Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #46 10/20/14 Alexa is One Smart Cookie

From Friday:
Sofia gives Silvana a lamp that belonged to Octavio as a symbol of their friendship.
Lucas tells Dani he's done with her because of her lies.
Matias offers his emotional support to Silvana. She screams, "Get away from me!"

Matias walks away. Silvana looks a bit guilty about her behavior. Chava tells her that Matias may be gossipy and silly, but he's a really good guy. As Silvana gets in the car she grimaces in pain and nearly falls. Chava catches her. "Are you alright?" She says her stomach is upset and asks Chava to get her home right away.

Alexa goes to the kitchen to ask about Dani. Miguelina tells her that after she introduced Dani and Lucas they had an argument. It was almost like they knew each other! Then they ran off. Alexa tells Miguelina not to say anything about this to Greta. She goes out to look for Dani.

Chava carries two big boxes into Silvana's apartment and sets them on the table. Let me guess, it's that big ass lamp. He asks if she wants him to unpack the boxes. Silvana isn't feeling much better and leans against the table. Chava offers to go to the pharmacy for her if she needs something. She tells him it isn't necessary. Chava opens one of the boxes and pulls out the lamp base. Silvana wants to ask him a question and she needs an honest answer. "Does Sofia love Patricio?" He replies, "Honestly? No." She tells Chava to go. After he leaves she yells, "I'm suffering because of your stupidity!" She lifts the lamp off the table and throws it.
Alexa finds Dani crying. She says she feels like she's dying and sobs, "Lucas hates me!" Miguelina may not know the score, but Alexa has already figured out that Lucas is the guy Dani is in love with. She calms Dani and walks her home. Meanwhile, Lucas walks through the playground sobbing, "How could I fall for her?" Ahhh. Young love.

Lupe' and Araceli are cleaning up after dinner. Lupe' is sorry that she blabbed about Paco giving his secret recipes to Sofia Ripoll, but Araceli should have stopped questioning him about it! The subject turns to Marisol and Chava who are each in love with someone that already has a novio. Chava is pretty depressed about Sofia's engagement. Lupe' urges Araceli to go for it while he's vulnerable.
At a stoplight Chava remembers his conversation with Araceli at the factory. It dawns on him that Sofia must have overheard.

Greta demands that Miguelina tell her where Dani is. At that moment Alexa comes in the door with her. Sofia notices that Dani has been crying. Alexa makes up a story that Dani was upset that Alexa is going to Madrid and Sofia is getting married. Dani would be alone in the house. Alone with Greta. I'd cry too. Sofia hugs Dani, "You won't get rid of me so fast." Then all the Ripoll women share a group hug. Greta is sure that Octavio would be very proud of his three daughters. Both Sofia and Alexa look doubtful.
Octavio would be proud of his two - I mean three - daughters!
Alan walks down the driveway with a big manila envelope in his hands. Alexa grabs it away. It's the money Sofia gave her to go back to Spain. She is going to go with him and pay off Manolo! Alan tries to wrestle the envelope away from her. Armie steps out of the bushes and pushes Alan away. Armie demands to see what's in the envelope. Alexa hands it over. Armie pulls out a stack of bills. "This isn't fake money. You better tell me everything."
With this much money we could bump off both Alan and Irma.
Chava takes Sofia into the study. He delivered Silvana home safe and sound, but he's got to ask Sofia a question. Did she overhear him talking to Araceli in the factory break room? She confesses that she did. They were making plans as a couple weren't they? Chava tells her that Araceli is his lawyer and a good friend. They used to be novios, but that is in the past. Now they are just friends. She asks, "Why are you telling me this?" "Because I like you. Umm... I like to be clear with you." Pato walks in and interrupts. Sofia tells Chava to go home and rest. After Chava leaves, Pato tells Sofia that she's in another world when she's around Chava. Sofia tells Pato that he's being silly. She goes back to the party.
Dani cries to Miguelina about her problems with Lucas. She didn't tell Lucas who she was because he doesn't like rich people. Miguelina had no idea that the girl Lucas is in love with is Dani. She promises to talk to him and she is sure that everything will be alright.
Alexa has told Armie about the trouble with Manolo. "I was stupid.... WE were stupid." Armie asks, "Is he dangerous?"
"Look what he did to Alan!" Alan steps forward to say something. Armie shoves him back.
"If you give that guy this money he'll just ask for more later on. It's time to solve this."
Alexa has an idea, but they need more people. Armie says he'll ask Chava to help.
Captain Tavares runs into Lupe' on the street. She's worried that he's looking for Chava. "Weren't the charges against him dropped?" Tavares says he's looking for her. She has no idea what he wants, but whatever it is, she's innocent! Turns out Tavares would like to take her to a dance! He doesn't dance very well and he thought she could help him. She suggests he take some lessons from her. "When is this dance?"
"In about a month."
"Well, that gives me lots of time to teach you."
My problem isn't that I have two left feet,
it's that I have two duck feet.
Silvana visits her brother in the mental hospital and sits on the bed next to him. "I need you to recover fast. I meant to use Patricio in my plan, but I fell in love with him. Now he's using me for his plan. Once again a Ripoll woman is taking something from me." There is no sign that Silvana's words are getting through to him.
Lupe' asks Chava about his relationship with Araceli. He says they are just friends. "Friends with benefits?" He is shocked that his mom even knows that term. "No. We're just friends. No benefits." Chava has to go and kisses her good-bye. Lupe sighs, "That doesn't help Araceli."

