Thursday, July 30, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #116 (Mx 119) - Wed 7/29 - The more things change, the more they stay the same

Melesio agrees to try to get Cris to come outside, but it's going to be difficult if he's with Cande.  In the meantime, Aldonza and Don Camilo need to stay hidden.  Jacinto walks them off to one side.

Sev lays the guilt on thick, saying he's going upstairs to check on Cande and Cris should stay put because she needs him.  And then, for some unknown reason, he heads outside and drives off in the truck, never noticing Aldonza, Jacinto, and Don Camilo lurking by a tree.

Cris is going to go talk to Aldonza, since Val is babysitting Cande.  He tells Dominga about Cande threatening to kill herself.  Dominga and Mel scoff.  Dominga says Cande's feeling all sensitive right now…but really, right now, Cris needs to run off and he needs Dominga to keep Cande from finding out he went off with Aldonza.  "ALDONZAAAAAAA?!"  Even I shushed Dominga from my couch.

Tomas gets all tuxed up for his date with Silvia.  Or maybe a catering job.  His parents are practically throwing money at him to make sure he's got enough.  His dad tells him to be a "Yentelman."  You know…a caballero.  And no talking like a "carretonero" (uh…trucker?) in front of the classy lady.  Tomas gets all misty and tells his parents they're the best parents ever.

Aldonza gives Cris the non-update.  He tells her what happened at the stables.  Val's brilliant stroke of diabolical evil--erasing the phone message--has the enormous payoff of…absolutely nothing.  "You left a message, I didn't hear it."  Aldonza wants to go to the cops report him as missing.  She's afraid he might try to hurt himself.  Cris wants to go with her, and argues that Em needs him more than his mom does.  Off they go, with Don Camilo following in their wake.

Tomas arrives to pick up Silvia, with a rose in hand.  Oh, bless him, the little tyke, his pants are too short and his socks are white.  Silvia is floored and wants to go upstairs and change, but Tomas says she looks great.  And, of course, she does, but…shut up, Tomas!  Do you have any idea when the last time was I've had some pretty dress action on this show?!  Won't anybody think about my needs?!  It's probably for the best, though, because he's brought El Moto de Concepción.  She can't wait to climb on and Tomas insists on a selfie.  And on both of them wearing helmets, which is probably the most romantic gesture of all.  What can I say--safety is sexy.  After seeing the huge smile on Silvia's face, I don't care about Tomas' past anymore.  I just want Silvia to be happy.  So if she wants Tomas, I give them my blessing.

Pobre de pill-addled Pru is forced to answer her own door.  Blanca came by because she's worried about Humberto.  He didn't show up and he didn't call, which he's never done before.  He also wouldn't even take a call from Candela.  Frankly, Blanca doesn't care what's wrong with Candela.  She's mostly worried about Humberto.  Maybe Pru could go check on him?  But Pru doesn't care.  Blanca asks her to at least tell Val, since he's still her father.  She tells Pru that Cande is not at the clinic, but at Las Animas.

Having arrived at a schwanky restaurant where Tomas and the waiter are dressed identically, he orders champagne.  There's some linguistic fumbling about the "carta" (which means both the menu and the bill).  Silvia worries it's too expensive, but Tomas says she's worth it.

Pru sees Aldonza and Cris together and sneers groggily in their general direction.

Silvia gently corrects Tomas on napkin placement…suggests linking arms to sip their champagne…asks about the bike…gets him talking about the tux.  Damn, y'all…Silvia is a galan!  No, scratch that, she's…un galanazo!  Ahem, anyway…is it true Tomas' dad got married "con" (in or with) that tux?  Well, no he got married "con" (with) Tomas' mom, but he wore the tux.  Jajajajaja.  And the hair?  "So you'll see that I'm a serious guy."  Well, Silvia likes…"SHE LIKES ME!  THE LAWYER LIKES ME!"  She was just trying to say she likes him better with his usual look, but what the hell.  She likes him. It's not a sin, right?  "Not yet, but we can fix that anytime you want to!"  She reminds him they're just being friends right now and he agrees to respect her boundaries.  It's Tomas' buddy from the time he went to sing in front of Pru's house who is serenading them now and the guy brings up how they don't have to go running this time.  *facepalm*  He leaves before he can say anything more incriminating and Tomas makes a stupid excuse about running, you know, for exercise.

Lola checks out The One And Only Cantina In Santa Lucia, where Emmanuel is drunker than a skunk, and twice as ornery.  And he is NOT happy to see Lola.  She gets shoved away from him and ends up on an adjacent table.  That's Conduct Unbecoming, Emmanuel.

Back at The Law Offices of Silvia and Those Other Two, the date is over, Tomas offers to carry Silvia inside and settles for a LOT of kissing.  She kind of wants to kiss him…but maybe not…but maybe…but no…but…in the midst of all their teasing, all a suddenly-appearing Renato hears is "no" and in an attempt to be a good guy, he pulls Tomas away from Silvia and decks him.

The bartender threatens to throw Emmanuel out on his immensely drunken ass if he doesn't sit down and calm down.  Loka is ok, physically, but emotionally, she's a wreck.

What started as a misunderstanding ends up as a fistfight and a shouting match, with Silvia apparently pissed off at both guys and Pato having to hold Tomas back from beating the crap out of Renato.  Hey, it's probably a good idea to be suspicious when a woman is saying "no" and a guy isn't backing off, but perhaps in this situation asking "What's going on here?" would have been the way to go instead of throwing punches.

Emmanuel keeps drinking as Lola watches.

Inside the office, Silvia and Renato continue arguing.  Both have some valid points.  Silvia says they were playing around, she wanted to kiss Tomas, and Renato was being a jealous ass.  Renato says those games "always" get out of hand, and he was trying to save her.  Silvia wins by virtue of being the one who has the right to decide what she wants and because she's correct about Renato's jealousy.  And don't even be saying she's drunk, because the only one who gets sh-- inebriated-faced around there is Renato.  He finally, grumpily, agrees to stay out of her life and Silvia heaves a frustrated sigh.  And if those kisses were any indication, it was a Really.  Frustrated.  Sigh.

