Thursday, March 26, 2015

Que te Perdone Dios Capitulo 47 -Nobody can handle the truth! -Full Recap

 Here is the recap on the courtesy of TN4Ever:

 Refrito: Mac is spying on Renata and Comandante Barragan’s conversation in the parlor. When he mentions Pablo, she’s like, “I thought I told you to leave that alone?” He wants to know if she’s Abi’s mom. At the hospital, we re-learn that Diana is pregnant.

New: Dr. Pat tells Di that he has advised Mat to wait to get divorced, but Diana says no, bring it on. His punishment for divorcing me will be to lose his child. Dr. Pat has to swear not to say anything. If there are Mexican HIPAA laws, then it’d be illegal to. But neither priests nor police officers are very discreet, so we’ll see about the good doctor. After he leaves, Diana stops crying and gets her game face back on.

Abi is loitering outside the Hacienda and Diego shows up. There’s a creepy scene of uncle telling niece how much he loves her, to give him a chance, he loves enough for both of them. In other words Diego’s usual spiel.

Back in the parlor with Renata, Com. Barragan begins his imitation of Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men. But instead of coming on strong, he’s using a gentle, pleading tone: “I want the truth, I think I’m entitled to it. You and Pablo are Abi’s parents. Fausto told me.” Renata does her Jack Nicholson, saying so what if she does everything for Abi, including but not limited to food, shelter, clothes, education, properties. Fausto is trying to shift blame from himself to my father by saying that. And does the Com. really think a highborn girl would get involved with a peon? Way to betray Pablo, Renata. Finally, Barragan asks, “Did you order the code red? Are you her mother?” Renata does not give it up. She confirms that Abi is Pablo’s daughter, and Mac’s. Instead of proceeding to court martial, Barragan feebly keeps insisting that he knows he’s right, and that Ren is lying. He’s about to tell her, “You can trust me. I love Pablo, too. He’s my-” miniskirt and fringe vest. That is, cut to Abi walking in and interrupting them. Ren asks her to show Barragan to the door.

Now Benito is roping horses in a corral at the Enramada, and Meliton walks up. He wants to know where Lucio is. Benito simply asks, “What do you want him for?” and Meliton apparently can read him like a book or read his actual inner mind, and is all like, “What have you done, Benito? Are you mixed up in Fausto’s accident? I know you would do anything for Mac. What kind of cosa tarugada (blockheaded thing) have you done?” Benito doesn’t say.

In the hospital in the D.F., Max has presented himself per his uncle’s summons. The uncle is controlling the purse strings while Max’s folks are away. Max takes the bull by the horns and says he knows Porfirio heard him and Ximena talking about killing him, but it was meant in such a kindly, loving way. And it was actually all Ximena’s idea, she filled Max’s head with nonsense. Uncle says, “Fine, but just in case your motivation wasn’t to spare me but to get your hands on my money, you should know you’re out of the will.” Max plays it so cool, “That’s okay, I understand. I love you tío,” even going in for a hug or pat or something. What struck me about this scene was how animated the man in all the bandages was. His voice was forceful and you could see some facial expression getting through. If somebody would draw some eyebrows on his mask, he’d be pretty much good to go. Finally, Daniela walks in (good twin impersonating Xi) and takes the blame, backing Max up that it was her idea.

At Porfirio’s mansion, Lucio is seated at an outdoor breakfast table looking very much like a fish out of water. The real Ximena joins him, and she better hope that Max doesn’t call Lucio and mention that he’s at the hospital with his aunt right now! That could turn into a real “Who’s on first?” Anyway, Lucio works the bumpkin schtick by mentioning his hankerin’ for some huevos rancheros. Ximena sends a maid to go get some, and begins to question Lucio. Is he the owner of the Hacienda? No, just the capataz. Are he and Max really going to buy a hacienda? Well, they want to. Ximena then gets personal and and says, “Can I ask you something and you don’t lie to me (she can handle the truth)? What happened to your eye?” I think Lucio pretty much tells the truth, that he got into it with a peon. Then Ximena raises the ante even more by asking, “Why did you come here? To kill my husband?” Lucio suddenly needs to leave to wash his hands.

