Friday, February 27, 2015

Mi Corazon es tuyo, #156, Thursday Through the eyes of the Innocent

The new:

The kids have come to visit Ana and they all hug her, extremely happy. Then they ask what is wrong with her health. Dad told them that she has a stomach bug, but that’s so strange, since she ate Manuela’s food, just like everybody else. While Angel and Johnny try to come up with an excuse, Ana feels bad again and faints. Angel takes her to the room, while the kids cry and scream to know what is going on. I don’t know how it was for everybody filming this scene, because I was crying when I watched. Warning: I’m crying a lot during this episode.
While Angel checks Ana’s vitals, Johnny tries to reassure the kids. But they are all heart-broken, each remembering different moments they shared with Ana, how much she loved them and promised she would never leave them.
When Soledad arrives home Luz jumps into her arms and tells her what happened. Soon after Fanny arrives, too, and Angel tells everyone that Ana is better now but she needs to rest. The kids want to help her get well, but there is not much that they can do. They also have to leave without saying goodbye, because Ana is asleep. So they leave, all feeling very bad and worried. Fanny stays behind and asks Angel what is really going on. Her father made up the excuse that Ana is sick, but is she really feeling bad?
Angel explains that due to all the emotional turmoil that she’s gone through, Ana is suffering from severe anxiety and she needs a lot of rest before she can be well again. Seeing the children affected her a lot, especially under the circumstances. Fanny realizes that Angel knows the whole truth. She thinks that maybe with time, Ana could get over losing Fernando, but she could never recover from losing the kids – they are her family, her whole life.
Fanny does get to see Ana, who is still asleep. She gives her a kiss and leaves.
At the office, Fernando is talking to the two detectives that he hired to track down Freaks. After they leave, he remembers his night with Ana at the beach. He is very sad. Fanny calls and he reluctantly answers. She needs to talk to him as soon as possible, so she will come by the office.

Freaks is in the street, “talking” to his father about his revenge. Father now urges Freaks to find his son and raise him to be a proper man (one that would probably seek revenge on Alex and Guille in 20 years or so).

Bruno and Manuela are in the kitchen. Bruno is literally sniffing around Manuela, wanting to ask her something, but not succeeding (or did he? this episode was too high on drama for me to pay any serious attention to the sillyness). 
Outside the house Zeus is dreaming about him and Bruno having a pistols duel for Manuela’s honor (or something). They are all wearing 18th century clothes, but the highlight of the scene is Jorge Salinas, who is trying to keep a straight face while stating the rules of the duel and counting the steps before the participants can shoot. As Manuela (dressed as a maiden in distress, blond wig included) arrives to stop the duel and proclaim her love for Zeus, he falls to the ground, dead, hit by a bullet through the heart.
Real Zeus wakes up in the car, startled, and takes a look in the mirror: he’s much too pretty to die in a duel.

The brief comic intermission over, we’re back to the ongoing pain and suffering:

Leon is being visited by his mom and Reina at the hospital. Mau is at school but he sends his father his favorite super hero to protect and give him strength. Leon is feeling bad physically, but his heart hurts the most, because of Fanny. She came to see him in the morning, which means she still cares about him, but the strong bond they once had is still broken.  He told her how much he loved her, but she said nothing. He also mentions the letter he wrote her when he thought he was dying. Reina offers to take it to Fanny since he didn’t have the courage to give it to her.  

Ximena is helping Manuela take care of DN. She checks on the kids who are doing their homework and notices that Luz is not around. That is because Luz is in her room, crying her little eyes out. Ximena goes to find her and tries to comfort the little girl the best way she can.

Fanny arrives at the office and tells Fernando that Ana is feeling very sick. Fer gets upset, it’s not his fault if Ana is sick. Fanny tells him that he can’t keep her siblings away from Ana, they already lost their mom, and they can’t lose Ana, too. And Ana would die without them. Fer seems to take this information into account.

