Saturday, June 27, 2015

Que Te Perdono Dios #113: Both Ends Against The Middle!

Parte 1~~

And let the anvils start falling……please??????

While Old Fart Fausto is getting his ego de macho handed to him on a plate with Abigail’s admission that her attentions have been solely as a daughter for her estranged papi, Diana’s just gotten her smack-down in front of Helena, Renata and Crazy Constanza from Mateo, courtesy of Marcelino.  “—Get yourself a lawyer Diana because you’re going to need one.  The legal fight for custody is coming and you know very well that I’ve got the weapons to fight you with.”

Foxy Feisty decides to use the lie that Abi’s been told vis a vis Macaria as a wedge between Renata and her daughter.  It was all Renata’s fault, he tells Abi, that he could never openly adopt her before now.  Ren, the …er…love of his life…, she never wanted Abi there with them until she softened a few years later.  Baptism and nothing more was all the further Ren, who hated and despised him for simply being her father and she his daughter, was all she would initially agree to.  And all the gifts she’s showered Abi with since is to compensate for her nastiness earlier.  Still though, she hates him.  All the circumvention has upset Abi.  Well, says Fausto, just don’t believe all she tells you.  “--She’s not the woman you think she is.”

Back at the hacienda, Marcelino has a bidnez chat with Crazy Connie and Ren.  Connie tells him she doesn’t trust him any further than she could throw him.  “Wise of you not to trust a lawyer, especially one like me.  When I take on a client I can change black into white.”  Ren is finally smart enough to pick up on that.  “—I suppose that is what you’ve done for Fauto all these years, then, right?”  “—I won’t deny it.  Being a good attorney doesn’t mean being a fair man.”  They have no relationship whatsoever now, he tells her which gives her an advantage.  Ren says she’s got a lawyer, thank you very much.   Marc advises her that while the man is an able lawyer, Fausto is the type who’ll intimidate the guy to the point he’ll run off like a frightened little boy and she’ll lose.  “--On the other hand, if you really want to be free of him and to avoid him snatching away your whole fortune, I am your best option.    If you want to fight a hungry lion, you need a person who knows how to put him back into the cage.”

Meanwhile, Fausto talks Abi into keeping mum about knowing that he is her (supposed) dad.  He’s ready to lose all, but not her, not his little daughter!  (Uggh!)

And in San Andreas, Max and Daniela discuss Porfirio’s reasons for coming there and inserting himself in his life again.  It’s to protect him, Dani assures him.  Especially from somebody like Lucio was (and from getting all the blame legally for knowing and keeping his mouth shut all that time).  Max isn’t leaving though, until he makes sure that Fausto pays for turning his father into the murderous monster he became. He even tried to kill Max himself.  And, he explains, the day when he tried killing Diego, that’s when he raced in to push Diego out of the way and his grandma got the bullet instead.  Dani says she thought that was only an accident.  Nope, he says, and so if leukemia’s going to get him anyway, he’ s got nothing to lose by making sure ol’ Feisty meets his maker at the same time.  Just then Padre Tomas arrives to give Max the good news that in 2 months he and Teodora can get married finally.

Max is told to leave and Tomas gives Xiela holy Hell for her attempted seduction of a priest.  Dani is drop-jaw impactada at this embarrassing turn of events.  She warns the padre off her and her “dual” personality which could be deadly.  Eventually she also lets Xi know what she thinks of having taken all of that for her again.

At the same time, Abi is telling Ren the disturbing news that she’s moving over to the Enramada with Fausto, who went in halvsies with her when the place burned down in order to help her rebuild the vineyards.  Ren is incensed at the idea and tries to warn Abi that he suckered her into doing that!  (But isn’t all his money really Ren’s money?  He doesn’t have a centavo of his own, except for the measly mayoral salary. Hey maybe Marc will remind her –or the writers--of that one day here soon.)  “—He’s cruel, he’s inhumane, and just an animal!”  (Of course she forgets to tell her how he pulled a gun on her and threatened to shoot her in the head just a couple of weeks ago.)  “—But he’s changed.  It’s just your pride that makes you see differently than me.”  Ren might as well be spitting in the wind.

Xiela comes back to Porfi’s and gets the great news that Dr. Pats is going to help them have a child (by artificial insemination we suppose here).

