Saturday, May 23, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #88: Dedications and Resuscitations

Constanza is thanking her lucky stars—well, actually her defunct hubby for his having had that little affair with Diego’s mama way back when cuz now she and the rest of the gals in the family are no longer alone when Diego knocks on her door.  Diego is now there as a male voice to protect them from that vicious wolf in sheep’s clothing that finagled his way in twenty some odd years ago: namely, Fausto.    He has a quick chat with her and tells Crazy Connie that altho’ he’s guilty of a mortal sin in loving Abi, he’ll take the hit in Heaven and keep his mouth shut about it here on earth  now that he’s living at the hacienda.

On the other hand, Mateo is admitting to Padre Tomas that he’s literally losing it because he senses now that his uncle is lusting after innocent and unsuspecting Abigail whose life is in danger.  Unfortunately, Padre Tom having been badly hoodwinked by the fiendish Fausto lo these many years believes that it’s Mat who’s totally obsessing over Abi and letting it cloud his judgment regarding the man Mat used to revere as his substitute pappy.  Padre Tom psshaws and prattles on that he’s smarter than all that (apparently not by much)!  But Mat, still hopeful, asks the padre to have a bit of faith in him, and not to forsake him and Abi in their time of need.  (Good luck with that.)

Back at the hacienda a bit later, Diego walks outside to the garden to find Abi sitting near the fountain.  He hopes she isn’t bitter about what happened at the church.  Naw, she can understand learning what he did had to scotch the marriage thing.    Too bad for her that he was supposed to be the guy who could make her forget about Mateo.  It’s just life crapping on her again is all.  Yup, he says.  They hug--sibling style--as Feisty surreptitiously glares down at them.

The next morning Renata stops in to see Tomas and takes the opportunity to discuss Mat’s suspicions regarding Fausto and Abi.  They agree that Mat’s probably so jealous that he’s misinterpreting things.  He suggests the best thing to allay his suspicions is to tell Mat the truth about Abi being her daughter.  Ren refuses.  Mat loves Abi so much that he wouldn’t be able to keep the truth from her.   Tomas thinks she’s got to try to make Mat understand somehow and stop thinking crazy things about the man who raised him.  Ren seems to think that now that Abi’s no longer opposed to their adopting her,  Mat will eventually realize once that’s been done that Fausto was only trying to help Ren smooth the way for Abi to get comfortable with the idea.

As for Fausto, he’s spending his morning warning Abi away from Diego, trying again to convince her that Diego simply has designs on her and Ren’s money and lands.  Abi disagrees and says she’s known him for forever and that he’s too decent to ever do anything like that.

Upstairs, Diana is having a bad day and is staying in bed.  The others head into town for the inauguration of the new Braille foundation Ren and Ximena have funded.  The ceremony takes place and Ximena is bummed to finally find out then that Tomas is actually the town’s priest.   Viewerville snoozes through this crappy sleep-fest until FINALLY Comandante Barragan ends the show when he reads the honorary plaque which dedicates the place after “Abigail’s father” –none other than Pablo Ramos.  Abi’s glance in Fausto’s direction during this announcement of Pablo Ramos as her papi seems like she thinks of it as just another one of the many lies she knows she’s been told.  (OMG, does she still think Feisty’s her papi?)

In the D.F., meanwhile, Daniela and Porfirio are enjoying each other’s company.  He decides to give Ximela all of the jewelry that used to belong to Max’s mother.  Porfi says Max lost any claim to them when he abandoned the Zarazua’s.  Ximela accepts but mum’s the word after today.

During the ceremony, Teodora and Max spend time at the lake.  He’s wasted so much of life and his has changed from one day to the next without warning.  No, he’s no longer interested in Abi.  She was a challenge he’d imposed on himself, he admits to Teo, when he still thought he owned the world and was king of the cock walk.  He declares his interest in her and she tells him that she was raped.  He guesses it was his daddy what done the deed.  She doesn’t disabuse him of the idea, but she doesn’t confirm his suspicion either.  No matter.  He knows it was even if she doesn’t want to say.  They hug.

At the hacienda, Macaria puts the anonymous note declaring Dee Dee’s twins as really Fausto’s into an envelope and places it in Mat’s (?) bedroom on the night table.