The role of Fausto’s study will be played by Fausto’s bedroom this evening. The first appointment is Renata, demanding to know why he told Barragan about her affair with Pablo. He starts up his BS, but she knows it was just to deflect blame from himself for killing Pablo. She says he has poisoned Padre Tomás against her, and how could he dare swear on his knees like that? He has ni conciencia ni alma (neither conscience nor soul). Fausto brings out a new lie, that he lied about having killed Pablo. He only said that to hurt Ren, because he was jealous, and to shake her up. But he didn’t really do it. She doesn’t believe him. Outside his door, she pauses to call him, “Mil veces maldito (a thousand times cursed).”

Lucio has made his way to an elegant bathroom and is looking around like he has never seen indoor plumbing before. He uncovers the shrouded mirror, and looking at his damaged eye, flashes back to the scene of Pablo’s death. I didn’t see the first episode(s) and had never seen how Pablo gave it to him with the business end of that shovel. Ouch! The flashback morphs into Fausto manhandling and slapping Helena the day before, and the scene switches to Helena, crying gently at the Enramada. Mat comes up and wants to know what’s wrong. She admits it’s Fausto that upset her, but won’t say why. Instead she says she is stupid, emotional and confused. Mat wants to know why she’s always been so scared of Fausto, and what secret is she hiding? Because he can’t handle the truth, she says there is nothing, and calls Fausto his tío (vs. his dad) about ten times, as well as denying over and over that there is any secret to speak of.

Now Marcelino is in Fausto’s bedroom. That’s not weird. Fausto is like a grande dame this evening, receiving visitors in his boudoir, because he has a cut on his head from his rollover car crash. Marce is so pitifully scared of Lucio, making no pretense of manhood. He is dutifully terrified by the killing of the bodyguard, who nobody, not even his partner, seems to miss, by the way. Fausto is as cool as a cucumber about Lucio, and doesn’t want to go to the police and risk both his and Lucio’s misdeeds coming to light. And then Fausto adds another lie, that it was Lucio who killed Pablo.

Meliton has made his way to Mac’s place, and tells her that she is responsible for all the problems surrounding Renata, Pablo and co. She used them to try to get Fausto for herself, and now she’s doing the same with Lucio and Benito. He warns her that he won’t let her provoke another death. She doesn’t like what she’s hearing, and shows him to the door, with an incredible view of very fake scenery.

Julio, no, JULIAN please, is with the remaining live bodyguard at his (Mia’s) house. The bodyguard likes the sound of the plan they have concocted. “But where will you get the money to enact it?” his inquiring mind wants to know. “From where you least expect it,” says Julian. He further says that he will then be able to repay what the bodyguard “lent” him in Colombia. Now the dude needs to make himself scarce, they can’t be seen together so that no se nos cae el teatrito (our little show doesn’t fall apart). Don’t call us, we’ll call you.

From where we least expect it, Juanita the maid is telling Epifenia that it’s such a shame that Eduviges is shut up in her room, sad and lonely. Juanita pretty much knows what used to be up nocturnally, and it’s just a shame, you know? Epifenia tells her not to be a metiche (buttinsky). Simultaneously, Motor is climbing in Eduviges’s window. “Mamacita chula” “Motorcito del alma” and other endearments are exchanged. Motor says they need to talk first, but he gets overridden. So to speak. But afterward he says that they must escapar (elope). “And how would you support me? Where would we live?” asks Edu. “With my mechanic’s salary and in the little room I rent,” responds Motor. Edu stifles a laugh. She smoothes over the moment with a kiss, but my impression is that this isn’t going to go well for Motor.

Later on, Epifenia is sitting outside, seeming to be reflecting on the situation with her sister with a more open attitude, but then sees Motor leaving out the window and has a fit!

Next up in Fausto’s room is Mac. He doesn’t want her waiting on him, and tells her to send Abi instead. Abi is out with Diego, who knows where or doing what, taunts Mac. Mac takes it disgustingly further, saying that although she has always kept Diego away from Abi, maybe he should be her first after all. Why? So that Fausto loses out to a peon, again. Revolting the way they talk about Abi like this. Mac leaves, reminding Fausto about the incriminating gun she still has. Alone, Fausto swears he will be the first one to have Abi, even if he has to kill other comers (sorry, this is sickening enough without me adding to it).

