Monday, August 31, 2015

Amores con trampa #110 and #111 8/31 and 9/1 Monday and Tuesday

I'm super pooped tonight and I've managed to hurt my my sleep. Typing seems to be making it worse. This is going to be pretty short, combined and crappy.

Rocio is in new clothes (I like it!) and is packing to leave. Santi helps with the suitcase. They begin the tearful goodbye. Rocio promises to always stay in touch. She's ready to go.

The twins waste water filling water balloons. Jacinto reminds them that they said at home they would conserve water. They remind him they are at school. They give him a good dosing.

Fac and La Pantera (RAWR) finalize the sale of her rancho. She asks him out for drinks.

Beto is in mope mode. He erased all of Rocio's pictures from his phone, but her memory is crystal clear in in mind.

Rocio says goodbye to the family. Isa gives Victoria Ruffo a run for her money. Rocio only wants Feli and Ale to take her to the airport. Santi joins the Victoria Ruffo club, too. Something tells him Rocio won't be back.

Maria comforts Beto. Beto insists he has to respect Rocio's decision. I would be ok with this if I felt like the two of them had actually communicated in a productive manner. I mean, he's right...he has to respect her decision. I'm just not convinced she made an informed decision.

But I digress.

Wow. Isa and Santi cried all through the commercials. Isa felt like Rocio was her daughter. Isa feels like this is all her fault.

Fac and La Pantera (RAWR...I now feel this is required. They even put the effect in the opening credits) toast and throw back their drinks.

Maria asks the family to treat Beto really well. Rocio's departure is upsetting him. Beto heads out the door and they all her a big BOOM. And it's not one of my comment bombs!

Santi has had a dresser fall on his foot! I bet it hurts! I can't stop laughing at Santi's bellowing in pain. Isa really isn't helpful! Ok. Spanking the dresser? Kinda stupid, Isa. The doorbell rings. Isa goes to answer it (while screaming for Pelancha and declaring the woman "imposible imposible imposible") It's the Carmonas. Santi hobbles into the living room. He tells Beto to stop Rocio from leaving. Rocio wrongly belives that Beto and Hilda de la Mercedes are back together!

Fac and La Pantera chat. Life has had a lot of twists and turns for Fac, but things are smoothing out. He mentions his mom (This conversation may have been elsewhere. I just remembered it.) La Pantera (RAWR) says she's from San Francisco de las Carnitas (hee hee) and asks Fac if he knows of the town. Florencio interrupts. Fac invites him to join the party. Florencio is surprised to hear that La Pantera is selling Fac some property. Florencio finds it odd.

Hilda tries to stop Beto from going to get Rocio. She wastes precious minutes telling him she doesn't want to see him suffer. He tells Hilda that Rocio is his reason for living. Am I wrong for wanting Rocio to go to Italy? I just wish she were happy about it. :-(

Beto pull his truck over and calls Rocio. I guess he gets her voice mail. I got the impression she was listening to a message rather than actually talking to him. He begs her not to go. She ignores it. Ale begs Roco to stay. Rocio goes through security, tells her siblings she loves them and goes to her gate. Ale cries harder.

Esteban shows up at the Carmonas. He has something important to tell them. He will wait until Maria and Beto return.

Beto, Maria and Conchita tear through the airport. Feli informs them they are too late.

Forencio didn't spill any beans that I recall. Fac leaves. La Pantera threatens Florencio not to spill beans.

Santi is back from the doctor, I assume. He has one of those broken foot boots on. Ale asks how he hurt his foot. He saw a shadow, he got scared, jumped and the buro fell on his foot.

Susana and Jacinto discuss balanced nutrition and exercise over glasses of leche Lala.

Isa suggests to Santi that he, Ale and she take a trip to Italy. It will be like a second honeymoon.

What? Martina wants Porfirio to come to the Caribbean with her. Porfirio reads my mind. He explains to her that he's got his family (yours too, hon) and his grandchildren (yours too, chica!) He can't leave them, especially know that he's getting closer to his celestial exit. He asks if she loves him enough to stay in Mexico. She suggests they talk later. *Insert annoyed face here.* He refuses to go. Stand your ground, compadre! He knows she needs time to think about it.

A crestfallen Beto returns home. They are met by Esteban....and he informs Maria that FACUNDO ordered him (Esteban) to buy Rocio's plane ticket.

