Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo #73 29 Oct 2014 Bruno turns to have a Charlie Chaplin other self... Fanny tells Fernando about Leon's suspicions of Reeky, Nando finally sets Ximena straight

Folks, my cable signal at Univision was awful during the entire episode tonight. I was only able to hear about every 5th word in between all the static and frozen screen… However, here is what I was able to get from body language and few words. Hopefully Julia can recap if she was able to hear the entire episode.


Fernando argues with Diego and Ana outside the house… Diego calls him on his out of control jealousy. Ana steps in between them asking them to ‘behave’. (LOL!) Fernando asks the driver if it shows that he is jealous. Johnny catches Ana and Diego just as they are ready to walk in the house. Just came by to say hi…

Reeky plays a drama queen skid in front of Fernando at hospital, then thinks on Fernando’s shoulder that if his dad dies he will make Fernando’s dad die as well.

Lo Nuevo:

Edna tries to give Ino-Doro a show of pole dancing, but she is way way bad. Ino-Doro says he will ask Ana to teach her. In comes Dana and she goes beserk, heading straight to Edna to have a mud-less girl fight, to Ino-Doro's amusement.

Ana and Diego ask Johnny what he will do with the two girls. Ana says it is not right to hold on to both. Bruno and Manuela come out to living room. Mani tells Ana that Bruno said he is not dying. Ana then accuses Bruno of having some secret dealings at the hospital with Dominica. Ana demands the truth. Diego wonders if Bruno is gay. Bruno is outraged at Manuela for ‘revealing details of their intimacy’ (I did not get what she was saying, other than revealing that the other day she found makeup in his room) Ana insists in Bruno speaking up. Bruno says he will show them all tomorrow what the secret is about.

Alicia and Isa in Isa’s bed. Alicia gets some more brainwashing from Isa, I am hurtin’ because I had a major altercation with Ana… Alicia takes the bait, hook, line and sinker.

Back at hospital, Fern asks Reeky if need anything. Reeky thanks him for coming and shakes his hand goodbye.

At Chicago, USA, more bits of honeymoon… what do we do if Manuela changes her mind? We will find another surrogate. Nico wants to go back right away… mostly about Diego and Fernando’s divorce.

The 4 younger kids are playing with outfits and chairs as if they all are riding a car, maybe a safari?( from the hats on them) but they are also holding guns and end up in a made-up fight with the guns.

Ana and Johnny walk outside. She has a hard time believing he is holding on to both girls. He can’t decide, ‘torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool...’. Ana accuses him of wanting the cake and eating it too. He honestly still feels for Jennifer. Ana says the one she wants to kill is Fernando.

Later on Ana is formally excusing herself in front of 'His Majesty Don Fernando' when her workhours are over… From his facial expression, he seems to be already regretting the arguments of earlier. She tells him that the twins teacher wants to meet Fer again. No idea why. Also that Alicia is still with Isa, and won’t even talk to Ana. Fernando is surprised. Ana looks at her watch, Fernando gets miffed at her being in a hurry and preferring to leave already than to talk with him about Alicia. Ana calls him on his 'rule' of her seeing her boyfriend only outside work hours. Fernando asks her to watch her tone. She apologizes. Then leaves. He again regrets his tone and then remembers their ‘almost’ kiss right before the call about Nando’s accident. Then Fernando has a puppy sad facial expression...

Fernando visits Isa at her bed. Isa plays the victim and abandoned wife script. She nags at him that he does not care about his baby. She tries to get him to stay with her, but he just grabs his pj’s and leaves.

As he leaves Isa’s room, he runs into Alicia in the hallway. She starts nagging about her baby brother being in danger and its all Ana’s fault. Fernando says don’t be so quick to judge. Can’t believe you already forgot how that woman loves you, how much she has done for you, even made a dress for you with her own hands. She did homework with you and helped you with your acne problem. Just think about it. Please. Alicia seems to be willing to at least give it a second thought.