Abi shows up at the hospital to visit Diana. “Why are you here?” “To see how you’re doing.” “¡Hipócrita!” “Fine, I want to talk about Mat.” Diana tells Abi that Abi criticized her for being with a married man, and now Abi is the one doing it, offering herself up. “But I love Mat, and you’re just using him!” Diana proceeds to hurl invective along the lines of Mat only wanting Abi for one thing, and when he gets it, he’ll drop her in two seconds. Just like Abi’s dad did with Mac. Ooh, low blow! Abi doesn’t buy it, knows that Mat doesn’t see her as a plaything and says to let him go. Diana says she will, but she is 100% sure that after using Abi, he’ll come crawling back to Diana begging forgiveness.

Renata is flashing back to her conversation with Helena and who the father of her baby could have been. There were altogether too many people in this episode wanting to know who other people have, are or will sleep with! Has anybody ever heard George Carlin’s riff on soap operas? Very applicable tonight. When Ren comes back to the present, Mac comes wiggling into the room. This is a woman who could be pretty, who definitely has a smoking figure, but she is usually bug-eyed (like all through this scene) or making her mouth so frowny and downturned that she doesn’t live up to her potential (imho). Ren tells her about the conversation with Barragan and says, “We must protect Abi. Because she can’t handle the truth.”

Benito has come to the kitchen seeking Vicenta, Diego’s grandma. Vicenta says she ain’t there. Benito wants Vicenta to treat Diego right, but Amanda says they both know that Diego and Abi can’t be together, because they both have Bruno’s blood in them. It seems Benito is in on most of the pueblo’s secrets. He can handle the truth.

Now cut to a very important scene. Vicenta is at Don Bruno’s grave, and there is kind of a love theme playing in the background. She talks about Crazy Connie some. And then says that there are those who believe that Diego is his son, but it isn’t true! Then she says that Bruno hurt his family, but that she can’t hate him. He was there for her when she needed him. So Diego isn’t Bruno’s son! Is he back to being Fausto’s son? Is he Vicenta’s son? How was Bruno there for Vicenta and why did she need him? At least we no longer need be creeped out when he declares his love for Abi.

Diego is taking Abi home from the hospital. She’s droning on about Mat, and then realizes she shouldn’t be with Diego present. She’s like, “You made it awkward by saying you loved me.” Diego asks her, what if Mat doesn’t leave Diana? Don’t become his lover. Diego doesn’t want her to become a scarlet woman about town. Abi just stares out the window.

The final appearance in Fausto’s room is Amanda. And she is a poor substitute for the Abi that Fausto wants. He snaps at her, and she says Abi is still out. Well then, where is my wife? With Dr. Pat who just showed up. Groan, just what I needed.

Ren is thanking Pat for the offer to examine Fausto, but really, he is fine. Wouldn’t that be a bit much, Pat? Talk about awkward. They start making a scene about where is Abi, where is Abi? and she walks in shortly thereafter. They want to know why she went to see Diana. After she leaves, Ren says that Abi is sad ¿verdad? They discuss Mat’s love life for awhile, and Ren wants to know how she can help Abi. Pat says, “You better just be there for her. I don’t think Mat will get divorced, because…” “Because what?” He has cara de impactado because he almost spilled the beans about the pregnancy!

Avances: Mat and Abi lovey-dovey. Abi getting watched at the lake (as usual). Then the worst, Abi going into Fausto’s room, him feigning a fever, her going over and helping him stand up out of bed. He is shirtless and seems to have some spray-on abs on sagging skin. Mat walks in and looks like an idiot.


Count, thanks for putting up the discussion page. I wish I could comment or contribute but I have not seen this epi.

Can't wait to read the recap! Thanks again, in advance.

I'm currently watching tonight's episode. I didn't see yesterday's but in the comments someone mentioned that they were surprised that Daniela acted rude towards Lucio. Well, if the twin who greeted Lucio coldly is the one I just saw on the lawn with Lucio, then it's Ximena, not Daniela. Ximena has the lightening bolt necklaces. Daniela has the other one.

