Wednesday, October 22, 2014

La Malquerida #43, 10/22/14: Dan’s Got Some ‘Splainin’ to Do

Mexico Episode #48

Danilo Vargas is messing with my sleep, people! His evil is not the best thing to watch before bed. Again, high level bullets.

-Dan throws Alejandra off him and hard to the floor, as she tries to keep him from suffocating her worthless alcoholic mom. She jumps on him again, but it looks like years of drinking didn’t leave much fight or life in her mother, and she dies quickly. Dan tries to say some b.s. about how he did this for Ale. She screams that she never would want anyone to be murdered, and then wails over her lifeless egg donor.
-German and Acacia arrive just then and Ale immediately runs into German’s arms, and then Acacia’s arms. She’s almost catatonic, so Dan spins his lies about what happened. He says that Ale found out her mom was sick and that’s why she left. She sent word to him, via some people they know in common, and he rushed there. They arrived just in time for Ale’s mom to die. Dan nervously asks how they found Ale. German responds, where there's love, there's a way.  German wonders why Ale didn’t call him—this is why he wanted her to get a cell phone. Dan puts on a teary-eyed, sad act, which is just disgusting to behold. Ale shoots daggers at Dan with her eyes. Dan shoots back threats with his eyes. German looks confused and suspicious. Acacia is just worried about Ale. Dan offers to call up a doctor buddy of his to do the death certificate and offers to take care of the funeral. Ale sarcastically asks if he’ll take care of her mom’s burial like he did her brother’s. German insists on paying for the costs and hands Ale his art work check. Ale refuses to take his hard-earned money that he needs. Dan shoves the check back at German, and pulls Ale to his side, staking his claim on his property. Acacia calms the men down before their conflict escalates, and reminds them that they are there for Ale. Dan pulls Ale outside and reminds her that after Olga, and her mom Hortensia, German is next on the hit list, so she better keep her mouth shut!
-The Association meeting has wrapped up, and Este is making excuses to the Municipal President about why Norberto was so unprepared—he says it’s because his son has been ill. Seems that Ale’s research report helped Esteban wing the whole thing, and the MP and the other big wigs and growers are impressed. The MP will bring the matter of genetically modified cotton to his higher-ups. As usual, he’s in a rush to run off to another event, stuffs a few more appetizers in his mouth, and takes off with his entourage of men in black. Este chews out Norbie and demands again that he re-hire German and Ale, no arguments allowed. Este also gets on him about Dan being a no-show at the meeting, when Norbie said he was reliable. Norbie puffs on his cigar and downs a tequila.
-Meanwhile, in the dining room, Juan Carlos is staying up late to chaperone Cris and Hector during dinner. JC keeps a close eye on the two as they sit side by side, leaving the head of the table open for Este. Luisa makes the mistake of bringing out Hector’s flowers, which partially caused Este’s hissy fit earlier, to decorate the table. Cris introduces Luisa as Acacia’s best friend, who also works at the hacienda and is studying to be a chef. Hector charms her by being kind and polite (he takes her hand and calls her Miss Luisa), and by complimenting her food. Luisa has a bit of a crush. Rosa is scandalized. Hector, Cris, and JC reminisce about old times. Hector talks about how JC terrified him back when he and Cris dated. JC makes it clear he’s still looking out for his daughter. Hector makes a toast to Cris’ family, just as Este comes into the room, and takes in the scene of Cris and Hector sitting cozily next to each other, clinking glasses, and smiling. Thank goodness JC is there! Este plasters a frozen smirk, which barely conceals his seething jealousy, on his face. They toast again and Hector hopes that one day soon Acacia and his son will be there at the table with them.
-While in the kitchen serving up Este’s plate, Cris gets a call from Acacia with the news of Alejandra. Cris is really affected by the news of poor Ale losing her mom, and Este comforts her. They decide to leave early the next morning to accompany Ale during the funeral. Hector decides not to spend the night, given all that is going on. Este and Rubio can barely contain their glee. Hector asks for them to let him know if he can do anything for German and Ale. Este smugly refuses. Once they are alone, Cris thanks Este for making the effort with Hector, and Este acknowledges how lucky he is to have a beautiful, wonderful woman like her. Let's hope he remembers that the next time Acacia hugs him. They kiss.
-At Danilo’s House of Ill Repute, Perla still has Julianita locked up, per Dan’s orders. She taunts Julianita about Dan paying a visit to her parents. Julianita begs that he not do that, since her parents don’t know what it is she does to earn the money she sends. Perla just smiles, slings the keys around her neck, and sashays out of the room. In the main room of working girls and clients, she calls Dan wondering if he’s still at the Association meeting, and why won’t he pick up the phone. Norbie comes in, looking for Julianita. Perla says she’s away right now. Norbie doesn’t believe her. He’s paying a LOT of money for Julianita to be exclusively HIS. Perla promises it won’t happen again, then tries to get him to take her or one of the other girls for a test run.
