Wednesday, July 01, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #97 - Wed 7/1 - Partially-thwarted plans

Yep, Val's knocked up.  And it's all big bad Cris' fault 'cause of that time he got drunk and she kidnapped and raped him.  Cris says there's no way!  But he agrees he doesn't want her to have an abortion.  He's going to be there for her, and take care of the child…but if she thinks he's going to marry her, she's got another thing coming!  And a great cheer goes up from the patio!  However, since we weren't there to defend him, he got slapped in the face for saying that.  She's busy flouncing off the balcony when she runs into Cande, who I'll never believe wasn't lying in wait to make this entrance.  Cris gives Cande the news that Val is pregnant, but he tells her if she wants details--ask Val. Oh, I'm sure Val would give a truthful account…NOT!  Cande ponders her impending grandmotherhood.  I ponder whether this entire scene was set up to happen on the balcony just to for that last image of Cande rocking the full-on Evil Queen vibe with the braids and the collar and the lipstick.

No, Irma doesn't think Lola took the money.  Uriel asks who else could have done it.  Last time, it looked like Lardo was the one who stole money…since it can't have been him this time, maybe both times were Lola.  And if her crime made Lardo look bad, he never wants to see her again.  "Who else had access to your purse?"  Oh, let me think…sitting behind the counter…with the door wide open…and she and Lola in the back, not paying attention…that would be…THE ENTIRE TOWN!  Irma can't think of anyone.  Uriel advises her to confront Lola and watch her for signs of lying.

Pru has no intention of getting divorced!  Especially to marry Tomas.  She's perfectly happy like this…or she's happy being unhappy…look, with Humberto, she has something to complain about all day, and she can make his life a living hell, and use his credit cards, and make him pay!  That's the only way she can be happy.  Tomas wants to make her happy a different way, but Pru would rather have a rich guy she can manipulate.  All she wants Tomas for is…well, you know.  "I'm not just a sex machine!"  Pru knows, 'cause right now he's totally killing her sexi feelings.  Too bad, so sad.  He tries to convince her with necking and pouting and tears….

Cande tells Val she can't make up a pregnancy!  Val says she's not making it up.  But Cris wants her to be a single mother!  The horror!  Val claims to have just peed on the stick today, but not confirmed it.  Cande's going to make Cris forget about Aldonza and marry Val.  She whines that she shouldn't have [kidnapped and raped him] that night.  She never could have imagined this would happen.

Our country mice have made it to the city.  They stand out in front of Renato's house waiting for someone to let them in and talking wedding plans.  Aldonza doesn't want to invite a bunch of people to the wedding because she wants to get married already.  A great "THEN DO IT ALREADY!" goes up from the patio.  Renato's dad drives up as the maid comes to answer the door…he apologizes for not being there to greet them and then asks them to go on inside and he'll be there in a minute to talk about her errands, including buying a wedding dress, as Lola giddily announces.

Humberto has a sad because he misses Emmanuel.  Padre J tells him maybe if he'd tell Em the truth about who his parents are, maybe Emmanuel would have the answers he's been looking for, and maybe that would bring him home.  Humberto admits he's made mistakes, and he wishes he could forget what happened that night.  He admits he helped Severiano take Roberta's newborn baby.  They came up with a lie that keeps getting harder to keep up every day.  Hum has tried to make up for his mistake, but he's never been able to.  Padre J tells him that until he confronts his memories, he'll never be able to get them out of his head.  The lie is like knives, and it's going to cut him apart.  Sooner or later, he's going to have to "enfrentar" (face) what happened…and there's no reason to put it off.

Cris tells Cande that he thinks Val is lying.  The timing is too much of a coincidence.  She's telling him she's pregnant NOW when he's about to get married?  ("YOU'RE ALREADY MARRIED!")  And she just happened to get pregnant on the night he was so drunk he doesn't remember what happened?  Cande says the point is, Val is expecting his baby.  "Bueno ¡que me lo pruebe!"  (OK, then she can prove it to me!)  Even if it's his baby, he's married to Aldonza and he's going to stay married to her.  He's going to give his name to the child and he'll even raise him or her, but he's NOT going to give up Aldonza.  He wants the best for his child and that is NOT having parents who are together, but detest each other.  He's not going to follow his parents' example.  He's not going to keep up a rotten relationship to keep up appearances.  It would make him, AND Val, AND the child miserable--and none of this is the child's fault.  Cande using her own special brand of logic, the kind that's not, says "Exactly, none of this is the child's fault, so come to your senses and think with your head for once."  She leaves and Cris makes his thinking face.  Stay strong, Cris!  Stay strong!

One of the other renters didn't sign the agreement, so Aldonza has to go back to…the realtor's office?...tomorrow.  Lola suggests a trip to a strip club.  Hello!  Bachelorette party!  Aldonza suggests the zoo instead.  I glare in her general direction.

Uriel is frustrated because Adriano is in a coma and he can't rat out Sev.  "Roberta Lozada was right to hate that guy!  She was the first one to discover who he really was.  And no one believed her!  Hopefully it never gets too late to open everyone's eyes and show them who Severiano Mendoza really is!"  The cop can't get a word in edgewise, but who cares!  I imagine Roberta in a fabulous red dress with a leopard belt, a cigarette in one hand and a brandy snifter in the other, saying "I told you so."

Sev drops Nava off back in town and says he'll transfer the money he owes him later.  Now they just wait and "dejar que las cosas caigan por su propio peso" (let things fall from their own weight; let it take its course).  They smirk over how an accusation like this is the worst thing that can happen to a priest.  So, just to clarify…Nava is not ok with murder happening right in front of him, but he is ok with bribery and slander.

Dominga sees Flavia in town.  She tells Dominga what happened.  She had everything and she threw it all away.  Joaquin won't listen to her.  He'll never forgive her, and he's right not to.  She doesn't even dare go near Ray or he'll see the shame in her eyes…or worse, she'll find out that he's already attached to Adelina and doesn't even remember her anymore.  Dominga says she's Ray's mom and he's always going to love her, even if she's the worst woman.

Adelina finds out from Joaquin that Flavia is out.  She's living in a hotel.  I need to pause this for a second as Adelina asks what's going to happen to her, because I'm disgusted by the vibe I'm getting--that she's more concerned with whether she and Joaquin are going to keep dating vs. him getting back together with Flavia.  What the hell have they done with this character!  Anyway…Joaquin says she'll have to figure it out on her own because he's sticking with Adelina.