Ren is so angry now she races into Fausto’s office lair without notice and begins screaming at her.  He puts her off guard by refusing to be intimidated by her complaints (water off a duck’s back anyway—something she should have already accepted years ago) and instead tells her it’s as if she sees him with her eyes.  She screams at him for manipulating things and stealing back half of La Enramera.  He says if she’s running him off the place then she’s got to accept that Abi and he will leave together to take care of their interests at Enramera.  Ren gives in to him staying at the hacienda then, but warns him that their divorce proceedings are still in full swing.  She tells him she’s willing to fight and she’ll fight hard to destroy him and leave him shredded to bits.  She’s not giving up this time and is refusing to allow him to continue destroying everything in her life.  He just sniffs at this “naïve” lesser human and tells her it’s simply a chess game and she’s been trapped (checkmated) by her own lies.  “--You have no other move to make except to tell your daughter the truth; that truth is what is going to end up destroying you, as you know.  You’ve become your own worst enemy, my love.  Tsk. Tsk.  I warned you, Renata.  This is only the beginning because when Abigail learns that you’re her real mother it is going to be too late.  And when that day arrives, you’re going to wish you were dead. ”   “—BASTARD!”  (You can say that again.)

End parte1~~

Two Months Later…..

Max’s wedding day has arrived.  Xi shows up to cheer Max along, but he’s soured when he looks at the charm on her neck and realizes it’s Ximena and not Dani.  They grouse at each other and she tells him Fausto’s to be there at the wedding even though Max specifically refused to have him invited.  She had no choice, she says.  He’s the mayor and he and Porfi have lots of business dealings.  She then gives him the lowdown on the debt Porfi got him out of twenty something years ago.  He couldn’t pay it off and finally Porfirio demanded Lucio’s head in exchange for cancelling the debt and all that interest.  

As for Mateo’s attempt to circumvent the law to do a DNA test, Patricio got wind of that and has blocked the results from being giving over to him.  Pats tells him to bring it up with his aunt and get her permission first.  

Somehow Fausto finds Xiela in Xi’s /Max’s? hotel room and attempts to seduce her with a Howdy, Honey! kiss.  Xiela goes ape shit crazy and slaps him.  He doesn’t understand the sudden and radical (if he only knew) change in attitude after their sleeping together for the past two months.  “--Who the hell are you?”

Porfi arrives at Duarte’s office and learns that Ximena is in fact expecting a little chump after all.  (Viewerville considers the possibility that Xi’s carrying Feisty’s demon seed and Dani’s got Porfi’s lemon seed).  

Back in Santa Whatever, Teo is joined by Abi and her other two best buds all wishing her the best and telling her what a beauty she is and that the dress is to die for.  They all want to know why Abi refused to marry Mateo.  She won’t discuss it.  Nieves didn’t know Mat was divorced for the past two months she says, and the first chance she gets she races off to tell Diego, who races off to make another play for Abigail (the poor dumb shmucks).  

Dani tells Xi to get her skinny ass over to her hotel room or else.  She’s plenty upset after the deal with the padre and then with Fausto.  Xi shows up (having packed a pistol along with her powder) and Dani lets her know what she thinks of having to take grief from a priest over supposedly trying to seduce him, not to mention having Fausto’s tongue down her throat.  (Blech!  Gag attack!)  Xi tells Dani that if she wants her freedom back then she’ll have to do what she did for her years ago—kill again.  This time it’s Porfirio who’s got to go.  Xi thinks it’s high time they got rid of the useless lump and that she got to enjoy his money.  Dani has heard enough, grabs a purse—Xi’s by mistake—and races off to the wedding in a snit.

Back at Ren’s rancho, she’s moaning to her mama about the dirty way Fausto’s played his cards and turned Abi against her.  Connie promises to speak to Abi for her.  “--Things cannot continue like this.”  Ren says Fausto’s won and the worst is that he’s right, that she cannot dare tell Abi the truth or she will lose her completely.  She is trapped by all the lies she’s told Abi all these years.

As for Abi, she tell Mat that his uncle has now admitted he’s her father and there’s nothing more to discuss between them.  They’ve got to find a way to overcome their love and wipe it out.

In the kitchen downstairs, Mac's badmouthing Mat to Amanda as just another abusive rich guy who has dumped on Abi cuz she’s still only a servant’s  daughter.  Amanda doesn’t want to hear it.  (So when has that ever stopped Mac from running her mouth off?)  Mac says she’s angry as hell because Mateo was the only guy interested in Abi that was worth the effort encouraging and he’s left the picture now, too.  What’s worse is that she always knew that Max would get back in his rich-as-Croesus uncle’s good graces and sure enough it’s that darned Teodora who ends up with him.  Of all the luck!  Amanda tells Mac it turns her stomach listening to her say all this.  

Ren races in angry as heck and agrees.  She tells Amanda she wants to speak to Mac alone, please.  How dare she say all those nasty things about Abigail?