At the reception, Ren makes the announcement that Diego is actually her brother and is now being brought into the fold formally.  Feisty has no choice in saving face but to formally hug Diego as his new BIL.  They embrace and Fausto threatens to get rid of him first chance he has; Diego says not if he gets rid of Fausto first!  The Cougar Sisters chuckle at the news.  Simona and Helena discuss their admiration for Ren.  Marcelino’s wife, Veioleta, gives him grief for being an unsupportive husband.  Fausto rubs Patricio’s nose in it over Ren still staying married to him.

Back at the rancho, Mac notes that Dee Dee is feverish and cannot be woken for her daily meds.  So, she decides to get Princess Di even sicker by turning a fan on her for hours on end.  (Ya got to love it when one catty bitch turns the tables on another catty bitch!  Meeeowwww!!)

Fausto isn’t happy at all with the humiliation of the Pablo Ramos dedication trick Renata pulled on him, let alone telling the whole town about Diego’s being her illegitimate half-brother that she’s decided to bring into the fold.  He gives Ren grief over that.  He’s kept his part of the bargain in trying to preserve their marriage, he gripes to her, but after what she pulled today and the fact that they’re still not essentially “together” she’s “not doing her part.”  “Everything has its limits.”  Ren agrees (whatever that means).  He asks if Abi’s ready to be adopted yet.  Nope, but hopefully soon, Ren believes.  By the way, Ren says, have you seen the deed to La Enramada?  No.  Didn’t Ren have those in her room?  (How come not in a frikkin’ safe or something????)  Abi had asked her specifically to keep them for her, didn’t she?  Yep.

At the same time, in town, we learn that Vee is weakening.  She misses her brute of a hubby.  Simona tells her she’d better get hold of herself.  A moment later, Julianlio knocks on the door and wants to give Sim back her bratty son.  He’s tired of playing papa.

Dee Dee is up and interrupts Mat just before he has a chance to open the envelope with the anonymous note in it.  She begins chatting and then faints dead away.  Mat goes berserk and he and Feisty lay her onto his bed.  While Mat is gone getting his medical bag, Dee Dee murmurs she doesn’t want to lose Feisty’s twins and passes out.   He mumbles something to her like, “—You owe me a favor.”  Feisty notices the envelope, quickly reads and pockets it.  Mat fumbles with his stethoscope and anxiously awaits the ambulance.

Back in town, Simona gives Juli grief for coming to her after destroying her and her son’s lives the way he did.   Well, the kid’s a pain in the ass for him too so if she doesn’t want him, then he’ll send the kid away and she’ll never have to see him around there again.  She doesn’t think he’d ever come back to her.  He hates her now.  Well, replies Juli, willingly or not, the kid’s coming back to you.  That’s that and he leaves.

Across town at the hospital, Dr. Pats takes over Dee Dee’s case and refuses to let Mat assist in taking care of her.  “Save my children!!  Save them!!”  Don’t forget what happened to me, Mat!  You’re in no condition to assist!  Mat agrees to wait and begins pacing.

Thanks and have a happy holiday weekend! --ed.


When Mateo checked on Diana it seems that she wasn't herself. You can see in her facial expression that she was not really feeling well.

In another scene, you will see Macaria say that she brought the water that Diana asked her to bring. I think Mac said she noticed that Di was in her room the whole day and asked Di is she was feeling ok. When Di did not respond she checked on her and discovered that she was hot. She was about to call someone but she did not continue it. Instead she opened that electric fan an focused it on Di so that it would make her sicker.

Mat was in his room and saw the letter addressed to him but he was unable to open it because Di entered his room. If I am not mistaken Di told him that she was not important to him because he did not even bother to check on her. Mat replied that the door was locked and he did not want to disturb her. Mat then asked her if she was feeling ok. She said no and that she was feeling cold and tired. Mateo checked her temperature and discovered that Di was sick. Mat insisted that she goes to the hospital but as usual she was stubborn. She tells Mat that this is want you want for me to be sick and die. She then faints. Fausto hears Mateo shouting Di's name and he enters the room seeing Di on the floor. They bring her to the bed.