Johnny, Jenny and Sol talk about Ana and Fernando and how big their love for one another is. That is why Ana is taking the break-up so hard. Angel uncomfortably listens, he doesn’t like what he hears, but he might as well get used to it.

Fanny goes to Nando’s room and tries to talk to him about Ana, but Nando snaps at her again, calling Ana a traitor, just in time for Alicia to hear them from the door.

Ana woke up and Soledad is with her. Ana is thankful for Angel’s help, but she doesn’t want him to get his hopes up. She knows that he loves her, but she will never love him back. Sol says that Ana should just allow Angel to fight his battle.

In the meantime Magda visits Angel. She asks him point blank if he’s happy receiving only crumbs of attention from Ana. She understand it all too well, because she feels the same way when it comes to him. The simple thought of having him close at work or the occasional kiss is making her immensely happy. She knows that he’s waiting for Ana's break-up to last forever, but he should keep in mind that Ana is in an extremely fragile emotional state. Angel gets upset and tells Magda that he doesn’t want just a little attention from Ana, he wants everything: for her to fall in love with him and forget about Fernando. Magda realizes that she’s fighting a losing battle so she tells Angel that she’s done. He can do whatever he wants because she's out. 

Fanny is telling Lenin about Nando’s stubbornness. Lenin is trying to see things from Nando’s perspective, too, but Fanny is not convinced. As they decide to start doing their homework, someone calls at the door: it’s Reina, bringing the letter from Leon.  

Luz is in Ana’s room, flashing back to the way she found her mom on the floor, dead. Fernando finds her crying and Luz asks directly if Ana is going to die, too. Fer tries to reassure her that Ana will be all right, but then Luz wants to know when she will be back. Fer doesn’t have an answer for this, he just hugs Luz and promises he will always be there for her.
He carries Luz to her room and Luz asks to speak to Ana before she goes to sleep. Fer agrees and he calls Ana, who can’t believe it when she sees the caller ID. But she only gets to talk to Luz, who is crying. They say a prayer together, Ana tells her that everything will be OK and hangs up in tears, too. Luz asks her father to stay with her until she falls asleep. Then she adds that she’s very happy that he is going to marry Ana because Ana makes him laugh and he needs that so much.Ouch!

Ana is in very bad shape after talking with Luz. She feels lost, defeated. Jenny reminds her all the things that Fernando has done in the past: marrying Isabela, allowing Isabela to treat her badly etc etc… Ana doesn’t see the point of the remark, since back then she and Fer weren’t a couple. True that, but Jenny insists: Fer is no saint, either, he did his share of mistakes and then he wouldn’t let go until Ana forgave him and took him back. So Ana shouldn’t give up, either, no matter what. This, too, shall pass.
Ana seems to listen to these words of wisdom. Hmm… a heroine who doesn’t succumb to her pain and bawls for 30+ episodes, but instead chooses to fight for what she wants? That’s a novelty.

Alicia comes to ask Nando about Ana and why he’s fighting with Fanny. At first Nando refuses to tell her anything, thinking that Alicia is too young to understand. As Ximena arrives in the bedroom, too (she’s been playing with the twins, so she’s very ruffled), they start telling Alicia about Ana’s lie. When she hears that Ana only lied about being a dancer in a club Alicia’s reaction is: “Yeah, so what?” Nando reminds her how their father used to behave, how demanding he used to be about the nannies and their qualifications. Ana lied to secure the position in their house, she obviously has no diplomas. Alicia still doesn't see what the big deal is and wants to know what will happen with the wedding and if Ana is ever coming back. Just then Fer goes by the room and hears everything.

Lenin asks Fanny if she’d rather read Leon’s letter all alone (#genius). Fanny is confused, so much is going on right now, she doesn’t know what to do anymore. Lenin says that he can be by her side through everything, but not when it comes to Leon – she has to deal with this on her own. He kisses her cheek (a kiss good bye, if you ask me) and leaves.

