Monday, April 13, 2015

Amores con trampa 4/13/15 thru 4/14/15

I'm about to cry. I don't know what the hell just happened but I had the recap almost completely done and my computer just restarted itself. And no, I hadn't stopped to save it.

I'm really mad. I'm just going to give you bullets with the action. The snark is all gone. I tried to remember some of it.

I'm really sorry and from now on I will be hitting save after practically every sentence

  • Santi tells the family they have to cut down on their spending. They are selling Isa's car, but not Feli's. He's using it to deliver pizzas and help the family. Alejandra offers to sell her bike.
  • Fac get amorous. Maria turns him down. (Oh Facuuuundo! Over here!! The lady in the plaid pajamas and the sexy, fuzzy socks! I'll volunteer!)
  • Fac and Beto burn leaves. The city authorities show up because Isa called them.
  • Santiago tells Isa they can't make enemies out of the neighbors. Isa wants to file a complaint about the animals. Santi tells her no. He gets kind of scary and tells her not to cross him.
  • Feli finds out Francis blabbed to Carmen about seeing her dad with Isa. Feli flips.
  • Fac apologizes to Isa about the hand holding scandal. She praises him as a father and husband. She laments Santi's money trouble. Fac realizes she doesn't know about the loan. She asks him to loan her a horse (she really puts the "press" in "prestáme".)
  • Jacinto explains math. Andres googly eyes Susana and Alejandra googly eyes Andres. Diego comes to get Andres and Beto tells him to let the kids study. They argue. Diego says Beto is nothing to him. And Rocio feels the same way. Beto says they should ask Rocio. Diego might be surprised.
  • Fac and Porfirio have a snack and chat. I swear Porfirio said it was ok to look at a pretty lady. Ok. Not horrible. But did he really say you could even flirt and grab as long as it was done with respect?
  • Estefy meets Santi at a restaurant. She thanks him for the loan. On the lips. Seductively.
  • Diego asks Rocio about her and Beto's relationship. Does she feel something? She tells him no. Beto was just messing with him. They kiss.
  • Santi and Estefany have moved to a hotel room. They make out comically...
  • ....but do not consummate. Little Santi was not working. Estefy says they can try again soon. And next time will be different.
  • Later Santi dreams of taking a bath with Estefany. The rooster wakes up Isa and she hallucinates that Santi is the rooster. She hits him with a pillow.
  • Carmen explains to Susana that you have to get up early to be pretty. Feli is mad and Francis and Carmen is going to go for it. Susana says she sleeps in braids and wakes up ready to go (she's spunky AND practical!)
  • Carmen tries to leave the house before anyone notices her mini skirt. She does not succeed. Facundo is literally bowled over. He and Maria insist that Carmen change. "Pero es la moda" is said repeatedly. (This scene made me giggle...a lot.)
  • Carmen and her coat run into Feli at the University. Carmen may be whiny, but she is conniving too. She knew exactly what she was doing when she let her shirt slip off her shoulder. And asking Feli for help with her class? Classic technique. Her hug was perfectly timed. Not so short as to be mistaken for "friend zone" and not so long as to be pushy. She's good. And Francis recognizes her rival. Francis declares she will rip out the problem by the root!
  • Estefy tells her mystery partner that Santi didn't *ahem* function, but she's not giving up. Nothing will spoil their plans.
  • Esteban asks Santi to look over the papers for the new business and sign them (Do we really think he will read the papers?) They also need to go to the notario to make the transfer. Santi tells Esteban that Fac wants his money back. Santi also talks a pep talk to himself and Esteban wonders if Santi has a it Estefy? He asks?
  • Francis goes to see Isa. Isa tells her off. She caused a lot of trouble with Santiago. She was supportive of Francis when she wanted Feli, but no more. She shows her the door. But before she goes, Francis tells her that Feli and Carmen are getting mighty close.
  • Maria takes the shawls to Isa. Isa says she wants to be her friend. Her world is turned upside down. Maria reminds her that's no reason to go after Facundo. Isa tells her that Santi asked for a divorce.
  • Maria goes home and tells Facundo about the divorce. Facundo thinks they need to help the neighbors!
  • Santi cant believe Isa said they were divorcing. She says it's part of the plan to conquer Fac. Santi gets amorous, too. Isa turns him down. (Sorry, Ernesto. My fuzzy socks are for Big Ed.)
  • Fac and Maria go to visit Santi and Isa. The kids need them! They can't divorce. Fac pulls Santi aside and asks why he didn't tell Isa about the loan. Fac has a big surprise and the four of them should go out.


We had a couple of Susana sightings this evening. Yay!

This was the first episode I've watched since the first two episodes, and it made me giggle a few times. A good sign.

Do we know yet who Estefi is plotting with? I see folks think it's Santiago's partner, but I think it might actually be Isa. I find it ironic that Estefi is being so successful at doing exactly to Santi what he asked/ordered Isa to do to Facundo- seduce him and get cash out of him. Only difference is that Santi has taken the bait, while Facundo has not. Who's the dumb one, huh, Santi?

OOOO! Vivi! I like that idea. Oh...squee! That would be delightful!

The recap is up and I am kicking myself. I am so mad at technology right now. It makes my job a living hell and now at home my computer is acting up, too.

And tomorrow's episode looks pretty funny. Too bad I have to watch it on hulu....oh, I was just complaining about technology. Now I love technology again.