Mateo leaves the room while Fausto calls an ambulance. After Fausto is done making the call Di suddenly wakes up and asking what happened to her. Fausto tells Diana that she is sick and Mat went out to get his maletin? Di tells him that she cannot lose her children, they are his. She doesn't want to lose them. Then she faints again. I'm not sure if Fausto said Die! it will be a favor. Then he opens the letter that Mac left for Mat to read. The letter says that the babies that Diana are expecting are Fausto's. Fausto keeps the letter as Mateo is back to the room. Fausto said that he will tell the others what happened and that he already called the ambulance. Mat goes to check on Di and says reactiona.

Di and Mat arrives at the hopital and Dr. Duarte asked Mat what happened. i guess he said that he will take it from here. Mat insists that he can help. Dr. Duarte tells him that he is better than Mat. Di and his children are in good hands. He tells the nurse that the patient is 5 months pregnant and they need to do something to stop/prevent the contractions.

In the avance you will see that Di is in a life and death situation. Mat tries to revive her .

I'm going to bet the twins do NOT make it!

In an another avance you see Fausto forcing Mac to eat the paper that she wrote herself!! Like if Fausto was teaching Mac a lesson to "Do not lie more than you can chew!"

I laughed when Mac was finally doing something useful but directed her direction on the electric fan instead. I love Sabine's sense of humor !

Oh yeah and Teodora finally told Max that Lucio was the one who did her the you know what. I suppose now it will be interesting to see Max's reaction.

I know its unhumane and all but i hope the twins don't make it. I want the full attention directed at Abi & Mat's storyline to let the dragging over. Well it would be quite epic if the twins make it anyway , not so much for Dumbo though.

to let the dragging be over *

Thanks Aisha, Countx and Jardinera, assuming the babies make it i hope someone responsible actually takes care of them, but i'm not so sure they will make it. Hope Macaria gets her anvil fast and heavy.

I just hope the tables turn soon. The poor babies deserve to live but what they don't deserve are the parents they are been cursed with. Mac is a demon.


I know majority thinks that the babies will not survive but i still believe that they will make it. Because if the twins die Di will not have any reason to give Mat for him to be by her side. I also think that Mat will have a change of heart towards Di because of what happened. He almost lost the twins by not taking care of Di.

While watching the scene of Mac directing the electric fan towards Di. Doesn't Mac realize that by endangering Di's life. She is also putting the life of the innocent twins in danger. She just might kill three lives all at once just because of what her jealousy and selfishness. I know that Di is not the nicest person in that town but still she doesn't deserve to be treated like that.

Why not wait for Di to give birth first and by all means Mac or Fausto can kill her. The babies deserve the right to live!

I suppose Mac thought she was doing Fausto a favour but she doesnt realize that if Diana died, Fausto would lose the control mechanism he has on Mat . Her jeaulousy and obsession for Fausto completely blinded her.

Of course the twins will make it as the're the innocents in this and at least Di is in love with their father.

I'm getting bored with dragging out this Feisty make-over and bringing in Diego as the uncle myself.
Aisha: perhaps you'd like to sign up for Wed. recapping? I'm no longer able to do that night also.


Thanks for another delightfully amusing and titillating recap, Jardinera. Very refreshing and enjoyable on this dreary rainy day here in Texas.

While it would have been a good thing for Macaria to call an ambulance, I'm not certain that she was being malicious when she directed the fan toward Diana. She was, after all, running a high fever and it was certainly appropriate to cool her off. Now whether that was Macaria's intention is entirely another matter.

My favorite scene was Julio telling Simona that he wants to return Toño to her... "I'm tired of him."

Spoken like a loving dad.


Thanks so much Jardinera. I think I might have to watch this episode just to see the scene where Julio tries to return Tony. LOL!

It's been so many months now, I'm sure the writers will save the babies, but will tie Mat more closely to Di.

So much time wondering if Fausto is her daddy. Why doesn't Abi steal one of his moustache hairs and get a DNA test?

Thank you Jardinera for the recap
and also Aisha for your help early on.