Avances: All hell breaks loose! The Carmona family is torn apart! Maria slaps Facundo!


Sara, sorry to hear about the shoulder. The recap was excellent: not short and certainly not crappy! I loved "celestial exit."

My complaint tonight was how slooooooooow Beto was in moving himself to get to the airport to try to catch the "supposed" love of his before her plane left. Why was he waiting around allowing Hilda to delay him? He should have zipped by her and been in the truck sans his mother and off to the airport. I wanted to push him right through Hilda and María back into the house. He was very annoying.

Now that I got that off my chest, I also really liked Rocío's traveling outfit. She really looked cute.

Eventhough La Pantera threatened to close Florencio's mouth with a whiplash if he opened it and told María about her revenge plan, what could she possibly do to Florencio if he did tell? In reality, why should he be afraid of her?

Susana and Jacinto were really chugging their milk. And she was going back for another glass!!!!!

I thought María's idea of Beto going to Italy to find Rocío was an interesting suggestion maybe later but not right now.

Seems like Martina is just passing on through.


What a great recap. Thanks so much. Sorry to hear about your shoulder. Hope you can get some rest.

I have not seen this epi yet so thanks for giving me a heads up on what to expect. It should be an interesting "Ultimos Capitulos".

Thanks again Sara,
Hasta Pronto

Sara, so sorry that shoulder is bothering you. Here's hoping it calms down soon!

Thanks everyone! I should probably make up a better story about how I hurt it though. A sleep injury is just lame. ;-) it happens a lot during the school year. I sleep on it wrong and then computer work and writing on the smart board exacerbates it.

Thanks for the extra details, Jarifa!

Hey AuntyAnn! I like when you're able to stop by. Congrats on your new recapping gig! You're in good hands. You've got some of the best on your team.

Denise! Howdy! Have you commented here before and my Swiss cheese memory is failing me?

So... Últimas capítulos. I'm hoping for a hootenanny to end all hootenannies with all the animals.

Separate comment for Rocío and Beto.

Yes! Why was he even talking to Hilda? And he pulls over to leave a message??? QTH?

But I still hope that she actually got on the plane and will study fashion design. And that while she's there she and Beto talk to each other!! And why can't Maria point out that she works and has a family too? It's very frustrating.

I can't remember, did Fac really knowingly buy the ticket, or did he sign something to that effect during the dance contest?

One more bomb...

For the Fin - an epilogue narrated by Margarito. :-)

Sara, that would be fantastic and then we would finally hear his porky perspective on all of the happenings.


Lol "porky perspective"!

Sara- You did a very fine job on this recap, despite the pain. And I know that pain well. I hold my tension in my shoulders as well, which can lead to this kind of injury. Stretch regularly, and get massages regularly too. Put Hubs on that. :)

Has Rocio ever explained to Beto, much less Maria, that she's freaking out about having to commit to marriage and a family so young and that she's worried about being able to have a career too? She hasn't been very good about explaining her feelings so that people would be able to give good advice. And her reason for going to Italy was not because she was excited about the prospect of studying fashion, but because she thinks Beto got back together with Hilda. The worst reason ever.


In one long run on: Esteban called Facundo and set him up talking about how he knew Rocío and family so well and that she and Beto did NOT want to get back together and how she just wanted to go to Italy to think about it all, etc. etc. etc. so he just wanted to help the poor girl out so would Facundo mind if they charged a plane ticket to the company and Facundo gave in and said okay so now it is all Facundo's idea.


Yup Vivi, that's what's happening - tension, sleeping wrong, school. Independent wealth would probably help a lot ;-)

Thank you, Jarifa! I missed that little bit.

Sleep injuries! Know them well. It used to be safe to sleep . . .


Jarifa- Yep. Poor Fac is going to get heat for doing something that he thought was thoughtful and helpful. But given that he previously scuttled their wedding in such a horrible way, and the things he's said about Rocio, I don't think Maria and Beto will believe him.

I actually feel bad for Fac in this situation.

Yes, this part of Esteban's plan will poison his relationship with Beto first, María second. Then there is the other part of Esteban's plan to implicate Isabel saying that she and Facundo were in cahoots and planned Rocío's trip together which will further poison the waters with María.