Oh no, Sara! It's so maddening when technology lets us down. But you rallied wonderfully and covered everything with the bullet points.

Yeah, I agreed with Gramps until he said it was also alright to touch, in addition to look, although with respect. I'm guessing he just means a friendly hug and kiss on the cheek. That's what I choose to believe. One thing is clear- Facundo's old fashioned, macho ideas will be challenged. Although tonight we saw that Santi is equally old fashioned and macho in the way he orders his wife and kids around.

My fave scenes included the mini skirt, tank top scene, and Isa and Facundo on the pool lounge chair.

Gramps used "agarrar", right? Yeah...not sure how one does that "with respect" LOL.

Big Ed was hilarious in the mini skirt scene and the pool lounge chair. That frou frou drink in his hand was funny.

So, when did Uni give up on trying to bleep out every Negrita? I can see the poor exasperated censor guy just throwing his hands up in the air and walking out after bleeping out the 100th negrita in just the first week. Glad they stopped that foolishness.

I did notice that tonight.

I can see the poor exasperated censor guy just throwing his hands up in the air and walking out after bleeping out the 100th negrita in just the first week.

Big Ed called out Uni on twitter for their censorship of the cow birth. Not sure if he included the bleeping.

Glad they stopped that foolishness.
It really ruins a show. Over on Azteca, they've taken to bleeping "estupido". At least it seems that way.

Thank you Sara. Your technical difficulties might be classified under a crash dump. Was there was a blue screen?

(Oh Facuuuundo! Over here!! The lady in the plaid pajamas and the sexy, fuzzy socks! I'll volunteer!)

Negra being censored is weird considering Carmen would call Eleazar Negro in DQTQx2. I blame La Gata for having Negro censored.

Adding to the speculation about Estefi being in cahoots with Santi's business partner; in Emilio Larrosa comedies, you can usually count on Harry Geithner (Esteban) to take on the villain role but then again I could be wrong since I haven't been following this show tightly.


Thanks Corazón. The chromebook just restarted randomly and when it came back up the recap was gone. I thought blogger autosaved as you went, but I guess not.

Thanks, Sara.Sorry that your computer turned on you. I love my tablet and appreciate having a cellphone for emergencies, but technology cannot be very frustrating.

I am not used to seeing Ernesto rolling around with a woman. I'll bet that he and Nora had a lot of giggles filming that scene. Nora seems to be playing villains lately.

Can not's 6.00 and I am half asleep.zzzzzzz

Can not's 6.00 and I am half asleep.zzzzzzz

Thanks Susanlynn! I understood you.

I actually thought I saw a genuine giggle out of Nora during that hotel scene. I may have to go back and watch Facundo get amorous.... Er I mean the hotel scene.

Sara, so sorry to see technology trolls rearing their ugly heads. Thank you for being so dedicated and selfless by choosing to craft another wonderful recap. So many of us are loving this show and you bring it to life again with your exuberance, wit and stellar writing.

I can't imagine what you wrote initially but your recap was sparkalicious and loaded with precious gems such as "They make out comically... but do not consummate", "Carmen and her coat run into Feli at the University" and "(Sorry, Ernesto. My fuzzy socks are for Big Ed.)". All hysterical.

My favorite couple is Facundo and Porfirio (bad fatherly advice aside). I love Eduardo because he emanates a genuine earnestness in his roles. He embraces the part and the other characters to the point you absolutely believe he has a real relationship with them.

I liked Isa telling off Francis. And the fact Francis has sorely underestimated her rival. As you noted, Carmen has a few tricks up her sleeve "Classic technique. Her hug was perfectly timed". Feli is starting to get smitten...

I thoroughly enjoyed the episode from Santi morphing into the chicken (and subsequent chicken dance/strut), to Andres' smiling, admiring looks at Susana, to the scene where Isa and Facundo shared the lounge chair. Stellar acting. And Sara, I think you are right about Nora smiling in her scene with Santi. Think I've caught a few grins here and there. I always like to think the actors are having as much fun as we are.

Vivi, I was intrigued by your comment that Estefi may be in cahoots with Isa. The thought never crossed my mind. That would be wild! I think though you are likely right Corazon, Henry usually does play the villain.

Sara, it is your DUTY as a recapper to watch all Eduardo/Facundo scenes. Over. And Over. Sigh. ;)

Wonderful way to start the day Sara!


Thank you Diana!

I absolutely believe that the actors are having as much fun as we are.

If it's my DUTY to rewatch the Eduardo scenes, then I guess I will make the sacrifice.

I am so grateful to have others watching with me. I love that I'm finally getting into a comedy. It's like a whole new facet of TN entertainment has opened up for me. I hope there are more comedies in my future. They cheer me up. I don't think I would be enjoying it as much if I didn't have company.

Sara, and yes, this is a REAL comedy!

Not too dark - just a sprinkling of clouds.

The truth is, I have watched a few "comedies" who have had one or two deeply disturbing story lines that rivaled the most depressing TN dramas.

If you are going to be lite, stay lite. Just leave the murder and mayhem out of it.


Sara, thanks, for redoing the recap after the computer devoured it! Computers can be a pain. "Googly eyes" indeed! "Lady in plaid pajamas" had me laughing, too.