Upstairs, meanwhile, Crazy Connie tries in vain to persuade Abi that she’s been taken in by a thieving scoundrel who’s best long gone and far, far away.  Abi refuses to listen.  “—I’m telling you exactly what I told my foster mother: if he leaves then I’m going with him to live at the Enramada!”  Abi turns on her high horse and storms out the door leaving ol’ Connie with her mouth open and in absolute disbelief.  (So are the rest of us!)

Back in town, Xiela gets the harsh truth about her pregnancy from Porfi—the baby in her belly is none other than Porfirio’s!  He tricked her into thinking that it would be Patricio Duarte’s but in this day and age they are able to perform miracles, right?   It was his little buggers they used and not Patricio’s!  (Duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnnnnnn!)

Back at Ren’s, she demands Macaria tell her exactly what’s going on between Abigail and Fausto that he’s been able to turn Abi against Ren so completely  Only Mac will know.  You’re right, say Mac, she does know.  But don’t expect her to tell her a thing about it!   Of course, nosy Diana just happens to be in the area at that point and she sneaks behind the door to the kitchen to find out whatever she can.  

Ren asks what’s Mac's problem?  Doesn’t she realize that Abigail could be in real danger from the man? Macaria looks up from peeling herself another grape.  “--And why the heck do I care?  Do you really think it matters to me what happens to the girl?  Abigail isn’t my daughter!  She is NOT my daughter!”  And with that Mac turns around and leaves the kitchen DeeDee, now saucer-eyed impactada, cannot believe what she’s just heard.   

Ren is in a stew--and yes, Fausto, you felonious pile of crap, it’s of her own making.   Ren had better face up and then ‘fess up.

Outside in the garden, Diego races up and embraces Abi.  He tells her he knows that now she does love him and he lays a surprise mouth meld on her just as Mat passes by the open doorway.  Needless to say Mat turns just in time to get an eyeful.    


Looking forward to it, Jardinera.

Also looking forward to seeing & commenting on the recap!!!!!

Great Part 1, Jardinera! Abi is a complete idiot to believe the lies of Fausto, who has only started to be nice to her recently, and to start treating Ren like crap, who has done nothing but love and pamper her for as long as she can remember. Ren is not far behind in the idiot parade, letting Fausto get his way and turn Abi against her, all because she doesn't want Abi to turn against her when the truth comes out. Huh? How does that make sense? Abi will hate Ren and love Fausto in the current scenario, or worse case when the truth comes out, she'll hate Ren and hate Fausto.

Thank you for part 1 Jardinera. You do such a great job.

Wow---This is like a giant chess game being played. I can't wait to see the check mate when it comes.

You can bet that I will jump on part two when it's put up as this chess game is interesting.
the gringo

Deadly chess, I guess!

Vivi: I couldn't agree more about both Ren and Abi. Like mother like daughter. Sheesh!

Part 2 is going to be put up late. Sorry, guys.

Abigail: YOU'RE AN IDIOT!!!!!!

Renata: Hoping she doesn't become victim #16 in the Dead Pool Hit List!

Fausto: He also reminds me of former South Korean President Chun Doo-Hwan, who was an evil bastard!

Mac: I need her to get an anvil very fast!

Dani & Xim: this twin thing is wearing me out! The evil twin needs an ANVIL!


Mateo has been divorced for TWO months, so why, after his dramatic entrance with Marcelino (who is now HIS lawyer and not Diana's) and all that talk about how they have all the proof that can destroy Diana in her attempt to gain sole custody, why, why, WHY is she still in the house????

Thanks for Part 2, Jardinera! As great as the first part.

So, does Pat know that Porf pulled a switcheroo with the sperm, or does he think he's the daddy? Does Ximena know that Porf, Daniela and Pat cooked up this insemination scheme? Just what we needed. ANOTHER generation of kids who won't know who the heck their parents are.

Thanks for the recap Jardinera654!

Dianaconda has nowhere to go and maybe no money? Okay maybe alimony…but not enough to keep her in the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed.

So now what will Dianaconda do with this new found info on Abi / Mac / Ren? Blackmail Ren into convincing Mat to not file for sole custody?

ITA Vivi in DC – When the truth comes out Abi will end up hating Ren and Fausto but she should begin with the lady in the mirror for being such an IDIOT.


PBN: I'm in agreement with you & plus, she doesn't even know her biological father, Patricio Ramos, is dead!

Diana likely will get a big anvil with her name on it! I'll be happy when that happens!

Jardinera, thanks as always. I stay up almost all night to see how quickly they will post.
Please help clarify whether Dr.Pat knew there was a switch-a-rooo, or was it just a twisted joke against Daniela, or just a joke on Porfirio 'sick part.

Please I beg someone to explain to me why this novela is just racing to an screeching end.

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