Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo #135 Ana and Fernando invent a new step... 1 2 3... kiss kiss kiss 1 2 3 kiss kiss kiss... Fanny gets a huge blow ... Ximena returns!! ... curiosity killed Ana the cat... It's Sarai's time to go ... sound like a one-pot gumbo?? well, it is!!!


Nando’s nightmare with Edith opening the door to pregnant Ximena and then fainting. Ximena is expecting!

Edith crying in her room wondering if Nando is spooked because making love was not all that.

Kids try to run when Isa is waking up. Yomama has a bodily fluids accident when she sees Isa, Fernando cracks up laughing, but gets real serious when Isa starts insulting the kids again in front of him!

Yomama gives Isa a mirror… Isa has a tantrum. No fair!!

Lo Nuevo:

Fernando is with the girls at the girls room. He is caressing Alicia and is worried about her. Luz wants to talk about Sarai’s parents divorce. Sarai will live most of the time with mom but will see dad frequently. Sarai asks why couples marry if they will divorce later. He tries to explain that keeping a marriage going ain’t easy. Adult issues are complex. Most married couples are compatible, have things in common. Luz asks about him and Ana. Yup, hope it will be foreva.

Ana is walking baby around her room. She puts baby in bassinet. Ana takes monitor and goes downstairs.

Fernando and Ana down stairs, he is eager to have the dancing practice tonight. Ready? Ana first asks what he thinks of Lenin. Gets along with Fanny. Ana thinks Lenin is real smitten by Fanny. Would he be better than Leon? Would he make Fanny suffer? Fernando says Fanny has allowed Leon to make her suffer. Ana wants less talk, more dance. Fernando more than willing to oblige. They dance to a Danzon. Very close… almost kissing. (did they learn about ‘my space’) … she dances around him and he pulls her right to a kiss… and then another… she pulls away, they dance some more…

At some young ones dance club, Fanny and Lenin are at a table. Lenin is not quite of the opinion this place lends itself to lots of chit chat. He decides to dance with her, makes some old style disco moves. (apropo to the place?) well… things just got interesting. Leon just walked in with Laura. They sit down. Laura tells him precisely she used to come here with Fanny and Ximena. They order tequilas. Laura kisses Leon. Meanwhile at dance floor Lenin and Fanny make some synchronized moves… Laura convinces Leon to go dancing, of course after she has shoved about 3 tequilas on him. Now Fanny and Lenin are sitting, Leon and Laura are dancing.

At Jen’s they are doing dishes. Johnny sends her to bed, he will finish dishes. He takes pleasure in ‘serving’ her.

Ana and Fernando in kitchen… she is giving him some water… tired? No way. Fernando wants to tell her about the prank on Isa. But first Ana tells him the kids put cough syrup on her food. Fernando laughs. Fernando tells her about the shaving crème on her. He could not stop himself from laughing after all the bad she has done to them. Fernando says love to see you happy. He comes around the table and takes her in his arms… she kisses his face all over. He says he wishes he could have a pocket size Ana. When he is at the office, when he is sitting on traffic, to tell her all the time he loves her. Would fill her with kisses, but prefer to kiss the real Ana… They are kissing, this time are interrupted by Edith. Fernando again comes up with the lash in the eye. But Edith cries, says Nando is acting strange. Ana comes around to hug her. Edith doesn’t get what she did wrong. Fernando gives her an understanding stare. Ana has some words of support for Edith. Edith leaves.

Angel remembers Ana at the NYE party. Tells himself he better forget Ana.

Fernando can tell Ana knows what is going on with Nando. Ana makes him promise he won’t tell. She tells Fernando that Ximena wrote an email to Nando saying she still loves him and will be back soon.

Back to dancing Antro, Leon tells Laura kiss can’t be repeated, but she goes right to repeating it. Right then Lenin gets an eyeful of them and tells Fanny, who gets instantly upset. So upset she wants to go right now, but not before Laura notices Fanny is staring at them kissing.