Tomas arrives home in his wrecked suit.  His mom was waiting up for him, knitting.  She and his dad are treating him like a kid, waiting up, cleaning up his busted nose, asking what happened.  It's kind of sweet.  He gives them the bad news first: he got into a fight with a lawyer who's in love with Silvia.  And then the good news: he kissed her!  His parents are, like, so totally stoked.  And I can't stop laughing.

Sev is smoking a frickin' cigarette in church.  Die already, you --!  Ugh, and he's flicking the ashes onto the floor!  I don't even care what he's saying to Padre J.  It's all bad attitude and bluster.  Why is lightning not striking him already?  Sev scoffs at the Padre for thinking that the truth about Emmanuel is really meaningful.  It's the beginning of the end, says Padre J.  Sev warns Padre J to take Aldonza with him when he leaves.  Sev drops his cigarette butt on the floor as Padre J tells him he's not welcome in the house of God.  "Chill, Padre.  God's house belongs to all of us."  Padre J says nothing while looking stoic and determined and probably wishing he had a few less rules to follow.

Pru slurs a bunch of nonsense in Cande's general direction and accidentally smacks her on the leg.  If Pru doesn't drive Cande to overdose, I don't know what will.  Blah, blah, blah, total bed rest. Humberto is missing.  Cris is in town with Aldonza.  Cande starts trying to move, screaming for Cris, getting very un-rest-y and thankfully the doctor comes barreling in, with his little bag of tricks and a cervical collar and Dominga hot on his heels.  "CRIIIIIISTOOOOOOOOBAAAAAAAAAAAL!" I hope he's got a lot of sedatives in that bag.

Cris begs Det. Incompetente to please start looking for Emmanuel.  Aldonza's eyes widen when he says he might be out drinking, but somehow she doesn't immediately grab Cris and go to the cantina.  Incompetente says he'll tell his people to keep an eye out, but that's all he can do.

Gonzalo and Flavia both end up in the church. They talk about their relationship.  FF>>

Renato talks to Aldonza…it's something serious to do with her dad and he doesn't want to talk about it over the phone.  She'll stop by.  But first she needs to tell Cris she feels guilty because she shouldn't have told Emmanuel and now he's upset.  Cris will walk her over to see Renato and then go check out the cantina.  (Finally!)

Sev visits Humberto's room.  Yes, he told.  He's tired of lying.  He doesn't care if Emmanuel hates him.  He's finally gotten rid of this weight on his conscience.  Sev says he has no conscience or he would've answered the phone and gone to attend to Candela.  Humberto says he might be a crappy person and a crappy doctor, but for what's left of his life, he's going to try to be a good man.  He suggests Sev claim Emmanuel as his son and give him all the same rights as Cris, or he'll air out ALL of Sev's dirty laundry: the murder of Padre Sixto, how he lost his arm….  Sev pulls out a gun and threatens to shoot Humberto before he lets him do that.  "Now get out of my way."  He walks out, leaving a freaked-out Humberto.

By now, Emmanuel has left The One Cantina In All Of Santa Lucia.

Aldonza is about to get the update from Renato, but Cris calls her.  Quit saying maybe he's at another cantina.  There are no other cantinas.  We all know this.  Renato hopes they find Emmanuel soon.  Anyway…something was handed over along with the ashes…dun, dun, dun...TWO BULLETS!  I believe David gets a prize for calling that one.  Aldonza is shocked.  "Your father wasn't killed in an accident.  He was murdered."  So much for Adelina deciding not to tell Aldonza anything about how her father died.  Renato wants her to calm down, which is hilarious under the circumstances.  At least he's going with her to confront Adelina.

Pru and Val safely navigate the stairs while I tune out Pru's shrieking.  Val keeps the cups and the gossip about Em away from Pru, but I swear, Pru gets her lips on that booze decanter.

Montage of Cris checking "cantinas."

Aldonza barges right into Adelina and Lola's room and wakes Adelina up.  Once they're both downstairs, she demands to know what the explanation is for two bullets in Ray's body.  Who killed him?  "I don't know what you're talking about."  For the--will you--why--what--SERIOUSLY?!!!  "Stop lying and tell me what happened!  Swear on my life that you don't know what these bullets mean and you have no idea who killed my father.  Swear it!"  "I don't like to swear."  Adelina insists on just not talking about it and leaving it in peace.  OK, then, Aldonza will look elsewhere for the answers.  Adelina calls her bluff and keeps heading up the stairs.

Valeria visits Sev's room to smarm in his general direction about wanting to stick around and help with her aunt.  She wants to talk about Emmanuel, but oh, not to judge him or anything.  She just wonders if Emmanuel will get part of the hacienda.  Sev says Em means nothing to him.  Em won't take a cent away from her unborn hellspawn.  "Aww, that's not why I asked."  She announces she's going off to take a bath and gives Sev a kiss on the cheek.  *shudder*

Adelina calls Padre J to whine about how her cowardice and determination to lie are getting her in trouble yet again.  Aldonza is heading over to see Padre J, probably.  He doesn't think he can lie, but he remembers that yes, he did swear to Adelina, so ok, he'll try to calm Aldonza down without telling her anything.  In a feeble attempt to relieve Adelina of guilt, the show reminds us that Roberta made her swear that she would never let Aldonza find out how her father died.  Right before she admitted that she was the one who killed him, not Severiano.  And made it all about how lying to Aldonza was for her own good, so she wouldn't be scarred for life like Roberta has been.  "I'm sorry, Ray.  I can't betray my sister."  Yeah, of course that's your reason.

Cande.  Still failing at that whole "rest" thing.  At least she's got a foam collar now that coordinates with her bed ensemble.  Mostly I'm tuning out her shrieking about Aldonza and Cris and being left alone with Pru.  And Sev's thinly veiled gloating about how defenseless she is.

Flavia and Joaquin have breakfast.  Emmanuel hasn't turned up yet.  She hopes he's ok and offers to help look for him, or help out in any other way she can.

Lola spent the night outside on a bench crying because Emmanuel doesn't deserve her tears.  She tells Cris she saw him at the cantina, but she doesn't remember at what time.  He swears he searched them all and Emmanuel wasn't in any of them.

Aldonza enters Padre J's office.  He already knows why she's there.  All he can tell her is that he wasn't living there when it happened.  Knowing the truth won't bring his brother back.  "Aren't you surprised to find out that he was murdered?"

