Monday, December 15, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 12/15/14 ♥ #105 ♥

Capitulo 105: Trading One Brat for Another

Lascuráin Mansion: Pablo hurried out while Ana had Fernando pinned to the couch. He was growling over the situation. Bruno directed Alicia to go upstairs before her father lost his temper at her, which Fernando was having trouble doing because he had pulled a muscle and he also had trouble breathing. Ana tried getting him to calm down before letting him get up.

A little while later Alicia was daydreaming about this while Ana helped Luz get ready for bed. Bruno came upstairs with the phone for Alicia. It was Zerobela.
Restaurant: León handed the fifth drawing to Fanny, which instead of a moon had a broken heart over a cabin. It looked depressing because it represented their fight over lies. He quickly followed it with the sixth, which showed them kissing and making up. She kissed him immediately and he smiled. She asked about the seventh and he said he hadn't drawn it yet but will soon.

León, you really need a new wardrobe!” said Aphrodite. “With a traje de charro you could look like Alejandro Fernández!”

I like that,” said Apollo. “A little extreme for now, but at least he should get some white shirts.”

Bruja Central / Lascuráin Mansion: When Alicia told Isabruja that Siete was saved she had a fit, kicking cushions across the living room floor. “But Bruno said he was critical,” she said, as she smacked the armrest with a couch cushion. “Therefore the dog didn't die?” Yomama began laughing.

Why are you so interested in what happened to Siete, Isabela?”” Alicia asked.

Because I was so worried about the little doggie,” Zerobela said with some a lot of effort. “When I thought he was going to die I was desolate.” Yomama kept laughing. Not able to take any more of this Zerobela signed off, saying she had to go and wasn't it nice Alicia saw Pablo. When she ended the call she gritted her teeth and slammed down the phone. She had another tantrum and demanded to know why Yolanda (as opposed to “Mama”) was laughing.

Because it serves you right. You couldn't even kill the dog!”

She continued to laugh even as Hisababy threw a cushion at her.

It will be interesting to see if Ramona does anything about this,” said Hera.

Yes,” said Athena. “These two are complete idiots for talking so openly in front of her when it's Fernando who signs her paycheck.”

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana asked about Isabela asking about Siete. Alicia told her she was worried because she knows that they love him so much. Ana didn't look like she believed a word of that. Luz certainly didn't because she said that sounded very strange. “You are very intelligent,” Ana said as she kissed her.

A little later in the library Ana told Fernando about the rat poison. She had recognized the odor of it. She followed that with telling him that Isabitch suspiciously and specifically asked about Siete when she called. Had this been the result of the raid by the Roachbusters they would all be ill. He then remembered Hisabela had asked to go into the kitchen that day. Ana then actually accused her. This wasn't connected in any way to the Roachbusters' fumigation. Fernando realized she was right, and then got up and grabbed the phone.
As soon as he got Hissabela he said “I want to make something very clear: You are not to hurt my family.”

I don't know what you're talking about.”

You know perfectly well; don't insult my intelligence. Siete is a member of this family.” When she tried to distract him he said “I will not discuss this anymore. I'm going to be very direct. You are not to enter my house again. Is that clear?”

Surely this idea comes from la nanaca,” she said. “Can't you think for yourself?”

He abruptly ended the call on her. She kicked a nearby chair and said “Stupid! You're going to be sorry. You're going to be sorry!”

Fernando put down the phone and told Ana he was giving Bruno instructions that Isabruja was not to enter the house again. Ana applauded. “Good! We'll be rid of that tarantula and murderer of dogs,” and she hugged him. As she did she took a deep sniff of his cologne and he looked happier than ever.

The Next Day

Ana brought Fernando his morning coffee and noticed that the web page with her mother's photo was on his computer screen. She thanked him.

La Costeña: Isabitch tried one more time and finally succeeded in identifying Fernando's e-mail password.

