Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo #91 Is this the last we see of Diego?? At his experiencia religiosa, will Diego say 'heaven can wait' or become an angel?


Fernando tells Ana he spoke to Diego but could not reconcile with him. Ana keeps hoping they will be able to forgive each other soon. Fernando tells her Diego is in bad shape, has been drinking for several days now. Looks real bad. Seems he is on auto-destruct mode.

Lo Nuevo:

Isa still at Freeky’s. Isa seems to want to rekindle the flame she once had with Freeky. He agrees she is very attractive, but she turns it on him and says from here on out, we are only related by business.

Laura rings Freeky’s bell. He won’t let her in, sends her away ‘non-ya-bidness’ who I’m with. Laura breaks down and cries in hallway ‘what have you done, Laura??’ Natalia sees her but Laura denies needing help.

At Lasc kitchen, Johnny and Bruno are having a good time, Johnny swears he is the best cook now. Even puts on a ‘show’ for Bruno. He tries to show how to crack an egg without making a mess. Bruno laughs hard (feet up in the air) when he fails and Bruno starts telling jokes. FF>>

At Diego’s, Natalia comes in the apt. Diego gets mad at her because she threw away his booze. He takes the keys and runs out.

Ana is calling Diego’s cel, but he won’t answer. Fernando says he and Diego have always parted ways but this time its gone too far. He won’t let Ana feel guilty. Both he and Diego have made mistakes. Fer tells Ana what Diego said, that if Fer wanted Diego to forgive him, he would have to walk away from Ana. But Fer would not. Ana says they (Fer and Diego) are both men with great values/virtues, 'but the only difference here is that I… '

Diego has arrived at Chicago wasted, sits down at a table but is not in mood to talk to any of the girls. He tells them he broke up with Ana but gives them no details… He remembers moments lived there with Ana and ends up getting on the stage yelling and announcing that he and Ana have broken up. Dana tries to take the bottle from him. He ends up destroying his cel phone after seeing he has a bunch of missed calls from Natalia and Ana. He yells loudly asking where is Sensual Ana… Ino-Doro has his men drag him away.

Fernando sends Jenny home to rest. She promises will come back early next day. Fer stays with Nico for the night. Fernando holds Nico’s hand and remembers the conversation and the nagging of Diego. Fer swears to a sleeping Nico that he won’t rest until Diego forgives him.

At the house, Ana’s cel rings. It is Natalia asking about Diego. He has not come back to the apartment.

Ana has called Fernando. He is heading home. He wakes Nico to give him the nurse call button just in case. He will be right back.

At the house, next morning… Ana is sending the kids to school. Seems Siete wants to go to school too. Seems Brianna has moved there… she is in the group. Fernando comes in. He tells the kids that Nico is feeling better. Fernando also gives besos tronados to the kids on their way out.

Nando comes down and also gets besos tronados from Ana and Fernando, although it makes them both feel a bid odd. Fernando smiles. He tells Ana he is glad Nando was able to rise from the Ximena crisis. Ana wishes he found another illusion/significant other.

At hospital, Jen is nagging at Nico for having asked Johnny to make her happy.

Diego (in a very wasted and out of his senses state) has arrived outside the Lasc house yelling for Ana to come out to talk. Fernando and Ana hear him. They both come out. Diego is very sarcastic thanking for their concern… although he expects more from her. As Diego tries to get close to Ana, Fernando steps in the way. Ana begs him to go back in the house. Diego continues with his mocking and blaming. But Fernando goes in the house at Ana's request to let her handle this. Diego tells Ana he is leaving so she and Fer can be happy. His plane leaves tomorrow to take him far far away. Ana is very thankful to him for many things. He kisses her hands. He tells her they won’t see each other again. It will take him long to stop loving her. He will go back to taking pictures of lovely women around the world until he finds one that reminds him of her. Ana can’t stop him… Fernando comes out and takes Ana out of the way. Fernando tries to stop Diego too… but Diego makes it away, not even putting a helmet on. Fernando and Ana run to the car to follow Diego. At the same time Fernando is calling the police also.

Fernando asks Ana what Diego told her. Ana tells Fernando that Diego was saying goodbye. (we see Diego is riding very fast, out of control). Ana feels guilty. Fernando says what is important is to keep him safe.
But Diego gets way ahead of them. As he rides, he remembers when he met Ana, when she said yes to being his girl… and Fernando and Ana’s kiss at jail, and the last exchange of punches between him and Fernando. He steps hard on the gas pedal. Fernando is unable to catch up to him. Diego takes a hard left and…. (is about to crash into a disabled car around the curve… he had no time to react since the car was hidden behind the wall on the road). Fernando and Ana arrive too late. He slammed right through his cycle windshield toward the back of the car and ended up torpedoed up in the air… As he crashes on the road beside the car, he put his hands in front and the hands end up sliding a good 20 feet down the road… (they must be totally trashed on the palm side). Fernando and Ana run out of the car toward Diego, both of them freeze a moment before Fernando approaches Diego to give him CPR while Ana yells at the woman there to call for an ambulance… (not sure why Diego’s heart would stop beating with this kind of accident unless when he fell down his chest fell so hard the ribs broke and cut through the heart… for which case there would be pretty much no hope to revive him).