Previous: Episode 115 (Mx 117-118)
Next: Episode 117 (Mx 120)


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Woot! Looking forward to reading this in the morning! Thank you!

Thanks, Kat! There was a lot going on this episode, and you captured it all with style and flair.

I've always thought that if Silvia is having fun with Tomas, and he makes her laugh, then why not? They should be allowed to date and have a good time. And she isn't indifferent to his kisses, which is a nice perk in addition to the laughter. Add to that that Tomas constantly flatters her and compliments her, and I could think of worse ways to pass my time if I were Silvia. While I do think that it's gentlemanly to ask what's going on when you hear a woman telling a man no, I think jealous Renato was just itching for a reason to punch Tomas.

Not happy with the way drunk Eman shoved Lola, but do think he'll be very ashamed of his behavior once he sobers up and puts an end to his pity party.

Let's see, Sever basically threatened Al when he told Padre he better take her with him, and he threatened Hum with his gun. Surely, he doesn't think he can kill all his enemies and get away with it.

Go pitbull Aldonza, go! She's not going to let go of those two bullets until she gets the truth. If she was ticked at Adelina before, I'm not sure how she'll ever forgive her now. I had forgotten that Sever actually shot Ray first, before Ray whacked his arm, hence the two bullets. One from Sever and the coup d'grace from Rob.

It was nice seeing Cris and Al working together and not focusing on their usual relationship drama. Cris even dropped Al off at Renato's with no complaint and minimal eye roll.

See you in the morning, Sara! Gracias :D

Gracias, Vivi! I forgot that there were 2 shots as well. Mr 5ft had to remind me, ha! I get the impression that Severiano is flailing right now. He has absolutely no idea what to do, but he's sure he's done for. Maybe he does plan to just kill everyone, but I agree, he can't possibly think he'll get away with it. Maybe by now he doesn't even care about getting away with it, and just wants to take down as many as he can before he's stopped. Or maybe not, since he had his chance with Humberto tonight and didn't take it.

Diva, a wonderful recap...I just savored every snarky word, thank you so much!

Best rhetorical question: "Why is lightning not striking him (Sev) already?" Indeed! I'm wondering which of many possible horrible ends lies in store for him.

Adelina: no offense intended but that I am heartily sick of her. And her pulled-back hairdo. Vying with Mari and Flavia for Most Annoying Hairdo.

Pru: going thru her own little H3LL-on-earth lying immobile in that bed having to listen to Pru prattling on drunkenly. Loved it!

Sylvia: migrated to my list of favorites characters. Loved the date!

Val: I love that eventually Irma and Uriel will have a little grandson to spoil and pamper.

Thanks again Diva!

J in Oregon


Oopsie--I meant Cande, going through her own little H3LL on earth having to lie immobile in bed and listen to Pru...

J in O

Brilliant as always Kat. Loved the title-last night seemed like a bit of a downer after Tuesday, just back to the usual yadda yadda and only a few tidbits that made the night.

J, I am right there with you. I am so heartily sick of Adelina, and I don't buy for a minute the crap about honoring her sister's wishes. The writers are trying hard to make us like her, but just can't. But woman, if you are trying to pretend you don't know anything, try not to make it look like you do but aren't going to talk. I hate when she gets all dismissive with the I know better attitude.

So last night we got Cris wondering through bars, the skivvy Val/Sev scene, lord help me a LONG two boring Flavia scenes and Cande moaning but the night before they chopped the livin' daylights out of GOOD scenes. Did not make me a happy camper last night.

So Sev is basically going to have to kill half the characters in the show to "shush" everyone up. But I do worry for Hum, he wants to be a good man, but he just seems as expendable to everyone now. But with his ruination, might result in the same happening to Pru and wouldn't that be lovely. Man, she is becoming more disgusting in every episode.

Yeah yeah, so hook up Ren and Sylvia already because girl wants a little fun and those dudes are messing things for her. Tomas was sweet. I do rather like that Ren seems to be more exhausted by all the shenanigans lately. He almost had a "oh crap" resignation showing Allie the bullets like "man, another friggin' thing that is going to set her off to do something stupid."

Where oh where is my E-man?? Stumbling to the waterfall is my guess. I hope in his drunken stupor he finds Simonetta and that sobers him up. The powers that be instead harm one hair on that Bod Squad member and I may hurt someone.


Mornin' Diva! Thank you for this splendiferous recap of yet another exciting episode! Yes, we get more of the same with Adelina who is on the lighter shade of gray in the continuum of baddies followed by Humberto and leading all the way to the blackest shadow of all, Sev the Dev. Can't betray my sister, hunh? What an idiot! So, force your niece to possibly have to go to Severiano again for the truth because you also made PJ swear to lie to her as well. I'm disappointed in PJ for going along with this self-serving deception.

Adelina! Adelina! Roberta is dead! You cannot betray her! She betrayed herself by having an cavorting with the devil while married, while pregnant and once again after hardly healing from having delivered her husband's child, she lets the devil impregnate her again! She damned herself by rolling in a haystack with satan after having lied repeatedly and contemptuously rejecting and mocking her husband and was saved by her Raymundo's driving into their little love nest in the barn and she paid him for that with two bullets in the back! So, instead of YOU telling Aldonza the truth about this horror, you would rather she be forced to go to the man with whom she was betraying your beloved Raymundo with, the man who raped her so that he can leer and sneer at her and boast about how her deluded "slut" of a mother killed her own husband to protect his worthless life? That's what you want? That's fine with you as long as YOU respect a promise to your dead sister, to hell with Aldonza, to hell with the truth, to hell with you!

Uuuuuuuf! Ok, ok, I'm fine, really. Here are some gems I enjoyed!

Tomas! Do you have any idea when the last time was I've had some pretty dress action on this show?! Won't anybody think about my needs?!

I just want Silvia to be happy. So if she wants Tomas, I give them my blessing.

Damn, y'all…Silvia is a galan! No, scratch that, she's…un galanazo!

Loka is ok, physically, but emotionally, she's a wreck.
[Don't correct the Loka part.]

Sev is smoking a frickin' cigarette in church. Die already, you --!


For the--will you--why--what--SERIOUSLY?!!! "Stop lying and tell me what happened!