Ana gets a cake from Fernando. (but not chocolate? Big miss, Fernando!!) They are still talking about Nando’s history with Ximena. Ana reminds him Ximena was indeed Nando’s first love. It was not pretty then, but what if she returns ‘healed’? What about Edith? Someone will end up brokenhearted. (they are ready to share cake…) Fernando is worried about some of this being premeditated. Ana shoves some cake in his mouth… Ana starts mumbling that he has frosting all over his lips… he gets closer like (why don’t you lick it off me?) She tells him and wipes it off with a napkin… he is noticeably let down… was suggesting a kiss. Ana says why bother suggest, lets get going! (kissing… she even puts more frosting on his face)

Edith is by Nando’s bed while he sleeps, caresses and kisses his hands ‘I don’t want to loose you Nando. I don’t want to loose you’.

Ana and Fernando now are talking about Isa and possibly marrying Fernando for money… Ana mentions she even used her pregnancy in her favor… they hear a noise… it is Fanny at the door being dropped off by Lenin. Ana and Fernando come out… Fanny came home early. They notice Fanny is upset, but she heads upstairs right away. Fernando wonders if there was any issue with Lenin. Ana says she would rather guess there was something happening about Leon.

Such Leon is back around his house, Laura won’t let him walk her home (she never lets him walk her home, he states). (I wonder if Laura’s parents are even more humble than Margarita). Laura tells herself ‘if only Leon knew Fanny was at the Antro and saw us kissing’ with a smile in her face.

Fanny comes to Ana’s room, Ana is holding the baby. Fanny just says ‘Leon’. Tells Ana Leon was kissing Laura… Ana brings up the good argument that she also kissed Lenin. Fanny says she feels like Leon is again not willing to fight for her. Ana says yes he did try with the drawings. Fanny says yeah he was trying hard with the kissing Laura. Fanny says she is realizing now… (Ana gives her the baby to hold to give her time to get her feelings and thoughts in order).

Leon gets home. Reina notices he is drunk. How many teqs did you have? 2 or 3 … maybe rather 4 or 5. He is not in mood to argue over Laura.

Twins are wearing pirate ghost masks and walk into Fanny’s room, where Fanny and Edith are sleeping. They wake Edith up by tickling her with the feathers. Edith wakes up screaming scared. Fanny runs after the boys.

At kitchen Ana is holding the baby, Bruno is whispering because he does not want Manuela to hear him say Betty is interested in him. Twins come in running. Fanny comes in after them yelling they will die. Twins hide before Fanny comes in. Fanny comes in and asks for the twins. Ana asks what they did now. Fanny says they scared Edith and they will PAAAAYYYY!!! And pulls them out from under the counter.

La Diva makes a re-appearance, (but I think we now have the original Ana form Spain as la Diva), she is back in town to meet up with Johnny.(is she here to help with the poledancing studio?). Out from another end of the park come Jen and Johnny walking. Johnny recites Nico’s message to Jen from memory. Johnny asks Jen if they will stay together. She agrees. They kiss. The guy is getting rough on the Spanish Ana. But she defends herself and beats him up. Jen and Johnny see the ruckus and realize it is La Diva. They greet her.

A package arrives at the front door. Ana signs for it. A package for Fernando Lascurain(we all know what THAT is). Ana wonders what it is. Ana leaves the baby in the couch and runs upstairs to deliver the package in Fernando’s room. He is just waking up. He is super late. Too funny, he repeats the same lines Ana tells him when he scares her by showing up suddenly (whisper! Shout! clap your hands! say something! You’re going to give me a heart attack!!) He tells himself he is becoming Ana’s clone. Then he realizes it is Sarai! And notices she is crying. She tells him ‘they are here to pick me up. I wanted to say goodbye and thank you’. Fernando asks if her mom came. No, just the driver and the bodyguards. He says its sad. He will walk her out. Ana walks in, right after walking by Nando with the package in her hands. Fernando tells her Sarai is on her way out. Sarai is still crying. Ana asks if she will say goodbye to Sebas. She sits by her ‘you can come anytime you want’. She gets confirmation from Fernando on the invite.