Cande and Val plot.  Val needs a proper pregnancy test, so she can prove to Cris that she's really pregnant.  Humberto's not going to be happy…maybe Cande can soften him up first?

The water problem is still on…but Joaquin says "they" can solve it.  For themselves, at least, by carrying out Raymundo's old plans to use the water from El Santuario to irrigate the fields and supply the house with water. *cough*rentalcontract*cough*

Sev gets the news about Val.  He says she planned it really well, but naïve Cande says they got lucky.  The baby has been sent from heaven to separate Cris and Aldonza.  And right there, with the doors to Sev's office open, not bothering to lower her voice at all, Cande says that Cris would never turn his back on his child, "The way you did with Emmanuel."  Sev reminds her she was equally responsible.  And it was her idea to steal the baby and tell Roberta it was dead.  Cande breaks it to him that Cris refuses to marry Val, but they're going to MAKE him.  She doesn't want Sev to go to him now…he needs to get his thoughts in order first.  Val arrives, all ready for her official pregnancy test.  Sev offers to drive her.  Ew!  I mean, there was nothing in his look or anything, but.  Ew!

Aldonza calls home asking if anyone's done anything new to try to keep them apart.  He says nothing will keep them apart, but he sounds shaky.  Lola fondles a red poofy wedding dress that Roberta would have loved.

The woman Sev paid off shows up with the girl to tell Padre J he'd better get out of town or they'll tell the "truth" about the baby her granddaughter Angelina is expecting.  Padre J tells her to get out, but she says he got her granddaughter pregnant.  If Padre J doesn't leave town, his career as a priest is OVER.  She's giving him a chance to leave before that happens.  Angelina looks very unhappy about all this and Padre J looks very confused.  I'm calling this horrid woman Evil Grandma until we find out what her name is.  Although I could think of worse things to call her.  Padre J says she'd better leave and not show up again or he'll turn her in.  She smirks that he has more to lose than he does…she'll give him a little time, but then she'll unleash the biggest scandal of his life.  What a jerk!

Irma calls Lola and asks what happened with the money from her purse.

Mari goes over to try to seduce Pato.  Her posturing is gross and I think it tips Pato off.

Lola is upset that Irma is accusing her and blames it on Mari.  Irma denies it, then wonders if maybe Lola borrowed it for her trip?  But Irma knows Lola wouldn't do that.  She says she believes Lola and apologizes.  They'll talk when Lola gets back.  They end the call, but Lola is still angry.  Aldonza brushes it off.

Pato was not tipped off.  He goes to the movies with Mari.  They've got kind of a nice movie theater in Santa Lucia, with the rocking seats and the big cup holders.  Pato goes to turn off his cell phone….

Just as Lola is trying to call him.  "Quack, quack, you're calling Pato's cell," Lola quips, bitterly.  Well, whatever, Aldonza's going to try on dresses now.

Joaquin comes home to find Flavia waiting for him.  She wants to talk.  She wants to ask forgiveness.  Joaquin says he can't forgive her and nothing is going to go back to the way it was.  Flavia says she's sorry and everything that happened reminded her that she loves him.  She needs him.  Joaquin doesn't believe her.  If the cops hadn't caught Adriano, she'd still be with him, right?  And when she came back last time?  She only wanted to take Ray.  So he doesn't want to hear how she loves him…she's only here because that guy's in a coma and she can't get back together with him.  She begs for another chance, but he says he doesn't love her anymore.  He wants to start a new life with Adelina.  She wants to see Ray, but he's at a party at a friends' house.  Flavia asks him to tell Ray that she loves him.  She's not my favorite person, but I would like to point out that she got through that entire conversation without calling Adelina any names or even inserting too much sarcasm when she called her Joaquin's "novia."

Silvia is working, because somebody has to.  Lola calls her, with Aldonza in the background trying on dresses.  I say "yes" to the lace, but "no" to the way the front of the dress has that panel without the ruffles.  Either go big on the ruffles or don't go there.  Oh, the phone convo--where is Pato?  At the movies, oops….

It's a scary movie.  There is screaming and grabbing.  The recapper fumes.

Somehow, Padre J found out that Evil Grandma's name is "Nazaria."  As he explains to Renato and Silvia, she is right.  He has far more to lose than she does.  "But you're not going to give in, are you?"  Padre J isn't going to give in, but he would like to avoid a scandal.  Silvia says they have nothing to go on right now--her last name, where she lives, whether her name is even "Nazaria."  "We do know one thing.  Severiano Mendoza sent her."  Oh, Ren, what do you mean "How can you be so sure?"  Because he watches the show, Ren.  He's sure it was Sev because he dropped the forgery charges, probably because Cande or Cris pressured him into it…but he didn't actually forgive him.  Silvia says they need proof.  Nah, says Padre J, Sev wouldn't have left proof, that coward!

Domingo, Melesio, and Adelina have coffee and get all excited at the thought of having Cris and Aldonza under one roof, and them having babies.  Mel is sure they'll have a gorgeous little princess.  Dominga thinks they'll have a little Cris.

Silvia wonders if that woman even knows that extortion is a crime.  Maybe if they talk to her and tell her that she could go to jail if she goes public with the lie.  Maybe that will get her to give up.  Padre J agrees, but they'll have to find her before she goes through with it.  Padre J suddenly thinks of a way to find her address.

Val is back from town, the test was positive, but she won't get the written results until tomorrow.  She wants to go rest, but Cande wants to quiz her about how far along she is.  She can't wait to go to the doctor with her and find out!  And they have to find out how much longer before Val starts showing.  Cande allows her faithful subject to go rest.

Mel and Dominga haven't decided about going to the parish house.  And Renato offered Mel the job of managing the livestock for Mis Planes.  Adelina would rather they stay at El Santuario, but Dominga doesn't want to cause any more problems for the kids because they're living there.  Mel reminds Adelina that Sev never forgives an offense.  He'll bide his time and then spring his vengeance on him.

I have no idea how we got to this point, but Tomas is up on the bell tower of the church, looking like he's going to jump.  A crowd has gathered, and Lulu is screaming at him not to jump.  The maid brings Pru a note from Tomas…"Novia mía, I'm on the bell tower, if you don't come for me before midnight, I'll throw myself off."  Pru rather comically shuffles off to her closet.  What does one wear to prevent a suicide?