-Back in Hell, Ale sits wake over her mother’s body, while German and Acacia sit next to her side. Dan can be seen outside the window, sliming on the neighbors. Acacia asks Ale to explain how and when she knew Danilo, and why she never mentioned him to her. Ale keeps the answers vague. Two of the neighborhood biddies gossip loudly about what a bad daughter Ale is to have not visited all these years, while shedding all these tears now. Acacia shoos them out. German tries to talk to Ale. He would have liked to come with her to tell her mother how much he loves her. But now, in front of her mother’s body, he swears his eternal love. He takes her hand, and looks down in shock at the turquois ring back on her finger. Ale asks him to forget about her forever. He wonders if the ring and that request means that she’s returned to Dan. She says, yes. German does not understand and cannot accept it, but he leaves the room and speaks to Uli outside. Uli tells him that if that’s what Ale wants, he has to accept it. German wonders if the extreme poverty Ale grew up in is what’s scaring her away from him—since his artist’s earnings won’t be much. Uli does not believe that’s the reason. He thinks German needs to respect Ale’s wishes. German doesn’t think he can live without Ale’s love.
-Rosa and Luisa are both in bed asleep when Luisa’s cell phone chimes. She reads a message from Manuel saying he came to see her earlier that day, but Rosa and Rubio ran him off. He asks her to meet him at 10 the next morning. Rosa rips the covers off of Luisa and demands to know who is calling her at this indecent hour! Luckily for Luisa, Rosa has no idea how to work a cell phone. She keeps tapping the screen, but doesn’t see the message. Rosa suspects it’s Manuel, but Luisa lies and says it was Arturo sending her a message about Ale, since he didn’t know Acacia had already called them. Rosa accepts this lie.
-The next morning, Luisa is making an extra effort with her clothes (including cleavage), makeup, hair, and perfume. Rosa asks what the deal is, and Luisa lies that she’s making the extra effort for Ale’s return. She is just about to run off to meet Manuel, when Arturo pops up. He just came by to spend time with her. He compliments her on how nice she looks, and is just leaning in for what could become a kiss, when Manuel pops up and ruins it all. He pouts and says that he’s been waiting for her. She awkwardly introduces him to Arturo, who puts his arm around her. Is that a hint of jealousy I detect in Manuel? Why, yes it is! He makes a point to remember Arturo as the one who SERVED at Cris and Este’s wedding. Luisa points out that Art works for a catering company, and Art mentions that he and Luisa are actually in business together with their own catering company. Suck on THAT, Manuel!
-Ale’s mom has just been buried (hey, where did she and Acacia get those great black dresses?). Dan makes a big show of telling the nosey neighborhood biddies that he will send them money to lay flowers on Hortensia’s tomb regularly. He also makes sure to keep Ale in a tight clasp. German looks on in disgust. Acacia tries to take Ale back home, but Dan grabs Ale and says she’s coming with him. German jumps in and basically says, “Aww, hell no! She’s NOT going home with you!” They are playing tug of war with Ale, when Cris and Este show up and also ask what the hell Dan means that Ale’s going home with him. For once, I am happy to see that scowl on Este’s face. Dan gulps. Ale faints. German takes Ale into his arms against Dan’s protests, and Este makes Dan stay behind to explain what the heck is going on.
-They put Ale on a bench in the cemetery and give her Powerade to regain her strength. They tell her to rest, but she babbles incoherently about not wanting to bring any harm to them or cause them any trouble. She kisses Cris’ hand, and looks terrified.
-Cris joins Este in the interrogation of Danilo. Danilo explains that he took Ale out of her house after her brother died and the sexual abuse by her father was revealed. Over time they fell in love, got engaged, but Ale couldn’t get over the shame of her sexual abuse and ran away. He has been looking for her ever since. Cris and Este ask Dan some pointed questions.
C&E: You took her to live with you after you took her from her house?! (Clearly having in mind that she was only 13 at the time.)
D:  No. I took her to live with people I trusted.
C&E: Why didn’t you bring charges against her father?
D: I tried, but he had disappeared. How do you bring charges against a ghost?
C&E: So your arrival in El Soto was actually planned? You were looking for Ale all along? Why didn’t you tell us?
D: No. I had looked for her, but didn’t find her. Then I decided to leave San Jacinto and set up biz in a smaller/peaceful place. I just ran into Ale by chance. It was fate.
-Cris and Este still eye Dan with suspicion. Regardless of the commitment Dan and Ale may have had before, they saw that she was very happy with them and with German. Right now she is grieving and confused, and is in no condition to make this kind of decision. Cris insists that before anything else, Ale needs to get therapy for what happened to her. Ale is like a daughter to them. Even more so now that her mother has died. She will not leave their home and move in with a man until she’s properly married. Hear that Dan, CA-SA-DA! Dan gulps. Cris and Este then remember, "Hey, didn't you say that you came to our wedding with your WIFE?" Dan double gulps.