At Chicago club dressing room, Ana is getting ready for her participation, she is with Diego, a bit upset about what happened with Fernando, but here (at the Chicago) she does not care how the men see her, she says that when she dances in the pole she feels free, loosens her whole body and feels like flying.

Ino-Doro comes in with Edna. Ana is impactada. Ino-Doro asks Ana to teach Edna to pole dance. Ana surprised. Edna says she needs the job but she is not good at all at the tube (Ana corrects her, it’s the pole).

Johnny opens the door to a very miffed Dana who tells him that Ino-Doro just hired Edna at the Chicago.
(she paced hard into his house so he commented that she looked like a tennis match (back and forth))

Nando and Ximena, he insists that Laura is a non-issue, but Ximena insists in arguing so he leaves her there, paying for the check first.

In the house kitchen, Fanny is talking to Leon about his accusation of Reeky. She is having a bit of a hard time believing that an educated executive would dare sabotage the stand of Leon’s mom. Besides, there is no proof to go to Fernando with. Leon gets irritated saying ‘you don’t believe me, right?... ok, think whatever you want.’ (he leaves… Fanny stays there a bit sad/upset).

After Leon leaves, Fernando comes in the kitchen, apparently after walking right past an angry Leon. He wants Fanny to tell him why. Fanny tells him about Leon’s suspicions of Reeky behind what happened to Marga’s stand.

Ximena catches up with Nando at the door of the restaurant. Nando nags at Ximena… when you trust me, then maybe we can talk. He leaves.

Ana is talking on cell with Bruno, and Bruno can hear the background noise at the Chicago. Bruno is asking Ana to invite Fernando and the whole family to the ‘secret reveal’. Bruno asks her what is the noise about. Ana tells him she and Diego are watching a show. She hangs up to go do her dancing.

Some guy standing by the bar seems very interested in Ana’s show. (I might be way off but could Reeky have someone follow Ana to find out if she has any secret and this will be part of the reveal at the company party?) Edna watches Ana’s show and is a bit both surprised and scared.

Fernando tells Fanny that it does sound extreme… Fanny says she has to believe Leon. Fernando also doubts that a guy like Reeky would do that. He leaves for the night. Love you.. me too.

Bruno has made a fresh avocado face mask in the kitchen and already put it on his face. Fernando comes in and gets scared at the sight… but then remembers that last time he saw Bruno like this was the night he kissed Ana just before Isa told him the next morning about the pregnancy (THE KISS, the night after the zoo trip). Bruno convinces Fernando to try getting the mask on himself, very good for dry skin and to prevent stretches. Finally Fernando gives in. Sits down and even starts tasting the mask. Now there are two men with green masks on… ‘how did I come out?’ they stand up, Fernando wants to see himself in the mirror, when he opens the door, Ana is on the other side with a huge vase in her hands. She at first yells scared, then mocks them… saying jokes and even phrases like ‘what did one iguana tell the other? 'somos iguanitos!' [thanks Julia!]... Ana then comes in the kitchen with them and offers her own recipe for insomnia tea that includes valeriana and other herbs. She learned it with the nuns at the orphanage. Fernando is tired, he is starting to lean down and Ana says she feels like she is talking to the microwave. (?)…

Next morning (seems it is a weekend day, Fernando is there and going with them) Ana and Luz are talking about Bruno’s big reveal. They slowly but surely convince Alicia to come along. Alicia is even smiling at Ana… at least showing some reasoning after several hours away from Isa.

Nico is revealing to Jenny their new home. Very nice house… they joke about who will carry who through the threshold. His sciatica won’t let him… and he is a bit heavy for her. So they walk in side by side. Jen loves the house. They look very happy.

At the hospital, the Lazcurains arrive and Dominica greets them. Ana and Fernando stay behind the gang and Ana asks Fernando what could be Bruno’s secret, is it bad? Fernando assures her he knows Bruno and it can’t be bad at all (I think).