Nando is in kitchen talking to Sebas, Luz, Fanny and Bruno about a package he is waiting for. Nando walks away. Bruno is remembering Betty the night before, so when the doorbell rings again Fanny has to bring him out of the trance. Nando gets to the door before Bruno. (wait for it… wait for it… It’s the ghost of virgin nights past!!!) It is XIMENAAAAA!!!! Looking a bit better. He is frozen. Edith is walking toward stairwell just at this moment. Nando walks Ximena out after Bruno signals to him Edith is coming. Edith is a bit zombie-like. Bruno distracts her a bit with some chit chat. He walks Edith right into the kitchen. Edith asks what is wrong with him. Nothing! It is the first splendid day of the year! Edith is irritated at the clones. The clones tell Luz that Edith scared them with her scream. Bruno signals to Fanny that she is needed outside. Edith is trying to figure out what is happening. The kids deny anything is happening in this house. Sarai walks in and announces she wants to say goodbye to all.

Ana can’t get Fernando to pay attention to the package so Ana can’t hold her curiosity and opens the package. She tries to open it without opening the box. But her impatience wins the battle. She pulls the box out and is speechless.

Fanny gets the lowdown from Bruno about Ximena’s arrival. Fanny is heading out to see what she can do ‘please don’t tell Edith’.

Ana even tries the inserts in her shoes… she wonders why Fernando would want these… she loves him just like he is.

Outside Nando is talking to Ximena,

N: why did you not tell me you were coming?

X: Did you get my email? Why did you not reply?

N: Ah…..

Fanny arrives.

Fanny compliments Ximena on her looks now. Ximena says she and her mom have improved their relationship. Ximena tells them she is ready for any news.

Fanny and Nando both put a surprised face.

Ximena says when she arrived Nando got real nervous… and Fanny did too. She sent him an email that said she loved him and he did not reply, so she wonders what is going on.

Fanny tells Nando she is surprised he has not told Ximena anything yet.

(pa’ luego es tarde, refreshing attitude from Nando) Nando tells Ximena that Edith, his girlfriend, is in the house.

Previews: Isa is daydreaming of Johnny. She even calls Johnny. En-Freeky keeps having ‘visions’ of his dad in revenge mode.


Thanks for the great recap!

I don't get Edith. First, if I thought something was up with my bf I wouldn't stay at his house. I would need some space. Second, I wouldn't complain abt it to anyone in his family except Fanny. Three, she isn't ready for a serious relationship bec she still wears her armour of black clothes and makeup. Four, off subject, if I was Fanny I would be telling her to wash her face bec shes ruining the sheets!

Great recap, Marta. Thanks for your dedication. It is appreciated!

I really enjoyed:

Ana's moments with the bany.

Ana and Fernando dancing.

Ana setting Fanny straight about her kissing Lenin and León kissing Laura.

Ana and Fernando eating the strawberry cake.

Ana trying out Nando's lifts in her shoes and wondering what Fernando would want with them.

Cute episode.


Ana with the BABY!


Gracias, Marta.

It's Enrique with father in revenge mode. And he is completely off this planet by now.

Fanny should have Laura's number by now; I'm shocked she didn't think of this. She's seen her in action before.

Isn't it overdue for Ana and Fernando to really get it on?

Can't Osorio hurry up and get on with the story? It seems as if nothing (or hardly anything) of much consequence happens during each of these filler episodes.

It's a shame that we get so involved at the beginning of a telenovela and then hesitate to drop out because the consequence of our actions just justifies to the producers that long telenovelas wont the suffer from a lack of viewers.

marta, so much wonderful detail and I LOVE it!!!

