Friday, August 29, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo, Capitulo 29*, Thursday – 08/28/2014 - Sushi and champagne make for a great expecting mother

(*I think that somewhere along the lines we made a mistake while adding up the episodes, because this is now episode 29 and yesterday should have been 28)

Back to last night’s ending: Nico asks Ana to speak to Jennifer, since they did meet at the hospital, after all. Maybe they can become friends and Ana can convince Jen to come to the party. Ana agrees to help and gives Don Nico a hug, just as Diego walks in. He tries to insinuate that there is something going on between the two, but Ana is quick to set things straight. Diego doesn’t fight it, he knows that Ana has something going on with Fer, not with his father. Again, Ana denies everything, although Nico does mumble that something did happen between them in the past. Ana has had it with both of them, though, so she leaves, after asking Don Nico to keep mum. Which will be very hard, since Diego wants to know the whole truth.
Viewerville observes how Diego might now get the chance to do onto others what others have done onto him – to want thy brother’s woman must be a Lascurain habit.

A few hours later: IsaDiva is at the house, giving orders about table settings and servant uniforms. Bruno is trying to be as helpful as possible, but then Ana joins them and Isa starts to attack the nanny; they go back and forth for a while, Isa offends Ana’s taste, style, manners, everything that she can think of. Bruno is shocked and Ana can barely refrain from punching Isa.
Then the bruja asks Ana to make sure that the kids look presentable for the party, even if that must be hard for a person who knows nothing about such things. After that she finally leaves and Bruno has to catch Ana before she jumps on the witch. Diego watches from the stairs as Ana is telling Bruno what she’d like to do with the bruja – he’s amused, interested, intrigued, a little bit shocked. Bruno asks Ana to try to treat senorita Isabela with respect, but Ana reminds Bruno that Isa is pregnant, she stopped being a senorita a long time ago (heh heh).

Isa continues her tour of screeching orders around the house. Nando and Diego find her in the garden and Diego observes that she is beautiful - after all Fer always had good taste in women, starting with Estefania. Yeah, but there is no comparison between his mom and this woman, Nando sets things straight and then they both go to introduce Diego to Isa.
Isabela seems please with Diego, that handshake was rather warm.

Yolanda is at the hair salon, she asks the stylist for a Amy Whinehouse hair style and she is as loud and as annoying as possible about her daughter catching a millionaire. Where are paparazzis when you need them?

Jen has come to see Ana at the mansion, but they meet outside, on an alley. Ana feels awful with all the engagement story, she doesn't know how she'll get through tonight. 
Excuse me while I take a break to comment: should Ana be this upset, with red eyes and everything? She acts like she had a real couple and a real history with Fernando, but they were just starting out, they had kissed once or twice, nothing more, nothing less. I understand that she is in love and she has to live with them in the same house, but isn't it too soon in the story to be so hurt and broken hearted? 
Rant over - moving on.  Ana also thinks that Jen should tell Nico what is going on with her. But Jen is not ready, yet, she wants to find out the test results first. And no, she’s in no mood for a party.

Night comes and Isa is going insane because her mother is in her room, not yet ready. So she leaves without her, after writing down the address on a post it.
At the mansion, Fernando is in his room, struggling with his tie, when Diego comes in for a chat. He doesn’t think that his brother looks too happy, could it be because Fer is actually in love with Ana and is only marrying Isabela because of the baby? Fernando is in a bad mood, which Diego’s words only amplify, so he kicks him out of his room and sighs. Everyone should be this happy on their engagement night.

While Ana is with Alicia and Luz, trying to make sure that the kids aren’t planning any pranks for the night, the boys are in their room, getting ready to use the powder that they bought.

Downstairs everything looks very pretentious: white china, flowers, fancy music. Except there is no food, and Isa is getting nervous and is screaming at the Chef on the phone. Also, her mom hasn’t arrived, yet and Isa is wondering what is keeping her.
I’m guessing Madam Yolanda shows up at the party dressed as a clown?

Leon&Fanny and Nando&Ximena (I can’t believe these two are a couple!) are with Nico in the ceremony room (I think that's what Isa called it the other day and I can't believe that a private house would have that). Diego comes and introduces himself to Leon and Ximena. I have the strange feeling that Diego doesn’t like Leon, did he hesitate before shaking his hand? Free spirit that he is, he should be Leon's number one fan, right?