At least she's got a foam collar now that coordinates with her bed ensemble.

Lola spent the night outside on a bench crying because Emmanuel doesn't deserve her tears.
[I cannot express the contempt I feel for this pouting, scowling, empty-headed, impulsive, devoid of common sense idiota! She can go in the trash bin with Mari and Val and Flavia -- Uuuuf!

Don't want to end fussing. . .thank you Diva! Let us beseech the tn gods that the scissors be spared from here on out. This thang is good!


Ooops! Sorry for the space below my comment. Vivi, this corrects something I said in mine, above, thanks:

I had forgotten that Sever actually shot Ray first, before Ray whacked his arm, hence the two bullets. One from Sever and the coup d'grace from Rob.

Great recap Diva. And thanks for explaining the story behind the serenade in the restaurant. I totally missed that. Loved your description of Tomas with his white socks, his "catering job" tux and his enthusiastic "Le gusta" shoutouts. Clearly he's too much of a doofus to end up with Silvia permanently but he's a hoot and also good at opening Renato's eyes to being in love with his colleague, not the elusive Aldonza.

Loved this phrase "all bad attitude and bluster" concerning Sev's various travesties in church. But dang, the actor can still bring marvelous humor at times. His puckish remark to Candela as she shrieked in immobility in bed, noting that he "feels a certain something" looking at her like that, just cracked me up. Whenever he's chiding her about her fake piety, he chooses the same ironic tone, and forgive me, but at those moments I find this monster charming.

Could have done without the whole maudlin Gonzalo/Flavia thing. And also her syrupy sweet support of Joaquin when he worried about Emanuel. But overall, things are marching to resolution. Hoping for another body to resurface soon.

Thanks as always for your snap, crackle and pop to start my day.

I like this Daisy!

Where oh where is my E-man?? Stumbling to the waterfall is my guess. I hope in his drunken stupor he finds Simonetta and that sobers him up.

Anybody keeping track of the different scenarios for how poor Simontta's remains will resurface?

Good morning, 5ft. Wow, you made us proud with your treatment of this episode!

Ditto my rant from yesterday about the CC's. Jeez, they spend all this money to produce this thing and they can't even synchronize the streaming text? Whatever.

I love Pru's descent into irrelevance. Being shunted aside by all around her, and she is oblivious to it, still thinking her peculiar thought patterns mean something to anyone. Her activities remind me of the comedy skits by Foster Brooks back in the '70's when drunkenness was still a funny concept.

Although I wanted those bullets to be found in Ray's ashes, I wondered if it was possible that this could happen. I found out that the temperature inside a crematorium is 1600-1800 degrees F. The melting temperature of copper is 1983 degrees; lead is 621 degrees, and steel is 2600-2800 degrees. So, if it was a jacketed bullet, it could really have survived the heat. I'm sure the authors looked this up too.

I'm still enjoying watching Cande confined to her bed, gnashing her teeth at all and sundry.

Sev flicking his cigarette ashes in the church reminded me of the final statement from the priest at the graveside ceremony prior to Vatican II: "Remember, man, you were made from ashes, and to ashes you shall return." . . . or something like that.

I loved everything about Tomas' and Sylvia's date, from his short pants and white socks to her comfortable giggling at his antics. This poor girl has taken so much mental abuse from Renato, and really deserved to have a nice evening out. The fight afterwards just displayed once again that Renato is a controlling ass. It seems to me that it also means that he has hidden feelings for Sylvia, and that they will likely wind up together. Sylvia: go with the guy who can make you laugh.

Thanks again, 5ft. You never disappoint.



Wow I loved this! Thank you! I always feel like I'm right there with you on the couch when I read your recaps.

"Even I shushed Dominga from my couch"

"Or maybe a catering job"


"Do you have any idea when the last time was I've had some pretty dress action on this show?! Won't anybody think about my needs?!"


"Cande failing at rest"

The recap is just riddled with little commentaries that I love. Thank you again.

You know, it hit me reading comments, (Lila, you were on fire girl!!) that this TN should be titled "Waltzing With the Wrong". Honestly, I don't know if it was meant to be written this way, but lord, we seem to be wishing most of these characters walk off with someone besides who the TN gods dictate they hook up with. And trying to justify some pairings, they are just messing with people...I know I'll have to keep all throwables far from reach as we wind down and they push everyone to their dictated other. Pull out the beanies and Pink bows all around no matter how they force it...did I ever mention I actually dislike the color pink?


You just kill me Kat.

"Oh, bless him, the little tyke, his pants are too short and his socks are white"

"That's Conduct Unbecoming, Emmanuel"

"Yeah, of course that's your reason"

Michelle and Pablo have done a bang up job as a brother sister team of private dicks. Suits them much better.

Pru - “The last mosquito that bit me had to check into the Betty Ford clinic.”

Adelina - I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired

Lola - crying because I think he has forgotten he loves me

Renato - you were never that playful with me

Tomas - "Get your motor runnin'...Born to be wild"

Emanuel - pub crawl

Severiano - "Smoke Smoke that Cigarette

Flavia - more hot men than Imelda Marcos has shoes


Favorite part of the show last night has to be "THE DATE" and your commentary of it made it all the more fun. Would love to see Tomas and Silvia together and see her polish him up a tad.

Thank you Diva, your comments always add so much to the story.

Thank you 5ft, you're so funny and fun to read.

More later, I've got to run.

tofie--woohoo on the Steppenwolf reference to Born to be Wild. My that takes me back....WAY back. One earworm I don't mind all day.


Diva - Thank you for the fun, snarky, excellent recap! You were on fire with this one.

Cable TV guy came and got us fixed, so now to get caught up. Must see TV --->Tomas/Silvia's date. :-)

Too bad Cande did not suffer escaleracide. What a wasted opportunity.

I see our "Cande" will be in another upcoming telenovela, A Que No Me Dejas. I wonder if she will be a screechy witch in that one, too. Eeek.

Tofie --- um, yeah, I did not need the "Born to be Wild"/Steppenwolf earworm, or ... did I? Makes me think I am a teenager again. Maybe I'll get more chores done today..... vroom! LOL

It's funny how certain old songs will bring us right back to that place in time.....