Jen keeps yelling at Nico at hospital. Nico says he feels very anxious. His heart is beating too fast and his blood pressure climbs.

Back to the accident, Fernando is losing it… still trying to get Diego to react. Ana begs him not to lose hope. Fernando cries desperately. After a moment Fernando tries again and we see the confrontation at the house that ended in Nico’s heart attack… Finally Diego reacts, spitting blood up his mouth (possible key that there are broken ribs and/or internal injuries).

Back at the house seems Bruno is worried about Diego running away and Fernando and Ana ran after him. He tells Fanny, who also worries.

Back at accident scene, Fernando is on phone telling the hospital about Diego’s condition… spitting blood, weak pulse… blood type A+… Ana receives a cell phone call from Natalia… Ana can’t lie to her and Natalia gets upset.

Alicia and Brianna are just inside the gate/fence of the school. Seems Alicia is escaping to go meet ‘Pablo’. Brianna is very worried this will all turn out bad. We hear Alicia scream when she jumps down from the fence.

Isa and Freeky argue at his place… she is mocking his plan to prove that he can be better Prez than Fernando. Freeky leaves her alone and she whines that she is hungry and has no service/maid. Then she talks to herself that if she keeps eating she will look like a hippopotamus, or a pregnant hippo rather. Isa is eating sweet breads and donuts while talking to YoMama on phone. YoMama tells her she gained 40 KG of weight while pregnant with her and never lost it back so YoMama warns her she will end the same way.

Doorbell rings at Isa’s apt. It is red roses. It is Inodoro behind the roses!!! (say whaaaaaaaaaaaaattt???)

Ambulance is taking Diego. Ana’s phone rings again. It is Fanny. Ana tells her what happened. Ana and Fernando are riding the back with Diego and two paramedics. At the house, Fanny tells Edith and Bruno.

Ino-Doro is making small talk with YoMama. She starts flirting with him and just like she did with Bruno, has her hands all over him. He tells her he is the owner of the whole building where Fernando leased the apt for Isa. He also owns a bar called ‘Chicago’. YoMama asks if he is single. Absolutely!

Soledad is praying that she has never lost hope to find her daughter. Don’t now where she is, what she is like, whether she is well, whether she is alive. She has the hope that she is alive. She prays for the miracle to see her again. She leaves her house and is walking down the street. Arrives at the theater. Some guy comes out, and from the way he looks at her, he is very fond of her. (Beto?) He does not like it when she interrupts his composing stints. He wants to finish his symphony. She says he can take a break. Lets go for breakfast. He accepts. She needs to talk to someone. Today is the anniversary of the day she had to leave her daughter at the door of an orphanage with her guitar.

Ana is looking at Diego all banged up. Fernando and her hold arms in support of each other.

Ino-Doro tells YoMama that he knows Fernando, the tenant signer of the apartment. He also knows Isa. Ino-doro tells YoMama he met Isa when she went to the Chicago to talk to Jennifer. However, he denies knowing Ana.

Fanny and Edith run out to see what they can find out about Diego. Bruno stays behind worried. He prays to little Saint Thomas that everything will turn ok.

In the ambulance, which is slow moving in road construction traffic, Diego’s heart goes flat-lined again. Ana gets desperate, Fernando prays to God not to take him. The ASD attempts fail, still flat-lined.

VO:‘all hope is gone’…
Fernando is remembering Diego (we see a photo of two boys playing)…
We see Fernando crying hard in Nico’s room saying it's all his fault. Ana is also there and Nico is very upset


Wow Marta you certainly got a powerful episode to recap. You did a splendid job of getting to the nitty-gritty of Diego's whining to Fernando and his subsequent immaturity in taking off on his motorcycle in such a wasted state --both emotionally and physically from all the booze he had consumed.

I am thinking now that this is the end of Diego that he brought on himself with Osorio and which we had all expected/feared.

I personally don't want to see Don Nico die over the loss of his child. Also I continue to be frustrated by the Nico/Jen storyline. Why did the writers develop this side story if we are just going to see a Jen/Johnny pairing at the end? I don't find Johnny's kitchen or cooking antics funny in the least and don't understand why they just couldn't call the agency for a replacement for Manuela.