Cande's maid brings her a letter.  Because it's addressed to Cris.  And Cande instructed her to bring ALL OF CRIS' MAIL to her.

Don Camilo brings Adelina a letter.  Rather than open it, she calls Aldonza.  She hasn't found a wedding dress yet.  The courts sent Aldonza a letter.  Adelina opens it and it's about her first court appearance.  Aldonza says that Renato told her that she and Cris just have to show up and say they don't want a divorce , and that's it.  She asks Adelina, if she sees Cris, to tell him that she loves him and can't wait to come home and marry him.

Cande goes into Cris' room to confirm that he will NEVER have any privacy while he lives there because his MOTHER (and, yes, I'm saying that like there's supposed to be something after it) opens his mail.  He rips up the letter and says he's not getting divorced.  "And how do you think your wife is going to react when she finds out Val's pregnant with your baby?"  Cris tells her she'd better not dare tell Aldonza.  That's not for her to do.

Padre J visits Sev to tell him that his attempt at blackmail was a total FAIL.

Previous: Episode 96
Next: Episode 98


The preceding recap is original content, written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Well, at least the good guys aren't going down without a fight?

I'm still supremely annoyed with Cris and Aldonza for not doing the religious ceremony ASAP.

And at Cris for not moving out even though he's almost 100% convinced that his parents are shady and Val's lying about being pregnant, and that it's his baby.

And at Mari. For existing.

Thanks, Kat! Fast and fabulous.

I think Val turned a little green when Cande said THEY had to go to the doctor and figure out just how far along she is. Yeah, Val. Cande will be just as controlling with her "grandchild" as she is with her son, and that means it won't be easy to hide your secret.

I'm glad that Cris stood his ground, but once again he needs to get out of that house. I mean, they're reading his mail! That's beyond the last straw.

I am sure with Silvia and Ren helping him, Padre will be able to thwart Sever's plot to disgrace him.

Woo hoo! Thank you! Can't wait to read it!

Diva - you are the greatest. Seriously, I'm cueing The World's Greatest up on youtube while I type this post. Faves:

"it's all big bad Cris' fault 'cause of that time he got drunk and she kidnapped and raped him."
"Cris wants her to be a single mother! The horror!"
"Silvia is working, because somebody has to." Word. Love this girl!

-Surprised Pru admitted to being a horrible person. Surprised (and a little disappointed) Tomas didn't pull a face at her words and leave, relieved to have dodged that bullet.
-Surprised Hum finally fessed up to PJ. And without confessional seal?!
-Proud that Cris at least tried to point out that the loveless marriage deal sucks for all parties involved, including the kid (whoever's it might be)
-Can't wait for Cande to find out Val's lying. She'll throw a bigger fit that Cris and Al combined!
-Sev and Val: Oh I def got www vibes. I wonder if a scene got cut b/c to many people puked...
-So Tomas on the bell tower is the prove of love? Ooook...A little extreme, and not what most would do, but to each his own, I guess...
-Wonder how/if Val wiggles out of the pregnancy dating? Will she guilt Hum into it? Cande would love to attend every ob/gyn visit, I'm sure.
-Nazaria is randomly The Worst tonight. I just want someone to reach out and shove her out of a moving truck and into a ravine. (I might have anger issues)
-Mari...I just can't think of how many ways I want this jerk humiliated. I really can't. Publicly? Maybe if Uriel overhears a convo with Val? Privately, but repeatedly as people turn their backs on her without needing any prodding? Bird poop in her ponytail? All of the above?

LOL!!!! Sara! Love it!

Thank you for inserting Roberta into the recap! She's totally saying "I told you so!"

Loved the patio's participation too!

Thanks, hellashelle.

Also forgot - loved your assessment of the dress, Diva. That truly was the more important part of the scene.

Oh Nazaria is the worst. That poor child. Angelina broke my heart :( I'm not cool with that story line.


Hellashelle - I'm totally down with bird poop in Mari's ponytail. But no one is allowed to tell her so people just point, look disgusted and cross the road as she passes.

And yeah, how did Sev make offering a ride to Val seem so vile?

I feel cheated that we didn't see more of the dress selections, although she told Ade on the phone that she wasn't really feeling it for any of the ones she tried. I also feel cheated that Al passed up on the estrippers. :)

I notice Val used the excuse of their breakup for why she wasn't on the pill anymore when the supposed drunk hookup happened, but since she was bopping Lardo even before the breakup, I wonder why she got careless with her birth control.

Can someone adopt Angelina? Poor kid. I wonder who did get her pregnant and if it really was rape. The actress is the older sister of the actor who plays Jose in Quiero Amarte/ Tono in Perdone Dios.

Thanks for the reminder, Vivi (and here I thought I was done with comment bombing.)

I liked that little bit of writing because I can totally see a guy asking/saying "But I thought you were in the pill!" She was just heading that off. I thought it was pretty realistic bit of dialogue.

As for her boinking Lardo I couldn't even begin to explain why she didn't take better precautions.


Just kidding...

But seriously, I loved Angelina. Any way she could end up under Dominga's wings?

If it weren't for the fact that she didn't freak out when she saw Sev, I would say he raped her.

And she must be deathly afraid of Nazaria. Ooohhhh. Could Nazaria have pimped her out and that's how she got pregnant?


Oops! Forgot the translation for "que me lo pruebe"...fixed a few other things as well.

Gracias, Vivi! Val is not going to have a second's peace. She didn't anticipate that. If she expects to have a chance of fooling Cande, she'll have to find a doctor quickly and bribe them up front.

Gracias, HellaShelle! I was actually moved watching Pru with the tears rolling down her's one the to be a horrible person, and another to be aware of it and admit it out loud. It was pathetic, and I mean that in the most sympathetic way possible. Sad, sad, sad!

I agree there was probably something we missed in Val and Sev's trip to town. Some gloating at the very least.

Gracias, Sara! I love the new screen name! That dress was just...I'm glad she didn't come home with that.

Free Angelina! She looks like she'd be grateful to get away from her evil grandmother.

Vivi, that's right Val did claim to be off the pill because they'd broken up. My guess is that she didn't actually stop, but she wasn't as diligent, what with all the drama going on, and then Lardo's sperm got lucky.

Sara, could Nazaria have pimped out her granddaughter? I'll admit that was my first thought when we first met them. I wouldn't put it past her.