It is funny but at the same time I was swooning for David Cassidy and my mother bought me the Partridge Family album my older brother and his friends were wearing out his Steppenwolf, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple & Humble Pie albums. I remember his.

Good morning!

Gracias, J in O! As much as Pru upsets Cande, she's the one Jacinto should have been concerned about letting in the house. Actually, I wonder who Cande would rather have to spend an hour locked in a room with--Pru or Aldonza? If she had to choose.

Gracias, Daisynjay! Less Flavia, please!

Gracias, Lila! Hey, when it's a fussworthy episode, what else is there to do?

Re: Adelina. Her attitude made it WAY obvious that there was more to the story, thus IMO "betraying" her sister better than if she'd either just told the truth or blamed it all on Sev. And she could have blamed it all on Sev if she really wanted to keep Roberta's secret. Who's gonna know Sev didn't fire both those shots besides Sev himself? Who happens to be the guy who owned the gun. I don't care if he gets blamed for one thing he didn't do in the middle of all the stuff he did do.

Gracias, JudyB! Somebody had mentioned before that serenade guy was a previous winner of... Mexican Idol? I'm a little sad he got upstaged here, he has a very nice voice.

Gracias, David! I cannot for the life of me figure out how it is that Sev needed his truck to drive all the way to Santa Lucia, but Pru was able to stumble from Santa Lucia to Las Animas on foot, in heels, looking half-asleep. I hope she flagged down a cab in the square or something. Good call on the bullet! I guess that means they never did an autopsy, nor did they embalm the body. Which requires a little beanie adjustment for me after watching too many crime dramas.

Gracias, Sara! I'm glad you enjoy my my smartass humor :p

Gracias, tofie! Hee hee! Thanks for the Steppenwolf earworm. Motor running, indeed :D

Gracias, emeraldrose! I feel like I maybe focused too much on the date, but it was so much more fun than the other stuff going on. And something different.

Gracias, cathyx! Catch you later!

Gracias, doris! Yay for fixed cable! I guess they didn't want Cris to have the guilt of accidentally killing his own mother? Because the guilt of accidentally throwing her down the stairs, but she survives so she can lay the guilt trip on him herself is better?

Morning all! Diva - Fantastic recap, as usual.

Well, people have already quoted my faves, but I'd like to add:

"And on both of them wearing helmets, which is probably the most romantic gesture of all. What can I say--safety is sexy." So true :)

Ditto on pretty much everything. So nice to see Silvia happy and with an adorable guy that adores her. Tomas is secretly 8 years old and it's super cute. His parents fussing at him is a little weird (because it would make more sense if he really were 8), but I still love it.

I'm kind of sick of everyone else.

I don't like what Adelina's doing, but I get it. She's only got one person left who loves her and isn't mad at her and that person's her dead sister. smh. Damn. She might get to Hum level (where she's just tired of keeping other people's secrets), but right now she still has something to lose whereas Hum's pretty much over Pru and Val and his prima(donna).

What she doesn't get is that this secret will come out, whether she likes it or not, so she might as well bite the bullet (no pun intended). At the very least, I don't know why they didn't tell Aldonza that the truth won't bring her any happiness, but she should know that the person who killed her father suffered a lot and is already dead.

One thing of vital importance that I forgot to mention about Cande's last scene this episode...she was awkwardly sitting up, propped on pillows, and the braids were perfect.

I don't care if he gets blamed for one thing he didn't do in the middle of all the stuff he did do. Now there's an idea!

Lord help the person who tries to stop her then though because I feel like she'd grab her little pistol and be out the door before Adelina could even slip on those ugly shoes of hers.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Gracias, HellaShelle! Lol, Tomas is totally 8. It's as if he didn't just decide to be a better person from where he was at, it's like he's starting over and re-growing up.

Adelina knows she's not the only one who knows the truth about how Ray died. If she lets Sev tell that story, he's going to twist it in the worst possible way. Just tell her yourself and put the "Roberta didn't mean to do it" spin on the whole thing!

Yeah Cande at the end required some beanie tightening on my part, especially for the braids. Tehy could'nt have gone with a lose braid. Or even...dare I say it?...A ponytail?

See, now I would consider that a valid reason not to tell Aldonza...she's already dealing with Emmanuel's rejection and worried about his disappearance, and the last thing she needs is to go after Sev yet again and put her life at risk. Of course, when she says "I'll just go ask somebody else" we all know she means Sev.

Yeah, this is one time that maybe she should bend her lying rule. She could say Rob was trying to shoot Sev or Sev even bring up the truth: Sev did shoot Ray in self-defense. That won't really change anything except that it will protect some of Aldonza's memory of Rob.

Cris and Al were surprisingly not physical last night. It's sad to me. The course of this romance has been one of the most disappointing I've ever seen.

Lol, right? She's all bruised up and has neck trauma, but she either spent a good half hour doing her own braids or she sat up with her head unsupported while someone else yanked her face back? Suuuuuuure. Maybe they're the same braids from last night that she never took out and someone was kind enough to slick the wispies back with a little gel. I'd believe that. But, ow, you're already in that much discomfort, loosen the hair!

That's true, Sev shot in self-defense, after Ray had just crashed his truck into the side of the barn and was coming at him with a machete. Roberta, I think, got lucky (or un-lucky) with her shot and wasn't expecting to kill him. Adelina can easily spin the whole situation any way she wants to in the interest of Aldonza never knowing the "truth."

In fact, I don't even know if Adelina knows "the truth." Sure, the logistics of who did what, in what order, with what weapon, but those are just the facts. There's more that makes up "the truth" like what everyone's intentions were that night. What was it that Roberta didn't want Aldonza to know? Just that it was her shot that killed Ray? Or the entire sordid scene, including that she wanted to run off with Sev and that they'd just had a roll in the hay, etc., etc., because if it was really about hiding the secret of her affair and that Ray knew about it, that cat's out of the bag. Might as well tell her everything and be done with it.

I don't think it matters if Adelina tells or not, Aldonza believes she knows and refuses to tell. She knows Severiano is somehow involved and that there was a scandalous relationship between her mother and Severiano that produced a child after her father was murdered. Don't believe Aldonza thinks her mother was a saint by any stretch. I think to save his own butt or out of meanness Severiano will tell.