Ana is done helping the girls get ready. When she leaves their room, she bumps into Fernando in the hallway and they almost hug, almost kiss, their usual game. Fer says that there are so many things that he’d like to say to her (“yawn”), when he’s holding her it feels like Paradise. Well, this is now Isabella’s Paradise, Ana cuts him off and also adds that whatever happened between them needs to be forgotten fast.
She takes a few steps away from him and sees Bruno, who has a bag containing the uniform that Isa brought for Ana. Ana is not happy that she has to wear a special gala uniform and Fernando is right there, 2 feet away, but his back is turned to the whole conversation, so he doesn’t have a clue about how Isa has been dealing with the staff. 
My guess is that he will remain clueless for many episodes to come, because the guy is clearly suffering from galanitis, that rare ailment that all galans before him experienced at one point. Part of our Viewerville patrons will remember how we discussed this disease extensively with Octavio the big Oblivious one Narvaez in the glorious days of Never Ending Corazon Indomable.

Medical diagnosis over. Back to our regular programming now.
Jennifer decided to come to the party, after all. When Isa sees her she can barely contain her rage, but Nico sure is happy to see his beloved. He introduces her to the older kids and Diego, who is rather shocked to see his father’s new girlfriend. Jen tells Nico that Ana convinced her to come, which only wins Ana more points in his eyes.

The Chef has arrived, too, and is preparing the sushi in the kitchen. Manuela is trying to talk to him in what she believes to be Japanese or Chinese, I guess (and she's obviously not making any sense), but the guy is 100% Mexican; anyway, Manuela falls for him just like she did for Johnny yesterday. The girl needs to get some FAST!
Isa arrives and screams at the Chef and everyone else a little bit; then she struts out of the kitchen, still worried that her mother hasn’t arrived, yet.

As Diego is saying his tiger story again (could this guy be only fun and games and adventures, but run away when it comes to real responsibility? If I hear his tiger story one more time...)
Fanny, Nando and their dates are listening. Jen asks Fanny about Ana, then goes searching for her. But she meets Isa on the way and they start sparing. Jen has the upper hand, though, because even if she’s with a rich guy, too, at least she knows that Nico loves her, while Fer is only staying with Isa because she managed to trap him with a baby. Isa is seeing red, but there is not much that she can argue with, so she just takes another sip of champagne.

After Jen leaves Isa, Yolanda finally shows up and Isa is disgusted, but I don’t see why. Her mother has some tacky hat on her head, but aside from that she looks just like her usual, vulgar self.
Anyway, Isa is so embarrassed, that when it’s time to introduce her mother to Fer and his entire family, she says that Yolanda is her nana. Ouch!!! Yolanda is truly hurt by this and I almost feel sorry for her…. Eh, almost, but not quite.

And there is Ana, at the bottom of the stairs, wearing a gray tailored suit skirt, which is two sizes too big and very unflattering, but nothing compared to the awful ruffled shirt that she has under the jacket or the French maid bonnet that she has to wear on her head.
As she is warning the kids to behave one more time, before they go to the party, Jen arrives and meets them all. Now the little ones know their future grandma….
After the kids leave, Ana explains to Jen that Isa is making her wear the awful uniform. Jen doesn’t understand the meaning of all this marriage nonsense (nobody does, Jen) – why should Fer marry that bruja just because she is pregnant? Ana understands what Jen is saying, but she is an orphan, she could never take a baby away from its family...

They are interrupted by Yolanda who is searching for a bathroom; she is crying because of what Isa did to her and Ana tries to help. Yolanda says “Cria cuervos y te sacaran los ojos” – the literal translation would be “raise a crow and they will gouge your eyes out”; what Yolanda means to say is that she created a monster and now she’s suffering the consequences. 
Even after Yolanda tells them who she is (Isabela's nana), Ana is still very sympathetic. But then Yolanda finds out who Ana is and she accuses her of wanting to steal Fer away from her daughter.
Ana and Jen are surprised because Yolanda just said that she was the nana, but then the old woman leaves and they get back to their own problems. Ana doesn’t want to attend the party, but Jen asks her to do it; just go and confront both Fer and Isa, defy them with her presence during the proposal to see if they can go ahead with it.