Friends with Benefits has nothing to do with insurance.
Armie tells Irma that Renzi was at the engagement party. She is surprised, "What was he doing there. How does he know the Ripolls?"
"He's Patricio's cousin. Chava and I think Patricio might be involved with him." Armie doesn't want Irma to work for Renzi anymore. She scoffs, "You're seeing conspiracies everywhere."
Give it a rest Armando. 
You probably think that I have secret plans!
Miguelina arrives home and calls to Lucas. He's not there. He's walking through the playground moaning and pounding on stuff. Cuco tells him to go home. It's late and there are thugs around.
Araceli accuses Paco of keeping the store open late just to avoid her. She badgers him again about the recipe book. He sighs and gives in. "I'll tell you about a very disturbing part of my life."
Fausto tells Greta that the house is finally quiet. She asks about Sofia.
"She's gone with Patricio."
"And Dani?"
"She's in her bedroom."
"Alexa and Alan have gone to a taquería ."
Greta wrinkles her nose and frowns, "A taqueria? Ewwww."
Chava and Armie sit at a table in the taco bar wearing dark glasses and leather jackets. Alan sits at a table with Manolo. "I'm a filmmaker and all this stress is stifling my creativity. How much money will it take to get you off my back for good?" Manolo growls that he is the toughest of the tough guys and everybody knows it. His goons beat people up and handle the narco-trafficking but he does the political bribery and extortion himself. Alexa walks up to the table. Manolo asks, "Are you the girlfriend of this idiot that's come to rescue him?"
"No, I've come to rescue my cell phone." She pulls her phone out of the bouquet of flowers on the table. "What I've just recorded will go out on the internet. It will go viral all over the world!"
I push this button and you're toast Big Guy!
Manolo motions for his goons. Alexa smiles, "If you are going to invite your friends, I'd like you to meet mine." She waves her hand. Armie and Chava stand up and take a step forward. They flash their best mad dog sneers.
Which way to the auditions for Grease?
Pato is trying to seduce Sofia. He kisses her and tells her this is just the beginning. She's just not into it. At all. She pulls away from him. He can't believe it! Doesn't she like him? You mean you can't tell, smart guy?. He wants their marriage to have passion. She makes some excuse about the phases of the moon. I'm guessing this was a reference to her period? Sofia tells him that once they are married things will change. Don't bet on that sister.
Honestly, I'd rather watch football.
Paco created the recipes when he was a young man. He was going to get rich and famous with them. His chocolate recipes were unique. Araceli is puzzled, "And you gave them all to that Ripoll woman? Just like that?"
"No. The Ripoll factory has been using my recipes for over 30 years. Sofia Ripoll's father stole them from me."
Alexa asks Chava and Armie, "Did you get the recording?" They hold up their phones and nod. Manolo asks, "Are you really going to upload that to the internet?"
"That's up to you."
Alan adds, "You're not the first one to threaten her family." He warns Manolo not to mess with the Ripolls because they are a very powerful family in Mexico. Manolo asks Alexa to sit down.  
Chava whispers to Armie, "I feel kind of stupid."
Armie agrees. "If this wasn't so serious, I'd be laughing."
Chava looks toward the door, "Our backups should be here soon. His secretary said he comes here every night with his men." Tavares walks in with about a dozen police officers. Chava greets them loudly and hugs Tavares. The policemen sit at the tables next to Manolo. Tavares joins Armie and Chava. Alexa waves to Tavares and he waves back. Chava tells him that Alexa is Sofia's sister. Tavares nods, "I remember her from her pictures. She's the Ripoll Girl." Chava announces he'll buy tacos for everyone. Alan tells Manolo, "You got Alexa's family involved. This is the consequence." Manolo strokes his chin nervously.
Okay. Where did I screw this up?
Lucas gets assaulted at the playground by two drunks who want money. He tries to avoid a fight, but can't. Cuco sees what's going on and runs over to help. By the time he reaches Lucas both drunks are on the ground. Cuco is amazed. "Where did you learn to fight like that?"
"Where else? On the street." Lucas is going home to see his grandma. 
Fausto comes to see Dani but she doesn't want to talk. He knows that her tears are caused by love. She blames herself for lying to Lucas. Fausto says they are both responsible. He tells her to get in bed. Everything will be better in the morning after she's had some sleep. Dani asks Fausto to stay with her. He says he'll stay until she falls asleep. He sings a lullaby to her.
Paco continues his story: He and Octavio agreed to start the company together. Martin Coria was to be a minor partner. Araceli asks, "Was your agreement verbal or did you sign documents?"
"There were no documents. It was just an agreement between friends. I kept my recipe book with me, but when I wasn't looking Coria copied them. He was just a mediocre talent."
Araceli is shocked, "So they kicked you out and then you saw your creations in the market place?" Paco nods.
Greta stands outside in the dark. Fausto brings her a shawl, then returns to the house. She cries alone.
Paco admits he was hurt by Octavio and Coria's betrayal. Araceli doesn't understand, "If they were your friends, why did they betray you?"
"For money. They did it for money. I was happy simply sharing my creations with people. So I decided to let them get rich and then hit them."
"But why didn't you ever go after them?"
"I met your mother. She made me very happy. And then you came along and I just wanted to forget about it."
Araceli suddenly understands something, "Your professional frustration turned into bitterness. But why did you hide this for 30 years?"
Alexa thanks Armie and Chava for their help with Manolo. She and Alan leave the restaurant. Armie looks at Chava, "It's been a hard day." Chava smiles, "Hard, but not boring!"
Araceli tells Paco, "Now I understand why you said you could have given us a better life. Why did you give your recipe book to Sofia Ripoll? Do you remember the recipes?"
Paco says all the recipes are still in his head.
Araceli wants to go after the Ripolls and prove that Octavio stole the recipes.
Paco gets angry, "No! It's time to move on and bury the dead. Please, just leave it alone!"
End of Episode.