Cris and Aldonza are more like siblings and I don't see any chemistry between them. Last night looked normal. What looked out of place was Renato's jealously, it was just a day or so ago he was drunk and trying to have Cris arrested for kidnapping his squeeze, maybe a few more before that Aldonza was telling everyone she was gonna marry him and they both looked happy. I don't care how they wrap this thing but in my mind Renato and Aldonza marry, she works through her rape and they have a great life ahead while Cris lives at home with Cande for the rest of her life.

But if Adelina tells Aldonza herself, she avoids Sev turning the whole incident into "Oh, yeah, your mom shot your dad. She was sooo hot for me, but she didn't want to give up the land, so she plotted to kill him instead and make the whole thing look like an accident. I brought her the gun, but she lured him out there and shot him in cold blood and I helped her set the fire." None of which would be "true" but hey, who needs truth when you're just trying to twist the knife.

I vote allll these people stay single until they get their own personal lives in order and work on their various issues. Sadly, Tomas is closer to being a mature adult than some of the others.

That would assume Adelina could think. This is the same woman that burned a document believing that would stop an exhumation.

Heck, Severiano wouldn't have to lie and it would be enough.

I was having a devil of a time ending it with Roberta cause she wouldn't let go though both of us had newborn children and we met in a barn one last time, the clingy bitch. Your daddy surprised us with a machete and came after me though we were fully clothed. I fired in self defense but the bull kept coming and as he rose to strike me dead Roberta put one in his back. Though writhing in pain and fearing death I also was grateful and to protect her I suggested she burn the body, she hid the machete and gun. Despite the trauma of what happened she continued to plead for me to leave my wife and child and run away with her. Even as I convalesced from losing my arm, she confronted my wife with her pregnancy and attempted to force me to be with her. Your mother was beautiful but she was nuts.


"Cris and Al were surprisingly not physical last night. It's sad to me. The course of this romance has been one of the most disappointing I've ever seen."

Yeah this. I actually thought to myself when Cris walked away at the one point outside, gees, they can't even hug? There was like zilch angst of standing there with the person you "adore" and would want to start making out with like anything. It was so off to me. Not sure if that's the direction, they are supposed to act like they aren't pursuing anything between them, but hello!! Where is that TN who-begone look or quiver to the lips...something. I know they were both dealing with all the news, but to me that would have made them want to be even more locked in to each other.

Where Sebastian Rulli with those hurt puppy dog eyes when you need him?

And I heartily agree with all on Ade is actually making a mistake NOT telling because that leaves Sev an open door to make a mighty mess of things in HIS favor. He is going to savor being able to just tear Allie down with tearing Rob down and her murdering Allie's father as possible. Nice one there Ade, once again, you think of yourself and what works for you and don't take those next steps to realize what can of worms your decision opened. I thought she was so concerned about Allie---yeah, great job of showing it there.

And Kat--besides being sad that people are going to wind up with those it hasn't been real apparent they are a good fit with, I could really go for your idea. Either that or we need a MAJOR fast forward to get all these young uns in a good place mentally. But like that will really happen.


I don't know, I think Eman's paternity sobered everyone up (except for Pru, of course. Never Pru). Aldonza and Cris are focused on helping someone besides themselves, Lola at least got the message that Eman needs a friend now more than a girlfriend, Tomas has realized that riding the straight and narrow has its own rewards (I noticed his room was super neat last night) and even Mari (that no good....) is repenting (inside, anyway).

Tofie - Good lord! Why would you punish Cris that way?!

tofie, that gave me the chills. That would indeed be Sev's truth. Roberta's would be something else. Adelina's...well, it would probably be pretty close to Sev's, just with more apologizing on Roberta's behalf that would manage to make her sound even worse. I vote Padre J tells her. He'd stick to the facts, as he knows them.

Daisynjay, naw, it'll never happen. The music will stop and whoever is standing on front of whoever else on the dance floor, that's their partner. *sigh*

Lol, HellaShelle...he's practically punishing himself right now. The farthest he's gotten in his quest to "move out" was sleeping in the stables. It's like a little kid "running away" the backyard.

Kat--Gracias. After all these past weeks and the dunderheadedness of all the goings-on in SL, you keep on keepin' on with such refreshing and humorous recaps.

I particularly loved your reference to Cande's color-coordinated neck brace. Black and white certainly seems to be her color of choice. When Dom brought back her ironing in the last episode, everything she hung back in the closet was black and white. Is that symbolic? Hmmm, NO.

My having put Tomas firmly in the lightweight, comic-villain role and not paying him much attention, I finally perked up last night. He IS funny. Silvia thought so, too. I hope you get him and not old jealous, albatross-around-your-neck, Renato. You need some fun in your life. Go Girl!

I know the Aldie-Addie confrontation was supposed to be serious and intense, but I was totally and completely distracted by her outfit. It did NOT look like a negligee/peignoir to me. It looked like something she would wear to a dance.

More later, maybe.

Hate when I do it but been fooling myself most of the TN, believing in Cris and Aldonza but if honest, knew the first time I saw Renato and her together, he was the guy. Heck, if it weren't for the unfortunate timing, discovering their parents together, these kids would be deep in a relationship now and Cris nothing more than a diary entry.

Cris has known for quite some time his parents were meddling, maybe not to the extent they are, but aware, and it was all directed towards Aldonza. For him to remain in the house when his parents forbade that which he said he wanted more than anything, ridiculous. Because he did stay, he did not place the priority on a budding relationship but on convenience, a feather bed and Dominga's cooking.

Thank you, Anita! Adelina wasn't the only one. Lola looked like she rolled out of bed in her PJs, threw on some Uggs and a jacket and start looking for Em. Val's outfit looked like a hot pink top and pants with a long floral cardigan over it. I thought she was just channeling Pru, but I guess they were pajamas? You are definitely not the only one distracted by "Wait, what is she wearing?!"

tofie, to be fair, I hear Dominga's cooking is really awesome, so....

Heck, Severiano wouldn't have to lie and it would be enough.

My bad, Tofie, I think I missed something: enough to what?

In any case, that scenario's spot on; that's exactly what Sev would say.

Anita- no I think you're right. Candela does pretty much see everything in black and white and is as rigid as her hairdo.