Indeterminate Time-Passing Montage: Trouble in paradise for Nick and Jennifer, Diego didn't think his hands were getting better, Leon visited Erica in the hospital with flowers, Johnny was working out with encouragement from Edna, Siete came home to his happy human siblings. Edith continued to flirt with Nando in her new disguise, Pablo visited Alicia again, but with Fernando in the room. Isabitch talked to a decorator about the nursery, saying “Fernando will have to pay” and Diego's bandages came off. He had trouble closing his hands and he started to cry. The insides of his hands were badly scarred.

El Oro: Soledad told Beto that there was no greater pain thinking of her daughter when she was in prison. Every day for years. Beto hugged her.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana continued to educate herself on the computer, finally writing the word “mama” on a notebook sheet.

Several Weeks Later”

Lascuráin Mansion: Diego was wearing new bandages, but still worried. He was also in pain. Fernando told him that the doctor said the operation was complicated. He therefore contacted specialists and found one in Houston whom he thought could help. He told Diego he would take him there. All seemed well between the two brothers, which also made Ana happy.

La Costeña: León accompanied Zerobela to a canning plant on an inspection tour where they donned masks and protective gear. All seemed well on that front.

Lascuráin Mansion: Diego admitted to Ana that he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to move his hands or take photos anymore.

Public University: Nando ran to catch up with Edith, who was back to her Goth Mode, right down to the nose ring. He hadn't heard from her in ten weeks and wanted to know why. She told him that there was no point hoping for something in the face of prejudices. He admitted he was afraid of what he was starting to feel but that he missed her. She told him that they had too many differences and he should stay in his world with Ximena. He then told her that he and Ximena had ended it.

Lascuráin Mansion: Nick and Jennifer still argued about his distancing himself from her. He went to the liquor cabinet and took out a bottle. He was sure his age, sterility, and illness was not going to make it work for them. He went back upstairs, leaving Jennifer to cry on the couch.

You know, Nick, that not all women are that eager to have children,” said Athena.

She married you with eyes wide open,” said Aphrodite. “You're being a jerk. I've got a mind to send my son after you with a full quiver.”

If that's what it takes, you have my full support on that.” Aphrodite looked up in surprise.

Hospital: Fanny stayed with Erica while she was getting her chemo. She gave her brochures about treatment and reconstructive surgery. She told Erica she was an example for all of them.

La Costeña: León's boss gave him an assignment for a new label design for the salsa line because he was the best and the fastest. Due tomorrow to Zerobela. He sat down at the computer and got started.

Boxing Ring: Johnny was informed by Doroteo that his first professional match would be that

Lascuráin Mansion: Bruno saw “Elisa” and couldn't believe his eyes. She swore him to secrecy re Nando. Nando came home and she handed him a book. Fernando walked through and into the kitchen where Diego and Ana were sitting at the table. He told Diego that he had an appointment with a doctor in Houston and he was bringing him there the next day. Bruno then walked in saying he didn't get what was going on.

In the parlour, “Elisa” asked Nando if something was wrong and led him to the couch. He said he had a fight with someone important to him. He looked her over and noticed an exposed area near her left wrist where the tattoos weren't covered by makeup. He then changed his tune to downgrade the importance of the fight. He then told her he couldn't stop thinking of her since the day they met. He then kissed her.

Alicia told Ana she thought Pablo didn't love her. Nothing seems to have happened (since the Braces Incident?) and it's been bothering her. She didn't know this but Pablo was downstairs with a sunflower for her. He told Bruno he was nervous. We don't hear the reason why.

Fanny was on her cell with León, who told her of the chance he just got. She was excited for him. When she ended the call Edith told her that Nando just kissed her but as Elisa, not as herself. She was sure that Nando was hung up on externals like everyone else. “He digs Elisa, not Edith.”

How wrong she was because Nando was just telling his dad all about this. Including that he realized that Edith and “Elisa” were the same girl. Fernando seemed intrigued by the situation.