What are the chances that Tomas will expose their affair in front of the whole town once Pru arrives at the bell tower? Might have to pop some popcorn to enjoy that show. :)

Kat- I agree about Pru's brutally honest assessment of herself. Don't think I've ever seen a tn character be so self aware of their flaws, be miserable about it, but also fully embrace it and even revel in it.

Diva, Thank You For the splendid recap! I am still smiling! So many little delish details (like the nod to Roberta with the flame-red dress in the wedding shop). Every paragraph full of lovely iridescent bubbles.

BTW, was I hearing things? When Ald and Lola walked up in front of Renato's dad's house, I swear Ald told Lola: "El padre de Renato es un actor muy reconocido". Huh?

Anyways, I felt awful for Tomas as he groveled to Pru. Glad Lulu will be there to catch him on the way down...

Okay there really needs to be a drive-thru DNA lab in that town. Wouldn't you think Chris and Padre J would both have DNA on the brain, given the recent faux-incest events?

J in Oregon


Gracias, J! I love it--Drive-thru DNA lab :D

I'll have to go back and listen. Maybe it was "un doctor muy reconocido"? When he drove up, I was thinking how very nice he was, to be worried about being there to greet the girls. His biggest flaw remains having cheated on his wife with Roberta. Still one of the nicest guys on the show.

J in O/Diva - I heard "doctor" too.

What are the chances that Tomas will expose their affair in front of the whole town once Pru arrives at the bell tower? Might have to pop some popcorn to enjoy that show. :) PLEASE!!! Right now, I'm more into imagining Mari's anvil, but after stoning Aldonza in the square, and now admitting to her vile ways too, Pru needs a public humiliation. I'm not satisfied with the tears as the sign she knows she's wrong, though I like the choice Cynthia Klitbo and/or the director made to do it that way. The defiant announcement with the tears makes the character much more complex, imo.

Sara - I loved Angelina. Any way she could end up under Dominga's wings? Yes please! I can absolutely believe evil grandma pimped Angelina out, twisted witch that she is. I just want PJ to head this lie off. Sev was smart in that without a real rapist to point to, this story can get twisted really quickly. Even with a DNA test, the doubt could still be in people's minds about whether or not he actually slept with her. Even if she says no, without someone else to point to, PJ could still be guilty by association because Sev will have connected him to such a vile crime in people's minds. I don't think he'll let Cande in on this one either, both to stop her from spilling the beans and to see her suffer over it.

Great work, Kat.

Loved the red dress in the shop; Roberta would have loved it. But Aldonza won't wear anything like that for her wedding.

I didn't like the dress she tried on. It didn't fit well and it did nothing for her.

Nazaria needs an anvil toute suite. I definitely got the vibe that Angelina is afraid of her and that she is not down with what this scuzzy bitch is up to. Someone needs also to remind the padre that if this gets out of control there needs to be a DNA test on the baby to prove it isn't his.

Not to mention Val's devilcake. It looks like her lie is about to backfire on her with Candela trying to get control, which is less than she deserves. Or when it comes out that the pregnancy dates from a month or more before Cristobal got drunk will Candela not believe him when he tells her he didn't boink Vile?

Isn't it also perfectly narcissistic of Sev to fabricate a rape charge against the padre? That's what narcissists do.

I doubt Angelina has the courage to indicate it's all a lie. I'm sure her fear of Nazaria will keep her from doing anything.

Good morning, 5ft. Boy, you really got this just right, and loved your insight and wicked asides.

I think the underlying theme for this episode is exactly what Sev said: " dehar que las cosas caigan por su propio peso."

- Nava and Sev have picked a (deaf?) mute for their rape victim. How good of a witness is she going to be?
- Cande is "taking charge" of Val's pregnancy
-Hum's conscience has finally had enough
-Tomas baring his soul to the whole town?
-Mary causing just a little too much mayhem.

Pru's baring of her soul was astounding. She knows and admits that she is a vacuous good for nothing, and Tomas is so smitten that he can't process it. The scene after that revelation should have shown Tomas walking down the street whistling Bob Hope's theme song "Thanks for the Memories."

Val just screwed the pooch. By inserting herself into the Mendoza household, and thus putting herself under the full range of Cande's management style, her downfall is unavoidable. No matter how much Canade wants them to be married, there is no way she will accept someone else's baby as the causal element in that equation.

Angela's tears told me that she isn't in the least bit okay with her role in the assault on PJ.

I have always liked Blanca. I wish they would flesh her out a little more.

Lulu to the rescue!?! I like her too.

Thanks again, 5ft. Love your work.


I can't wait to see if Pru outs herself as a cheater because of this.

The pregnancy accusation comparison wasn't something we saw coming, but Sev had to do a few more things that will get him his inevitable Karmageddon. Nobody in his or her right mind would believe anyone like Nazaria, but coming on the heels of the forgery this could be dire for the padre.

Will Candela be willing to believe this accusation or will it be the thing that finally drives her to get rid of Severiano? Is that why Cristobal is still under her roof?

As to how Candela will feel once she knows that Vile's devilcake isn't Made by Mendoza, that will be what she will have to weigh against her absurd hatred of Aldonza. I think it possible that because she has to be right all the time she will ignore this.... but temporarily.

I love the attention to small detail Kat, thank you.

"this entire scene was set up to happen on the balcony just to for that last image of Cande rocking the full-on Evil Queen vibe" I thought the same, even when Cris the prince was standing there as Val told of the pregnancy.

"Cande using her own special brand of logic, the kind that's not"

"Pato was not tipped off. He goes to the movies with Mari"

Glad Cris said he wants proof

Glad Joaquin called it as he sees it with Flavia

Glad Humberto finally admitted what he done to PJ

Glad Silvia was in the office as PJ discussed his problem, girl rocks


Kat – Thank you for the recap and the snark! :-)

I’m hoping Cande sees an OB/GYN report that states Val is 3-months “preñada”.

Surely Tomas, in the bell tower, threatening to jump, was not part of Lulu’s Sus Planes for Tomas. Dude, get a Clue.

Nothing good happens when Irma wears green eye shadow.

Near the end of the episode, Cande opened a letter and read something. My caffeine has not kicked in so maybe I missed it in the recap? I was hoping it was an OB’s report? or maybe it was the notice of court date for Cris’s divorce?