Leon’s deathbed letter is a love declaration (obviously). He professes his love for Fanny once again, apologizes for his lies and his berrinches (tantrums) and thanks her for making him a better man. She has become his engine, the thing that kept him going, she proved him that love exists no matter what by accepting him and his humble possibilities. She taught him about true love and he is so sorry for having wasted so much time with foolish arguments.
Lenin is somewhere outside the house, on the verge of crying, while Fanny is weeping in the living room and Leon is in his hospital bed, remembering moments that he and Fanny have shared. Who will she choose? Lenin or Leon? Doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out.

Fanny is in her car and she sees Freaks lurking
Fernando comes to see Ana, who is in her room with Angel. Ana looks hopeful, Fer looks serious, Angel looks pissed.


Adriana, great recap with a great title. Thanks!

So it takes Alicia to cut through the crap and get down to what is important. Her reaction to finding out that Ana was a dancer in a club with her matter of fact "so?" Was my favorite part of the episode.

My second favorite part was Jennifer reminding Ana that Fernando was no "blanca palomita" (little white dove: innocent little thing) in their relationship with him having married Isabella, etc. It was a good dose of reality therapy that should help Ana attain a much more equal footing with Fernando in their eventual reconciliation.

I was exasperated with Fanny that she did not stand up to Nando and let him have it when he started in again about her betrayal to Fernando. The girl needs to stop being so "nice" and get a backbone in these situations,

Loved the duel.



I loved your great recap and finding out that someone else is releasing a tear or two.

I totally missed the duel scene, must have snoozed off and unfortunately missed Fernando (JS) trying to contain his laughter. I'm going to rewatch that part of the episode just to see JS; Manuela and Zeus I can do without. And a note to Osorio (although I'm sure he isn't reading anything, including his writers' script), please SPARE us the Manuela and Bruno silliness! !

Again, kudos to JS, SN, and MV for putting up with the silly demands of Osorio. I don't remember PQEAM being this silly and childish. But maybe FC refused.

Thank you, AN. I am glad that I was not the only one with tears in my eyes over the children's reactions to Ana's illness and separation from them. Luz and Sebastian really moved me.

Jarifa - I, too, loved the scene with Alicia and Nando. Ximena and Nando explained the circumstance so well -- something that Nando has been less clear about with Fanny. Alicia's response was perfect.

Ximena has certainly shown herself in a different light these last few days.

The crew must dangle something shiny over Diego Nicholas' head during his scenes. He is so calm and seems always to be looking up at something above him. If so, a clever way to keep a baby still.
He is a little doll.

I fear Fanny is about to have another embarrassment in school. She has such a good heart but is so engaged with her family and friends that she can't find the time or will to take care of herself. Still, she is the best defender of her siblings' interests and she and Fernando seem pretty much back on course.

Great work, Adriana Noel.

Finally we see JS in a 19th-C costume! Maybe this will be the gateway to a novela de epoca with him if only they'd start producing those again.

Jenny was on fire last night with her catalogue of Fernando's faults with regard to his earlier treatment of Ana. Of course, she could have resigned but Ana stayed to protect the children from Isabully.

Did Jenny remind Fernando that they needed protection from La Tarantula? If she didn't, Nick will.

Soledad needs to remind Angel that he is deluding himself. She may love him like a son but she also knows that Ana can't love him as he wants her to so she needs to step up to the plate here.

More later.

Did they ever mention how it was that Angel became a surrogate son to Soledad ?

Excellent Adriana,

Crying Luz killed me, if Fernando loves his children like he says, and wants the best for them, at least keep her as a nanny if she'll do it.

Way to go Magda, bail on that silly fool, find you a real man.

Soledad made me mad with her Angel talk with Ana, she should have a talk with Angel, and tell him hasn't a prayer in hell.

I scream every time I see that dopey toothy lap dog grin of Angels. Ana, tell him to go home, you know why he's there.