Sara, you are feisty and fierce. Despite your pain and discomfort, you managed to give us gems like "Fac and La Pantera (RAWR...I now feel this is required. They even put the effect in the opening credits)".

Thank you for soldiering on to give us this fine, fine recap.

"Beto is in mope mode" and "Isa gives Victoria Ruffo a run for her money" made me smile.

I knew the fates would conspire to keep the lovers apart. For the moment. I feel the crux of Rocio and Beto's problems are that Rocio is afraid and she and Beto have very different ideas on how and how fast their relationship should progress. Their poor communication has not helped.

Really, Hilda? Why didn't you keep silent? Was your two cents really needed now?

Now that Beto has missed the embarking, any chance Rocio will get off the plane before it leaves?? Her heart is not in Italy (for the reasons you noted Vivi). Unless there is a huge metamorphosis during the flight, it seems like a terrible waste of a trip of a lifetime.

Despise what Esteban is doing. "Poison the waters" indeed Jarifa.

Martina did not have sufficient reason to leave nor it appears that she has sufficient reason to stay: "She suggests they talk later. *Insert annoyed face here.*". Totally agree Sara - well said.

Finale by Margarito? Oh my. Couldn’t say anything better than your marvelous “porky perspective” Jarifa - which I'm still smiling about.

Sara, please get some well deserved rest. Hope you are feeling better very soon.


Sara – I’m so sorry you had to write through an aching shoulder, but your recap sparkles. You are a real trooper. Hope you’re feeling better.

Yay for Rocio’s change of clothes. Boo for the crying fest. I thought Feli’s understated sobbing was the best and Ale wasn’t bad either. But Isa and Santi, please. At one point there were tears all over Santi’s forehead, defying gravity.

My favorite scene was Porfirio telling Martina why he was turning down living in the Caribbean with her. Does Martini have any interest in meeting her son’s wife and kids?

The lipstick of La Pantera (RAWR) [thanks, Sara!] frightens me. It seems like Dayglo paint.

Fac should’ve known better than to make a move concerning Rocio without discussing it with Maria first. Too bad though that it’ll look like he worked with Isa. Is it too much to ask that Maria and Fac compare notes, that Esteban is the one who asked for a ticket for Rocio and then ratted out Fac?

I echo the annoyance at Martina. Lady, you just dodged a HUGE bullet when your husband and son accepted you with open arms after you abandoned them for 40 years for NO REASON. Now, you want to take off again, and take hubby away from his beloved son and grandkids? She has some nerve!

My question for Martina is why did she bother? Not liking this subplot. They could have/should have done more with the Martina backstory. Not working for me.


Sara, yes, you are one of the three hilarious ones.

"He has one of those broken foot boots on" and so many other witticisms.

Martina filler subplot. Whole thing a waste. I think the writers are trying desperately to give us outlandish melodrama right now as build up for a happily-ever-after ending.

A flood of too many Rocio tears. Let her go and btw, Rocio, don't come back. Get on with your life. I say that with encouragement.


Late to the party, haven't had a chance to read people's comments so apologize if I'm just repeating...

First, great recap!

I wasn't able to comment on Friday's episode but I found Martina's excuse for abandoning her child lame. Just because you heard your husband is cheating you leave your child? Leave the husband, or better yet confront him, but don't leave your child. She comes back DECADES later?! QWTF!!

Isa/Santi/Ale crying got on my nerves. When I moved to London after college I don't remember my family shedding more than a tear. She's going to Italy not Mars. And I think she needs to go, to see what else life has to offer, go to design school....become an independent adult which she has not been.

The whole Pantera selling property to Fac but her saying Maria won't get it makes no sense to me. How can Fac trust a woman that looks like she stepped out of a porn dominatrix movie?

Swinging by real quick while my students work on something. Loving the comments and thanks everyone!


My question for Martina is why did she bother?

Jarifa, this is the million dollar question. After abandoning her husband and son only to be welcomed back with unconditional love after lo these many years, she is off and running, obviously choosing not to stick around. Now I don't have children, but strongly suspect your first instinct would be to fly to see your grandchildren (and fur children)?

Vivi, agree that she's dodged a bulled. She has gotten off scott free with no accounting. Apparently she returned only because of the perceived atrocity committed to her, which never really happened. If she missed her son, she would never have stayed away this long.

Lola, if this is a story filler, it's sad that this is the best the writers could come up with, isn't it?