At the club, Johnny is upset because his striptease career isn’t the success he was hoping for, but also because he is worried for Jennifer. He and Doroteo get into a huge fight about the money that Johnny owes him. Johnny gets punched in the stomach and is thrown out, but not before Doroteo threatens him and Ana.

Back at the party, the younger kids concoct a plan to put the nasty powder in Isa’s drink. Luz has to distract Fer, the twins have to keep Isa busy and Sebas and Alicia have to get a hold of her glass.
The twins pretend to be very interested in Isa and because everyone is around, she tries to play nice. In order to make her let go of her glass, one of the twins asks to be carried and she complies, even if I’m sure that she’d rather strangle them both.
When she puts down her glass, Sebas puts the white powder in it. Nobody sees them (of course) and Isa starts drinking champagne as soon as she gets rid of the twins. Champagne and sushi? The poor baby doesn’t stand a chance.

Ana and Jen are still outside the party area when Yolanda gets back from the bathroom and says that her daughter will become Mrs. Lascurain. Again the girls think she is odd, calling Isa her daughter and suspect that a lie is involved.
Yolanda goes back to the party and reproaches Isa the lie she told. Ana shows up and Diego gives her a glass of champagne. His touch lingers more than necessary and Fer can’t keep his eyes away, not even when Isa calls for him. She has to repeat his name several times to make him aware of the fact that everyone is waiting for a speech and the proposal.
He starts saying the usual, thanking the family and the friends and blah blah and Isa is all smiles, but she is holding her stomach. Unfortunately, instead of running to the toilet, as I would have thought, all she does is burp when she tries to talk. Loud and very unlady like, smelly and disgusting, but it’s just a burp. No itching powder or laxatives, the kids are disappointing me.
Isa runs to the bathroom and Yolanda goes to the kitchen to fetch her some bread to get rid of the gas.
The kids are all laughing and first Ana, then Diego, realize that they are behind the burping incident.

Isa is back in no time and the proposal continues as planned. Fer reluctantly asks her if she will marry him and she is on cloud nine, screaming that, oh, yeah, she will.
Everyone looks upset, especially Ana, who is on the verge of crying yet again.


Thanks Adriana. I'm not feeling this show. I just like watching Johnny when he strips. Other than that. I'm bored. I miss Alejandro and William Levy (in anything).

P.S. and this show sends crazy messages. They poisoned a pregnant woman and that's funny? Yes, even I draw the line somewhere. Also, they show a young girl lose her virginity and she tells how awesome it is to lose your virginity to a guy she's known a couple weeks. Whatever. Those are unintended P.S.A. messages. I'm getting old and cranky, cause I think that's just wrong.

Thanks, Adriana. My viewing is a bit whacked because of my opera group activities this week.

Between the sushi and the champagne this episode definitely shows how much Isabela really cares about this baby. Another villana cliche. And if this baby makes it to the world unscathed I shudder at what kind of mother Isabruja will be. If it's a girl she'll certainly hope to teach it her gold-digging skills.

I don't see so much evil in Fanny getting it on with Leon. She's old enough, they used protection, and it looks like he genuinely cares about her. If this were happening in the 70s they'd be doing this on a first date.


Thanks for checking in, Cynderella. I wouldn't care too much about the show, either, if it weren't for SN, which I love. I normally dislike Televisa comedies and I don't find this one particularly good, but some of the stories are entertaining enough.
The way losing your virginity is portrayed in tns annoys me, too. If it happens for a couple that is in love, the girl always has a magical experience. OMG, there is nothing magical about that first time, or the next few times...
But this is just another tn cliche, one that they use to separate true love from something that is not supposed to be the endgame for the characters, so I don't mind it as much as many other tropes.
I'm still holding up hope that someone will point out that Isabella shouldn't have ordered sushi for the party, because she is pregnant. Fernando already has 7 kids, one would think that he would at least care about his pregnnat fiancee sipping champagne all night long.

Fernando knocking up Isabella is not the greatest example for the children. I wonder how Fanny became wise enough to use protection? She certainly didn't learn it from her 7 and a half kids Father. I think Fanny hopped in the sack way too soon. She is doing herself no favors by giving herself away to him after only knowing him for several weeks.

Isabela is the modern woman. She puts her wants and desires before her own fetus. Nothing new in today's world.

Adriana Noel, thanks for the very fine recap. Loved your explanation of "galanitis". I had forgotten all about that but it is so true. CI was something else.