Bruja Central: Isabitch was frustrated at finding no correspondence about Soledad. Ramona came in to deliver a large white envelope, then curtsied and left the room. Isabitch opened the envelop and took out the document that announced that the divorce was final. Yomama told her that she should give her a heads-up if she was going to have a tantrum so she could leave the room.

Lascuráin Mansion: Pablo's knees knocked as he gave the flower to Alicia. Ana excused herself and sat at the piano as the two kids sat on the sofa. He asked Alicia if she wanted to be his girlfriend. She said yes, they kissed, and Ana began panicking like Fernando. Doorbell. Ana opened the door to a preppy-clad, bitchy, and presumptuous little girl who identified herself as Señorita Sarai. She virtually ordered her to bring in her suitcases and show her to her room. She then feigned shock at the sight of Pablo and Alicia kissing, asking if they knew how much bacteria they were exchanging. Said suitcases were heavy enough for Ana to ask “What do you have in here, rocks?” just as Sebastián came down the stairs with Siete. He stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of this brat, who ordered him to keep the dog away from her because dogs transmit all manner of diseases.

Is this some lost child of Veronica Hierro?” asked Hera. “What a pretentious brat.”

We don't punish children for hubris, Hera,” said Zeus.

I' know, but I'm tempted,” said Hera. “I don't envy mortals when it comes to children like this.”

Sarai demanded of Sebastián that he keep the dog away from her then made another demand about her room. Ana told her with subtle sarcasm that she would investigate that and went upstairs. Sarai took a handkerchief out of her purse and wiped her face in a contemptuous gesture. Sebastián, Alicia, and Pablo looked at each other in confusion.

Fernando and Nando were talking about Diego's appointment with the Houston doctor when Ana knocked on the door. When she came in she tried to tell Fernando about this latest development but had to stop his panic about Alicia first. When she finally told him that Sarai had arrived he told her that he had meant to tell her that this girl is the daughter of a recently-divorced female friend of his first wife's and she needed for her to stay with them for a little while. Ana lost no time telling him about the child's delusions of grandeur and her rudeness. And the fact that Sebastián appeared infatuated with her.

Their mother was right; Sebastián needs more help than any of the others,” said Hera. “Something needs to be done before he falls for that little brat.”

I have no doubt that someone will take care of that problem,” said Hermes. “I think I hear them coming now.”

The twins came downstairs in monster masks, Luz behind them. Little Sarai was her prim and improper self until the twins removed the masks. Then she screamed. The twins quickly noticed that Sebastián was infatuated with this Isabitch mini-me (although she is not said to be related) and they introduced themselves to her, each reaching out a hand. Her reply was “People's hands are all full of bacteria.” As rude as she was to the others, she was unfailingly polite to Fernando, putting her gloved had forward to be kissed as though she were a lady. Bruno entered and Fernando asked him whether there was a room for their guest.
Bruno replied that all the bedrooms were occupied so she would need to stay with the girls, which did not please Alicia or Luz. Sarai said she accepted but it must be disinfected first. Fernando then sent Pablo home so everything could be straightened out. Luz and the twins immediately huddled to plan their next round of plays and Ana realized that they were up to something.

Fanny told Edith she didn't get the logic of her plan. She said she was prettier than ever, so what was the problem? Of course, it was that Nando had gone for her alter-ego.

Sarai quickly became just as insufferable as anyone could have predicted. She already was doing elaborate beauty rituals in the bathroom as Bruno had prepared the girls' room by bringing in another bed. When Sarai refused to sleep in that room, Alicia didn't take the bait, nor did Luz.
She went over to the guest bed, sniffed, and got out some Lysol-type spray and began spraying the area including under the pillow. She told Luz that this killed microorganisms that live in mattresses and quilts. Luz backed off, realizing that this girl was a few bricks shy of a load.

Fernando was almost losing it with the mad combination of people in his house but... a marvelous nanny. He wanted to get onto a different footing with her. However, she wasn't ready for this until... he handed her his copy of the divorce. She was pleased enough to hug him, then almost backed off.
He didn't let her go, finally saying “Let me demonstrate how much I love you.”