Diana, I totally agree about Martina having very little interest in seeing the grandchildren or Maria. I guess I could feel her long absence and silence would be understood if she had been in prison, had been on the lam from a crime she did not commit and the statute of limitations had run out, was a drug addict or alcoholic, had an affair and was pregnant with a child not Porfirio's or owed gambling debts that some goons were coming to collect. I could go on and on. . . but won't. ;)

Carvivlie, good description of La Pantera's appearance.


Sara: your recap was great. I hope you feel better soon.

I was wondering about a scene in the notary's office. It seemed to me when they were finalizing the deal, the notary suggested Fac maybe get a receipt from Pants or they sign some sort of document and she rawred don't you trust me so he backed down? Did I get that wrong? If not, Fac is annoying the heck out me. Wouldn't you think he would have learned from his dealings with Santi?

Niecie: this cracked me up!! " At one point there were tears all over Santi’s forehead, defying gravity."

Carvivlie: "She's going to Italy not Mars." Exactly!!! I did choke up a little with how upset Ale was, though.

Jarifa: I wonder why Martina even bothered, too. Also, where did she get her money?


You're right, Nanette. THere was some banter about getting a receipt or something and when Pants (LOVE THIS) questioned Fac about not trusting her, he backed down.

I'm on board with everyone about Martini (that may have been an autocorrect, Niecie...but it's hilarious) what has been the point of this?

*snort* gravity defying tears.

Lola-I am really flattered that you group me with Jarifa and Marta. Thank you!


Sara, so glad you like the kitty. It is a photo of a stray I saw up in the country.

AWWW! I've got a stray coming to my real patio every morning. She's pregnant -_-

LIke Nanette's piglet, I could stare at your picture all day Jarifa.

I meant to say earlier how much I love the royal blue earrings and the blue and white dress on Maria. That color always looks fabulous on Africa.

Tuesday 9/1 #111 MORE legendary MALENTENDIDOS
But are they really malentendidos when someone is actively cultivating the malenteder?

I found this episode difficult to understand/follow/I don’t know. Everyone was upset so there was lots of fast talking and cry talking. I’ve combined and summarized in lots of places.

Esteban lays it on thick for his “trampa” (Thank you animated placard.) Fac bought the ticket for Rocio AT ISA’S REQUEST! And why did he do it? For nothing more than to separate Beto and Rocío!

Santi and Isa canoodle. He had forgotten how wonderful it was just to love her. He mentions all their fighting and she tells him not to think about such dark things any more. She “checks” on his foot. The sound effect make me think that maybe she’s not very good at it.

Back at the Carmonas Beto is shell shocked. Why would his dad do this? Maria doesn’t seem surprised at all. Isa has always done bad things to try and break up the family. Perpetua, in a rare showing of reason, tells Maria not to jump to conclusions and to talk to Fac first. Which Maria does.

And Fac confirms that yes, he bought the tickets. The kids were fighting all the time! He thought it best. Maria doesn’t think anyone should have butted into the kids’ business and then asks if Isa convinced him. Fac swears he didn’t talk to Isa at all. Beto listens in with Maria. Fac goes on and on about how he thought it would be good for Rocio and Beto to have some distance between them. Beto grabs the phone and says he’ll never forgive his father. Carmen tells Beto to show more respect. Beto doesn’t think Fac deserves respect. Who would do that to their own child. In Beto’s opinion, family is the LAST thin Fac cares about.

Esteban and Estefy have a lot of lines about breaking up Maria and Fac and Isa and Santi. All Esteban has ever cared about was the business. Estefany is still mad that Isa and Santi have reconciled. If they can break the couples up, Esteban and Estefany can end up with the business.

Lala product placement. The twins are not nice, but that bed jumping chapulín playing looked fun!

In San Bartolo el Chico, Tia Humilde and HIlda’s grandmother talk about that lie Humilde told all those years ago. The one that broke up Porfirio and Martina’s marriage. Humilde thinks it might be a good idea for her to stay at Florencio’s apartment and avoid Martina. Too late! Martina has snuck up behind her. Can’t wait to hear the patio about this scene. Martina lays into Humilde and tells her to stay away from the Carmonas. Humilde says she can’t. She’s Maria’s aunt and related to half the Carmonas. Question for discussion/observation. Martini, honey YOU left. All Humilde did was spread some chisme. Ok. Chisme spreading is bad. But Martini, doesn’t sound to us like you even tried to find out the truth. You left and were gone for DECADES. Where do you come off yelling at Humilde and making demands of her?