Here is the link to the recap. I believe it will get posted to Caray later on by CountxAlacran, but in the mean time it can be read here (copy and paste to your browser):

I hope this works! Sooner or later I should get access to post regularly, but until then thanks for being flexible.


Vivi, it was Daniela who greeted Lucio. She even made an emergency call to Xi when he showed up. I think she was just embracing the role!

Tonight it was the real Ximena giving Lucio grief. Yes, the necklaces are key.

The full recap has now been posted and added to the page! Thank you very much TN4Ever:) And if anyone who doesnt get his mail filtered can post to Blogmom it would be very appreciated so that TN4Ever can get full access for the blog

And yeah,does anyone like my new avatar picture? :)

Great recap TN4ever! I went to bed before the episode ended. I'll have to catch up this weekend. Thanks also for the info about Dani being the greeter. The twins sure are playing a dangerous game occupying the same place. I thought Ximena was going to go far away. Surely, people will start to realize that Ximena can't be in all these places at the same time.

Mac is disgusting, and I can't believe that Renata is still ignorant of her treachery. I'm mad at Renata for putting up roadblocks in the investigation of Pablo's murder, but I am glad that Barragan didn't get to reveal who he really is with Mac listening.

I'm fascinated by what Diana is planning. Is she really going to divorce Mateo and withhold his baby from him?

I no longer watch this tn which is too dark and too late, but I read the recaps and thank all the recappers for their time and effort.

my favorite line in this recap.."we relearn that Diana is pregnant.''

TN4Ever, this was fabulous.

What a thoughtful theme and so perfect for this episode.

"Meliton apparently can read him like a book or read his actual inner mind", "Lucio works the bumpkin schtick by mentioning his hankerin’ for some huevos rancheros", "Fausto is like a grande dame this evening, receiving visitors in his boudoir, because he has a cut on his head from his rollover car crash", and "The role of Fausto’s study will be played by Fausto’s bedroom this evening" were great but "he is shirtless and seems to have some spray-on abs on sagging skin" was my favorite.

I only saw the first 20 minutes but it was evident from your recap that so much happened after that, I was really sorry I couldn't stay awake. That said, had I seen the shirtless Fausto, I'm sure I would have had nightmares so...

ITA that Mac and Fausto are despicable, particularly in their treatment of Abi. She needs to keep her distance. And Mac has corrupted Benito. She is revolting.

I was also relieved Vivi that Barragan didn't have time to blab his secret about Pablo. At least it is safe for now.


So have they said what relationship Barragan has with Pablo? is he his dad? or related? if not, why the special interest from Barragan to find out who killed him? I like Barragan, he is my fav char in this so far.

Marta- Barragan was Pablo's stepdad and raised him.

Thanks TN4ever---I like this show even though all of the family trees are hard for me to follow. The characters were all laid out a couple of recaps ago but with all that are involved, it's still hard to follow.

Damn all the novela eavesdropping.
There is always someone listening from behind an open door, pillar, bush or up on the balcony. It is a common theme that runs thru every novela that never seems to get old.

I am not looking forward to Abi with that dirty old man tonight.
Can someone buy Fausto a blow-up plastic doll?
the gringo

The family line ups are not that hard to follow for me . Here are they:

- Ren is Abi"s real mother (Mac is the fake one)

-Fausto is Mat"s biological father

-Julian is Tono"s father

- Brutus is Diego"s supposed biological
father and is so Ren"s brother and Ab"s uncle

Max is Luc"s bio son and was living with mom"s spouse. His mummy uncle ,Fake Dad"s brother is called Porfirio .

These are it except we know almost nothing of Luc"s parents & the elder Zarazuas. Diego"s heritage is still a mystery.


Vivi, I thought Barrigan was Pablo's father - thank you for noting he was his step father.

gringo, you aren't alone. I am having a difficult time keeping everyone straight. It's often hard for me to keep up when I watch religiously but when I miss entire episodes (or even parts), I am struggling to keep up.


Thanks so much for posting this Count, and thank you everybody else for the patience and positive comments!

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