Right on to both Alicia and Jenny. They both understand human imperfection and corresponding mistakes, spurring personal growth, is different than malicious intent to destroy and should not get in the way of a deep love. Big picture girls.


We have 2 lapdog and 1 idiot: Angel and Lenin and Jonny. Lenin is far worse than Angel with his poetry, contradictory socialist ideas, and insistent with Fanny. However, the stupidity of Jonny far surpasses the other two.

Victoria, it was mentioned a while back but I don't remember the details beyond that his parents died when he was fairly young.

Tofie, Ana should not go back until she and Fernando have reconciled. She should not live under the same roof with him otherwise. She would die in the Deep Freeze.

Alicia is quite mature in her viewpoint on Ana's past at Chicago, but she still needs to get the blinders about Isabruja taken off. She definitely gets that Ana's empathy is more valuable to her as a nanny than any degree in child psych. Ana knows enough to supervise their homework and that's really all she needed for that; parents and nannies shouldn't be doing their kids' homework! Although I think Fernando is sensible enough to realize that.

Now is the time to unmask La Tarantula in front of Alicia.

I believe the stronger bond is between Ana and the children, and while I agree, Ana back as the nanny would be a deep freeze, she wouldn't wither away and die like she will without the children. It is a work around the larger problem, the kids.

Gracias Adriana !! So are we to believe that all Betty was good for was to turn Bruno into a "real" man for Manuela? And poor Betty was burnt by Freaky too. That woman deserves better.

I agree with you all who are thinking that Ana will be back at the house just as a nanny.
There has been a lot of talk about the fact that yes, Ana is in pain over Fernando, but losing the kids is far worse. Which is only normal, because she has been their mother for a while now.
Seeing the kids' pain Fernando will ask her to come back. Luz's reaction alone was enough to melt even the iciest heart.

Angel is annoying me, too, with his neediness,is Ana a pray that he's patiently waiting to catch?

I don't get the whole Manuela-Bruno-Betty triangle. What was that all about. All the Zeus scenes are such feeler...I'd rather see one of the kids travesuras instead.

Tofie, I might have agreed with you if she hadn't gone to the beach with Fernando... and only because it's 7 vs 1.

I also think she's pregnant now, which exponentially increases her bond to Fernando.

One more good thing about last night's events: If Isabitch tries hurting the kids with this disclosure about Ana it won't work on Alicia. She, Fanny, and Nando will do what it takes to protect the younger kids.

Angel is like a predator waiting. He knows she is emotionally vulnerable and sees this as his opportunity. He'll be quite fine with a rebound. It's sickening seeing him hopeful if she looks at him or takes him into her confidence. Creeeeeepy.

Concerning me is she knows this too, as does her mother and friends, and he has set up at her bedside.

What happens when Fernando shows and Angel is petting his catch two days removed from a wedding proposal?

At least Lenin seems to be the more mature in his folly.

Thanks for this wonderfully sensitive recap of a very moving episode Adriana.

I thought the acting in this episode was very well done. Lenin even tugged at my heartstrings with his wordless realization that he was losing out to Leon. How can one compete with a letter from a dying man?

As noted by everyone else, Alicia's succinct response to learning of Ana's pole dancing was perfectly eloquent and easily the best line of the evening:


Well said Alicia, I think you spoke for most of us.

Jenny is suddenly the font of wisdom. Who knew?

Loser of the evening: Ángel. Good for Magda (wasn't she everyone's favorite, Vicki Vicki Vicki, in Dinero?) for clarifying his status for him.


Maybe if children were not given HOURS of homework, they wouldn't need so much HELP finishing it. Helping is NOT doing the work for them. Although I personally know some parents that occasionally do homework for their kids, because if they did not, their children would never have enough time to take part in any other activities or to play. Ana does the best job studying with the kids. She is the best thing to happen to that family. She has the most important job in the world raising those kids.