So, Flavia is sorry she committed adultery and then ran off with a loser lover who turned out to be a murderer, complete jerk, penniless & jobless, etc. etc. etc. , and she asks Joaquin to give her another chance? Que cojones!!! Oops, I ran out of sympathy for you, a few dozen episodes ago. Flav, there are consequences to one’s choices made, including the bad ones. Joaq might forgive, but he won’t forget. There is still time to throw yourself under a bus y pronto.

--- ” I imagine Roberta in a fabulous red dress with a leopard belt, a cigarette in one hand and a brandy snifter in the other, saying ‘I told you so.’ ”
--- ” Lola fondles a red poofy wedding dress that Roberta would have loved.”
My favorite lines in the recap, Kat!
I’m glad SBC/Sara has her melon w/leopard belt back up as the official avatar. !Viva Roberta!

Oh, and speaking of Roberta, have y'all seen the UniVideos ads for the online capítulos of La Sombra that include a great scene of Roberta slapping someone? They know she is our favorite! :-D

Kat - I forgot to actually say thank you and amazing job (as usual) last night.

Doris - Yes, Cande got the notice of the court date. I don't know if it ever clicked in my head as firmly as it did last night that Cande and Rob might be foils for each other, but Cande and Ade might be even more so. In my recap last week, the moments in which they comforted their "children" stuck out to me, but last night it was so hugely apparent. I think it's an interesting look at how you can hurt your kids with lies even with wildly different motivations and approaches.

UA - agreed. Unless it comes out that Nazaria was paid off, the doubt about PJ might prove enough, even if they DNA test prove that it's not his kid. After all, not every act of sexual congress results in a child.

David - I don't think she's deaf; Nazaria made a point to repeat Sev's instructions to her. I think the muteness is what makes her a dangerous witness. If she doesn't know how to right and is intimidated, she might do what they want to start: point to PJ and nod. Since she's mute, she won't be able to accidentally let it slip verbally; it'll have to be more direct. If she doesn't step up, it'll depend on Sev slipping up.

"What does one wear to prevent a suicide?"

The wit and brilliance were sublime today Kat. Was buried in work and late day calls with our "friends" across the ponds in the evening, so I had to catch up this morning with recaps. Thanks to all for your wonderful detail.

So viewing last night was a challenge not to destroy the TV screen. Mari is annoying, Irma needs to realize that child No. 2 is no prize either, and I agree with the consensus that Pru is about to have that perfect world of credit cards and town standing about to be blown. The character may have had her moments where she came off sad.comedic or needy, essentially she's a beyotch and cruel in the way she acts towards those she THINKS are beneath her. It would be a perfect way to bring her down a few pegs.

And right as her hubby is thinking maybe he needs to blow the lid off his secrets. What a family.

So Val is going to need to either pay someone off or keep Cande away from any ultrasound sessions to keep the ruse up. Not sure about Cande since she will do anything to keep Cris from Allie, but I'm not so sure Sev will be non too pleased if he discovers that baby is the spawn of anyone else, especially Lardo. His record with babies isn't the best.

The red dress surfaces. Whenever I see one of those, I pay attention. Wearing one never seems like a smart move in the story itself. But it seemed like the camera really wanted us to see that dress. Is it the same as in the credits?


Daisy - no, it's not the same dress (Opening sequence dress is not so ruffly).

I think what made Sev's offer to take Val to the city so creepy was that we know he started his affair with Roberta while she was pregnant with Aldonza. I wonder if that makes women particularly attractive to him because of the reduced risk of his impregnating them.

Thank you 5ft. I laughed through the whole thing. You are so funny.

I think my ccs also said 'actor' for Ren's father, but I think they just got that wrong and should have written doctor. They've done that before, used the wrong words.

Of course we have to have all the talk about how happy Aldonza is, how much she loves him, how excited Mel, Dominga, and Adelina are to have a baby in the house eventually so that the news of Val's pregnancy is more devastating.

Now Lola will finally know how Emanuel feels to be accused of something that she didn't do. Eventually, that is.

I'm still hung up on Angelina and Nazaria.

I would like to see Silvia get a chance to spend some time alone with Nazaria. I think Silvia would have the perfect demeanor and gentleness to get the truth out of Angelina even if she is mute.

I mean time alone with Angelina. Sorry about that.

Cathyx - I love your point about Lola finally getting to see how it feels to be accused unfairly.

I don't think Cande would go along if she found out Cris is not the father, though she is just giddy with the prospect.

If this thing had to rely on the Cris/Aldonza pairing I'd throw it in the trash. So happy the story has been co-opted by the PJ/Severiano struggle. Aldonza talking about having kids with Cris is stupid unless they agree to in vitro fertilization. Shopping for a wedding dress, while married to a guy that may have cheated on her & still living at his mamma's house with the same girl in the next room, really stupid.

I so wanted Humberto to walk in on Pru & Tomas so she wouldn't have an opportunity to lie. No sympathy for her or Tomas. Tomas is an unstable, manboy slacker, jump.

Sweet Baby Chihuahuas I totally agree. Put Silvia in the room with Angelina, problem solved. Silvia could get blood out of a turnip.

Totally agree with you about the PJ/Sev struggle. Absolutely the best story out of the whole thing.

Hellashelle, thanks for correcting me about Angela's hearing status. I would have thought that if she could hear, that she should be able to utter some type of sounds even if there is some structural problem with her tongue or larynx.

(Note to self: This a tn; get over it.)


Nazaria is probably a mean mofo and that's why we're not hearing a peep out of Angelina.

Yeah, David, I forget it's just a TN sometimes too. :)

Hellashelle, great point about Sev. It was said of Julia (daughter of Augustus Caesar) that she "never took a passenger unless the hold was full" so that all five of her children were the children of Marcus Agrippa. Although none of them lived to have children of their own they were genetically healthier than most of their relatives who were conceived in consanguenous marriages.

Although it would have been equally interesting for him to have tried to impregnate the wives of other men to assert dominance, it would not have served the plot of this series as well.

Tofie - I would applaud Cris and Al despite this crazy setup if I thought that Al was cognizant of this relationship as such. It really, really bothers me that she doesn't seem to want a relationship, just a "boyfriend" (title required. Boy, not.) Maybe I'm making too much of this, but it still rankles my nerves big time that after her scuffle with Val, knowing that she and Cris are in the middle of a fight and that Val lives there and that they have all this stuff to talk about, she just left LA without speaking to Cris. And immediately went to invite Lola to go wedding dress shopping. And then called Cris. And even that convo bugged me: her apology was a one off line, Cris is the one driving the reasons for them having the church ceremoney, while she just wants to do it, and still no discussion of the future, their big bed hurdle. Sigh.