Marta, thanks for another outstanding recap. I still do not know how you do ithem so quickly and so well.

So, Isabela doesn't want to be part of Enrique's harem. That was interesting. Laura sure got a hard lesson.

My favorite part was Yolanda flirting with Doroteo. She could not keep her hands off of him. I never saw that connection coming. Would they not make an interesting couple? I hope they go there.

Sure glad that Jennifer finally told Nico how it is.

It seems the anxious feelings Nico has been having are tied in to the precarious state of Diego. ESP?

I wasn't happy with Fernando and Ana chasing after Diego. What were they planning to do if they caught up with him? Cause an accident?

I wonder if we will have the old "debate entre la vida y la muerte" episode with a badly abraded Diego or if he is really dead.



Good work, Marta.

I don't think Diego is going to die; we haven't heard the Requiem they normally play for that. However way this goes we need to worry about Nicolas.

That Doroteo didn't reveal that he knows Ana means he wants to maintain control of this situation. Him pairing up with Yomama? No way. Will he use her? You bet.

More tomorrow.

MartaIvett: wow, thank you for getting this great recap up so fast. I was literally on the edge of my chair for most of the episode. Did you all hear me screaming "Noooooo!!!" when Diego flatlined? Do you really think they will bring him back? Are the avances monkeys messing with us again, because mine showed Ana and a couple of the kids crying at the hospital.

Laura--did she let herself make the big mistake with Mr Enrique?

Alicia--running off to meet "Pablo". Who is he really? An older man, an internet predator? It surely couldn't be...Enrique? Please, no.

So relieved we are finally seeing Soledad coming into the plot. We need a nice, calm mother figure. For everyone!!!

J in Oregon

Great recap, Marta, you did justice to an awful episode.
I don't think that D is dieing, either - he had the accident right after fightinfighting with the protas, his death would be too much of a shadow to overcome. Tn rules say that he should give his blessing before A and F become a couple (even if he should or not.)


Thanks for great recap,

- Interesting how Brianna (pretending to like Johnny's food) and Edith (saving Ximena 2X, etc, etc...) are so genuinely nice and compassionate.

- So there was proof of attempted murder of Don Nico and no one talks about it or seems to be worried enough to call the police?

- How can I find a beautiful, smart woman like Natalia to worry about me and try to take care of me after I get drunk for days, treat her poorly, and act like a jack-ass?

- Don Oreo + Yolanda? Too weird.

Urban, even if Doroteo pairs up with Yolanda only to use her, it is sure to be very funny. Got to keep the laughs coming from somewhere and that could do it.


UA, totally agree with you on them not really putting the usual background music so i doubt Diego is dead either... it would fit nicely with what Adriana said, that maybe eventually Diego has a change of mind while he is recovering and gives his blessing to Ana and Fernando.

Regarding Doroteo and YoMama... I would actually prefer the comic relief to come from them than to come from Johnny... Please, let it NOT be true that Jen and Johnny will be together... remember Dana has the hots for him so maybe she will be with him in the end? Also where is Edna??

I really hope Nico doesn't die either... and yes, they have put the investigation of the murder attempt to the side for now... but with all of the plates Fernando has spinning at the moment, i doubt he has mind bandwidth to think of that.

Reeky and Alicia?? please say it ain't so!!!

Alicia at least has both her dad and Ana giving her advice on the Pablo situation. it is sad to watch Laura, who is indeed older, but obviously has no support at home, to go through a scum like Freeky all by herself. I wishs he had told Fanny about her relationship with Freeky, she would have said 'CANCELA CANCELA!!!'


Masterful Marta! What an episode and what a recap.

I've come to the conclusion that none of the Lascuarin men are too bright in the brain cell department when it comes to relationships and how to treat the one you love. Good for Jen giving it to Nico. Why do they think they can barter their partners to others? They should come with a warning label.

I can't see them killing off Diego as I said yesterday. Way too much of a game changer since it would most likely kill Nico and be way too much trauma for those kids. But honestly, his death would just hang over Ana and Fer and I could see Ana being overly guilty if that happens. If they do go there, I'll call it lazy writing. Use this for a reconciliation moment and then we can move on. As for the accident, not exactly family hour friendly, but all I could think of as Fer/Ana left in the ambulance was "hey, what about the car?"

Lovely, we have to put up with Johny every day now we get to have Doro worm his way back into the story again on a regaulr basis. Really? It might be "comedic" but I can't say I really want to watch him and Yomama. As for Isa, is this all we will get now is her whining constantly?

Ah, Laura, indeed, what have you done? Anyone else think she is pregnant now? And Maybe Alicia should spend a week living with Isa--that should cure this stupid behavior.