Facundo was not smart sneaking over to "apologize" to Isabel. He still is not taking María seriously. Even when she does not want to get involved in their business, he insists they should go and help them with their marital woes as "good neighbors." Not good.

Interesting that Santiago blames everything on their money problems, maybe when the money problems are better he and Isabel will have another chance. Will there be more money coming from Facundo beyond him taking them out? Will he drop his demand for Santiago to return the loan immediately? Hmmm...

My favorite part was Facundo with grandpappy Porfirio. Eventhough the censors left in "negra/negrita" they did bleep a reference to "huevos" which was a definite double entendre in this conversation. I checked another source. Too funny. Porfirio was a hoot saying everyday he sees so many new girls: the faces not so much.

I am enjoying Carmen coming into her own. She was a gallita when she brought the fight to blabbermouth Francisca confronting her about the Facundo-Isabel situation. So glad Felipe was around to hear that. She is getting smart asking him for some "help" with her studies. I liked her new clothes and Facundo falling out of his chair when he saw her. She is all grown up!

Diana, I, too, enjoyed Santiago turning into the rooster. He reminds me of a rooster anyway and not in a bad way.

That would be interesting if it were Isabel that were in cahoots with Estefany. Nice having a little mystery.



Thanks, Jarifa! I like having the mystery, too.

I get the impression that Eduardo has a lot of respect for Ignacio López Tarso and (as Diana has noted) that really shines through in their father/son talks.

It would be kind of fun to see the ladies come out the winners when all is said and done. We keep saying that everyone underestimates them...that's always dangerous! :D

I hope we are somewhat done with the bleeping.

ITA ladies, and before I forget, Sara, let me stand behind you in line for the Big Ed rolling...

ITA that Carmen is playing it smart, much smarter than Francis... poor Francis, two (or three... or four) let downs in the same day... first she finds Felipe holding Carmen somewhat suspiciously... then Felipe nags at her for slipping to Carmen about seeing her dad and ISa together... then she turns around and sees her friend wearing the same shirt as she has and she has a tantrum about it in front of Felipe (I have to say i was surprised Felipe took her side and shouted to the gf, [i can't remember her name or the nickname they use for her] to go take the shirt off.
and finally Isa turns on her when she thought Isa would be on her side as long as Felipe did not get too close to the stinky nobody farmer Carmen.

another one of my fav scenes was the Fac and Isa on the loungechair...
and also Isa seeing Santi as a rooster and saying she feels like she even sleeps with one!! (which is why she started hitting him with the pillow... Ernesto then started moving his hips and walking bent over as if he were a rooster for real!! too funny!)

and also Porfirio in the miniskirt scene after Carmen had left saying 'No, no esta bien... pero es la moda!!!' (its not right... but its what's in fashion!)

So it seems I was right in the triangle Alejandra/Andres/Susana.

and yes, I want more Susana and Alejandra time on screen!!

Very interesting idea that the 'partners' would be Stefani and Isa instead of what we are guessing Stefani and Esteban turning on Santi.

The Santi not 'performing' twist was funny indeed... now i wonder why Stefani wants to get preggers with Santi's kid... where could that lead?

we ALL need to rewatch the Big Ed scenes... he looks good after losing some weight since Destilando, FELS and Amores Verd.

and yes, comedies don't need to resort to the dark side to make a complete show... we are enjoying this and we hope it will stay this way. the intrigue around the comedy is enough to keep us hooked.

That *is* an interesting thought, Marta. Stevey does seem pretty insistent that they sleep together.

Thanks so much for filling things, in Marta! I lost so much when the computer hiccupped and I just couldn't face starting all over.

Ugh. That should be Stefey.

too funny that Francis ripped the cell phones from her friends when she found them taking pictures of Carmen and Felipe hugging and she told them they were 'confiscated' until further notice... LOL!

Marta, you are so right about the weight loss. I was wondering what was different! I bailed early on Amores and could not understand the attraction until now.



I did not see Destilando Amor (shame on me), but I did see Amores Verdaderos and didn't think Eduardo was that appealing there.

He appeals to me here. Y mucho.

Jarifa, you are right in that Facundo isn't taking Maria seriously enough.

It seems he only does so when she gets very upset, doesn't it?

Marta, "poor Francis, two (or three... or four) let downs in the same day...". Yes, wasn't it wonderful!

Sara, I was reflecting on your remark about EY and LVO. I think you are right - that was probably my least favorite role of his. I just did not care for his partner in that, Ale Barros (now starring at 7) so...

I would love to see him with Susana Gonzales. That would be combustible.


Sara, my bad.

I don't know why I thought you said LVO. Now I loved AV and EY made me swoon!


"... and yes, comedies don't need to resort to the dark side to make a complete show..."

Amen! The few recaps that I've read and few episodes I've seen seemed to have elements even darker than some of the dramas!

Oooo...Ed and Susana! That would be a great pairing!

I wish I had seen LVO when it aired!

I liked AV, but Ed looks much better here. Remember my cowboy weakness.

Sara, it is good finding out what other novelad EY has been in. I am still a relatively new novela viewer having started with PESE back in 2012. That was by chance as I was channel surfing and saw the promos: the title and Jaime Camil in drag were intriguing.


Ooo Jarifa... May I go off topic a bit and ask you about PESE? Was it good? The team that wrote it is writing Rosy Ocampo's new one that's going to follow AcT in Mexico. I hope Uni follows suit, but there's no guarantee.