Tuesday 9/1 Parte 2
Beto is at the Carmona offices chewing and tearing up the scenery. He yells as the straight faced family picture. A secretary, Feli and Esteban try to calm him down, but they end up leaving Beto to destroy the office. Esteban has an evil smirk as he closes the door.

Hilda has arrived with the embroidered pieces from SBeC. I got a kick out of the Aresti Breton logo last seen in Mentir Para Vivir. She going to use Florencio’s phone to call Maria to tell her. Panzon mentions that Maria is becoming very important in the fashion/design biz.

Fac picks up and sees the call from “Florencio” (wow. He got back to the DF quick.) He starts picking a fight with Maria. Are you cheating on me with Florencio? Maria is tired of Fac not caring about the family. They fight about Rocio’s ticket, Florencio, the business. Maria has made a decision...Fac assumes she is leaving with Florencio. He gets a slap for his trouble. He is not the Fac she married. After what he did to Beto, their marriage no tiene vuelta (I assume that’s more or less “can’t be saved.”)

Beto is still in the office taking out his rage on the furniture. Feli, the secretaries and Esteban say their lines.

Maria and Fac move the argument to the bedroom. Fac continues to blame the marriage problems on Florencio. Maria tries to make him see it’s him. He’s changed. Maria tells him her children are the most important. Fac still doesn’t quite see how his buying the ticket was so bad when Maria and Florencio...but Maria interrupts. Did Rocio tell you to be so jealous. Some yelling. Maria asks him is Rocio personally asked him to buy the tickets. No. It was Esteban who asked. That’s the truth. ACK!! Maria thinks he’s lying! GRR. Frustrating. Maria tells him to go back to the puebla. She wants to sleep alone tonight.

Esteban goes to Santi and tells him that Isa is cheating on him with Fac. Isa is madly in love. It’s not just some aventura.

Fac tells Fac (the horse) about his problems with Maria. Florencio shows up for some unintelligible comedy. HIlda interrupts the near fight to return Florencio’s phone. Fac realizes Florencio did not call Maria. Florencio even says he’s not there to see Maria. They shake hands. Fac tells Florencio about Beto and Rocio. Florencio tells him to relax. No one is perfect. Fac did what he did in good faith. Fac did what he thought was best for his child. Fac thanks him and leaves. Florencio talks to the horse a bit. He sees Isa going into her house. Ohhhh, he looks interested….

Isa brings Santi some flowers, but he’s still got Esteban’s words about infidelity ringing in his ears. Santi tells Isa he’s giving her a divorce.


Tuesday 9/1 Parte 3
Porfirio sits alone in his room and mumbles about Fac leaving him alone. Then he talks about how much he misses his animals. Then about his family falling apart, just like it did all those years ago. Maria was right...leaving the city was the BEST...I mean WORST thing that could have happened (flubbed line?) Martini asks if he wants to got get something to eat. I kind of don’t pay attention beyond eating worms….did I hear that right?

Feli and Esteban must have called Carmen. Beto lets her in. She’s astounded at the damage Beto did. She defends her father. Beto can’t stay mad at his dad forever. Beto thinks he can. Fac is a stranger to him now. His father has changed him. He doesn’t know him any more.

Hilda is happy. She’s sure Felipe, Felipito, Felipote will be hers! Panzon thinks she’s used some sort of brujeria. Panzon tells her that as long as she’s got her temper and bad attitude, no one will love her.

Florencio goes to the Velasco house. He wants to talk to Isa and ask about the child she saved. She’s upset. She gets a little hair flippy and flirty. Florencio invites her to his rancho in the country. She looks really interested.

What? Where are they going with this?


Vivi-Those were very pretty earrings. I love royal blue!

Sara, this wasn't just a mere summary. It was a rich and enriching - with wry humor and shrewd insight.

"Perpetua, in a rare showing of reason" and "Beto is at the Carmona offices chewing and tearing up the scenery" were a few of my favorite lines.

Highlight was the twins and Jacinto indulging in milk refreshment. The twins guzzled that milk quickly, didn't they?