So is Sarai really leaving? Seems like there are so many unanswered questions about this child. Of all of these children, this one really needs good professional help. If she is truly leaving, then I have to ask: why bring her in in the first place if there wasn't going to be some resolution to her story?



MartaIvett, thanks so much! Your recap is so rich with detail, a pleasure to read!

Fatima, ITA about Sarai, that was a pointless plot line, sort of like Pablo's, and of course the now-defunct Bruno-Manuela romance. By the way where is Zeus now? Next maybe we will see Siete suddenly replaced by a goldfish.

J in Oregon

It really bugs me that we won't get to meet Sarai's parents. This couple has created a really poisonous environment for this child who will probably be all the more sad for now knowing what a loving family is like and realizing she will never have that.

I don't think that Pablo was pointless; it was time for Alicia to have a first love and a disappointment over it. It was also appropriate in that she needs to see that she can do better.

This novela was meant to be long, which is why there are seven children, even if four of them are young enough to not have romantic interests. Fernando's anxiety over Alicia's is probably a normal parental issue and true, he handled it badly. There are lessons to be learned from that.

Wonderful as always Marta!!

Wow, last night was one of those "where do I start" episodes.

X-girl coming back all in love with Nando when SHE was the one I thought broke up with him via email or whatever when she was in LA. I give it to Nando to fess up about his "girlfriend". And may I say, having her show up and start talking, I realized how much I really didn't, and still don't, like her character. Move on.

And agree, Edith needs to still do some healing and work through some issues. I get her talking to Ana and Fer, she has no one else of a parental nature to turn to.

As for Fanny, it always will hurt when you see the ex with someone else. I liked the way Lenin handled taking her home, I have to say. No pressure, didn't act hurt, etc. I'll give him that.

As for Leon, WTH? He wasn't exactly backing off that first kiss after only one tequila. If you don't want to kiss, you cut it ASAP. As the British would say, that was a major snog fest he was enjoying. Laura may be being painted as a manipulator, but he knew that about her and has invited her to family fests and took her out and seems to be encouraging her.

I give up on the Sarai line. Was this a PSA child for what kids go through with divorce? Was she there only for Sebas to have a romance line? Osorio just likes the actress and wanted to use her somehow?

Now as much as I love watching Ana with the baby, I'm starting to head scratch that Fer never has the baby in HIS room at night, you don't see him when he's home walking around with the little guy. If Ana hands him off, sure he plays, etc. I would LOVE to see the man waking up in the middle of the night to feed and change diapers, etc. Just me.

So tonight we have to deal with Isa and Johny? Think there's a hockey game on tonight....



Next maybe we will see Siete suddenly replaced by a goldfish.

that is why i was thinking probably the folks coming to get Sarai are kidnappers that want ransom or something and this won't be the last we see of her or her parents...

and DaisynJay,
So tonight we have to deal with Isa and Johny? Think there's a hockey game on tonight....

I couldn't agree more! time to look for a Law and Order I have not seen or even a judge show. will be more entertaining and less gagg-ing than Isa/Johnny anything on screen, esp if he is shirtless. Nothing against Adrian U, just the character and how Osorio is playing with him...
lets see...
1. Ana
2. Dana and Edna
3. Jen
4. Isa?
who is next? Yomama?

UA, I agree... Ana and Fernando are overdue for the next level... with or without secret reveal time.

Thank you Marta !!!

"It's a shame that we get so involved at the beginning of a telenovela and then hesitate to drop out" ... yes, so true. Or it's the only time you can watch a tn, and you're stuck with a dud.

And another comment about Fernando NEVER with the baby ... yes, so true. My thoughts exactly.

