Friday, June 26, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #30 Special Post - Two Unedited Clips from Final Sequence

Hi All,

Please be sure to read Mauricio's wonderful recap of Lo Imperdonable's Episode 30, which is posted immediately below this special post.

We wanted to include these unedited scenes within Mauricio's own recap post, but alas after much effort to upload one single 5-minute clip of the entire waterfall sequence to a new Dailymotion channel, it was soundly rejected.  The single clip also exceeded Caray's size limit for videos.  So, I opted to only include here the (ahem) "horizontal" parts of Martin and Veronica's "Waterfall Rendezvous at Sunrise".

Univision opted to show viewers only about 10 to 15 seconds of what should have been one minute and 40 seconds of "horizontal" action.  The 1:40 length was still so long that I had to split it into the two parts below in order to come within Caray's size limits.

May this be a sign of better days ahead for the two star-crossed lovebirds:

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2


Last night's show was weird!

Thanks for the clips. Ouch caliente. I still say it doesn't last long. I do not trust crazyMart.

Thanks for the clips. I am not surprised that the Uni scissors made an appearance. Thank goodness we have you to show us what we missed. I really appreciate it! Gracias amiga!

Thanks for putting in the time and effort. I know it probably wasn't easy to edit these clips. Once again, thank you!

You are welcome. They are actually very easy to edit, and I did it with a free online video editor.

Thank you for posting. I am watching the episodes that are airing in Mexico in Spanish (to improve my Spanish) and the ones in the states with English subtitles to make sure that I am understanding what I watched in Spanish and I did notice that it was edited, not sure why Univision does that...they did the same thing for LQLVMR.

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