Anyway, I thought this was a really great episode except for the Johnny run in with Doroteo. Fast forwarded through that. Also do the same with the Jennifer illness subplot.

On to the good stuff:

Nico told Diego that he smelled like a goat and should go take a bath. Ha! Ha!

Poor Yolanda showing up in all of her finery just to be humiliated by her nasty daughter. For a moment I thought she might turn on her but in the end she was the one to go looking for the bread and the papaloquelite (common Mexican herb) to cure her of her "malady."

Poor belching Isabela! Mayrín Villanueva is doing such an excellent job in portraying such an obnoxious almost cartoonish character. She was so mean (Meow!) when she was discussing uniform sizes with Ana suggesting sizes that were obviously too large for her. Of course, she ultimately regained her composure to accept the proposal much to the disappointment if those crazy prank playing kids and others.

Manuela accosting the sushi guy. Guess it doesn't even matter who it is any more . . .

For me the funniest scene was Fernando first seeing Ana (not quite put together ) in her "gala" uniform. His expression was priceless.

Poor Ana. She should have quit but then there would have been no show.

On to the aftermath of the proposal!



Excellent recap and loved the shout out to Corazon Indomable!

Well Diego definitely knows now, because of the way Ana reacted to the proposal at the end, that she loves his brother. If he go after her it is with eyes wide open. Though since his model/photographer girlfriend is in the credits, I'm sure she'll show up soon to end it.

Seems like Isabruja doesn't come from the wealthy family background she likes to make out. I'm thinking maybe her mother mortgaged herself to give Isa the best and now bec of her insecurities has turned into a beast.

Felt bad for Johnny tonight. Yes he is an idiot but I think he is a good egg. He got a bit handsies with Ana but doesn't compare to what I've seen in other TN's, like LQLVMR.

Adriana, great recap! loved your little lines here and there:
Where are paparazzis when you need them?
Everyone should be this happy on their engagement night.
the guy is clearly suffering from galanitis, that rare ailment that all galans before him experienced at one point.
The girl needs to get some FAST!
Her mother has some tacky hat on her head, but aside from that she looks just like her usual, vulgar self.
Champagne and sushi? The poor baby doesn’t stand a chance.

Jarifa: Manuela accosting the sushi guy. Guess it doesn't even matter who it is any more . . . LOL! Too funny!

and as far as the pregnancy...
well, you don't want to watch Entre El Amor y el Odio... ever! the villainess (Sabine M) did there much worse than Isa has done here with champagne and sushi for one night.

i said from the get go i was going to watch this for the fun and laughs... if we want to dig deep and start bringing out our beanie hats... so i am laughing along with the punch lines, Isa saying Ana must be a size 12... Ana saying she was a 2 or 4... and Diego enjoying the whole scene from upstairs... Adriana you said it so well... he was a mix of those things all in one.

the kids did not poison Isa.. they just gave her a huge dose of laxative so there should not be permanent damage to the baby... and she did run to the bathroom after the second burp that almost sent Fernando to the floor with teh 'odor'. he did a grumble on the 'cloud' she left behind.

I agree with whoever said Yola was ok dressed (her usual) plus that ugly hat... and i did feel bad for her just for one second when Isa said she was her 'nana'.
previews show that this will backfire on Isa BIG TIME!! (unless Uni and Televisa are editing it to change context)

Carvivlie, ita with your take on ISa and Yola background... definitely Yola might have married into some money herself so she is expecting Isa to follow her steps and catch an even bigger fish... and for Isa to do payback to her by bringing her in on the deal (having Yola move in or giving her a nice apt).
That beige and pink lace dress, although it is what is 'in', i did not care for how Isa looked in it.
And Isa must not be very smart herself... i wonder if she faked her whole resume... does not seem to be too interested in the business from the little we have seen... and those manners of hers are horrible. even to people she should treat with more respect. her finger rubbing on Diego's hand might have given him more info about her than she meant.

so at the salon Yolanda wanted a real high hairdo that would make her taller, and then she covers it up with the hat which would have flattened any volumen there... what gives??

is mcet in Mexico at the same time as here (around 8pm?) i wonder if it is meant or advertised as a family comedy like La fea or the 'little girl with single widower dad and nun/teacher future mom' series of remakes.