Avances: The death of Ale’s mom makes Cris think about what would happen to Acacia if she were to die suddenly. She asks Este to take care of Acacia like a father, if that happens. Este says that Acacia doesn’t see him as a father. (You’ve got that right!)


Still can't get to sleep, so might as well comment. Acacia is not very quick. Sure, she's confused about how Danilo fits into Ale's life story. But anyone else who knew as much of the story as Acacia does would IMMEDIATELY suspect that Dan is the guy who abused and exploited Ale. Come on, Acacia! I need her to at least spill the beans to someone who would ask the deeper questions.

I couldn't believe Luisa was falling into the Manuel trap again. There she has Art and Manuel side by side, and it looked like she couldn't decide who to stay with. It's NO contest, in my book, but whatever. Let her run off with Manuel, and we'll see how far her face falls when she realizes all he wants to talk about is Acacia. When will she learn?

Vivi, I don’t know how you do it. Awesome stuff!

My faves:
Dan can be seen outside the window, sliming on the neighbors.
Is that a hint of jealousy I detect in Manuel? Why, yes it is!
Ale’s mom has just been buried (hey, where did she and Acacia get those great black dresses?).

When the whole group was gathered in Ale’s alkie mom’s hovel, I felt like shaking my TV. “Say it now, Ale! Say it now!” She could have just announced right then and there that Dan just abducted her and threatened to kill German if she told. Voila! And all the witnesses are there, with plenty of people to keep German from killing Dan, or Dan from killing German. Easy as pie.

But no such luck..

WOW..I just watched my recording of this show. The visual was disconcerting...Ale is here comes Estevand Chris..she's saved..finally I am not sure if Dan still has her in his clutches. Now, to read the recap.

Thanks, Vivi, for that great recap of a very interesting episode.nDamn really has to think fast.nWhat will happen next ? Great writing and acting. wow and wheeeee

Hector is an interesting addition to this story. He sees right through Este and is worried about Chris because he can see what is happening and also knows that Chris is oblivious to the vibes between Este and Ack.

Vivi, I can't tell you how much I look forward to your recaps, but was especially anxious this morning to hear what you had to say.

I am so grateful for yet another intriguing, mesmerizing summary, serious in tone yet strewn with just the right amount of spirit lifting clever humor. You somehow make us feel that there is hope, amidst all the madness.