Turns out Bruno dresses like a Charlie Chaplin character to entertain kids that seem to have terminal cancer disease (so probably the one that had a month to live was one of the kids)… Bruno also hands to the ill kids toys that he rebuilds/repairs from the ones the boys at the house abandon and forget about. Bruno is very loving with the ill kids. The Lazcurains are all very moved by it. He gets the twins to give the ill boy Vicente one of their old toys and gets Luz to give an ill girl a toy heart that belonged to Luz. Sebas and Alicia also hand out toys that used to be theirs. Very nice family moment…

Back at the house, Fernando nags at Ana that he is always the last one to find out about anything. Manuela tries to defend Bruno. The boys also argue for Bruno. Fernando seems to be playing with them faking being real angry. Ana claims Bruno did not want anyone to know. Bruno claims he did all the work in off work hours. Ana says God Bless you to Bruno. Bruno thanks them all for their help and toys. Bruno is ready to show them his ‘reconstruction’ workshop. Bruno apologizes to Fernando. All the kids vow for Bruno. Fernando says ‘hey! Easy!... (he continues to seem to be miffed about all this) Luz says something about a dog. Fernando finally says he is all on board. Everyone is soooo happy. But only under the condition that he is notified early about things. Kids are so happy they tackle Fernando all together and they all drop in a group hug on the chair.

Previews: Isa is at Doctor’s office, asks flat out, who is my baby daddy?

We see Ana lean on Fernando’s bed when he has his PJs on, and he flat out tells her ‘only I can make you happy… do you love me?’


THIS is Bruno's big secret!? What a ripoff!

Thanks, Marta! My reception was fine, but I think the episode was 90% filler. You didn't miss anything.

Small correction, the recipe Ana was talking about was a tea for insomnia.

The joke was: what did one iguana say to the other iguana? Somos iguanitos!

Best part was Nando calling Xime's bluff and walking away. She is way too needy.

Marta, thanks for the great recap in spite of bad tv reception.

I liked:

how Ana dealt with Fernando when he became
nit picky about her going out after her work hours. "Ya me puedo ir, su majestad?" (Can I go now, your majesty?) sure got him to change HIS tone.

how Nando dealt with Ximena starting by asking her when it was his turn to be understood and ending by telling her they would talk when she could love and respect him. More than a boyfriend she needs a family or at least a mother figure since her own is worthless.

the Bruno secret and his Charlie Chaplinesque performance for the sick children along with a toy and more important a kiss or a touch. What a great little rhyme: como Bruno sólo hay uno. (There is only one like Bruno).

León telling Fanny to think what she wants. She needed to tell Fernando about Enrique's threats and suspicions whether there was proof or not.

I did not like:

how quickly Fernando discounted Leon's suspicions about Enrique but he now has extra info to tuck away and consider as the plot moves on.

A fun episode.



Wow, Fanny finally told her dad about some of Leon's misgivings about IkkyLizard! Now let's see whether Fernando can put two and two together for once!

Great recap!

Ana often adds an 's' to end of names----Jennys, Fannys, Brunis.
Is this a "Mexico thing"? Does this have anything to do with "tu" form? A show of affection? When would one use this? Seems like all these names have "eee" sound ending.

Marta this was spectacular. If you got this great recap pulled together from body language and every 5th word, well, I'm in awe. I could hear everything and not understand as much. Bless you!

I'll tag along with everyone:

loved how Nando finally stood up for himself and called out Ximena on her jealousy. (Since the writers love parallels, I'm hoping Ana does the same with Fer real soon).

Thankful Fanny told her dad about Eeky and Leon, and I do kind of get why he would have a hard time believing it. But I had hoped Fanny would be more suspicious considering what a creep he was to her. But she has her trust in Leon and she said something...steps in the right direction. See if Fer's brain cells fire in time.

I'm now starting to get that uncomfortable vibe with Nando and know the one. They are too happy, everything is going too well, we're too early in the TN.