Martaivett: I think Uni may have edited out Yol's Amy Winehouse hairdo and that was why she was taking so long to get ready, because she had to redo her hair. I was thinking the same thing as you.

Thank you Adriana, I'm with you, I didn't see what was so wrong about Yolanda's look. The hat didn't match, but Isabela could have told her to take it off.

Diego is learning fast what's what in this household. That handshake with Isabela and the thumb rub she gave him had him sizing her up right there.

Fer's anger about the night told Diego exactly how he feels about this impending marriage, and seeing Dad with a much younger lady also lets him know Dad has relaxed quite a bit.

When Diego was introduced to León, he repeated León's name, like he wanted to make sure he heard it correctly. Not sure if that was supposed to mean something or not.

Thanks for this great recap Adriana Noel. Very funny and very entertaining.

While I'm not a big fan of Isabela, I don't think that she did any harm to her baby in last night's episode. As I pointed out previously, consumption of sushi by pregnant women during pregnancy is more a theoretical rather than a proven risk. I am aware of no case reports of harm to a fetus caused by sushi and it would certainly take more than a glass of Champagne to cause fetal harm.


"...the kids did not poison Isa..."

Since I'm not familiar with the product they put in her drink, I really don't know, but I can say with confidence that it is never a good idea (and could be considered a crime) to adulterate anyone's food or drink. However, realizing that this is intended to be a comedy, I'm not going to get too worked up about it.

I felt sorry for Yolanda. She was genuinely hurt.


I think you're correct about the episode number. I don't think we've missed one yet, and so we should have had 5 per week. Tonight's will make 30 even.

Marta, i find your comment about how this is being marketed in Mexico interesting. Yes, it is in that 8:00 pm slot.


Carvivlie, it does look like Diego is putting the pieces together slowly, but surely. He seems to genuinely like Ana, if he falls for her and end ups losing in front of Fer one more time... there will be no love lost between the two brothers again.

Marta, I'm not trying to dig too deep, either. Some of the scenes are ridiculous and the actors play them in a ridiculous manner, so there is no point for us to get too worked up over details.

I think that Yolanda married a rich guy and somehow, she and Isa managed to spend all his fortune. Isa had a good education, though, because she is polished enough and according to Fer she is good at her job when she feels like working.
I didn't get what happened with Yola's hair, either. I don't think Uni cut anything, I watch online and I don't think I've seen more - maybe Televisa decided to change the hair style because the actress looked really ridiculous and they didn't want to offend Amy Whinehouse's memory, but kept the scene at the salon?

Carlos, thank you for the medical info. The way telenovelas always use pseudo medicine at their own liking, your input is always much needed and appreciated.

Adriana, thank you for the fabulous recap. I enjoy your style and especially your sense of humor.

"Viewerville observes how Diego might now get the chance to do onto others what others have done onto him – to want thy brother’s woman must be a Lascurain habit" was my favorite. This was the first I’d heard of “galanitis” but it’s a great phrase and certainly applicable here!

I am with Carlos in that I felt badly for Yolanda. I know she has been grasping and cloying but you could tell that Isa's pronouncement was an unexpected and very hurtful. Perhaps it's the fact it's Carmen Salinas?? If she is to grow a heart, it would make sense that this actress was cast. I never believed her as a "mean girl"...

Everything aside, Isa looks fantastic in everything. She is a beautiful woman and she wears clothes spectacularly. Sigh...

Loved Yolanda requesting “a Amy Whinehouse hair style”.

Not too much to enjoy at this rather downer of a party (except for Jen getting the best of Isa), but there was much to celebrate and enjoy in your recap Adriana Noel.


Thank you, Adriana. Excellent recap and commentary.

Isabestia is becoming cartoonishly bitchy. Wow. She really goes out of her way to be nasty. Glad that Diego at least is seeing some of her rotten side (that side goes 99.99% of the way around), although we might have to wait awhile for Fer to see any direct evidence of why his whole household hates her so much. Although the awful outfit she forced on Ana should have been a good clue. I wish he had told Ana she didn't have to wear that; to put on the nice dress she's borrowed before instead. That would have really infuriated Isa.

What a tedious and uncomfortable party. Why did Isa want so many "important" witnesses to see how Fer was so obviously reluctant and sick at the thought of marrying her? The delusion runs strong in this one.

I was wondering, too, about when Diego met Leon, but wasn't sure if he just thought his name was odd, the same way the little kids thought it was funny that he was named "Lion" when they met him.