I lost power for an hour and to my utter surprise, the first scene I saw was Acacia, German and Uli watching while Ale "wails over her lifeless egg donor" as the despicable Dan "can be seen outside the window, sliming on the neighbor". What amazing images you conjure up! I don't know how Africa/Ale does it. Her acting seems all too real and it's getting more difficult to watch her suffering escalate.

You noted Ale was "catatonic" and I can't think of a more accurate word. I kept yelling, tell them, yell in front of Dan, say you are keeping quiet so he won't kill German! When Este and Cris showed up, that would have been the perfect time. But, she is far too DamDan damaged now (I say grimly). And, I wondered if she fainted because she may be pregnant? No spoiler, speculation only.

And Este's smugness and superiority with Hector was beyond disappointing. It's almost a shame Hector didn't go with Acacia. He seems to be shrewd and likely would have suspected all was not well at first glance (just as he did with Este and Acacia's pictures). However, I am relieved Este will be around and perhaps keep Danilo at bay. Praying Cris and Este bring Ale home for now.

Along with Maggie, I also loved "Is that a hint of jealousy I detect in Manuel? Why, yes it is!" - and reveled in the thought that Manuel might indeed realize Luisa is a wonderful woman. Arturo's putting his arm around Luisa was the perfect touch as it unearthed the green eyed monster that Manuel was obviously unaware of, well at least in Luisa's case.

And Vivi, so disappointed Luisa is going down the Manuel road again. How could she now choose sullen, lazy Manuel over bright, hard-working, lovely Arturo??

"As usual, he’s in a rush to run off to another event, stuffs a few more appetizers in his mouth, and takes off with his entourage of men in black" was another favorite.

German and Acacia know something is seriously amiss. Este and Cris know the puzzle pieces aren't fittin. Who is going to dig their heads out of the sand and figure this out first? I refuse to believe that there is any intention on the writers parts of even thinking about an Ale/Dan wedding. That would be unbearable.

Vivi, thank you for giving us this gift, crafted with heart.


Well, Este acted like a galan in this episode...demanding that Norb give German and Ale back their jobs and stopping Dan from taking Ale. Let's see how long that lasts...maybe until the next full frontal hug.

Thanks Maggie, Susanlynn, and Diana!

Maggie and Diana- I too was yelling at my tv for Ale to speak out! But given the physical and emotional trauma she had just been through, and having watched Dan murder TWO people in front of her eyes, I wasn't surprised. Nor is this some made-up tn thing. We hear all the time about people who were held prisoner by some sadist not even needing to be tied up and hidden eventually, because they are kept quiet and in control by threats and their fear (e.g. Elizabeth Smart; the recent big sexual exploitation ring busted in England). Diana, as you point out, the damage to Ale has been done.

There are many capitulos to go, and Dan is our Big Bad, so we're not going to be rid of him any time soon. Diana- I wish I had your faith that the writers aren't going to continue to torture Ale with Dan, but I'm afraid she's our sacrificial lamb in this story. :(

Pregnancy? I also wondered the same thing. I been on Ale and Cris pregnancy watch. But Ale was certainly under enough stress to cause a fainting spell, even without a pregnancy.

Susanlynn and Diana- Yes. Very good writing and acting, especially by Africa this episode (and the last few). She must be so exhausted from all the crying and bawling. She's one of those actors who does real crying (snot and all), instead of having pretty glycerin tears running perfectly down their pretty faces.

You know what really made Arturo look hot to me in that scene with Luisa? He was carrying a reusable shopping bag! A man of my own heart. :)


This is a heads up about recaps the next few weeks. Tonight's episode will be the last episode I will recap for a few weeks. I am having surgery early next week and will be recuperating after that. Although I will surely be watching at some point, and maybe even commenting, I am not going to be pushing myself to do much else. I hope someone can step up to help Gloria, at the very least to post a discussion page on the nights she can't recap.

Vivi, I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

You are such a vital and vibrant presence here. While we will miss your incredible recaps, it is you who will be truly be missed. The insight, generosity, wisdom and heart that you show us daily are what will be absent.

I know you will have a successful surgery and ask only that you give yourself the time to heal and recover. Please drop us a line when you can and let us know how you are (or ask someone to post something).