No my bad, HellaShelle, I was responding to Kat and didn't reference my response to her

"None of which would be "true" but hey, who needs truth when you're just trying to twist the knife"

My point is he could relate truthful facts, with nuance, and those facts largely damn Roberta

I just finished watching Tuesday's episode. One thing I noticed is that it went overtime (so glad I have an extra five minutes added to my series recording!) and there was only ONE commercial break, around half way through the episode.

Another thing I noticed was in the first scene, PadJer's breath was steamy - NOT in that way! - but because it must have been so cold outside for that shot. Then the next day we have Aldonza outside in her spaghetti strap camisole while Cris is wearing his down vest. She must have been freezing!

I have to say that I have a very. bad. feeling. about Eman. All this drunkenness cannot come to any good. I have not seen El Manantial and have absolutely no idea what happens (my "spoiler" disclaimer) but I just feel like there is some kind of tragic anvil vibrating over his head. Not enough weeks left for this to be a Crockpot Theory™ so it will have to be my Crackpot Theory.™

Hopefully I'll get to last night's episode later today or this evening. :-)

I'm off to Pilates, then pedicure (this ole cougar on The Patio, while not quite "born to be wild", and is sporting dark blue nail polish this summer for the first time ever. Medicare looming large on the horizon does things to one's mind ....)

doris, enjoy your Pilates and pedicure day with some perusal of the Padre thrown in :D Are you suuuuure it wasn't steamy in that way?

At this point, when they start with the full opening credits and song, I know they're going to be cramming it in. And somehow, I never start watching soon enough to tell my DVR to grab an extra few minutes. I gave up and just told it to end recording five minutes late, from now on.

Wonderful comments, everyone. I love it when Hellashelle makes her appearance. You always have something refreshing to add. And then there's Tofie, Sara, Lila, CathyX, JudyB, Doris, David and everybody for motivating us to deeper thinking and analysis, with such insight and humor--and then there's Diva to keep it all together.

Wouldn't it be fun to officially preview these tns and give the W,D, & the Producer our tips on what would make it an A-list production? Naaah, Major Spoilers. That would take all the joy out of the Patio crowd sitting around drinking Melon-ade and poking fun at all the missteps and misalliances in the story.

The only upside is it would reduce our frustrations as Sombra limps to the regulation boda at the end.

So, is Aldonza going to wear RED, WHITE, OR BLACK AND WHITE?


Daisynjay, Vivi, and JinO--I omitted you amongst the Patio dwellers for Sombra, my humblest apologies. It wouldn't be the same without you, too. Emeraldrose, I'm so happy you stop in as well.

Though I've been absent on the forum for most of the summer, I have shared every disappointment, every joy and every teeth-gnashing scene and read each recap and every comment. (Yeah, I counted the Fla-Jock scene, it was 2 1/2 minutes long. Didn't count the Fla-Gonz scene cause I FF through it. Agree, that we waz Rob-bed of more important stuff.)

La Diva, good recap, good recap.
That gun sev is paradeing around with, somebody's gonna use It on him. Thats his protection, someone like him, it'll turn in him.
I was so hopeing that drunk "pill-poppin pru" (PPP) would blurt out that lardo is the father of evil val's defenceless baby.
On a lighter note. Tomas was so cute in his water tredding pants and omg "jerry lewis" white sox, LOL!!! they are the one bright spot in this show, at least until Renato came and ruined it. More secrets to be revealed tonite!!!


Anita- So glad you are hanging out with us on the patio as this tn winds down.

Hellashelle- I'm with you on Al and Cris. I appreciated that they could stop navel gazing and focusing on their drama to focus on Eman.

Awww! Anita! That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me all day! Thank you!

...and last, but not least, Nina, forgive me. You have been a welcome breath of fresh NEW air in amongst the "usual suspects" on the Patio.

I just don't know which way I want this to end. I agree that most of the pairings seems so "off." So what is so wrong with not having a lot of pairings. Can't we have ONE telenovela that is not narco-driven that puts plot above romance? We can have plot THEN a little romance, or not.

I would have no problem with just Domingo and Melesio ending up as the main couple.

Can't wait for Urban's Karmageddon Posits--oops, left her off the Patio list, too. Especially since she has a distinct, personal viewpoint that burrows deep into psychological reasons for obsessive, controlling humans behaving the way they do.

This isn't exactly Karmageddon, but it was fun to speculate

PJ - He can go ahead and move to the next parroquia.

Aldonza can grow a pair, live on her own and become the agricultural magnate she trained for. El Santuario becomes nationally known for its melons.

Cris - He and CaprichoII move to the House in the Hills and he becomes a hermit, with only Don Camilo and Jacinto coming to see him. He exists on donuts and soda pop. After several months, years, he returns to take over Las Animas, but somehow, it has lost its spark. After Dom and Mel retire. He sells the place to Aldie and moves to Spain -- to study some more. He runs into that nice model/movie star who remembers him and they finally get something started.

Flavia and Gonzo - They can just go away, anywhere

Joaquin can take over the management of the huerta and the caballeriza and teach little Ray to ride

Adelina - She can take her juramentos and her remorse to that nice convent Aldoza took refuge in.

Mari - She can go to law school and flunk out. Maybe she'll come home and help raise BabyLardo.

Uriel and Irma - They aren't totally happy, but they stay together for the sake of BabyLardo. They do a better job than they did with Lardo and Mari--their crosses to bear--so BabyLardo gets lots of discipline, love and attention.

Lola - Hmmm, she needs some kind of fatalistic drama in her life since she so loves to wallow in anger and unhappiness. She becomes a vet? Nopis. Takes over the Notions shop? Takes over the Candy Shop? Hmm, maybe, but neither of these provide much drama. How about she gets an engineering degree and takes over the Water Commission in SL to equitably distribute water to all the fincas. That should give her plenty of drama.

Val - Dies in childbirth; that way none of us have to be bothered with her again. (Did I just say that?) Or if she doesn't die, she learns she won't have any more children. She moves to El DF and tries her hand at writing telenovelas for Televisa.

Pru - Goes to rehab, but it fails, over and over again. Val finally takes her in and hires a caretaker for her--and keeps her happy with her favorite booze.