I continue to be blown away by your recpas. Thank you


Thanks. I hope to continually improve.

I'm still waiting for Ramona to wake up to what kind of people she's working for. I didn't like seeing her laugh with Yomama when she said "You couldn't even kill the dog."

Thanks, Urbam. The recap was very entertaining.

Highlight of the episode: Fernando finally telling Isabela that she was no longer welcome in his home.

Took long enough.


Señorita Sarai needs to have a seat.

That is all.

Good to see little Valentina (PEAM). She's channeling her mom from that TN. However, why does Osario continue using this highly inappropriate, borderline pedophilia story line?!

Fantastic Urban! I look so forward to your recaps and especially knowing you had last night's missmash in your capable hands.

So poor little Valentina graces our screens again. I like to think this is the same poor girl from PEAM and all those awful plots she was forced to live through turned her into this troubled child. Otherwise, really Osorio, couldn't think of something else besides copying the Veronica character in pint size form?
So help me, lovely little girl and good acctress, but she better not bring the murder and mayhem with her. We honestly didn't need another child in this story.

Little uncomfortable with Ana asking Fer no at the end and he still moving in for the...whatever. I still head scratch that one minute he treats her like the hired help--sorry forgot to tell you about the new border, make it so--and the next he's all in love and in her face. I would love for him to let her ditch the uniform and start treating her like a member of the family more to show he's serious about her...something if they really are end game.

But yes, finally getting the b**** to tell Isabitch to stay out of the house.

Jorge sighting!! YES!

I for one actually enjoyed the plant tour because we got Isabitch and Leon and neither one was talking or whining. nice.

Ok - so Nando please let Edith know you know about the masquerade. Please. If he starts playing her I'll be apt to throw something. He was one of the good guys who knew how to treat his better half, even if she was a handful. Love the abrupt break up news we got on that point. Hope this truly means the last of Ximena.


Señorita Sarai is a rude, obnoxious brat and needs to be taken down a few notches. Per Hermes, I'm sure the twins will be on the job quickly.

Frankly, based on what we know about Estefania, I'm surprised that any friend of hers would be neurotic enough to raise a child to be like this one.

Awesome recap...

Was it odd that Ickybella gave the plant tour and she seemed to be knowledgeable about the plant and products? When does she have time to do actual work between planning all her evil schemes? And did I miss something--why is she not out to destroy Leon?

Awesome as always UA.

You must be reading my mind

"Frankly, based on what we know about Estefania, I'm surprised that any friend of hers would be neurotic enough to raise a child to be like this one."

Rip, I'm not sure whether Ickybella (good addition to her nick list) thinks that Leon is important enough to destroy. She might also think that leaving him alone will allow Fanny to destroy herself by her involvement with him because of his social class.

She also has bigger fish to fry.

I think I am going to enjoy Saraí who will provide a good counterpoint to the mischievous twins.


Awesome as always, UA.
what Luz told Ana was 'aqui hay gato encerrado'
and Isa guessed the password right when she remembered Fernando's 7 kids and tried the intials of all 7 of his escuincles.

and yes Fernando was intrigued by hearing Nando was turning the torta on Edith and playing her game backwards, but in the end Fernando seriously asked Nando to end the game right here (which i agree totally).

and yes the ending with Ana and the mixed messages was a bit head scratching to me as well.

It felt like to me Sarai was just created so Sebastian could have a crush too, but the girl looks too young for him

Thanks UA, I was wondering the same thing about Ramona. Will she be OK with Isabela trying to kill Siete? What a sick family they are.

Now come on writers! Now Sebastian is going to have a girlfriend? Do all the kids have to have love interests? Will we see a set of female twins for Guille and Alex and a little boy for Luz? This is disgusting. I'm already disgusted with a 15 year old having a Novio.