As everyone knows by now, I lack Spanish comprehension skills so cannot recap. I will be happy though to add anything I might "see" or sense to the discussion or recap.

I am happy we have your recap to look forward to tonight.


Thanks Diana! Your Spanish comprehension skills are great! I don't know what you're talking about. In any case, I know you and others will have good discussions and hash out the details, even if there isn't a formal recap.

Wow, Vivi, surgery! You are going to be missed big time here at Caray. I wish you good healing, and I’m not sure if following Evil Dan and his dastardly doings would be a good thing for you while you’re mending. He really gets our juices pumping, and not the good juices.

But all the while he’s doing horrific things I’m admiring the terrific job the actor is doing. The German actor could take a few lessons from him on how it’s more effective to dial it down. The German actor is very appealing when he’s all soft and sweet and decent, but his other mode is to go apesh*t, with no emotional middle ground in between.

Maggie- Thank you!

Alberto Estrella/Danilo is an old pro actor, with lots of experience. I hope all of the young actors in this tn are learning from the stellar veteran actors they are working with in this tn.

I STILL can't reconcile the fact Estrella was Mario in Pasion. So dashing, so handsomely devlish, so divine. So utterly different from the character here.

He and Ximena (the fabulous Marisol del Olmo) are still one of my all time favorite TN couples.


Vivi---Great reap with several note worthy lines and snark to boot. Too many great lines to write but a few that stood out to me was---"his property" Whaaaat?
Bach in hell---and sliming on the neighbors. Dan gulps. Ale faints. Please no Dam Evil Dan pregnancies
Please writers, don't take us there.
Suck on that Manuel was yet another good one. Vivi, you rock.

Either I didn't know or I forgot but best of look on the surgery.
Here's hoping that you come back as good as new.

Now back to yesterday's recap. You wrote---but if he keeps acting the fool her love just might start to fade. I say that it's already fading. Talk about what is in the pictures that Cris didn't see. If you had pictures of Hector and Cris the same look of love could be seen. They were making goo goo eyes at each other
when they first met and have been making the same eyes ever since. Their lips got pretty close a couple of times also. If I were to bet, my money would be on Hector. Esteban is on his way out no mater how he acts. And now he's supposed to watch over Acacia, this will just hurry things along. And we have to remember the Ulises/ Nuria project problem hasn't even surfaced yet. More fuel on the fire when that happens.

I still say that Alejandra could have hit Evil Dan on the head with something--empty whisky or wine bottle instead of trying to pull him off of her mother. Ale isn't strong enough for that.

DanEvil is a slick talker isn't he?
Well Ale is going to be headed to therapy. The question is will she be still be able to cover for Evil Dan out of fear or will the doctor she through her attempts on non compliance?

Like Maggie said I think that we are going to be stuck with DanEvil for a long time yet. BOOO
the gringo


Thanks Gringo. I think it's a bit too soon for a Dan pregnancy. I was thinking a result of her afternoon tryst with German. But, certainly if she ended up pregnant now, she wouldn't know whose baby it is with certainty.

Hector is certainly looking at Cris with love in his eyes. But I do not think she is giving him that look, yet. She's certainly happy to be reconnecting with an old friend, and he is making her laugh and smile a lot. There may be some attraction deep down for her, but nothing full blown like we've seen with Este and Acacia. Unlike Este, she is VERY clear about what man she wants to sleep with and wake up next to each day.

Vivi - Excellent recap. I am in awe of how you craft superb writing night after night. Best wishes on your upcoming surgery and get all the rest you need for recovery. My favorites from your recap:

wails over her lifeless egg donor

Meanwhile, in the dining room, Juan Carlos is staying up late to chaperone Cris and Hector

Luckily for Luisa, Rosa has no idea how to work a cell phone. She keeps tapping the screen

Nope, Acacia's not perceptive at all, but I give her kudos for running those gossipy biddies away from Ale. Ale was trembling and hugging Acacia so hard that I did have hope that Acacia would put 2 + 2 together, but nope.