AN, awesome recap. I agree that it had some funny stuff, lots of emotional scenes and a bit of way over the top stuff…
I loved:
find his son and raise him to be a proper man (one that would probably seek revenge on Alex and Guille in 20 years or so).

highlight of the scene is Jorge Salinas, who is trying to keep a straight face while stating the rules of the duel and counting the steps before the participants can shoot (ITA 1000%)

About Jenny’s speech to Ana, I see it two-fold.
1: enumerating that Fernando is not a ‘blanca palomita’ either… he did make Ana suffer by marrying Isa and then enabling Isa to torture Ana and mistreat the kids… and Ana endured that torture…
2: Ana has already lived under a toxic environment at that house for the sake of the kids(enduring Isa’s abuse for the sake of the kids)… and if Fernando tried and tried until he got Ana to forgive him then Ana should continue trying to get him to forgive her… even if that means returning to be the nanny of the kids under that toxic environment or even worse a constant indifference from Fernando as far as their relationship … as long as she is there for the kids… that would give her the opportunities to continue to apologize until she does get Fernando to listen and /or forgive her.


Carlos, ITA with every word. Alicia's response echoed many of us... who consider the humanity in both Ana and Fernando and ask... 'Y??'

I agree that Jenny is the voice of wisdom at this moment. Both telling Fernando like it is, that he should put ALL the facts on the table, not just the lie...
and telling Ana like it is... she screwed up, own up to it and move forward, like he did to get her to forgive him for marrying Isa.

Thanks Adriana, it was a tearjerker.

I haven't had the opportunity to comment this week until now, but I want to say that although I understand Fernando's anger, I think he's acting a bit like a jerk
I hate it when Fernando is feeling betrayed, he wouldn't let Ana tell him why she did what she did. He didn't want to hear her at all and never gave her a chance to explain why she betrayed his trust. Maybe if she could explain why she needed the job in the first place, how it was that she came to the house as a nanny, that mixup, and then explain why she owed Doro the money and how he wouldn't let her out of her contract, what Doroteo did to Jonny when he betrayed Doroteo and therefore made her more afraid to go against him, maybe if Fernando would have let Ana tell him all of this, he wouldn't be so hurt.

I also feel most sorry for Fanny, she's the innocent party caught in the middle. As the oldest, she is expected to take care of her younger siblings, and usually the oldest are also expected to act more grown up than they are and to make wise decisions.
I'm sick of Nando's stance that he sides with his father, also not knowing the whole story and then being mad at Fanny to, but if he were the oldest and put in the same position as she was, I'm sure he would have done the same thing.


If Ana had told Fernando about DoroGordo beating up Johnny and all his gangster doings, Fernando might have told her what danger she was putting his children in.

Do yout usually do a Discussion Page for our comments / opinions regarding Los Premios (TVyNovelas) even though most of us haven't watched all the novelas nominated?

Cathyx, ITA about Fanny. I will also add, they all seem to forget she lost her mother, too.


I also hate that Fernando shut Ana down, however, he was blindsided with this on the day he asked her to marry him, so in the short term, I have no issue with his behavior. He did not resort to name calling, nor has prohibited Ana and the kids contact. He was hurt and withdrew into himself and threw up a wall.

Had Ana had the type discussion she had with Angel, Fernando would have had time to process what was said, understand her reasoning, ask questions and Ana retort honestly.

Thanks for the great recap!

At first I was thinking, due to all of the kids flashbacks with Ana, that I hope Fer doesn't go back to her just because of the kids. But then through this process of Fer having to deal with the kids' anguish, he is reminded each time of how wonderful Ana was with them and who she really is. He can't just stay focused on remembering the lies.

When did Bruno and Betty break up? It weirded me out seeing him all over Manuela when he very clearly rejected her and was over the moon for Betty.

Splendid recap Adrian! I admit, I spent most of the hour watching the CAVS game, but did catch some interesting scenes and you helped fill in the other blanks.