It definitely had its share of embedded drama with poisoning, murder and revenge from beyond the grave (just to name a few serious happenings)but Jaime Camil as Eva lifted it all to another level. One of the best things I have seen in and out of the novela world.


you say you enjoyed Camil in PESE in drag. did you see the LFMB episode where he was in drag? it was hysterical!... even if i laughed more with Jorge Enrique Abello in the YSBLF original similar episodes.

Thanks for the wonderful recap!

So Santi couldn't perform, could it be because he actually loves his wife? Hope so. I don't want him to be total villain.

I actually hope Isa and Stefy are not working together. I want Stefy and Esteban to be together because I would like to see Santi, Isa, Fac and Maria join forces against them.

I'm not liking the game Carmen is playing with Felipe. He told her he had a girlfriend and even if she is a bruja, she should respect it. Makes her exactly what Francis thinks of her.

Oh gosh, Carvivlie... I was being so pro-Carmona I didn't even see that Carmen wasn't being nice either!

After reading your comment I sort of wonder what's stronger- Carmen's attraction to Feli or her dislike for Fran and the desire to win the prize (Feli.)

I have to note that again we were "treated" to more of Feli's chest than I would have liked.

Marta, yes, I did see that LFMB episode. I can still picture the pink feathers. Too funny.


Carvivlie and Sara, for what it's worth, I think Carmen would not have been nearly so aggressive toward Feli had it not been for Francis' continuing torrent of cruelty. If Francis had been nice, I'm thinking Carmene would have backed off all together and admired from afar.

I'm always wrong but...


Jarifa, I know Corazon Salvaje '09 was panned by just about everyone (except a small contingent of loyal Caray,Caray recappers and commenters), but I loved it.

I thought EY was wonderful. I've said this before so forgive me for repeating, but there is a scene with EY and Laura Flores who played his mother (yes, true). I was in full crying mode and it remains one of my all time favorite scenes.


It was her death scene and she was amazing.


I can see that, Diana. Either way, I feel like Carmen is not a pushover... Or at least she is trying not to be one. She's not letting Fran walk all over her. She just needs to be careful not to become Fran like Carvivlie observed.

Sara and Diana, I think you are both right. Francis' behavior to Carmen has driven Carmen's dislike/hate and pushed her to push back by stealing Felipe.

The Corazón Salvaje '09 Dvd is on Amazon.... I want to get it just to see. Must. Resist.

Diana, thanks for the recommendation. Sounds impressive if you still can remember the scene. One of these day, I may give CS a try.


Wow! Sounds like another recommendation from Sarah. Amazon ordering is just too easy.


Amazon is the devil. I'm going to see if I can't find some episodes on YouTube first. The Dvds are so notoriously chopped up.

So happy to see so many comments today!

Only 4 1/2 hours to show time. Not that I'm counting or anything!



Diana I love to see I am not the only one who can't wait to see each new episode. I hate that I have to wait until Hulu has it up.

Soon my husband's shows will be in rerun and there will be no more DVR conflicts! Oh happy day!

ditto, ladies. i can't wait for tonight's ep either...
and i agree, Carmen's strategy makes her look like she is no better than Francis.

Thanks so much, Sara.
We can definitely see where Facundo gets his wandering eye,¿verdad?


Thanks Denise! Facundo is definitely "de tal palo tal astilla"!

Marta and Diana- so we are the early birds on the patio... Making sure we get a good seat for viewing. :)

I'm sure you don't need me to tell you all, but please don't feel like you have to wait to discuss the episode tonight. I'm not going to be able to do anything more than some bullets and that's only I'd Hulu cooperates. Or maybe I'm the only one who is eager to chat after an episode :D

No, no Sara!

I love to discuss! But as you know with my limited comprehension I need all the gifted recapers and commenters to fill in the majority of the dialog.

I CAN however anticipate I might be able to provide an accounting of how Facundo looked, how he moved, etc. Hmmm, I wonder why that is??


Well I know I would appreciate any Big Ed info you could provide.

Late to the party. Sara, thanks a bunch. Sorry about your computer woes. You are a doll to still do it again and render us a stellar recap.

Thanks Niecie! Late to the party is better than never arriving! Next week I'll make sure to save save save!

I'm watching now. Facundo cuttin' a rug with Santi=HAHAHAHA!

Episode 12 Tuesday April 14
Ay! There was a lot of plotting in tonight's plot. I will try to get it all, but I'm working from memory so I know I'll miss stuff and it won't be in order. Hopefully we can all fill in. Usually I can't recall things, but if you ask a question I can. Must be a teacher thing. I'm just to used to functioning in a Q&A environment.

La Sorpresota-Beto edition
Beto spills the beans to Rocio about Santi and Isa's "divorce". Alejandra overhears. Santi and Isa have to do damage control.

La Sorpresota-Facundo edition
Facundo takes everyone to a very naco restaurant. Isa is appalled, but I thought it was appealing. I would totally eat there! We got a pretty decent cover of El Secreto de Amor by Joan Sebastian. (One of my faves.)

Anyhoo...there is dancing and mechanical bull riding and pig feet eating and beer drinking and thought bubbling:
Maria wonders if she should tell Facundo about what she overheard Isa saying on the phone and Facudno wonders if he should loan the Velascos more money (I think. Maybe he was thinking he should give them more time to pay back the loan. I didn't quite catch it.