Silvia - She takes over the SL legal office and sends those two others back to El DF where they are out of the way.

Tomas - He and his Moto take off and he writes his own Motorcycle Diaries. It gets published. It is a big hit. It gets turned into a full-length movie. He plays himself (although Gael Garcia Bernal was briefly considered).

E-man - He goes to AA, becomes sober and a dedicated AA leader. He and Don Antonio form a traveling horse show and go from town to town with much success. Vero pops in from time to time. She and Eman get reacquainted (in the intimate sense) and then she pops back out again. He's fine with that. When Don Antonio gets tired and wants out, Vero comes back to take over his responsibilities. That works out just fine. (Maybe that's the only pairing I could approve of at this moment.)

Sev and Cande - Dead as doornails, don't care how it happens.

Humberto - I do care what happens to him. I don't see any happy way out for him short of suicide. That makes me sad.

Kat, this outstanding recap was full to the brim of marvelous lines. "Pru sees Aldonza and Cris together and sneers groggily in their general direction", "Damn, y'all…Silvia is a galan! No, scratch that, she's…un galanazo!" and "That's Conduct Unbecoming, Emmanuel" were my favorites from a pared down list.

Thank you for explaining things so fully. I did not understand that the bullets were in the baggie. And Vivi, I also did not remember that Sev shot Ray first. Thank you for that important reminder.

Kat, you read my mind with your insightful and on point “After seeing the huge smile on Silvia's face, I don't care about Tomas' past anymore. I just want Silvia to be happy. So if she wants Tomas, I give them my blessing”. Yup – call the good Padre and set the date. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile as much.
Renato was transparently jealous but I’m echoing David’s statement that she go with the one who makes her laugh. No contest there.

I like Adelina but think she should listen to hellashelle’s advice: “What she doesn't get is that this secret will come out, whether she likes it or not, so she might as well bite the bullet (no pun intended)”. Fabulous.

Anita, I'm still ticked at Humberto but have to admit, I do care as well. I'm not sure what will happen - I don't think he has the "courage" for suicide yet I don't think Sev will kill him - he is too logical a suspect.

Psychological counseling is in dire need for both Aldonza and her sibling Emanuel. Actually, the sad truth is all 3 siblings desperately need therapy. Cris will also need it when he becomes aware his father is a murderer and rapist and that his mother is a monster.

Everyone had something interesting, insightful and/or humorous today. What a pleasure to read.


Gracias, Kat, that was stellar. I particularly liked the comment about Candela's coordinated invalid wear.

Finally caught up to this one while sitting in Panera. May have to do this tomorrow again with YNCELH because my apt is unbearable at times.

Tomas is a kid and I am wondering how much responsibility his parents have for that.

I completely agree with Lila about this notion of betraying Roberta. She's dead and allowing Aldonza to confront the Devil again will have far worse consequences. BTW, is this info under the confessional in some past episode? I don't remember.

Oh, Diana, Goddess of Wisdom--It was unconscionable, but not intentional of me to have not counted you among the Patio denizens for Sombra. Whenever you post, there is always some meaty morsels to take away and chew on.

I would have suggested counseling--and you are correct, all three + Lola, Mari, Val, Addie--all need it. But since this telenovela apparently doesn't believe in counseling (except when Hum laid it on Pru--or was it Val laid it on Pru), I just couldn't bring myself to say it and wave it off as that was the cure for everything. I was mainly trying to show how they could all live perfectly happy, normal lives, by themselves, without being paired up or our needing a boda at the end.

Make sense?

Anita-- Oh my. What a list. Basically, most everyone can just get lost with a few exceptions. Works for me.

Love your Tomas idea, but uh, can I change that to say Gael Garcia would still be in the movie because then I'm a lock to watch. I am not ashamed to say I will watch anything, anytime that man is in. I just did my 3rd binge wtach viewing of Mozart in the Jungle this weekend on Prime. The man could stand and drink water and I'll watch.


Dear Anita, "...they could all live perfectly happy, normal lives, by themselves, without being paired up or our needing a boda at the end".

I totally agree amiga...plot without romance would be so refreshing.

Sometimes great friendships and familial relationships are just as fascinating (and more enduring) than romance. I fear there will be little time to dwell on how Aldonza and Eman and Eman and Cris will develop and come together as family.

The sweetest memory of this for me will always be the emotional scene with Roberta and Eman comforting and hugging each other, the spiritual bonding that occurred between them, not knowing they were mother and child. That is what life, love and dreams are made of.


I don't see any reason why Adelina doesn't just lie to Aldonza and tell her that Roberta said that Sev shot both bullets which killed him. No one expects to believe what Sev says about what happened anyway. It's basically Adelina's word against Sev's at this point.

"The sweetest memory of this for me will always be the emotional scene with Roberta and Eman comforting and hugging each other, the spiritual bonding that occurred between them, not knowing they were mother and child."

That was a great scene. I'm still mad that Uni cut the scene where Em remembers it. Yes I'm bitter and yes I'm beating a dead horse.

Agreed cathyx. Adelina is honest to a fault, but this is a great time to just make Roberta look as good as possible in light of events.

PS I feel bad about beating a dead horse so let me change the previous statement to "I'm harping on it."

Gracias tanto, Anita, for your kind words! I'm feelin' the love :D

Thank you, Nina! I hope you're right about the gun. Dude's got it coming.

Thank you, Diana! I admit, I had to hear Renato say it before I knew what was in the baggie, too! And it was just a regular sandwich baggie, which seemed so odd. And odd that they would turn it over to Renato instead of the police. When Aldonza was showing the baggie to Adelina, I wasn't even sure Adelina could really see what it was!

Thank you, Urban Anthropologist! "Invalid wear," that's a good name for it. She may be hurting, but at least she's coordinated. I like the salads and the coffee drinks at Panera, and if it gets you a comfortable environment, even better!

cathyx, I'm with you on that! He lied about Emmanuel for all these years. He should have zero credibility left. I'm almost sorry that Aldonza and Renato didn't tell Det. Incompetente what the "family business" was that sent Em running.

Diana and Sara, those scenes with Em and Roberta were so beautiful and so well done, and I really thought that was the quality that we would get throughout the rest of the show. Just one of the many things that makes it so disappointing now.

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