So, some disappointment in Bruno's reveal that it wasn't some big plot moment, but as the scene progressed I got the darndest problem with something in my eye. And now Bruno is my hero that he has been doing that. Just lovely, not sure it deserved all the secrecy, but lovely. And I'm not sure Fer was faking being left out at first, but then came around. I do think he feels he's the last to know...however, he brought that on himself. Did like the kids piling on. JS seems to really love those moments.

Don't like the previews. I'm sorry, he's still a married man technically with the wife around the corner, his kids are in the house (Luz could walk in any moment) and I don't know the set up to how he winds up in her bed, but again, it's all about him and wanting Ana in that hanging on position. Couple hours earlier he was treating her like a true servant. A little respect here?


DaisynJay... i agree about the previews... was that Ana's bed??

btw, you mean Nico and Jen, right?

What you talkin bout Marta, this is great!

I get it, Bruno is one of those people that gives and it not about him and preferred to remain anonymous. Bruno rocks, I forgive all his silliness.

Oh, Manuela let out in front of everyone that Bruno was not gay only a virgin.

Thank goodness, Alicia was coaxed back from the ledge, hope it sticks.

Though it angers me Fanny & Fernando ain't exactly buying Leon's accusation, it does fit within their view of expectations for someone educated, professional and with social standing. Fernando thought the same of Isabela.

Fanny - tell dad he tried to give you a horse

Leon - you're on your own bro

Nic - got it at a bargain, no one wanted to live near the wife next door

Edna - can I use a net

Diego - if she hated it that much there would be a pole in her room

Jenny - if he shows up at your door, don't let him in

Fernando - Ana, you forgot your ball & chain

Luz - dear Santa, I want a little sister & a dictionary for Christmas


Thank you, Marta. Not too much new, but good to see that Fernando is not buying Isabela's blaming of Ana; that Nando is getting wiser; that Alicia is back with Team Ana; and that we know Bruno's secret.

I appreciated the scenes in the hospital and thought that it was another opportunity for the kids to learn compassion. That and the whole Bruno adventure, while a bit of a let-down plot-wise, were sweet and once again showed that the family, with Ana at the center, functions pretty well.


Marta, for missing as much dialogue as you say, this is a fantastic job.

So now another person knows about Ana's secret job. That puts us one more step closer to the wrong person (Isabitch or Enfrique) finding out and telling Fernando, which is where all hell will break loose. That will be the worst blow to Ana and Fernando's relationship.

Which will also be another barrier to her escape from Doroteo's indenture of her. How the hell does he get away with that?


Did I understand Diego correctly? As Ana was preparing for her routine and he inquired why she seemed excited to go on when she knew the men were lusting for her and she hated it, she said she knew but pushed that aside because she loses herself and all her troubles fade as she dances.

I always thought that her reasoning for justifying (along with the money and the indenture) to others why but is Diego now questioning that? If Diego is, though accepting, the dodo will certainly hit the fan when Fernando finds out. I get Ana too proud to accept anything from Diego but if she hated it that much, she has an out. It also occurred to me Bruno's secret and concealment of his other life very different from hers.


Urban, I thinnk Doroteo gets away with it with all of them because they are poor, no resources, no friends in high places. He snookers them in, indebts them to him with loans, etc., and keeps them in line with threats which he does carry out. He's a pimp. Add to that the possibility that the police/legal system could be corrupt and on the take. It is not hard for me to believe.


“That really wasn't nice of Manuela to let that one out,” said Eros. “Virginity at that age is usually considered very embarrassing among mortals.”

“She will have to wait a little longer,” said Aphrodite. “But so will everyone else in this family.”

“I'm worried about the fact that Fernando still doesn't know about Chicago.”

“So am I. I have to talk to Athena about this. She could put it in Ana's head that in exchange for teaching Edna how to do the pole Doroteo should let her out of her contract. With Edna's nude photos already in print she'll bring in so much new business he shouldn't think he's losing out if Ana leaves.”