Thanks Urban, for your excellent recap.
Am I the only one who feels awful for poor little Sarai, dumped on the doorstep of strangers, left to fend for herself at her tender age using whatever resources she can manage. At least she wasn't dragged inside by her mother's driver, kicking and screaming. Fernando needs a smack upside the head for failing to tell the rest of the family that she was coming.

Urban, it was a great recap, much appreciated! Thanks as always for your dedication and attention to detail!
I was surprised that they had Isa doing the factory tour, since it was coming off as an ad for La Costena.
Also surprised that the little girl Sarai suddenly shows up at the mansion, unattended by a family member. And if Fernando is good enough friends with the parents to care for the daughter, how come he has never MET the daughter? It seemed a bit odd that Sebas seemed to be swooning over her, I agree she looks like a child and he is a pre-teen.

J in Oregon

the arrival of Sarai and her story that her parents were working on a divorce and Fernando had offered to care for her in the meantime made me instantly sad. it also reminded me of the beginning of the novela Salome with Edigh G and Guy E... a girl gets dropped off to friends and suddenly her parents had a fatal car accident so Guy's character adopted her... etc etc... so sad.

I think that Sarai is meant to be a counterpoint to the Lascurain children, who are good and mostly well-behaved. They are also loved and while Fernando hasn't been a perfect father he is learning.

Sarai is a germophobe, as Valentina of PEAM was intended to be by her sicko of a mother. Narcissists like Veronica try to the max to make their same-sex children into clones of themselves, which rarely works. They mostly succeed in driving their children to be different.

To a narcissist anything in their children that is different from themselves is a direct criticism. They can't handle it. They insist that their children have the same tastes... and the same phobias.

No problem with Sarai's introduction to the story but Sebastian's crushing on her, why? It doesn't fit anything just like most of what Juan gets into.

I actually have no problem with Nando turning the tables on Edith and having a little fun with her. She's been doing it to him for weeks. And, he didn't kiss "Elisa", he knew Elisa = Edith when he kissed her. He should totally dress up as a total stud or a goth the next time he meets up with her, to teach her a lesson!

LOL @ Edith pretending to be Elisa to get Nando to fall in love with her, then being upset that Nando is in love with "Elisa".

Yeah, I think The Twins and Luz will take down Senorita Sarai. Hijinks will ensue.

Estefania Jr. has a neurotic friend so I'm not sure why people would think Estefania Sr. wouldn't have had a neurotic friend. Both Estefanias are/were kind, loving people who were willing to give others a chance. You don't think Ximena one day wouldn't have a neurotic child like Sarai?


I hope Ximena doesn't have children for her own sake as well as for any hypothetical children.

Tofie, I think that Sebas is the least emotionally mature of the entire Lascurain brood. Sarai (I'll bet anyone she's an only) tries to compensate for her own lack by pretending to be more mature than she is and that is their connexion. Brianna is the girl outside the family who is closest to him in age, but she's too mature and confident for him. She entered the story wanting Nando, who is now a little too mature for her.

Kids don't grow or mature in lockstep, which is another message in this story.

Thank you for the wonderful recap!

Cathyx: ITA. I was already tired of the kids' love lives and now Sebs and Sarai! Aren't there enough kids in this show? Does the pot always have to be stirring in the house? Can't they have some quiet downtime?

Thanks, Urban! Fun recap.

So. Is Osorio trying to hook his son up with that poor little actress in real life? He had them crushing on each other in PEAM, too! And it is not any more appropriate here! Ugh! No pediatric romances, please!

Love that Nando finally recognized Edith and THEN kissed her, but Fer is right. After that little twist in her game, he needs to end the lies. Enough.

I hope Fer will finally actually ENFORCE his decision to keep Isa out of his house and away from his family. Still amazed that abusing his SON wasn't enough.