I can't get much into Hasta or Malquerida even though i am giving them both until tonight to win me over... I like Pedro F's character than his looks, but if they want Sofia to fall for him right away, i think it will be more the case of the 'princess' falling for her rescuer than believable real love.
And in the case of Malquerida, i can't stand the storyline and what's to come, can't get Nora Salinas' character besides being a martyr wife of a nasty guy and Brandon Peniche's hair is horrible so i will stay with how he looked in Refugio and wait for his next project. i will skip over the high drama late at night.

Adriana, excellent thanks.

"the guy is clearly suffering from galanitis"

Fernando and Isabela are so right for each other. Both are caught up in appearances and propriety, let everyone else eat cake.

Ana does need to get over this and there never was a real relationship between she and Fernando (perhaps the seeds of one that's all). Fernando was dallying with the hired help to boost his own ego and Ana naively believed she had met her prince charming.

However, I really like this one and care not one wit it silly at times. I see everything as set up for SN to give me some verbal or visual razzamatazz.

Yolanda - how'd you get that little bitty hat on that big fat head

Isabela - you shouldn't be talking, got your own junk in the trunk

Fernando - swimming away from the shore

Diego - she's vulnerable but doubt you care

Jenny - sparring partner

Juan - can't win for losing

Manuela - so long as it breaths and wears pants

Ana - self flagellation


I can't believe that Ana actually changed into that outfit. Why? Isabela is not her boss, she should have worn what she wanted to. If she were going to wear it though, she should have sexed it up a bit.
Will Isabela make her wear that uniform once she's married?

Manuela needs to get some, stat! No man is safe until she does.

Adriana Noel - Thanks for a fun recap. Fer says that there are so many things that he’d like to say to her (“yawn”) and your riff on Galanitis were my favorites.

I was surprised to see Yolanda go soft after Isabela showed she's ashamed of her. Wondering if eventually Yolanda will switch teams.

Yolanda - how'd you get that little bitty hat on that big fat head

LOL!!! good one!

Thanks so much for your recap Adriana. ITA w/Ana's heartbreak. I love SN but feel the director/producer is not good and often has the actors/actresses overact and that's why Ana is acting this way.

Also agree that Fanny "waiting" for 2/3 weeks to be intimate with her true love just plays into bad tn cliches.

I think Ana must have taken Fer's silence when Bruno was giving her the uniform as assent that she should wear it. He did have the opportunity to say that she didn't have to. Of course, he hadn't actually seen it and didn't know how awful it was. Ana also might have put it on just so he could get a visual of how Isabruja treats her.

At least Fanny didn't MARRY Leon after only a few weeks. I think it was too soon, too, but apparently such is modern dating, and I think they were trying to show that it was more awesome because she waited for someone she loves and who respects her instead of giving in to the pushy jerk she was dating before. That's at least halfway a good message for the teens.

Talk about falling in love quickly, Jen told Ana that she loved NIco. Huh? You've seen each other a half a dozen times and now you love each other. TN characters do everything quickly.

Actually, in real life, people often have sex after only seeing each other a handful of times, so it's not at all out of the ordinary that Fanny and Leon have already had sex.

And I think they've been together at least a month. They met, went out a few times, then she got mad at Fer and lived at Leon's for a few days, then Nando was in the accident and in the hospital for a few weeks, then he got out and recovered a bit, then Nando and Fer went to Malinalco for the weekend, then Fer decided to marry Isa and proposed, then there was a day or two, and then Isa decided to have the engagement party the next day, now it is the's been at least a month that Leon and Fanny have been together. Which is still quick for hopping in the sack, but not meaningless fling/one night stand quick.

So far Nando seems to be playing Switzerland regarding Fer's engagement to Isa. I think this is mostly because he's thrilled that Fer is actually paying attention to him and confiding in him, and he wants to stay on Fer's good side. But I wonder if he would join the other kids in their anti-Isa war if he saw how Isa treats Ana and Jen and the staff.

I wonder what's going to happen with Isa at work. Fer seemed peeved when the secretary told him Isa hadn't shown up to work. Isa is claiming way too much status too fast, like pregnancy has made her bulletproof and Fer will have to accept anything she does, and that could come back to bite her. I hope it's sooner rather than later. I say he demotes her to messenger. She can have Leon's job and salary, and he can move up to graphic designer.