I agree about Fernando and the time he spends with the baby... if the baby is at his house, why not spend time with him... he did way back when he first brought teh baby home and changed his diaper and told him he loved him... but since... NADA@!@

I liked the way Ana gave it to spoiled little rich slut in training. Hey he made it up to you with his drawings, he has been totally loyal, he arranged his life to marry you and you blew him off and went around kissing Lenin. What do you want Leon to do?

Im trying to see if there is anyone in this TN I am rooting for. Bruno and the dog are tied I think. NONE of these others should be allowed to put in to humanity's gene pool. Maybe Fernando but he is already over his quota.

And one more arrow into Ana pole dancer.
A. The box was for Nando not Fernando. Leave it alone and let the men figure it out.
B. You thought the box was for Fernando. Leave it alone.
C. What do you not understand about other peoples stuff? Maybe Fernando should follow you some night. Hmmmm how them insoles fit now?

Thank you, Marta. Wonderful, wonderful detail.

I did have to laugh when Sarai said that the chauffer and the body guards were coming. She really needed body guards living with the crazy Lascarain. family! Poor little girl. I hope that we see some more of her and that we get some greater clarity on why she appeared in the first place.

Maybe Fernando but he is already over his quota.

Kirby, you just gave me the giggle line of the morning! too funny!

First of all my apologies, I meant tos ay this yestersay:

Happy New Year!!!!

Favorite part today: Nando telling Xi about his girlfriend. Yes! Finally someone does something right! Osorio must have not been watching or out sick that day. I want to see how Xi reacts. Yesterday she seemed at peace as though she is ready to move on. Perhaps she too was thinking the same thing as Nando. I am glad he made up his mind and did no drag the Edith/Xi decision for a few episodes.
Favorite other pat: When Johnny and Jen rush to the aid of Diva. I was thinking ‘Is he going to help her or him?’ Was that Gabriel? Wasn’t he in jail?

Now the dark analysis. While Johnny is portrayed as the good hearted bumpkin Gabriel is portrayed as sinister, yet they both share the disrespect for women. In Johnny’s defense, he stops when he is sent packing (which was every time!), but Gabriel got physical. Even if Gabriel is worse because he imposes himself physically, both men start off the same: Jerks! Still somewhat miffed as to the mixed messages that Johnny is sending.

And to the poster(s) that like Johnny, I understand where you are coming from. Perhaps I am more annoyed by how Johnny’s actions are handled in the story more than Johnny himself. Of course anyone has the right to travel the road to redemption, but not without paying the piper. In Johnny’s case he just seemed to have teleported (with a fly?) to redemption without the acknowledgement that what his behavior towards women was wrong.

For those of us who wanted to get an eyeful of the specimens known as Sarai’s parents… buuummmeeerrr!!! It would figure that she would be handled a merchandise and retrieved by employees. Maybe this story is not over just yet.

“I would LOVE to see the man waking up in the middle of the night to feed and change diapers, etc.”

Daisynjay: Dream on. In the time I was in Mexico and friends had babies the man never dealt with baby things during the night. He was always to get a good night’s rest because he had to get up to work the next day. Bias? Yes, totally. On the other hand, here in the US I had a coworker who also had a baby and he would take care of him during the night on an equal basis, but he would also fall asleep at the office, and this was a tech support person! So, yes, it would be the right thing for both parents (or care takers) to share the baby responsibilities, but with certain adjustments.

Gotta go! I’m late, I’m late for an important date, I’m due, I’m due, I’m in a rabbit’s stew.



Thanks for another great recap. No CC's again and I caught only half of the chatter/script.

My favorite lines: "It’s the ghost of virgin nights past!!!) It is XIMENAAAAA!!!! "

"well… things just got interesting. Leon just walked in with Laura. " Wasn't that the truth!!

"Ana and Fernando now are talking about Isa and possibly marrying Fernando for money…" I can't believe--well, maybe I should after all these years of watching these things-- that that should have been a no-brainer for those two by now.