Hellashelle, I think you put the finger on it for me cause I've been befuddled by their, whatever they call this thing. She is down for being able to say she has a bf while Cris wants a wife and family. More plans have been made for the future with her other bf, Renato. It's like Cris is bf material because it gives her opportunity to stick it to Severiano, Cande & Val and Renato, her real bf and future husband when she works through her rape and grows up a little. When she showed up at Renato's dad's house it seemed like she and Lola were visiting her inlaw.

Great recap Kat, thank you.

Has Sev used Nazaris before for another of this nefarious deeds?

I totally understand Cris and his demeanor. I am sure Cande raised him to be the perfect "robot" child with absolutely no emotions.

Mari, please choke on that popcorn.

I wonder which make their reappearance first - Sim or the candy house? I would be happy to see either one.

Rosemary Primera


HellaShelle, I agree with this "The defiant announcement with the tears makes the character much more complex, imo." I'm glad we're getting a lot of that this time around and not just cardboard cutout kinds of characters.

Urban Anthropologist, no, Aldonza's dress has to be spectacular after everything that's happened, not just "ok." Sev using a lie about rape to discredit the padre is the ultimate projection.

Gracias, David! Great insight about the theme and I hope you're right and all this crap is going to fail in the end. Mr. 5ft and I were wondering whether Cande's distaste for a grandchild who doesn't carry Cris' genetic material will outweigh her hate of Aldonza. I see Urban Anthropologist is thinking along the same lines on this. We saw some potential possibilities, like getting him to marry Val in the church and then getting rid of the child somehow...would she resort to murder, or maybe just boarding school?


Gracias, tofie! I was thrilled to see Silvia in action, too! I've never been so glad as last night that Los 3 Abogados moved to town. Who knows if any of the rest in Santa Lucia can be trusted.

Gracias, doris! Yes, it was the notice of the first hearing for the divorce. I'm surprised she passed it on, but I guess having him fail to appear would just delay the process and she wants them divorced yesterday. I think I could forgive Flavia if it turns out that she knew Sev was the one who hired Adriano and she decided to tell the cops about it. And that would be throwing herself under a bus!

Lol, HellaShelle! I'll accept "you're the greatest" ILO "thank you" any day...but don't do it too often or it might go to my head :D


Gracias, Daisynjay! HellaShelle is correct, it's not the same dress. It was so striking to see all white dresses around the room, except for that one. A wink from the show? A way to evoke Roberta since she couldn't be there in person when her only daughter is picking out a dress? Hey, and why isn't Adelina there? Or making the dress herself? Or is that where we're headed since she can't find one she likes?

HellaShelle, I didn't even think about the connection to how/when Sev's affair with Roberta started when I was getting grossed out by him and Val. That just turned the "EW" level up to 11! Because I think you're right. Yikes, Urban Anthropologist...didn't know there was historical precedent. I wonder if Sev does.

Gracias, cathyx! It was hard to get into that conversation about babies, already knowing what Val's setting in motion. I hope her BS gets exposed soon.


tofie, "When she showed up at Renato's dad's house it seemed like she and Lola were visiting her inlaw." Was that a little...tacky? "Hello, sir, nice to see you again, thanks for letting us stay at your house while I shop for a wedding dress to marry some other guy. What's that? Oh, yeah, I know your son's in love with me, but we're just platonic BFFs. Oh, no, you're not invited to the wedding. We've got to do this quickly so the groom's parents don't interfere. So, as soon as I find a dress...and finish up all the paperwork to settle the claims for the fire damage and sell the apartment...and get my hair done...and see some strippers...and go to the zoo...and get a second Masters degree...then I'm going back to Santa Lucia for the wedding. So, yeah, no time to invite people."

Gracias, Rosemary Primera! I think Nazaria is a new hire for Sev. Seems like Nava was the one who found her. I wonder if he did that especially for Sev or if he makes it his business to keep tabs on people who he thinks might make themselves available for bearing false witnes...for a fee.

Got my hopes up when Joaquin started talking about Ray's old plan of diverting the water for irrigation and home use. Let's get started

David and Sara, my theory about Angelina's lack of speech is that it has something to do with Nazaria in some way. One too many beatings for not being quiet? Brain trauma? Maybe there was some opportunity for treatment of a childhood problem that Nazaria just didn't want to bother with?

Now that is interesting. Maybe she's just voluntarily mute. Has that been covered?

tofie, that sure was convenient for Joaquin to remember Raymundo's old plan just now :) Once again this show gives the vibe that someone's been listening in.

We've only ever seen her around Nazaria, and Nazaria is the one who says Angelina is mute, so...maybe grandma just isn't a person Angelina wants to speak up around, ever. Maybe if she felt safe, she would.

She'll feel safe around Silvia. I know she will. :-)

5ft and S.B.C. - wouldn't that be a dramatic moment if Angelina was on the stand and unexpectedly blurted out the truth in the middle of a trial? Perry Mason!


David- that would be AWWWWE-SOME!!(™ hellashelle)

That's a link to an article about Dr. Maya Angelou (QEPD). The first paragraph is a story she told during a talk she gave when I was in undergrad. I was fortunate to be able to attend as part of one of my classes. The story stuck with me and I keep thinking about it today as we talk about Angelina, so I thought I'd share.

Speaking of the Candy House (cf Rosemary) and after rewatching part of last night's episode, I think Angelina should get it. The two protag girls are pissing me off and practically everyone else has already had it. Well, maybe not Adelina and Joaquin.

I'm in the camp of Cande going Medusa on Val when she finds out. After all, would a "good girl" from a "good family" do what she did? Plus, Cande HATES when people make her look like a fool. It was a main point in her rant about Sev The Morning After their actual drunken night of debauchery and after PJ showed them out in front of the town.

Diva - I like your theory about Adelina making Al's dress. If anyone in town sees it, maybe it'll kick start that dress business we thought she'd begin when they got back to SL. And red dress as a wink from the show -- an actual reflective moment from Al about Rob would've been would've been a sweet moment.