And what of our lovable dimwit Jonny. He is a wanna be pimp, he's been living off Ana & Jenny for years and knows without a doubt what sending Edna to see Doroteo means.

Tofie, are you sure about that? Johnny strikes me as being really stupid about what Doroteo really does. He can't put two and two together to make four.

Considering who is writing this there is the possibility that a nasty Johnny is in the future of the story, which I think would be horrible.

No, I don't think Jonny is a nasty bad guy but an idiot. He knows exactly the kind of guy Doroteo is, he spent a week locked up and beaten when he threatened to expose him.

I agree. Johnny knows about Ino-Doro having capo style dirty business but he is too dumb to think of a way to help himself even less Ana or anyone else think of a way out of the hole they are in.

Why throw Doroteo new meat?

Exactly, Tofie, that is what I don't get. That really makes the character a lot dumber than we previously thought.




Thanks for the great recap!

After Tuesday's episode was a downer I really enjoyed last night's. Yes Bruno's big secret wasn't plot driven but I did enjoy their visit to the cancer ward and now at least understand why he was stealing toys! It was a very sweet scene.

Glad Fer spoke to Alicia and made her see sense. It also says a lot for Alicia that she came round and could see truth.

I understand why Fanny and Fer don't think Enrique would burn down MamaLeon's place. That is a big jump into psychotic behaviour from him just going after Fanny. Creepy yes but still...

Glad there was little of Isa, Yomama and Reeky in this episode. So much lighter!

Jonny should have recommended Edna dance some place else. He knows what a criminal Doro is.

Yeah to Nando for growing some balls and telling Xime to get it together!

And the kids were so cute tonight. I just love watching Luz, twins and Sebs playing.

In regards to the previews, I'm hoping that Fer being in bed with Ana is either a dream on her part or a nightmare on Diego's. Seems too out of character for Fer to do such a thing.

I agree, Carvivlie. if the scene is in Ana's room, it's got to be a dream or nightmare on one of the three-some.

regarding Johnny recommending Edna to go find a job with Ino-Doro... misery likes company.

Leon should have told Fanny and Fer in detail about the threats Enfrique has been making to him. I can see how in their minds, it's a big leap from "he hit on Fanny and doesn't like Leon" to destruction of his mother's business. But if he told them about all the nasty stuff Reeky has said and done to him, and the gun after the wedding and clear and direct threats against his family, it would make more sense.

I did like how Fanny said Reeky is "dizque educado". Throwing the APPARENTLY in there shows she does have some doubts about him beyond just not liking his advances.

It was nice of them all to do the hospital visit, but that was SO not a payoff for weeks and weeks of "Bruno has a HUGE secret!" They could have done those scenes without the big spinup. I understand he wouldn't want to toot his own horn, but trying to keep it a secret when everyone thought he was a criminal or having an affair or dying was ridiculous. It actually makes it MORE horn-tooty. If he had ever simply mentioned casually that he was volunteering at the hospital, everyone would have thought that was nice but it wouldn't have been such a big deal. His whole "I have a GIANT SECRET!!!!" attitude drew way more attention than the facts would have.

Marta, it was an incredible recap - no one would have suspected that you had so many transmission difficulties!

The comments have been wonderful so let me just add my thanks and appreciation.

The only scene I saw was the gang at the hospital. I kept wondering if the children were actually ill (at least one girl did look it), and found myself crying. I was happy with Bruno's revelation. Kindess is always a happy surprise.


Late to reply, but thanks Marta, did mean Nico. Was only half way through the morning coffee.

I'm with the goddesses, we seem to be revealing all the secrets, we need Ana's to just get out to Fer and be done with it. Cripes, everyone and his mother, except for evil twosome seem to know already.
And I do wonder that from what Ana explains, if Fer tries to make it he can buy Doro off ( kind of like Diego tried to do ) and Ana still wants to dance, then I want to see his reaction. Has he learned with his father's example and the disaster that is Isa that what's "on paper" is not all it's cracked up to be, or will he go and all prim and proper and demand Ana quit.