I don't know why, but Osorio seems to think it's "cute" to portray very young kids as being seriously infatuated and hooking up. Our little Saria, as Valentina, in PEMA, had a boyfriend that was much older and it was written to be ok. I don't think Sarai is actually that much of a difference in age from Sebas--isn't he supposed to be only 11? Take her to be about 9 or 10, but I agree we don't need these mini-me adult type hook ups. Kids have crushes and even call themselves as having "novios", but the writing is taking these all way too seriously. Gees, get out of the house, play sports, go out with friends ( where is Alicia's buddy?) go on sleepovers...something that kids their age are SUPPOSED to do.

I'm wondering if the whole plant tour is Isa's trying to be more involved and knowledgeable of the business so she can boot Eeky out ( who we have't seen recently?). Leon is most likely, in true TN style, going to turn into mister Marketing extraordinaire. And maybe that can be a way to stick it to the family and Fanny--move him up in the company and try to drive wedge between Leon and Fanny on loyalties (Leon to Isa and Fanny to her father.)


julia, ita with what you said, esp the last two points... Fer asking Nando to stop the deception ride for Edith and Fer to actually follow through on the line he drew for Isa...


I'm actually enjoying and finding the kids' love stories more interesting than the adults. And more mature, too.

We can say that Senorita Sarai is too young for Sebastian, and she is, but mentally they are the same age. We don't see Sebastian hanging out with anyone his age; most of the time he hangs out with the twins & Luz who are much younger than him.

And he's too young to hang out with the Fanny/Nando/Alicia group.

I agree with the poster who said Sarai was probably an only child who doesn't have any friends...her way of thinking is about 3x older than her actual age. Hanging around the Lascurain children will help Sarai be a child again.

I see nothing wrong with 15 year old Alicia having a boyfriend. Pablo is only a year older than her. They're not going out, hooking up, shacking up etc. They're sitting in the living room. Best Fernando gradually ease Alicia into romantic interaction with supervision and discipline, than have her completely rebel and do something she'll regret, like ending up a pregnant 15 year old like the girl at Fanny's group home.

Plus, we can't say 15 year old Alicia shouldn't have a boyfriend, but earlier in the show say that 17 year old Nando should be trying to date Briana, who is the same age as Alicia.


Wow UA!
Very refreshing recap. The storylines for the kids is not always approperiate. We have enough issues with 15 yr Olds dating. Sarai is one confused kid. Imagine been sent away simply because my folks hate each other. She is over compensating for her sense of abandonment. What a nightmare. I was glad Fer acted so swiftly. That's the only way to deal with Zerobela(I love the new name). Ana has secrets to reveal too so maybe that's why the mixed messages.


Isa wants to one-up Enfrique if that's what she has to do. I wonder how that will play when he finally finds out that her baby is his.

In looking at the twins I have trouble believing that they're eight years old. They should be taller than they are if that is the case; their faces appear to have matured a little since the title sequence was shot but they're still little boys.

Gracias, Urban, for another amazing recap!

On the down side, . . .

. . . Jenny seems to be dressing very nicely lately, ditching the scores of 10-year-old-girl, BFF, rubberband bracelets. Why can't Ana do the same?

. . . no one on this blog seems to enjoy the Johnny character. Why do the writers keep inserting him into the plot? Do viewers in Mexico actually find his character amusing or entertaining?

. . . Fernando, when a woman says 'no,' she means 'no.'

On the up side, . . .

. . . Nando at least demonstrates he has an extremely high intellect AND a sense of humor.

. . . Diego and Ana ended their romance amicably.

. . . Fernando is relaxed enough to recognize the humor in his haphazard household of marvelous misfits.


If Fer really wants to make Ana feel like a valued member of the family, he should let her ditch those awful uniforms and give her a generous clothing budget. And maybe an appointment with a personal shopper.

Ecuador, apparently the actor is very popular in Mexico. Go figure.

I had a chuckle last week looking at some pictures that were taken at a charity event with all the top TN stars. He seemed to be front and center in every picture he was in. One in particular, with beautiful women all around and Colunga was off sitting to the side in back. How times change...