"Leon is again not willing to fight for her." ¡Ya, basta, Fanny! You crushed the dude by refusing to accept his marriage proposal! G.R.O.W. U.P. Your whining is making me tired and Ana's not making it extremely clear that a guy isn't going to necessarily let grass grown under his feet mooning and pining over her. Isn't he a couple of years older than her, anyway? It's pretty clear that she and Lenin (ugh!) are better suited to each other.

"No, just the driver and the bodyguards." Sounds like Sarai is another Xime in the making. Grrr.

--Where oh where did they find that shirt--or was it one of Jenifer's old blouses--for Johnny to wear???? What WAS costuming thinking????


And regarding the Fanny/Leon travesty... I just smile and wave


Salvador: That wasn't Edith's Gabriel attacking La Diva but one of Doro's henchman from the club.

I think at some point Leon's age came up as 25 (makes sense since Mau is about 5).

Yes, Leon is 25. He and Fanny just met about 4 years too soon.

I don't think we need to see Fernando holding the baby in every episode, come on! We have seen him hold and diaper the baby once and we have more important story elements to cover. However, I can envision a future scene wherein Isabitch laughs at him for this in another room and tells Yomama or Enfrique (over the phone) how funny it is when it's not even Fernando's baby. This should be overheard by Fanny, Nando, or Ana. Ana would be best of all because she has already questioned the baby's paternity when Isabitch was still pregnant.

Getting back to Sarai, she would recognize her parents' chauffeur, but the idea of bodyguards is disturbing. Who the hell are her parents? Is her mother afraid her STBE will kidnap Sarai? Or is this just another element of a general paranoia?

Love this Marta and thanks for the heads up about the original Ana.

Hmmm, I hate Laura and Leon with Laura is stupid on his part but loved, loved, sticking it to Fanny. That girl wants to play (and should) and doesn't want Leon but doesn't want anyone else to want Leon either.

I liked when Fernando inadvertently knocked Sarai's beret off

I'm liking Edith less and less and she's gettin a little clingy but so disrespectful everyone treating her like a child and hiding Ximena. Nando should have at least given her a heads up. Those shoe lifts won't make him a man.

Now, now, Angel don't you go anywhere just yet.


tofie, your request to Angel to stick around made me think of something...
i know Fanny is only 19 and her behavior of last night is, to say the least, inconsistent...
but we see the contrast better with the adults as to whether what they are feeling is deep or not.
Angel is telling himself to forget Ana, but he sees Ana with Fernando and can't help but feel hurt. (he does care about her, but is that love? or a shadow of envy?) still on the fence.
Fanny says she is over Leon and wants him out of her life because he is violent and is impulsive in reactions... but she is hurt when she sees him with Laura... So! are you over Leon or not, Fanny? if so, let him be!! if he is screwing his life with Laura, let him!! he is not YOUR problem anymore! or is he? do you love him or not?? jeers...
At least Lenin is giving her her space, as whoever commented on the difference of him and Gabriel with Edith.cheers!
Is Edith acting a bit childish? probably. but i can't blame her, Nando was giving her so much support in this scary period of her life, and she does have feelings for him (again, it is still out with the jury whether what she feels is true love or teenage infatuation). still on fence.
Jen finally let Nico go and is trying to put her 110% into her relationship with Johnny. Cheers!

The thing with Angel may just be Ana represents what he wanted Magda to be and wasn't. A stay at home mom raising bunches of kids. Not sure about the love at first sight thing but do know of a couple that married after knowing each other for 3 months and married happily for 30 years. First marriage for both but they met when both were mid 30's, who knows.

Nando is Edith's first bf and the first man she has trusted romantically and sexually. Not sure it is love but it is possessive.

Nando is 17. How in the world can 17 year old boy be in love? What he is to both Ximena and Edith (absent the sex) is an older brother, he got plenty of practice being that.

Fanny is a cute spoiled girl trying hard not to act like a cute spoiled girl but clueless who she is. Problem for her is she responds and seeks adoration. More important than anything is Leon was her first.