La Sorpresota-Isa edition
Isa starts an argument with Santi at the restaurant. She tells Facundo and Maria that Santi invented the whole divorce story to get Facundo to agree to become his business associate. She demands the keys to the car and leaves. Facundo and Maria also leave. Santi is stuck at the restaurant. He calls Estafany and asks her to come get him. She acts like her phone is acting up. She then calls her mystery associate and berates the person for not providing the basic equipment like a car. She missed a golden opportunity with Santi!!

When Santi finally makes it home, he and Isa argue. She is managing things now and he is going to have to like it. You know, she's kind of doing a better job of it. If Santi wants her to get close to Facundo she's manipulated things well. She's the victim (as she said) and she's gaining their trust.

La Sorpresota-Carmen edition
Carmen uses the excuse of a lost notebook to come back and declare her affection for Feli. Unfortunately Fran is there. Fran berates Carmen and makes fun of her and reminds Carmen that Feli is taken. She runs Carmen off.

Carmen goes home. I'm a little distracted by Margarito's wagging piglet tail, but I think she tells Susana that she is not going to let Fran win. Fran doesn't know who she's messing with.

The next day, Fran makes an ass out of herself. She calls Carmen all kinds of names and says she and Feli spent the whole night laughing about Carmen's declaration. Carmen doesn't believe it because Feli is not mean-hearted like Fran. She tells Fran not to "look for her" (the classic idiom.) I felt like Carmen came out the classy one in this fight.

La Sorpresota-Maria edition
Maria takes a bucket of fresh squeezed milk to the Velascos. She talks to Rocio. Rocio confirms that she was the one that told Beto about Santi wanting to bilk the Carmonas out of their fortune.

When Isa returns the bucket, she gives Maria a check for her shawls. (Gosh I hope it's good. I want this to be a legit business deal.) She also tells Maria that a designer saw the shawls and wants to include them in a fashion show. Maria looks very happy and proud. I will be furious if this turns out to be a scam.

GAH! Forgot!!
Facundo is worried about Beto. He doesn't seem to have as many friends. They plan an outing.

I have so much respect for Itati. She is doing these great pratfalls and in heels no less.

Another really fun episode for me. My faves

Facundo dancing with Santi.

Santi on the bull.


Carmen saying "I'm an idiot" and Susana responding "Well we all know that."

All of Itati's pratfalls.

Facundo in a bandana a la FELS.

It would be very amusing if Estefy and Isa were in cahoots. Does Estefy know anything about Santiago's swindle? I missed something somewhere.

It would serve him right for Isa to turn on him when he didn't even tell her about it.

Fab mini recap, Sara! Your faves were my faves too. And I just loved that little piglet! Wanted the scene to go on just to keep seeing him. :)

So, will Isa's plan work better than Santi's? It could, because the key to Facundo's money is Maria. Facundo is a push over and can be won over any time. Winning over Maria is the hard part. Now Maria's brought over fresh milk, and was genuinely happy about the fashion show. Good job so far, Isa.

Yes, Carmen totally came out looking like the classy one in that argument with Frances. It seemed like Frances was trying to goad her into throwing her drink and food at her, and ended up actually doing it to her self a bit. Good of Carmen to keep her cool. But she does need to acknowledge that it's not cool of her to be going after someone else's novio.

I don't think Estefy knows. And as interesting as an Isa/Estefy plan would be, I almost hate for that to be the case because Isa is likable (despite her flaws.) I prefer to see Isa and Maria is a super successful business venture. That would knock Santi down a peg too.

Thanks Vivi! Carmen does need to tell Santi that she likes him but totally understands he has a girlfriend. Then just be a friend and sit back and let Fran's fits and classicism destroy her. Feli isn't stupid. He'll see Fran for the wench she is.

Sara, loved the edition headings!

Excellent recap which you summed up perfectly by "Anyhoo...there is dancing and mechanical bull riding and pig feet eating and beer drinking and thought bubbling".

You read my mind as I agree with every single highlight you noted but I will highlight "acundo dancing with Santi" and "Santi on the bull.

Margarito is a sweetheart. I noticed the red ID tag was missing - the dear piglet must have been ready for bed.

I had so much fun watching this. I loved Santi and Fac, the best couple by far. So nice to see Maria smiling and happy. I much prefer this Maria to the frowning one. Wonderful to see her and Fac dancing and smooching. I liked her flowered dress a nice change after seeing her in the revealing short dresses in LM.

Vivi, totally agree that Isa's plan is likely to be more successful for the reasons you mentioned.

The acting from the children to the leads is stellar.

I will miss most of this tonight and am very sad. This, like the wonderful recaps and comments, really brightens my day.

Thank you, thank you Sara.


UA, Vivi had also mentioned the possibility of Estefi and Isa being in cahoots as well.

You both may be onto something.


Oh, and I liked seeing Facundo and Maria getting snuggly and amorous in bed. :)

Sara, thanks for the recap! What a fun episode!

Facundo was wondering if he should give them more time to pay back the money.


Granny warning "tonta como una puerta" María again about Isabel because if she is inattentive she could be gone in a "¡pam!" We found out even though Facundo is a flirt with "medio ojo alegre", he has not been a cheater.

Facundo slapping María on the butt as they leave.

The whole restaurant experience from the pickled pigs feet to the mechanical bull. The Carmona's seemed almost a little too country for the "regulars".