I have a question---Devil Dog Fausto whips Diego like an animal
and yet Abi still takes all of Fausto's hugs and kisses. What is wrong with her---and for that matter, is most everyone in this town a little off and in need of some kind of mental help? It seems as though almost everyone is half cracked. Am I imagining things? Does anyone go to church on Sunday to hear the priest read from the "good book?"
the gringo
the gringo

Gringo: Fausto has some mental control over everyone because he's the big bad city Mayor with higher political aspirations!

Thanks, all, for posting your comments.
I've fixed the grammar and typo's enough so that it's intelligible now. :>[
Carlos: I figured you were having a belly laugh and a half over Mark Tacher's sloppy fumbling of the stethescope and medical bag--not to mention the histrionics when faced with a family emergency. Anywhooooo...." I'm not certain that [Mac] was being malicious when she directed the fan toward Diana." I wondered about that scene myself, and reviewed it. Mac grumbled to herself when dragging in the fan that Diana deserved it/this for being such a silly fool. Logically one does cool a fever somehow or other, but after that head-bashing and doping up of Crazy Connie the way Mac had done, I opted for the mean and scheming scenario. I mean, Mac certainly didn't bother to tell anybody in the family that she felt Diana was seriously ill or deleriously feverish when they arrived home as I remember.

Gringo: ViviDC probably remembers for sure, but I thought Diego kept silent about who strung him up and flogged him. Even Meliton and Benito assumed, didn't they?

Thank you so much Jardinera and everyone that contributed to the recaps, now the story is just dragging out, i need everyone to start telling the truth already, because the complications due to the lies keeps on increasing. Hoping Mac and Fausto also get their due punishment and not some forgiveness cop out side story, Mac wanting to hurt those innocent babies is pure disgusting and evil.

The babies will live. The writers can't be as cruel as Fausto can they?
the gringo

In episode 89 Diana was brought to the hospital and "real" doctors started to check on her. Mateo entered Di's hospital room and the doctor said that they are still waiting for the laboratory results before they can begin the treatment. Mateo asked if the babies are alright. The doctor said that as of the moment the babies and Di are stable but Di is very weak. Mat asked if he could give him a few minutes to be alone with Di and the doctor said yes.

Mat started talking to Diana... [please correct me if i made some misinterpretations on this] "Diana, forgive me for being so selfish. You need to fight now more than ever. You cannot die. My God, please don't take away my children. They deserve to live. I beg of you. Please forgive me Diana. My mother was right, all this was my fault. You are pregnant and I should not argue with you all the time. If you can hear me, i promise you i will do everything necessary to fix all my mistakes. We will never speak about the divorce but you have to be alright. Our children depends and you and you have to fight for our children. Forgive me God. Forgive me."

Then Di's vital signs started to decline. He starts doing CPR on Di. [i may not be a doctor but i think there is something wrong with the way Mat did a CPR on Diana. i was wondering of i'm the only one who noticed it] Di's vital signs are flat and Mat exclaims: Diana, you can't do this to me! The doctors arrived and injected something on her to revive her. Dr. Duarte explains to Mat that if 3 minutes will pass this could cause brain damage to the babies. If she doesn't respond the they will have to perform an operation immediately.

Fortunately, Diana survives the incident. Mat asks the doctors what are the possibilities that the babies could incur a brain damage that Dr. Duarte mentioned earlier. He said that there is no way for them to find out until the babies are born.

The other checked on the heartbeat of the twins. Luckily the twins are still alive.

Mat's mother asked about Di's condition. Mat says that they are out of danger. He tells his mom that all this happened because he did not listened to her. He should have given Di all his support but instead he was so annoyed and mad at her. If he could turn back time he would completely change everything. He tells his mom that one day he said to Diana that he hates her. He also recalls Di not wanting to get out of her bed because she was not feeling well. He thought Di was just trying to blackmail her. He recalls Di begging him to stay but he still left. He did not care at all. He asks his mother how can he be so selfish. His mother tells him that in our lives we sometimes make big errors.

In the final scene, Diana wakes up. She then hears the conversation of Elena and Fausto. She hears Elena telling Fausto that Mateo is his son, his son!

PS: I am sorry if my grammar is not perfect. I just wanted to share to all of you what i recalled from monday's episode. I would also like to apologize if i made some error as i was trying my best to translate what i was heard. I am still studying the Spanish language.


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