Don't know why, but the thing that bothered me the most in this whole episode was Ana opening that package. WTH? Where does she get off? Who cares if it was for Nando or Fernando? It was clearly not for her! Soo not cute! Boundaries, people!

I may be in the minority, but I found Edith standing over Nando while he was sleeping, creepy. Also I started watching this TN late(I came in when Ximena was crazying out over Fernando's house) but what is it with these women's fascination with Nando? Both of these women are older than him and taller, what's with the obsession with him?? Also, he should have told Ximena about Edith when she initially sent the email to him.

Bryan, welcome.

Nando isn't a typical 17-year-old. To both of these girls he feels "safe" because he isn't a predator like many of his peers. It's also easy to see that there is a real looker under the nerd clothes, glasses, and greasy kid stuff in his hair. He's smart, will graduate with honors, major in something important in college, and has a rich father. Not much more to ask for.

Maybe he should have said something sooner about Edith, but I don't think he was expecting Ximena to return anytime soon.


Thanks Marta. Welcome Bryan.

I think Fer's involvement with the baby is happening off screen. The point of the earlier scenes with him with DN was to show him bonding with a baby that isn't his.

Kudos to Nando for telling Xi right away about Edith.

It's not that Pablo isn't good enough for Alicia. I think she would have found him too immature for her as she matured (as girls mature faster than boys). They could be just right for one another in a few years. If not, it was a nice first "love" for each.


I took the whole "bodyguards" thing with Sarai to hit home and why this child loved being with this family so much. My guess is her parents are very high society or important, people and in Latin America, if you are, there is sometimes a threat of kidnapping associated with that. Thus the bodyguards. But she has no siblings, parent who would rather have her gone while they deal with their games and most likely has little to no freedom to do much. She can come live with me. Cats would adore her.

I think it's a little unfair to put the wedding proposal rejection on Fanny as "her fault" why Leon is being a jerk with Laura or sad. He never would let her explain and had no understanding of her needs and wants with that whole scenario. That whole relationship was not wrapped up and a lot of hurt, misunderstood feelings. Still not sure I'm a fan of them getting back together though.

And yeah, Cavs are on TV and a hockey game on NBCSN. My JOhny/Isa escape is set.


I agree that Ana opening the package was the stupidest thing on the episode. WTH is right!

And that Edith going in Nando's room and talking while he slept was creepy... esp with her appearance.
too funny that the boys scared the living daylights out of HER!

and yes, Sarai shows as an adorable girl when given a chance to show her own personality (remember rigth after she and Sebastian competed and she was so nice to him that he kissed her on cheek and she did not mind). THAT is the Sarai i hope she can be all the time.

I hope Sarai comes back. I love this little actor and am going to miss her.

I love this little actress playing Sarai too. She was so good on PEAM. I do feel like its a cop out that we don't get to meet even one of her undeserving parents.

I would have been ok with Sarai, had she been Luz's little playmate from the start (as it seems she is now) instead of arm candy for Sebastian, that just turned me off and unfortunately she pays for it.

What do we expect with Nanny's without borders, and trying the things on since opening a package not addressed to her, not enough.

So, I guess tonight, January 2nd should roll around and Ana back to work at her night job. How does she get out of the house now? Who watches the child? What excuse (lie) will she tell? Last couple evenings they have been all over each other.

oh wow, tofie, hadn't thought of that. Who does watch little Diego if she's slipping out to dance. She better not make Fanny do it and then she'll fall asleep in classes? At some point, is Isa ever going to have her custody days?


OT: I was checking out the side bar and noticed the Chrome message near the top. I don't think that applies anymore. I can access Caray, Caray! on my tablet using Chrome

Nanette, the problem didn't have to do with accessing Caray Caray, it had to do with accessing the recap feed. That's the part along the left side of the front page. If you click on the feed for any of the TNs you only get computerese language.

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