Facundo not liking María dancing with Facundo and grabbing her away quickly.

Facundo blaming everything on Santiago and already seeing Isabel as the victim. Her plan is working before we knew about it.

Felipe telling Francis he did not like her humiliating Carmen.

Isabel telling Santiago she will get the Carmona's to invest "her way".

María mending fences with Rocío and thanking her for the info via the bucket of fresh milk. I liked her asking Rocío to return the bucket as a sign of perhaps an ongoing relationship.

Isabel and Santiago not thinking of Alejandra and the fallout from their goofy plan.

Carmen keeping relatively cool with her dealings with Francis and keeping her eye on the prize.

The best part:

Any Margarito sighting!!!!



Jarifa, yes, Facundo did not like Maria dancing with Santi, did he? And I smiled because although there is zero chemistry between the two, Facundo wants to be the only Carmona who flirts!


It's amazing how a simple phrase like "...the dear piglet must have been ready for bed." can make me smile.

Jarifa is right-any Margarito sighting is the best part! He's turning out to be the breakout star.

Facundo's jealously taking Maria from Santi was pretty funny.

Thanks for the great recap!

So Felipe is most certainly not worth Carmen's time. He shouldn't have let Francis go off on Carmen that way without intervening. Also, the fact that he has been with Francis for so long just shows that he has no backbone. Her bad behavior couldn't have just started now.

I'm never sure if Isa is being honest or playing a game. If it's a game, she is smarter than Santi and I totally believe her wide eyed act.

Thank you Carvivlie!

Feli definitely needs to ask Porfirio for some of his huevos. It's a little annoying watching Feli put up with Fran's awful behavior.

Isa is very intriguing.

Now that I’ve caught up with the eps, recaps and comments, I’d like to make a few observations of the last couple of weeks.

But first. Thanks so much to NovelaMaven, Sara and Marta for recapping this TN and Jarifa for her notes. I’m liking it because the humor isn’t too cringeworthy.

Wasn’t sure I wanted to watch this one, but told myself on that first Tuesday, that I had to give it a week, at least. That Wednesday’s ep hooked me.

The b***h that’s harassing Carmen has the most beautiful eyes. Too bad her heart is black.

Isa’s assistant looks familiar. I think she played one of the friends of the evil sister in CME? She ended up doing the leads a solid.

I thought when I saw the part about the costume party that poor Carmen would not be able to pull an Elle Woods—but she did. Good for her.

How can Felipe even want to be with the B when he could have sweet Carmen.

Isa’s developed a crush. Serves Santiago right for pimping his wife out.

I see Isa and Maria in business together. What’s with the “Mary” though?

Thought that Susana had eyes for the same boy that Ale did. Glad she didn’t. Don’t want that to come between what looks like a great friendship. I missed the googly eyes he was making at Susana. I thought he was making them at Ale.

I thought the scenes with the family scared of Jacinto were kind of funny. I missed the ep with the explanation. I don’t like the reasons why, but thought every one did a great job during those scenes—especially the kitchen scene where he walks in and they all scurry to the other side. I’m very fond of shows with geniuses (Bones, Criminal Minds, Scorpion), so like that there’s one in this one. Loved the scene with Jacinto, Grandpa and the cows.

Santiago is a not an evil bad guy—so far. He did pimp out his wife and is now cheating on her, but he also looked a little conscience stricken during one of the man hugs with Fac in the early eps.

Ernesto Laguardia could play FC’s brother.

Love Maria's boots with her dresses.

I do have one complaint—though I promise not too comment on it ad nauseum. I’m tired of every time we see Carmen at school she has a run in with the bitch with the stunning eyes. Would like to see the writers move on.

OT: first time I saw Laura Flores was in En Otra Piel over on Telemundo. I ended up dropping that one due to my committing to another TN, but I loved her in it. Know she’s been in other TNs since and would really like the timing gods to be on my side so I can commit to one she’s in in the future.


Sara, thanks for the fine recap. Jarifa, thanks for the extra deets.

It’s funny that Facundo and Maria were even too lively for the restaurant regulars, but maybe those regulars are city folk who like to play country while Facundo and Maria are the real thing.

Facundo wants to be the only Carmona who flirts!

Diana, so true. I’ll bet Maria has never thought to deliberately make him jealous in order to shake him up. She’s too sweet for that.

EY in the headscarf had me thinking back to his FELS days too. Weight up, weight down, hair cropped, hair long, beard, no beard, me gusta ese hombre.

Isa doesn’t seem interested in sex with Santi. I wonder if he's cheated (or tried to cheat) on her before.

I’m okay with Carmen going after Felipe. She was attracted to him the first time she saw him, before she met Francis, and the novios aren’t even engaged.

Feli definitely needs to ask Porfirio for some of his huevos.

Sara, One can only hope that there's a big payoff when Feli gets some huevos and finally stands up to Francis.

Nanette- I really like Laura Flores too, and she's back at Telemundo now (although I feel they are under-utilizing her talents). Loved her in En Nombre del Amor as the glamorous good mom; loved her as BSC mother from hell in Refugio Para el Amor; loved her as the goofy tia in Llena de Amor. And even loved her as the stone cold CIA agent/head in the recent silly Reina de Corazones (although a bit one note).

Thanks, Nanette!
I do have one complaint—though I promise not too comment on it ad nauseum.