It was understandable that Beto was upset. And heartbroken. But his anger seemed a bit extreme and overdone. While the perceived betrayal was hurtful, I hope Beto reconsiders after he cools down (heaven knows when that will be!), and realizes that Rocio made the decision to leave. On her own. He should try and come up with Plan B to figure out what to do next. Because their communication has been almost nonexistent at this point, I cannot even offer any advice on how he might woo her back!

Sara, I suspect you echoed most of our feelings with "Martini, honey YOU left. All Humilde did was spread some chisme. Ok. Chisme spreading is bad. But Martini, doesn’t sound to us like you even tried to find out the truth. You left and were gone for DECADES". And there you have it. A bruised ego came in first. Family a far and distant second. Sigh.

Esteban is evil. Pure and simple.

I am a Santi fan but I hated that he believed Esteban so completely, so quickly and turned on Isa just as quickly.

Isa seems to be bouncing back quickly from rejection, doesn't she?? "She gets a little hair flippy and flirty. Florencio invites her to his rancho in the country. She looks really interested.". Perfect Sara.

It appears Florencio may be losing his fascination for Maria. I wonder, is it only married women that seem to interest him? ;)

Sara, thank you!


Sara, thank you for your quick and entertaining recap. It was very enjoyable.

Diana, I liked your "flippy and flirty" description of Isabel.

Even if María had not accused Facundo of willingly hurting Beto by buying the plane tickets to send Rocío away, his ugly jealous tantrum one more time would be enough to tell him it was over. He really has not learned a thing.

Santiago in his ugly reaction to what Esteban told him was too hands on with Isabel one more time eventhough he apologized. Too bad she did not jump the gun on him for the divorce announcement just for that reason alone. When he called her "Puchecita" it made my skin crawl.

Too bad so sad Facundo lost out by not hearing about La Pantera from Florencio because of his jealousy ruined the opportunity.

Maybe Martina will stay. She did say she was there for Porfirio.

Estefany was particularly snakey tonight. As Esteban was telling María about the ticket purchase, Estefany was smirking in the background.

I wonder what Estefan's anvil going to be. Hope it is good and appropriate and commensurate with the pain he has caused.

Good episode.


Sorry, Diana, but I need to tell Sara I liked the "flippy flirty" description of Isabel.

Sara- Excellent recap. I am nodding along to all your asides and comments.

Martina- Lady, Humilde didn't make you abandon your husband and SON for decades. Especially not your son, unless Humilde also told you that he was the spawn of the devil and would turn into Rosemary's baby. Then I don't see have any excuse for having abandoned him. And now she wants to ban Humilde from having contact with HER family who love her, when Martina hasn't even met them and doesn't seem to have much interest in doing so! I was so mad during that scene.

But not as mad as Beto was, who was over the top and seemed like he was on drugs. They should have called the cops on him, to teach him a lesson. That's not the way you handle anger and hurt.

Thanks Sara !!! "What? Where are they going with this?" Indeed !! This whole plot seems a bit disjointed right now. Not liking Facu (but that's not new) or Santi (I guess that's not new either,) but I do like their acting tremendously. Beto, calmete, por favor.

Now for the small stuff and not so interesting. For some reason, the way the milk glasses were perfectly lined up in the milk and snack scene with the kids made me laugh. And how many times a day does the guy in the plaid shirt walk out of the Carmona office building. That makes me laugh too. I guess little things for little minds.


Jarifa, "Even if María had not accused Facundo of willingly hurting Beto by buying the plane tickets to send Rocío away, his ugly jealous tantrum one more time would be enough to tell him it was over. He really has not learned a thing".

I had to mull this over a bit and sadly, I must agree with you. The actor's beaming smile and charm had me trying to convince myself that he was changing but at best, he has certainly regressed...I hope there is time for him to be the man he should be.

Vivi, agree that Martina has a nerve to ban Humilde from seeing "her" family when she (unbelievably) hasn't even made the effort to meet them.

Lola, you have a sharp eye for detail. I will have to look for "plaid shirt" guy.

Sara, hope you are feeling better??


Good morning everyone! As ridiculous as some of the sudden stories are, I have to say they are keeping me tuned in. If Santi and Isa don't stay together, that's going to be shocking to me... But wow we're down to the wire and suddenly Isa and Florencio seem to be connecting.