I also think it's time Fernando started treating Ana like a fiancee, which we know she really is. A credit card to a good upscale department store to start with and maybe her own car.

After she learns to drive, which we haven't seen her do yet.

I also don't get Ana's bracelets. I personally don't wear bracelets that much because I usually wear long sleeves and I don't like when they catch on things. But these just look juvenile.

I don't want to see Ana turn into a typical telenovela glambot who goes around in cocktail dresses and heels all the time, but I think her look should evolve. She could go with an upscale casual look, something like nice-ish tops and designer jeans and flat shoes. Stylish but practical for running around with the kids. Her nanny uniforms are all kinds of wrong. Tight, restricting, hobbling. That's bad enough for a woman who doesn't do anything all day, but terrible for a woman who is looking after a rambunctious horde. PLUS they look terrible.

Oh, why hasn't Fernando asked to meet Pablo's parents or they him?

Tofie, that's an excellent question. He should be asking about this, but I suspect it's not SOP unless the couple is serious. And it's way too early for that.

My guess is that they would think him terribly old-fashioned but they'd be thrilled at the idea of their dweebish son dating a pretty girl with a rich dad.

As for Ana's wardrobe, I'd like to see her in looser clothes, too, but I suspect that the form-fitting stuff is not only fashionable it is for the benefit of male viewers. JS is in suits because women like men to wear suits.

It is coming to a point where I'm wondering when the twins will start wearing different stuff from each other. However, considering what TN stories do with teen and young adult twins, I can see that this won't happen for a while unless they develop seriously different interests. Slick little dudes they are.

I like Sarai. She's a hoot. I'm really going to enjoy her antics as much as I'm going to enjoy The Taming of Sarai.

Finally able to read the recap and comments. Thanks UA. Love the detail. I always miss something--like the fact that Nando and Ximena broke up.

Anon207: I'm with you on Nando getting a little of his own back with Edith. Also, agree that he shouldn't continue it.

Finally Fer has forbidden Isa the house. I could see him hestitating before because they were still technically married. Plus, there's "his" baby to consider. But she really shouldn't have had an all access pass to that house.


Carlos: Sarai is a character after your own heart, I would think.

Good news that Nando actually managed to break up with Ximena and she hasn't stormed back to Estado de Mexico to bludgeon him.

Well done, UA. Thanks for sharing so your talent and so much of your valuable time with us.

I was delighted to see Sarai/Valentina again. And Nanette, you are right... I find her and her little quirks and aloof arrogance charming.

While she may have been brought in as some sort of a romantic challenge for Sebastián (a little creepy... like their off-putting pairing in PEAM) I think it'll be much more fun watching the chemistry between her and Luz (we got a little taste of that last night). I 'm looking forward to the clash of the mini-divas.

Sorry, I know it's wrong, but when Yolanda said, "You couldn't even kill the dog!" it cracked me up.


I was surprised by how quickly Fer agreed that Isa was the one who tried to kill Siete. I thought he would put up some resistance as he still seems clueless as to what she is capable of. But maybe now he has come to his senses.

I took that as a statement of Isababy's incompetence, as Yomama previously called her desalmada for intending to kill Siete.

Children like Sarai are one of the reasons I never wanted to have any.

As to Fernando agreeing on Isabitch as the Prime Suspect, I think that her destruction of the twins' school notebooks (which could have gotten them failing grades) and her violence toward Sebas were evidence of a Pattern of Behavior. I only wish he had seen it happen.



You mentioned Fernando finding it amusing that Nando was 'turning the torta' on Edith.

Here is a very funny short video clip about "turning the torta " that you might did amusing.


Is it just me or is Fanny's lipstick getting redder and her dresses/skirts shorter? Just noticed also that she appears to be substantially taller than Ana. Maybe just the shoes. IDK.

Kirby, I think you're right, I noticed tonight her super-tall platform shoes.
J in Oregon

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