LOL! I'm so guilty of this!

I’m tired of every time we see Carmen at school she has a run in with the bitch with the stunning eyes.

AGREE! I would like to see Carmen being successful at the Uni.

Thanks Niecie!
Isa doesn’t seem interested in sex with Santi.

I wonder if her crush on Facundo has anything to do with that.

Laura Flores was really good in Al diablo con los guapos, too!


Feli definitely needs to ask Porfirio for some of his huevos.

Sara, One can only hope that there's a big payoff when Feli gets some huevos and finally stands up to Francis.

LOL!! you guys are cracking me up...

Oh and Nanette, so glad you've decided to stick with it :)

Also forgot to mention that I love Maria's boots and dresses, too!

Marta, I swear I'll never look at huevos the same way. I've always known about the other meaning, but with Porfirio talking about them all the time I find I can't help making huevos jokes.

Sara, I will post a summary of this one later this evening/early morning


Bless you, Jarifa!

If you want I can copy and paste and give it its own post. It's no trouble and you deserve the spotlight. :-)

Just let me know.

Sara, I really don't care. I am doing this because I am enjoying this one so much as well as the company on the patio. In keeping with the "humor", I guess am sort of an "irregular" recapper.


Well, I'm going to give you your own post. :-)

Just do your thing here and I will copy and paste it when you're done.

I appreciate even "irregular" recappers.

If it hadn't been for folks like you, Marta and NovelaMaven I don't think we would have made it this far.

And this really is a special little show and a cozy little patio. :)

Part 1

Jarifa's notes. Capítulo 13

At the Velasco offices Santiago fills in Esteban about the situation with Isabel. Esteban says he will find a way to regain control. Esteban doubts that since all of the money has been spent on wages, the collateral for the new company, and the 2 million pesos he gave to Estefany. Santiago sees the latter as an investment to gain the trust of Estefany. Santiago figues that with the rest of the money he will rob from Facundo as well as the money he will get from Estefany, he'll be set for life.

In the kitchen, María and grandma Perpétua are discussing the dirty air of the city. The conversation moves on to grandma trying to talk María into workingwith Isabel she on the business opportunity Isabel is offering her. She sees it as a chance for María to do something for herself. María is confused. Grandpappy Porfirio is hungry and stops by and gets 2 hardboiled eggs. (He never misses a chance.)

Beto and Fausto are sitting outside having a few beers at a bar when Fausto encourages Beto to introduce himself to two cute girls at a nearby table. He introduces himself and brings them back to the table to socialize with him and Facundo. Isabel and Rocío are seated nearby and watching.

Back at the office, Esteban tells Santiago that he will not get the rest of Facundo's money nor will he get any money from Estefany. As a matter of fact Facundo is asking for his loan back. Santiago is on the verge of losing everything even his marriage. What Santiago needs to do is reach an agreement with Facundo or he could end up in jail.

Isabel sits looking at Facundo thinking how easy it would be to steal Facundo from María and how that multi-millionaire just has to be hers. Rocío suddenly gets up and goes over to Facundo's table and starts making a scene accusing Beto of cheating on her.He says he only came for company with his dad. She disagrees and slaps him. Isabel comes over and looking at the girls says she never would have expected this of Facundo and tells the girls Facundo is married. The girls leave thinking Rocío and Isabel are Beto's and Facundo's wives.


I copied and pasted this first part to a new post. When you finish I will do the same for the rest.

I'm off to get my beauty sleep (*snort*) and will get everything updated and fixed up in the morning.

Sorry to interrupt your notes (that look like a fabulous's far more than just "notes.")

Sweet dreams all!

Part 2. Jarifa's notes

Facundo and Beto return home trying to hide their drunken faces behind their hats when María greets them and is not pleased. It is just about dinner time. Facundo and Beto talk about the girls and how nice they were. Facundo says he knows why Beto didn't do more to get to know them: it is because Rocío was there. Beto counters with having noticed him him looking at Isabel. Facundo is not happy.

Dinner time and María announces she has news. They all think she is pregnant. As soon as Granny Perpétua says it has to do with Isabel, Facudno blurts "I didn't do anything." The news is the fashion show. Facundo says Isabel is a good woman. María gives him a weird look. Facundo says he still has ro talk to Santiago because nobody nowhere cheats a Carmona.

Facundo goes to Santiago's office and asks Santiago for,an explanation. Santiago says he made a mistake because of the desperate state of his company. He apologizes and says he will get credit and start paying Facundo back ASAP. Facundo tells him to pay him back when he has the money. He foes on to talk about friendship and how friends don't do what he did to friends nor pull their wives into their schemes. At least Isabel is a full grown woman and Rocío told them the truth. From now on they are neighbors but not friends.

Rocío discusses with Beto her reaction to his new friends and apologizes because there is nothing between them. She is not giving up Diego because she wants a real man not a little boy who has to ask for permission from his mommy. Beto goes to kiss her amd Susana pops up asking for her horse ride. Rocío invites him to her birthday party on Saturday and leaves. Susana warns Beto that if she sees him with Rocío again she will rat him out to mom.

Carmen arrives at the university parking lot in her car and sees Francis and her friemds getting out of Francis's little red car. She is on her way in when she notices Francis's license plate that says "FRANCIS". She loses it and goes beserk getting in her car and ramming Francis's car. Francis and friends come out and confront her. Security cameras, cell phones, tablets record the confrontation. She covers her face and keaves.