Fanny did mention all her friends were already having sex and she felt some peer pressure to lose her virginity but was glad she waited for a guy she loved, albeit it was quick. But we have Fernando asking Isabela to marry him about two months after the first interview for a job, Ana hopelessly in love after a few kisses and hugs and a trip to the zoo, Nick and Jenny maybe two weeks and he wanted her to move in together and god Manuela would fall in love on sight with a broom if it wore briefs. I just figure this is TN land and if you don't wash your hands constantly or carry a little bottle of Purell in your purse you're gonna catch the love bug and the symptoms show fast.

Julia, I've wondered about the job thing for Isabela but can't see Fernando wanting her to work while pregnant but then again I haven't heard them really discuss any prenatal care or anything other than the paper she waved in his face confirming it. He has mentioned how valuable Isabela is to the business so guess she must be good, however she'll be the bosses wife and would suspect she'll become a petty tyrant there as well.

I too wondered why Fernando didn't intervene about the uniform and know he hadn't seen it but I took his silence he plans to defer any decisions concerning the home and staff to Isabela. Wonder if he will even comment now he has seen the thing.

Manuela would fall in love on sight with a broom if it wore briefs

Hahaha! I look forward to such a scene! Maybe she'll run into a tree in the dark and try to get frisky.

Awesome recap Adriana. Thanks.
Poor Ana, its the same the whole world over. The rich get the pleasure and the poor get the blame. Isa may be a beautiful woman but why does she need to put Ana down to feel good. That makes her very unattractive. That uniform was so uncalled for. Spineless Fer, she is not yet married and changing things already. All the Lus-whatever men just do nothing. Talking of her dress, isn't she missing the lower part? kind of too old for that length. Fantastic on Fanny not so much her. I may be aging myself, but I don't see anything elegant about large behinds in short dresses. What was Fer trying to say to Ana in the hallway? A bit too late for justifications don't you think????


There is nothing elegant or classy about Isa whatsoever. She may wear expensive stuff, but her constant put-downs give away her raging insecurity. For all their poverty, Ana and Jen would never act as unsophisticated as Isabruja behaves.

It's like Fernando is walking in a fog, sleepwalking through his "moral motions". I wonder when it is going to hit him; the realization of what he is really doing.

With Ana it has been the old "love at first sight" not rational but real for her.

Hanna, I agree it is way too late for justifications.



I can see why Ana fell in love so fast. She's not just in love with Fer, but with the whole situation: a family, a nice home, children and adults who love her and treat her well and don't want her to leave, a respectable job. This is something she never had before, aside from her friendship with Jen.

Thanks Adriana! Wow, I love the whole new mood that Diego brings into the household. I was laughing so hard when he was telling his shark story, and all the kids--and Ana--were screaming. Really funny scene.

I agree that someone drugging a drink--even as a joke--is in bad taste (no pun intended), but clearly the writers are not thinking about things on that level except for the STD PSA.) I'm looking forward to see what they cook up for tonight...Ex-lax in the sushi?
J in Oregon

I'd prefer they stay away from the gastrointestinal tricks and humor and try something more original. Or at least not quite so overused. But if they're going to stay juvenile, once she moves in, they should definitely put Nair in Isa's shampoo bottle, acetone in her hand lotion, and slime in all her pockets.

Or they could go a slightly less physical route and be more condescending to her than she is to them.

Or they could just start taping when she's talking to them and to Ana and post it on YouTube and send the link to everyone she knows. Let her own actions sink her.

Julia, do you have a problem with 5 year old humor? You better not with this show.

Julia, that would be totally in line with what the kids were saying in the opening episode about 100K likes on FB.

Hmm. With any luck, the post about Dr. Faydeyi the spiritual healer will be down when anyone reads this, but I just wanted to thank our Dr. Carlos for the link to the document about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

I can see an alcoholic "rationalizing" from the possible evidence that light to moderate consumption might even be linked to positive effects to the conclusion that her drinking is "ok," and thus understand why abstinence is the main message.

But the evidence about the children of light to moderate alcohol users being better adjusted and slightly higher performing than the children of strict teetotalers might just come not from the absence of all alcohol, but from from a more flexible "moderation all things" balance in those mothers' personality and parenting as opposed to the tension and rigidity of those maintaining complete abstinence.

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