The way things are headed with the baby bomb, I imagine they want to leave Adelina's dress for the actual FIN wedding. Plus she's supposed to be getting flowers and planning food or whatever for the reception.

David, if that happened, I'd cheer so loud I might frighten the neighbors! It would be totally worth it! And then she'd be free, finally, because Nazaria would be carted off. Everybody wins!

Thank you for the link, Diva. The first paragraph really choked me up, so I think I need to read it in bits and pieces. It is very appropriate given the Angelina character.

Wow. That's such a heartbreaking experience. Thanks for the link, Diva.

David - I also applaud your theory!

Thank you for the link Diva. Love Maya and attended a reading once she did. She was mesmerizing.

I'm still in the camp that Allie just does not come off as the 20-something emotionally mature woman we are supposed to think is ready for marriage with Cris.She's still borken and all we got for that was Ade telling her to suck it up. Frankly, none of the young women in this town seem to have left high school behind in how they go after or react with the men in their life.

TN's like to make their main couples appear as epic. Just not feeling it with these two. And I really don't like the way the writing has made it that Allie in no way will go to Cris in time of a crisis. Cris was her knight in armor who saved her once upon a time and she puts him on this romantic pedestal. But that's it. Going to Ren to pay for Dom and Mel was the last straw for me. I could go on, we have all seen her run to Renato time and again, but now I'm starting to take it as poor writing to think it even makes sense anymore that these she and Cris are truly an epic, grown up love. I feel like she should be out buying a prom dress, not a wedding dress. Sitting at the Frustrated Table.



I wish they had developed the story that Aldonza was already making money by her own initiative and hard work, that she could pay for everything she is doing all on her own, even having a bit leftover to pay for Mel and Dominga to work there, and not needing a loan to do all the things that need to be done. It wouldn't detract from the story at all if she were stronger in that department either. That would make me believe she's a grown up the most.

I'll join you at the Frustrated Table, Daisynjay. I could use a cold beverage. I feel bad about being frustrated, considering what we came from. There are so many things that are great about this show...unfortunately that highlights the parts that weren't so well-thought-out.

Renato is not giving Al a loan. He is her business partner. They signed a contract. She has put down a large chunk of money for the land on which they are doing their business. His money is going towards equipment and staffing. Therefor, he has to be consulted for all decisions and for additional investments. Think of it this way: Al invested $100,000 up front for one year; Ren's $100,000 investment is being broken up incrementally, and need by need, over the year. If at the end of the year, the farm makes $200,000, Al gets back her $100K and Ren gets back his $100K. If they make less than that, they BOTH swallow the loss.

But I would like to see her be more forceful in their conversations about their business decisions, and not make it seem like she's asking him permission or can't come up with the ideas on her own.

Vivi, whatever it is that she's doing or not doing, enough of us think the same way about her lack of interest/conviction, call it what you want, then she's not getting the message across.

Absolutely agree that Al is not selling her commitment to this project. But Renato isn't giving her a free handout and does have rights as an equal business partner to make decisions.

It's easy to forget, the way it's shown. We also have a law office where Silvia and Renato are partners, but they keep making it look like Silvia is doing most of the work.

Maybe the writers don't know what a business partnership looks like!

Nothing to add but to agree with something daisynjay said-

TN's like to make their main couples appear as epic. Just not feeling it with these two. And I really don't like the way the writing has made it that Allie in no way will go to Cris in time of a crisis.

Maybe it's just because I'm watching other shows where the couples really have sparks that can leave me breathless, but I'm still just "meh" on Cris and Aldonza. Their nice together, but there is definitely no epic feel about them.

They're nice together. Their is a possessive.

Qué vergüenza.

How about there nice together. A place.

Kat- Thanks for that link. A few months back after Maya Angelou passed, NPR replayed an interview she did a few years back. I was so struck when she spoke about those years when she was silent, and then about how she found her voice again. Wonderful interview. Wonderful human being.

Diva, thank you for the wonderful recap, I can't play on the patio today cause work is crazy but I had to stop and tell you that I appreciate your hard work and that you have skillz!

Kat, witty and wonderful.

"I ponder whether this entire scene was set up to happen on the balcony just to for that last image of Cande rocking the full-on Evil Queen vibe with the braids and the collar and the lipstick." and "Silvia is working, because somebody has to" were among my many favorites.

I think Cande will figure out Val's timeline subterfuge but will go along with it as she will do anything to destroy Aldonza. Sigh.

Ordinarily, I would be perturbed with Uriel thinking Lola is a thief. However, it must be near to impossible to even imagine both of your children are lying, manipulative and loathsome. Unless Mari has a heavenly revelation and repents, I fear once her treachery is discovered, Uriel will be pushed over the edge.

Love the good padre's gumption by going directly to Sev to confront him. The man never lets himself get intimidated and confronts every situation head on. Love him.

I might suggest Nazaria might not be a pillar of the community and may not be taken at her word with the citizens of the town. Put me in the column of those who believe Angelina is the victim of abuse.


Vivi - I think you made that point about Aldonza yesterday or the day before too, and it is a very good one. We're coming down on her for it, but there's a legitimate reason for her going to Ren with these costs. I would buy it a lot better if they framed it as you did: she's consulting with a business partner about a mutual investment.

I forget that she planned to sell the condo and use that money to fund the farm. Since Sev/Lardo burned it, I need to remember that that's probably what $100,000 that she could no longer contend with? I had priced it out as costing maybe $38,000 to fix the damages and pay off the other neighbors, but maybe it was more like 50 or 60 thousand. And they may well have discussed a payment plan and repayment, but it's not something they would bore us with. So I'm going to take The Vivi Approach to this from here on out (by which I mean I'm going to try to be very objective, clear minded and willing to give benefit of doubt).

Dinners are still up for question.

Also, thoughts on this?: Should Aldonza have mentioned she was staying at Ren's (dad's) house in DF? It's not nearly as big a deal as Val staying at LA, but I just realized that I don't think she mentioned it and given that she doesn't know that they've come agreement of sorts, maybe it would be better if she had? idk, maybe it's not worth mentioning.

Gracias, Eli! I'm glad you had a second to drop by :)

Gracias, Diana! I agree, Uriel is still so raw after Lardo's death...when he finds out what a manipulative brat Mari has been, I don't know what that's going to do to him.

HellaShelle, I would think just for safety reasons, both Cris and Adelina should know where to find her just in case anything happens. And have the number to the house, in case they can't reach her on her cell phone.