Lola - I find the smallest things the most interesting! I'm going to watch out for plaid shirt guy, too.

The shoulder is feeling better. I've been popping ibuprofen like tic tacs :-)

Jariiiifaaaa (that's supposed to be a visual representation of sing song voice)... I'm looking forward to your recap tonight.

Maybe this isn't the best show plot wise, but I have fallen in love with the characters, warts and all.

Maria has given Facundo NO cause to EVER think she's having an affair with Florencio. Even if Flor really had called her, it would have been no cause for alarm or drama. If/when Flor crosses the line, Maria always quickly puts him in his place and very clearly lets him know Facundo is the ONLY man in her life and heart. She has been completely respectful of her marriage and husband. That's why it's so insulting when Fac accuses her. Unlike him, who HAS many times crossed the line with Isabel and given Maria cause to worry.

Unfortunately, both Isa and Facu are being unfairly accused now, based on their past actions.

Sara, thanks. Glad to hear your shoulder is getting better. Nope, this definitely is not a summary. It's chockfull of detail. Thanks for identifying the Aresti Breton name on the boxes because I couldn’t figure out why this was familiar to me.

With all that bellowing and furniture destruction behind closed doors, I expected Beto to burst out as the Incredible Hulk. Did somebody slip Beto some of Isa’s old pills? Beto looks cute with his hair loose and wavy around his face though.

I like Feli in the office scene. He’s a calming voice of reason (and too good for Hilda). Also nice to see Carmen acting like the mature one for a change.

I think Estefany even suggested to Esteban that he woo Maria but he nixed this idea because Maria is so devoted to Fac. Taking the business is the No. 1 thing for him says Esteban. So much for Estefany’s redemption.

ITA Martina has got some nerve. She moved into villain territory telling Humilde to leave town.

Florencio was a bit smitten with Isa a while back. I think he’s mentioned her at least twice to Panzón and those other guys in the apartment. But Florencio asking her to visit his ranch, when he knows she’s married. That surprised me.

Isa had seemed close to making love to Santi, but since they still hadn’t done it yet I can see why Santi believed Esteban. Like Vivi said, Fac continuing to bug Maria about Florencio has no basis at all. Fac, even though you’re innocent now, I’m glad Maria slapped you, for all that past stuff.

Fac in his haste just up and left Porfirio. I hope this doesn’t make Porf reconsider staying with Martina.

Sara- You get the prize for remembering where Aresti Breton came from, because like Niecie, I was trying to remember which tn it came from, but was to lazy to look it up. That's a funny bit of tn crossover, since MPV and AcT aren't produced by the same producer. I like it though. Makes it seem like the Aresti Breton folks are doing well in business in TelenovelaLand.

Howdy folks and thank you! No planning period today so this is a quick hi.

I'm glad I could help with Aresti Breton. MPV was a good show. Until it derailed.

Just saw your into post, Jarifa! Squee! Go look everyone!

So glad you reminded me "I like Feli in the office scene. He’s a calming voice of reason (and too good for Hilda)", Niecie. He seems to be getting lost in the shuffle...

Feli is quiet, sincere, rational, sympathetic and an extremely calming influence as you noted.

And while I totally agree he is FAR too good for Hilda, I'm glad the writers didn't come up with a harebrained scheme to have Frantic Francis rehabilitated and back with Feli. It would be wonderful if someone new appeared but if I have to choose between the lesser of two evils, I would take Hilda, but begrudgingly ;)


Diana, I agree that Hilda would be the lesser of the two evils. She does seem quite taken with Felipe and as obsessive as she can be she might be a good loyal match for him. Can you tell I am trying to convince myself? : )

Thanks, Sara. Great one.

Lola: "And how many times a day does the guy in the plaid shirt walk out of the Carmona office building." -can't believe you mentioned that because I've been thinking the same thing for the last few eps.

I didn't like how Carmen was insisting Beto respect their papa. After all he's done, and considering what he has supposed to have done this time, I'm with Beto. Fac needs to start respecting his familly.

I think Fac feels like karma is about to happen because he was underhanded about taking Maria from Flor.

If there's a Hilde/Feli hookup, I hope she adds a little spice to his life and he adds a little calmness to hers. I just don't like that she's been in love with Beto for years and now has decided Feli is the man for her.

Where is Diego?


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