So we are back to the hospital with the whole crew taking over the waiting room again. Joy.

Have we heard any update on Jardinera? All my thoughts and prayers hoping all is going to be well.

Wishes for all the Caray minions to have a Wonderful holiday weekend.


Great Marta, bunch happened and you got it all.

JnO I also thought the internet hook up is Ricky. He is the kind of guy to troll for young girls.

Finally someone told Nic to stop horsetrading women. It won't stop him though, that old man make me sick.


DaisynJay, i too thought about possibly Laura being pregnant and that is why Freeky shutting the door in her face affected her that much... 'now what do I do??' would be what she would be so upset about if she is indeed preggers... and just look what genes this baby is carrying! two women preggers with Freeky's genes?? YIKES!!!

We had seen Laura so sure of herself that an affair that ends would not affect her so much, unless she did expect to keep it going to have Freeky finance her whole college degree OR she is preggers.

Note to Laura: Just saying "I'm not a hooker" don't make it so, huh?

Wishing everyone a great holiday and for Jardinera and her family our best affirmations that everything IS ok with them as well.

Thanks Marta, what an episode indeed. I agree with most of you. 1. Diego is going to live, at least for a while, 2. My first thought with Laura is she is pregnant, 3. No way would they pair up YoMama and Doroteo. If they had chosen an actress who looked sexier and put together, I would assume they would be having a relationship, but not with this actress. If they do, it will be a total stretch. 4. Why don't they post a police officer outside of Nico's door since they now have proof that someone tried to kill him?

What I disagree on is I do not think that Pablo will be Enrique. I'm hoping it's an old, overweight, bald man. That might just scare Alicia and every teen viewer away from trying to hook up on a website.

I think Doroteo is gonna play Yomama like a fiddle. He's always got young girls hanging all over him. His interest is in the continued indenture of Ana and if Jenny did pay off some of her debt he needs more leverage and why he didn't mention he know her.

Dear Marta,
Thanks again for a wonderfully detailed recap.

The posts have given me hope that Diego will live. There were certainly a lot of ups and downs there at the end and the only reason and I was hanging on every minute of it. The story would suffer terribly with his death, although it might be a reason to drive Fernando and Ana apart for a while, although I think the break will come with the big reveal.

I love Daisy's comment about the whole gang . . . and people they scarcely know and some that want to do them in, convening at the hospital.

Many good holiday wishes to everyone.

Thanks Marta. Didn't see the ep, so much appreciated.

You mentioned Alicia screaming after jumping from the fence. Maybe she broke something which would keep her from going to meet Pablo any time soon.

Happy Holidays everyone.


I think Diego will live. Imagine the guilt of Fernando if he dies. There aren't THAT many episodes left. Ana's PM job is yet to be discovered by Fer, so that will take some time to clear up. I'm sure Diego will be best man at their wedding with his new found love, hope so anyway.
I DO agree Diego has been a big baby lately, totally out of character.

Family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, friends of acquaintances always convene in hospitals in TN's, not just immediate family. weird

“Nicolás was right. What can we do?” asked Eros.

“I'm dragging Dionysus down to Tartarus right now,” said Apollo. “He needs to spend at least a millennium there.”

“He's always too drunk for that to matter,” said Hermes.

“I guess so. He must have lost several millennia to the grape.”

“We can't let him die. Hermes, you have to get in there and help.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Save him, bro! You're the patron of physicians. Get your cadeusus and get down to that operating room!”

“Yes, uncle,” said Eros. “My dad's right. Besides, he's also one of my chief acolytes. Diego needs to live.”

“Alright.” He put on his winged sandals. “I'm off. Here's hoping I'm not too late.”


Isn't this show ending in March/April? There are at least 4-5 months left in this show.

If Diego lives he'll be shipped off to a rehab facility.

If Laura is pregnant & Isahungryhippo is pregnant, I can see Isa's baby dying and Laura 's baby being used somehow as the replacement.

There aren't EIGHT kids in the credits, there are only 7.

Don Doroteo isn't a great catch himself so why not pair him with Yolanda. Yolanda May have been a beauty in her day...she DID tell Isadummy that she gained a lot of weight with her and never lost it, and Isa could end up the same.

Usually with major villains there's at least ONE redeeming value about them, but with Isa there are none.

If Laura is pregnant (I don't think so; she just has Seller's Remorse) she's too far behind Hissabela for that scenario.

I would also think that Enfreaky would have learned his lesson about contraception be now.

Why would Laura go see Enrique? She only slept with him to get her tuition paid for. She had a look of disgust after she slept with him, so I don't think she's into him at all. And, I don't think she needs the next term paid for yet, they just started.

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