For once, I understand Ale keeping silent. Danilo is crazy-evil and killed the prostitute and her mother in the flash of seconds. I can totally see Danilo brandishing a knife, stabbing German in the heart, and fleeing before Ulises or Este could get to him. But I sure hope Ale somehow gets herself a weapon cause there’s only one way for her to be rid of Danilo

I believe I heard Cris asking Danilo about his current wife, the one he brought to her wedding.

Niecie- Thanks. I couldn't remember if the wife thing came up in the episode or the preview. I'll add it in now at the end.

Yeah, Ale was trembling like a leaf in a hurricane-- hanging on to dear life. Acacia should have picked up on that. It wasn't just grief.

I added this final sentence:

Cris and Este then remember, "Hey, didn't you say that you came to our wedding with your WIFE?" Dan double gulps.

Thanks for the recap, Vivi! And good luck with your surgery and recovery!

How much longer do we have to endure Dan's craziness? I'm glad both German and Esteban put their foot down, but poor German has be without Ale.

The whole Luisa/Arturo/Manuel thing is getting weirder. Manuel is just trying to use Luisa.


TF- Manuel is indeed just using Luisa. At first, I gave him a pass. But he acted like a jerk to her when he was in the hospital. Refused to see, speak to her, or read he letter. All of this after he made out with her. OK, fine. She accepts that he doesn't feel that way about her, and the last time she spoke to him she asked for space and time. So what does he do, like the next day? He goes to see her in her home, texts her in the middle of the night, and makes an appointment for a secret rendezvous, all to ask her about ACACIA! She still doesn't know that's why he's so hot to see her. He has to know how tacky that is, and how much it will hurt Luisa. It will be interesting to see how he treats her now that he knows he has competition, that isn't Rubio. Right now the girl of his dream is in the arms of Ulises, and now it looks like his fallback girl is in danger of falling into the arms of Uli's brother, Arturo. That's going to hurt his pride.

Vivi- You are so right. Luisa shouldn't waste her time with him. She should give Arturo a chance. If she lets herself continue to be disappointed by Manuel that may have serious consequences.

Niecie, thank you for providing that golden nugget of conversation regarding Danilo's "wife". Leave it to Cris to remember! As awful as Perla is, I can't help but pity her and hope this doesn't mean Danilo will target her as his next victim.

"Right now the girl of his dream is in the arms of Ulises, and now it looks like his fallback girl is in danger of falling into the arms of Uli's brother, Arturo". HA! I love it that Manuel's competition is "all in the family". Manuel has a lot of maturing to do and isn't worthy of anyone right now.


Luisa the fallback girl. Too bad, she needs to be put up on a pedestal. Deep down inside, she's sweet, she's a winner, she's a keeper. Fallback girl? Cruel.
the gringo

Gringo- She isn't Arturo's fallback girl. HE puts her on a pedestal. HE sees her as a queen. Too bad she can't see that, and instead gravitates towards the guy (Manuel) who sees her as a fallback. He's the cruel one, and she's letting him get away with it!

Good luck tomorrow Vivi, we'll all be thinking and praying for you.
the gringo

Gringo- Thanks, amigo! The surgery is not till first thing Wednesday morning, so you still have a few days with me. Gloria recaps Friday and Monday, but I'll be in bed very early on Tuesday, so that's why there will be no recaps from me at all next week.

((Vivi))) I will be sending out prayers and good vibrations for me. Hope that you have a quick recovery.

Whoops.....from you. sorry. I am multitasking again..making dinner, listening to the news, and writing this comment. I have to focus !!!

Whoops...those good vibrations are from me FOR YOU.

Thanks Susanlynn!!! :)

Vivi, great storytelling. While skimming thru the blogs, I saw that you're headed for surgery? My prayers for you to get well soon.
Well, I was out of town for a while. and having mentioned before that tho I dislike the "incest" undertone of this novella and am contemplating to skip watching this, I am attracted to it due to the fine actors and actresses that are in it, among them, the characters that play Danilo and Perla and Chris and so many of them.
So catching up, I see a Hector character coming in.
"Two wrongs does not make a right" So now they introduce a character that would fall for Chris. So Este will have the base free for a home run with Acacia. Disgusting. Just saying.
So can't help my self. I'm a sucker for tns. Anne

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