Also...whether they want to consider it official for purposes of living together or not, they ARE married. That seems kind of weird to me to go out of town and not tell one's spouse where one will be staying. (Unless one is trying to get away from one's spouse.)

For a romance to be epic I think we need more mature characters. Neither Aldonza nor Cristobal has enough life experience for that. They're both barely out of college and even though they have degrees they haven't had the time to get much business -- or life -- experience.

Aldonza knows very little about men and none of what she knows is good, thanks to both Roberta (for being a prostitute) and Adelina (for being a virgin).

Cristobal must know a little more, but clearly hasn't dealt with trauma before this.

Romeo was only 17 and Juliet 13. These two are a modern version of them.

Very good point, Urban. The other shows that I'm watching do have lead characters that are further along on their life's journeys.

"For a romance to be epic I think we need more mature characters."
I totally agree, UA!!! A good example would be Monica and Juan Del Diablo in Corazon Salvaje '93.


Camila and Daniel in Amor Bravio.

When you say "Aldonza knows very little about men" I'm not sure what you mean, Urban Anthropologist. Because she did live in a big city, she's had male classmates and professors, she's got Padre J now, she deals with Humberto, she's got Renato...she wasn't locked away in a tower somewhere.

All Aldonza has contributed to the partnership is the lease of the property for one year. She is flat broke and the bank is Renato. It was Renato that asked Mel if he would manage any livestock and give him credit for diversifying. He doesn't need Aldonza as a partner and could lease land himself. The only reason he is a partner with her is for proximity, expecting her relationship with Cris to fail again. She had even cut Renato off but ran to him the next day because she needed free legal assistance to help Emanuel. The only legal work that he's done for the "business" was getting Severiano's animals off the property, every thing else personal. Divorce, personal, apartment fire, personal, dig Ray up, personal, bust Emanuel out, personal, bust PJ out, personal not business.

tofie, I must contradict you. Silvia's dealing with the disinterment. Or she will once she has the paperwork.

And now I'm wondering, if she's broke because she's already invested all her money in Mis Planes and nobody budgeted for a is she paying for her shopping trip and a potential wedding dress?

I don't think she knows anything about having relationships with them. I'm willing to bet she studied like mad and never really dated anyone.

There aren't a lot of people modeling healthy, positive relationships. It's too bad Dominga and Melesio didn't move in sooner.

Did she not have a TV? Books? Friends? Home isn't the only place to learn how to operate in society or interact with others.

And regardless of whether one had lots of male friends and the other had none, both Roberta and Adelina should have recognized that Aldonza needed professional help.

Tofie - true, and Vivi did mention that in her original post a couple of days ago. But she's right that Renato as her legal counsel is different that Renato as her business partner. She hired him as her lawyer and he refused payment until she got the land. Then Lardo burned her apartment and things changed: she didn't have the money she was counting on for the farm start up costs and Renato's fees. Ren stepped in and they basically rolled all of his fees into the future farm profits.

Now, I do take issue with the fact that she doesn't put anything more that dreams into the venture. I think I had that scene in my recap where Ren says he's thought about Eman's venture and wants to move forward. I think it's ridiculous and her contribution to that convo was only to ask how it would be paid for and who would run it. The cost question is sensible, but could've been phrased better and why she didn't suggest Mel is completely beyond me. And, in the Fantastic Farming Four scene: really: seeds?! Seeds, Aldonza? That's it?!

Thank you La Diva del Desierto, 5ft Latina!!
Excellent, excellent recap!!!
I can't thank you enough!
Loved your asides.


"hasn't since put anything more than dreams..."
"it's ridiculous that her contribution to that convo..."
"And, in the Fantastic Farming Four scene: really? seeds?! Seeds, Aldonza? That's it?!"

One day, I'll learn how to write properly.

Yep. Totally that the writers have not written Al's knowledge of and passion for the land correctly. But I have to disagree that the enormous amount of money she put up front for the land isn't close/equal/or even more than what Renato has invested in their joint business venture.

As for the non-farm related legal stuff, if Ren wants to run his business into the ground doing free work, that's his problem. I hope that some of these people are paying for his services and aren't expecting Al to foot the bill: Padre, Cris, Eman, Joaquin.

True, Kat, Silvia is doing the work (most of it) but Renato is not accepting payment for the legal work and doubt he allows Silvia to bill her. That was one of the things got all three of them in trouble at the firm in Mexico. Renato had Silvia and Pato doing work he was not charging for on company time. Silvia is supposed to be a partner in the law firm but their largest client is non billable cause one of the partners got a crush on Aldonza and "partners" with her in another business.

They (Aldonza and Renato) are co-mingling Renato's funds, cause his checkbook is paying the free legal expenses and operating expenses of the farm, plus paying for whomever Aldonza wants to have live with them.

I don't think she knows anything about having relationships with them. I'm willing to bet she studied like mad and never really dated anyone. - Yes, they did make it a point after the time jump to note that she had no friends and didn't date, mostly, if not totally, because she didn't want people to know how Roberta lived.

I think Joaq specifically mentioned paying Silvia and I'll bet Cris insisted on it.

Gracias, PBN! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

tofie, I would hope he's smart enough, as a lawyer, to have separate business and personal accounts and to have incorporated the firm [substitute actual legal terminology there!] so that he, personally, is a separate entity from the firm and the firm's finances don't affect his.

There are other clients outside of Aldonza and her circle because there have been vague brief conversations about other work, and we have heard of times when each of the partners is in Mexico City working on something that has nothing to do with SL. And I would fully expect that Renato has separated the two businesses' accounts.

Yes they're going back and forth. I think their landlord or the guy they bought the house/office from was their first SL client, not counting Aldonza. Something about some tenants he has who won't leave.

I agree they have other clients but the client they drop what they are doing with a call is Aldonza.

I would hope he has separate accounts but bet it was Silvia that set everything up not Renato. She left for a day and the dude was a mess.

Hey, superheroes gotta go when someone sends up the Abogado Sign. I'm glad they were still around when Padre J stopped by, 'cause it looked like that was happening in the evening.

kat, Thanks for yet another rocking recap. We are in our way home from Toronto. I have not seen any episodes this week , so I greatly appreciate your recap and those for the previous episodes.

Gracias, Susanlynn! I wish you safe travels :D

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