At home, Carmen lies about what she did to Francis's car saying it was an accident. Her parents get the real story when Felipe and Francis arrives at the door where Francis tells them she did it on purpose. Security cameras at the university recorded it. Facundo says to just let him know how much the damage will cost to repair and he will pay for it. Francis says it is not all about the money it is about the "social network". Neither Facundo nor Carmen understand that.

Part 3. Jarifa's notes

Estefany and Santiago are out at a romantic dinner. She has a surprise for him: some nice little "blue pills" to go with his coffee. He looks for excuses to not take those pills: they are dangerous without a prescription; he is just under so much pressure with his situation right now she just needs to be patient and wait. Those excuses don't do anything for her and she tells him he is confused. She'll be waiting but in Africa because her business is just about done in Mexico and there is nothing to keep her.

The next morning at the office, Santiago is telling Esteban that Estefany is leaving for Africa and he is going to lose his opportunity with her. Esteban says the only things he is going to lose is his company and his marriage. Santiago says he has already lost his marriage. Isabel is either asleep or acts like she is dead and nobody told her. Estefany on the other hand is crazy. He didn't go to bed until five a.m.! (must have taken the pills!!) Esteban reminds him that her "craziness" was the reason he didn't marry her. Santiago says he married Isabel because he really loved her but he wants to do something for Estefany so she knows she is important to him and will want to stay. He will buy her an apartment, a love nest!

María confronts Carmen about telling the truth. Facundo says they cannot help her if she isn't honest. Carmen comes clean and admits she did it because Francis has been bothering her so much. That does not fly with María because María knows Carmen has had her eye on Felipe Francis's boyfriend. The Carmonas are not criminals. Carmen is to stay away from Felipe not even be close to his shadow. When María starts to talk about men who are spoken for/taken, Facundo slouches and covers his face.

Francis and Isabel are talking. Isabel tells Francis to,be careful Felipe isn't around Carmen because she could get to him with her "mosca muerta" (dead fly) face. Felipe comes in with water and pills for Francis. She knows the iniversity cameras will have the incident recorded. Isabel tells Felipe to cut off his friendship with Felipe. Isabel and Francis tell Felipe that Carmen is toxic.

Another kitchen conversation between granny Perpetúa and María where María is telling her mother that she could not believe what Carmen did to that girl's car. Granny says that she did not get that from their side of the family. She got it from her other grandmother, Facundo's mother (deceased) Claribel. She was like a "cabra loca." (Crazy goat). Facundo comes in and asks if María has made up her mind about Isabel's business offer. He says it is okay by him as long as her household chores don't suffer. Granny says she will help out.

Isabel and Federico, the fashion designer, arrive at the Carnona's. Federico thinks that granny's "molinillos" (hot chocolate beaters) are some sort of exotic artifacts. The long and the short of it, he is in with María's shawls and puts in an order for five originals. They are going to create a new fashion line "México Chic". María thinks to herself she just wants to be close to Isabel to see what secret she is keeping; nothing good she is sure.


Part 4. Jarifa's notes

Since Carmen is without her car, Beto takes her to the university. He'll take her to her diving test when she is ready. Felipe confronts Carmen about what she did. He saw the security tapes. She tells him she didn't know what came over her, what she was doing. He says he likes her (gives her hope) but is in love with Francis. They can be friends only. Carmen agrees but thinks she is not going to give up.

Back at the office, Santiago is looking at 10 million peso apartments for Estefany. He wants her to feel important, linked to him. Esteban wants to know what is so important about her staying. Santiago says that it is an investment. He is sure that Estefany's millions will come to him and he will get his investment back with dividends.

Outside the Carmona's, Alejandra is taking pictures of cute little Margarito and Susana. Conchita the maid comes over to get her and runs into grandpappy Porfirio who putsmthe moves on her. As only grandpappy Porfirio can. She calls him a fresh, dirty old man and leaves with Alejandra. At the Velasco's, she complains about Porfirio and wants Santiago to do something but her requests fall on deaf ears. Santiago and Isabel start fighting again and Alejandra tells them that their separation would be better than them fighting all the time. She, Felipe and Rocío leave the room.

María and granny Perpétua follow a messy trail to the
bathroom where granpappy Porfirio (with his hat still on )is taking a bubble bath inspired by and talking about Conchita the mango of the "cuerpo de uva" (grape shaped body). (Very funny and no eggs!)

Santiago and Isabel are now in the bedroom still discussing and argung. She tells him about María and Federico and the new fashion line. Santiago does not see how that will help. She tells him that if Facundo's wife goes into business with her, her boutique will be profitable and then their divorce can be a reality. Isabel thinks to herself, going into business with María is just the first set in getting Facundo all for herself. Facundo says that she won't make any money from the boutique; that she won't make enough to buy a "pan dulce". She tells him she is sick of all of his bankruptcy talk. Santiago thinks to himself "If you only knew, I am not bankrupt at all." By the way, Isabel punches him in the stomach as she leaves the room.



After the "FIN" : Third to last sentence should read " SANTIAGO" says that she won't make any money from the boutique.

Thanks, Sara.


All done and fixed up like requested (with maybe a few words of praise to the headings.)

Let's move the conversation to the new post!

See you all over there!

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