I have a gut feeling Araceli will expose the Ripoli's dirty secrets.

Just saying !

Xint, thank you, thank you. Your recap was sensational - engrossing, lively and witty, from title to finish.

Your always remarkable screen shots were great fun. "Let me guess, it's that big ass lamp"; "Alone with Greta. I'd cry too"; "They flash their best mad dog sneers" and "Which way to the auditions for Grease?" were among my many favorites.

I was thrilled to see Alexa concoct her brillant scheme. Enjoyed every minute of the "sting" from Armando and Chava to the commandante and his men. Alexa is certainly more than a pretty face, as this confirms. Alan does not realize what a treasure he has.

Nice to see Chava retracing certain events and realizing Sophia heard his conversation with Araceli. Will his interrupted admission cause Sophia to regain her senses and call off this sham of a wedding?

It's obvious Sophia can barely bring herself to kiss Pato (not that I blame her). She can't even stand being alone with him, something he is beginning to realize all too well.

"Lupe urges Araceli to go for it while he's vulnerable". What unbelievably unsound advice. Yes, that always works. Grrrr...

And sorry, I have to be honest. I think Aracelis is very bland and has no personality. Unless we see some spunk soon, I can't really muster up any enthusiasm for her character.

I am hoping Lucas getting to vent his frustration on his would be attackers may have been a therapeutic outlet for his anger. He needs to calm down and reasoning things out. I'm not sure though. He feels betrayed and I don't think Miguelina will be able to talk any sense into him.

Favorite moment: Fausto singing Dani a lullabye.

Love that the commandante is seeking out Lupe. Now if Paco would do the same for Greta, I'd be happy.

Thank you Xint!


Xlnt, thanks for such a fine recap! The title said it all. I did not know Alexa had it in her. It was nice singing that change up in the plot. For once she is acting and not just stuck in her abulia.

Diana, I agree that that moment with Fausto singing Daniela a lullabye was the best.

I also was happy that Tavares has finally approached Lupita.

It would be nice for Araceli to respect her father's wishes to let sleeping dogs lie with the Ripoll but it looks like he will not be that lucky.


"Seeing" that change in the plot. Got to turn that auto complete/correct off.


XlntI – Terrific recap of a fun episode. My favorites;

With this much money we could bump off both Alan and Irma.

Which way to the auditions for Grease?

I did not like that lamp, so Silvana smashing it was fine by me. What a fool -- Even if Sofia dumps Pato (let us hope!), he will still only use Silvana.

Yay, Alexa finally made a good move. Loved Chava and Armando in their Grease shades and jackets.

I can’t blame Areceli for wanting to sue. She’s a lawyer after all and somebody needs to pay for all those years her father was a grump when she was growing up. Paco should’ve told her about Greta too. It happened before he married her mother, so no need to hide this part of the story.


Thanks Xint. Very well done and it's great to have your wry captions back. Well done.

I love that Alexa took charge and put Manolo in his place. Chava and Armando were excellent as stand in goons. They convinced me.

I really wish that Dani would move on from Lucas. For a creepy little reformed thug, he sure is high maintenance and hair-triggered.

I loved Silvana's lamp toss. Nothing quite so satisfying as seeing fragile props destroyed.


Xlnt- Excellent recap and pics! I'm looking forward to seeing this episode.

Wow! I'm so impressed by Alexa's plan. Now, she needs to dump Alan, once and for all!

Armando just needs to move on from Alexa and focus on Irma and Nandito.

Vivi, I doubt Alexa will dump Alan this soon, likely later in the TN's Ultimos Capitulos.

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