And I will admit to once again being a card-carrying member of the Children Weeping on TV WUSS Society. Hate it, my heart starts pounding, tears start...need to hit the remote. Bless Luz, well all the young kids. Once again, they can see the forest. We grown-ups do have a tendency to build mountains out of mole hills.

Why have they painted Angel so pathetic. Cripes same crud they pulled with Diego. We get it, they aren't end game but the writers don't need to crucify their characters. gees.

I know Leon is end game, but I still sort of cringe over that letter. Silly arguments indeed. How about disrespecting her career plans, not understanding her need to NOT get married, the knee-jerk bad jealousy reactions he gets which leads to the grabbing, etc. I'm still having a hard time parking all that. and I feel for Lenin, don't have to like his politics ( which was ingrained in him by his parents), but he has been nothing but calm, loyal and understanding with her. And I guess for that, he gets Nada.

Are we being setup for Fanny to drop out of school because of failure again and decide being a mother and wife is her calling after all? I cry foul on that if that's what we get.

Why did Jen have to get stuck with Johny again? That woman could run a company with her smarts and common sense.

Osorio, Osorio...


I too hated that Fernando has not allowed Ana to say three words after 'let me explain...'
also thanks DaisynJay for We grown-ups do have a tendency to build mountains out of mole hills. I will have to remember that one. I LOVE LOVE that some of the lessons of wisdom on this show are from the younger kids... esp Luz, Sebas and Alicia... also felt bad for Fanny, [she is caught between a great surrogate mom/her sibs and her dad], and even Nando (give him time to assimilate, just like Fernando, he will come out of the dark zone soon before their accusations get more offensive(at least I hope))

AN: thanks for the great recap.

I was thinking how innovative of the writers for Ana to have anxiety attacks instead of the traditional TN weeping and wailing. I was also pleased they didn’t have her throwing pregnancy symptoms this early. I hope they continue the trend and NOT have Ana pregnant. Though I think UA is right. She probably is.

I agree with Fanny. I think it’s losing the kid that is causing most of her anxiety.

What were the rules of the duel?

I guess Xi is definitely in. She’s really stepping up.

I HATE IT WHEN THEY MAKE LUZ CRY. All the kids are breaking my heart.

Please do not tell me that one day after Ana’s world fell apart, Soledad was encouraging her move on with Angel!!

I love Jenny. I love Fanny. I even love Xi. But I especially love Alicia. Her “y?” made me laugh.

Poor Lenin. Good acting, by-the-way.

Going to read the comments now. Yay! What fun!


Forgot to mention. I was happy when Fer called Fanny "mi amor".

Boy Fernando hits the bullseye on the first and only shot 2 out 2 times (Isa and Ana). Wonder if he hit it 8 out of 8 times on the first (but not only) time with Fanny Sr ?

I don't think Soledad has given good advice to Ana ever.

Victoria, no, I haven't put up a Premios page in the past, but if everyone wants one we should have it.

Tofie, the other issue of this was the timing. Had Ana told Fernando any of this on almost any of the past occasions we've all mentioned this blow up would not have happened.

Anon 1:00, you are right, I was thinking the same thing when Soledad was giving the, what about Angel speech. She's flat out of touch and wrong.

Anon 1:00: I think Soledad is so happy to have Ana in her life again, that she's telling Ana what she wants to hear rather than advising her.

I know a lot of commentators here don't seem to like Lenin but I really do. He is trying so hard to be the supportive boyfriend, everything that Fanny needs. My heart was breaking when he was crying outside. He knows in his heart that Fanny doesn't love him.

Yep, UA, timing is everything.

I think Soledad just has a soft spot for Angel and knows the guy and what could be better than their pairing. Not even sure Soledad is aware she's doing that. She warned Angel one time but it was a tepid warning.

With you guys that aren't sold on Leon, near death experience or not. All I see is a grabby manchild with a bad case of the pouts.

Fanny would do well, to just put any relationship with any guy on hold a bit. The girl is shell shocked.