I love the fact that Diego almost looks like a proud puppy when he watches Ana dance because he knows what it means for her. Again, dang they are making the caste-off just so perfect for her.

And I agree, Ana and or Jen needs to slap Johny to kingdowm come for bringing Edna into the club under Doro's thumb. They aren't living in the sticks...there are other jobs to be had.


I think Fer is going to be more angry that Ana has lied to him this whole time about her dancing job than the actual job. I wouldn't be surprised if the big reveal comes right before they are on the verge of getting together. Another wrench to be thrown between. I could actually see him firing her initially because he's so angered. And then trying to win her back.


Thanks, Marta, for another great recap!

Diana - I also wondered about the children at the hospital. That qualifies as #superfantastic if the producers allowed actual pediatric cancer patients to act in the tn. If so, can you imagine how thrilling the experience was for them and their families?

Even so, I had to wonder if the children had any idea about who Bruno imitated. Certainly the children are all unfamiliar with Charlie Chaplin. Oh well, it was a really sweet scene, especially with the entire Lascurain clan involved.

Thanks Marta, this recap is excellent.

I thought that hospital scene was extremely touching and admit that I found myself tearing up too. Those children were almost certainly patients and imagine what a treat and wonderful distraction it must have been for them.

Has anyone else wondered why Doroteo seems to be so tolerant of Diego? I would think that he would not appreciate him lurking around the dressing room and would by now have challenged him. Maybe I missed their introduction to each other.

I'm enjoying Isabela occasionally sharing her thoughts with us in a conspiratorial and at times taunting way.

Luz continues to delight me. The other day it cracked me up when she passed Laura on the stairs and greeted her with, "Hello, Fanny's friend." She is sooo cute.


I thought that too Carlos. Isn't it bad for business to have the boyfriend always around? But I guess since she strictly dances on stage and doesn't do lap dances or walk around to engage in conversation its okay.

Marta: missed most of this ep last night so thanks for the recap. Looks like some interesting things happened, so will definitely be watching my recording tonight.

Carlos: "Luz continues to delight me. The other day it cracked me up when she passed Laura on the stairs and greeted her with, 'Hello, Fanny's friend.' She is sooo cute."--caught that too. She's a treasure.

Doroteo probably knows that Diego isn't some spoiled rich boy who doesn't know danger. He's also well-known because he's won prizes for his photography.

It might not go well for him to try to harm Diego. However, I could see him making an attempt on his life if he decides that Diego stands any chance of bailing Ana out of her enslavement to him (because that's what it really is).

The only way I can see Ana escaping Doroteo right now would be to leave the country with Diego and to tell nobody about it.

I think Ino-Doroteo gives Diego a lot of leeway because unlike the people he usually pushes around, Diego is well known and has family around, and more importantly, those family members are rich and well connected. Plus Diego has been toughened and smartened up by his adventures around the world. I think even a dolt like Dorkoteo realizes that if he picks a fight with this guy, he's going to get more of a fight in return than he does when he has someone like Johnny beat up. Diego and his family have the means to do a lot more damage to Dorko and his business.

Actually Doroteo would benefit greatly if his headline act at the club is known to be the girlfriend of a Lascuráin. He could get even more press should she become his fiancee

Actually if La Costena's company party becomes the scene of a scandal Doroteo will cash in. If it becomes public some rotter will ID Ana and Fernando will go ballistic.

It never occurred to me that IkkyLizard's doctored photo could lead someone to uncover Ana's secret job and tell Fernando.

Marta--late to the party, but just wanted to thank you anyway for an outstanding recap!

I thought the scene with the kids was very touching and it must have been filmed in an actual hospital ward...some of the kids really did look unwell, bless their hearts. Agree that Chaplin would be a puzzler to most of them but no doubt the kids just loved fact somebody would come to visit.
J in Oregon

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