOS!! Why do you keep watching year after year when you know it will just drive you crazy?!?! You're going to work yourself into a condition!!

I haven't really watched anything with Boyer in it, so I shouldn't have an opinion of her... but when she's slated to be in a TN my instinct is to avoid it because I haven't liked the looks of anything she's been in. (I assume that she's a fantastic actress who gives 110% to make the writing believable... just think what would happen if she could put all that effort into something that was already good.)

Actually, that's how I feel about Colunga now too. At least I've seen him in good roles. Rulli too. I know they can do good stuff when given good stuff.

Zepeda, I know I've seen in some things but I don't remember what... apparently I didn't find him memorable.

Televisa seems to put its hottest stars in its least appealing (to me) shows. After getting burned on PEAM (where Erick Elias was among the few bright spots) and STuD (and bored/turned off by what I've seen of PyP) it's going to be a long while before I watch another Colunga TN. Part of the initial appeal of Hotel was that I didn't recognize a lot of big names in the cast, so there was no one to turn me off!

I accidentally watched part of a premios show last week while I was doing something else. If I'd cared, I probably would have been aggravated. A few people I thought did deserve their wins...Arturo and Brandon Peniche I think both do a very good job of acting. But lots of the categories seemed to be suffering from the "I'll vote for the one I've heard of the most who has won stuff in the past" rash that plagues the Emmys also. Oh, look, this fantastic actress who was terrific in her role is nominated! Surely she'll win! Nope, Maite "Head Tilt" Perroni. Wow, some fantastic contenders in this category! Oh, hey, Fernando "Full of Himself" Colunga wins again. Shake it up a bit, awards shows.

I tend not to like actors as much once they've gotten so famous and promoted that they're all over the media everywhere. It detracts from being able to see them as the character.

"But can you really imagine someone like Angelique Boyer playing Isabel, or David Zapeda playing Diego"

Oh good lord no. Especially since I just don't enjoy watching Zepeda. And I don't mind Boyer, she just would have been wrong in Hotel. Too often she's given a character where the looks are more important than the plot and she's not given enough to grab unto. But she's done some good stuff when also given something to work with, so I plan to give Three Faces a chance. That's a pretty challenging role, playing three personalities of the same troubled woman. Willing to see how she does.

I agree Julie, I enjoy certain actors when they really give it their all and they can shine with good material. I like Rulli to be honest, I think he's gotten better through the years. As for Colunga, lord I will never get over how fixated I was watching him in Pasion. My first all the way through viewing TN. He was gorgeous!!! But lately, I see a bit of "showing up" in his acting, and in PyP, he was not very good when being the convincing villain at the start. I almost stopped watching he was so frustrating to watch. I think his days of the romantic lead are ending and not sure he wants to move to those meaty character roles that might be out there.

I gave up on the Premios the year even the fans booed when FC won for Soy and Rulli didn't for Teresa and it was obviously a win for the guy with the bigger name and reputation. Haven't been disappointed in going through a temporary mind blowing experience every time even when I see the list of nominees.


I've heard both plots for Angelique Boyer's new TN. That she plays triplets and that she plays one woman with three personalities. Does anyone know the true plot? If it's MPD, I'd probably give it a shot. If it's just about trips, no.

Well, if it's really the Three Faces of Eve, it's about MPD (now known as DID, I believe). But I wouldn't assume that a story about triplets would automatically be a dud. It would certainly be interesting to see if she can swing it either way. If she can play three different characters, either as triplets or as alternate personalities, with all the subtleties that would require - then she can do anything and she is probably wasting her time with Televisa!

It's a remake of Lazos Dr Amor. I've seen clips of it with Lucero playing the triplets. She's very good! We'll see how Angelique does. One twin is bad, one twin has a disability (blind in the original, but will just have a limp in this new one), and the other one was raised apart from the other two and is just a normal, nice girl. Here is a clip of Lucero playing the bad and the blind triplets in one scene:

And here is the first encounter of the triplets. This scene must have been a bear to film back then:

Thank you Julie. I am surprised I like the Ayala Matilde love thing. Usually, I'm a bit turned off by a much older man thinking that way about a much younger woman, but I think that since Ayala has never been married, or assuming he hasn't, and Matilde seeming to be not interested at all in having a family, I could relax a bit about this romance. They are 2 intellectuals who have finally met the right one to complement each other.

Cecilia really didn't like hearing that Julio is head over heels in love with Isabel. Maybe she'll lighten up a bit with Julio now that she's heard it from someone who she knows has no reason to lie about it.

I, for one, can't stand Angelique Boyer and Sebastian Rulli. She's so fake looking and actually, so is he. They are the epitome of the farcical Telenovela main characters.


Gracias Julie! Wow this episode was a hoot, I wonder where the plot with secret societies will take us. I have always wanted secret societies to be a part of a TN. It was a random twist but a good one. Does it have anything to do with the incoming revolution? I always thought that Sophie would snap but didn't expect for her to be a murderer? Either way what kind of karma do you want Mother Terror to receive? I would wish that everyone else left the hotel for a trip to the ocean . Teresa would go bankrupt, insane and left to die alone while our characters have a decent look of the rainbow.

Speaking of which I had a dream in which I saw parts of El Gran Hotel getting consumed by a blood moon that was summoned by a demonic entity.

Wow Vivi...thanks for that scene from the Lucero version. Nandicta, I think, had said she really made it look like three different people and certainly the differences in the two Luceros there was striking.

On the Sabastian Rulli/Angelique Boyer question...yes, they are Barbie and Ken dolls but they both did a terrific job in Teresa. I was impressed. And Rulli was actually quite funny in Gancho. But I too am glad they weren't picked for this stellar production. Their hyper-prettiness would have distracted from the wonderful writing and plotting of this.

Countx, I think the right punishment for Teresa is to perish in the flames of the Grand Hotel when it finally burns to the ground. She's fought so hard to keep it, she might as well share its fate and like I said the other day, don't we all want the place to burn down?

But I'm open to other fates for her, like getting consumed by a blood moon that was summoned by a demonic entity. :-)

I feel the same as Cathyx about Matilde/Ayala - I'm normally annoyed by older man/younger woman, but I think these two are a special case! Seeing Matilde being bored by Ignacio (who ordinarily would be considered a decent catch) just drives the point home.

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