Urban -- I would love to see a Discussion Page for Los Premios, but since they will air on March 8th, there probably isn't enough time.

Let me just mention:

All things La Gata -- NO WAY.

Roberto Luis Guzmán, LQLVMR --- Double YES.

MCET -- Jorge Salinas and Paula Goto -- Please let them win. Outstanding, emotional acting on both their parts. I love watching them on my cell phone with its crisp sharp screen every facial pore, red eye vein, down to red/brown specks in their irises clearly were visible.

----- René Casados -- Not as Bruno, but hopefully he will win another time. He deserves more recognization.

LM -- Thank you for sparing us Victoria Ruffo crying.

I just tried but my problem historically with this show is that it airs too far ahead in Mexico for us to not know the results before it airs here. It should air live here as well because Univision would get higher ratings for it.

I don't understand Univision's propensity for airing their novelas in Mexico ahead of the USA. Is it so they can extend it here if successful in Mexico, make changes to the script based on Mexican viewer comments, or other reason(s)? This practice seems like such a folly and so stupid because a great many viewers in the USA watch Mexican broadcasts via cable, Dish, or Internet.

Plus, as with LQLVMR, knowing the ending beforehand ruins the surprise for many of us.

Every time a tn character says, "Let me explain," odds are he or she will not get that chance. Ana should have just jumped in with her explanation when they started to argue, then THAT would be the focus of Fernando's attention each time he flashes back to their fight. I hate when they waste precious time with, "let me explain," or "you don't understand," or anything like that. Just go for it, get your argument out there ... they argued for a long time anyway, why not get the information out?

If there has to be a choice: I choose Lenin over Leon.

Nanette, I too liked him calling her 'mi amor' and especially his whisper before that as he came in the room... 'how long can a parent be mad/angry with his child?' (no matter what she did or didn't do, he can't be mad at her too long... she is his kid, and probably reminds him so much of her mom)

Victoria, they aren't Univision's novelas; they're Televisa's that air first in Mexico. Stuff produced for Univision to air first are usually joint ventures between Televisa and Venevision.

I don't mind that we're a few weeks behind Mexico on Televisa's stuff... for obvious reasons. I could not be contributing to this blog if that were not the case.

Carvivlie, I like Lenin too, and I have from the start. And I thought he was very noble to leave Fanny to read her letter instead of telling her to just throw it away or something.

I feel like I'm holding my breath until Ana gets back into that house. I hope there isn't anything that prevents that--like Angel. For some reason, I think he's going to ruin it.

Great Episode. Thanks Adrian. Why was it a great episode? No yelling and screaming out loud from Ana. Love the character but loose the childish behavior already. At the beach with Fer, i kept getting annoyed. Shut up enjoy the view and your man. I suppose its because she is from a different world ,but she could tone it down a bit. sorry had to vent. Great Episode.

Thanks for the wonderful recap AN.

I've had a hard time getting to the recaps and comments in a timely manner, but had a moment now. UA, I too thought Ana is going to be pregnant. What, now we will see that Fer has learned his lesson and doesn't have to marry the woman he knocks up?

On the surface I agree with those who are in Lenin's corner. No kid, a little high on himself but still, striving to be intellectual and make a difference in this world, a little patronizing to Fanny but trying to help her stretch herself in new directions, BUT there is something in his manner that leaves me.... blah. I just like Leon better. Not that I think Fanny should convert to wife and mother. Maybe she should try being ALONE for a bit?

LOVED Alicia's reaction. I think Don Fer came after her "So?" but I wish he had heard it.

So now we are all used to Jen and Juan. Would someone think that Jen would have picked up the phone and called Nick? What happens when he returns? And Diego?

i to think that Fernando is acting like an ass, he's looking down his nose at ana as if she is beneath him. HE NEEDS to get off of his highass horse. Fernando junior needs to zip it. and Alicia is right, "so what". that girl's got the right idea..

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