Saturday, August 23, 2014

Mi Corazon es Tuyo #25 When doing the right thing is doing the wrong thing.

Call out to Cynderella.  Male Stripper alert. See the first 2 minutes.

Our story continues where we left off, with Fernando telling Ana that he’s going to marry Isabela. And she is shocked and embarrassed for having thought that a mere employee would be asked to marry him, apologizes quickly, and leaves before he can explain. As she leaves, she loses her shoes, he chases after her and finally catches up in order to explain. She absolutely will not let him, cutting him off at every start, and runs away. I absolutely hate when they don’t let someone explain themselves. What would it hurt to hear the explanation? 

Fernando arrives home with the children waiting in the entryway to hear the good news. Fer doesn’t understand why they thought he was going to ask Ana to marry him, and they tell him that gramps told them. Fer gives them the bad news, he’s marrying Isabela. The kids are rightly shocked, and hound him with questions. Funny part: The kids storm off upstairs and Fernando asks them “can’t we just talk about this like adults?” and the kids all yell back “NO!” hahaha. Nando stays behind and Fer laments that the kids wouldn’t let him explain, and Nando, the voice of reason, says it’s probably for the best because they will have a hard time understanding that they’re going to have a new sibling.

Ana arrives at Jonny’s, brokenhearted and crying a river. Jen gets the lowdown and they cry together. I’m completely irritated with Ana right now because she wails that she doesn’t understand why he’s marrying her, but if she just let him explain when he tried, she would know why. UGH!  Ana will stay there tonight and figure out what to do. 

The children gather together to plot their moves against Isabela. Sounds like the same things they did to the nannies before Ana.

The next night the twins and Luz leave with backpacks, saying they’re not coming back until Ana comes back.

Ana talks to her fairy, FF. I hate that they added this stupid fairy to the story. Just have her talk to herself.

Next morning in the kitchen, Fanny is in a state, Nando tries to reason with her, and Sebastian comes in with a note left my the younger kids.  Fernando comes in and finds out they left. Fer calls the police.

Meanwhile, Jen asks Ana if she’s going to go back to work at the mansion, and Ana realizes she can’t leave the kids exposed to the bruja nightmare that will be Isabela. She gets dressed, and Jonny comes back sore from stripping, and wants a massage, lol. Ana leaves.

Everyone is looking for the kids, Ana comes home, and asks about the children. Bruno tells her what happened and they all go looking some more. As Ana is outside looking for the children, Isa arrives and makes it clear to Ana that she will be referred to from now on as La Senora Isabela. Ana says don’t even go there right now beeotch, I have more important things to do right now. Well, Isabela doesn't care, says that things are going to change once she’s Mrs. Lascurain and once they’re new baby arrives, patting her tummy. Ana is shocked! But at least she finally knows why they’re getting married.

Jen shows up at the doctor's for her test results. She tested positive for HPV. The doctor explains that they need to do more tests to see what type of virus she has.  There are hundreds of kinds of HPV and it may not be cancerous, or not yet cancerous. She asks how she got it, he said it’s sexually transmitted, but she hasn’t had sex in a year, but he says it could hide for a long time without symptoms. I guess this means that Nicolas and Jen won’t be getting it on after all. I sigh with relief.

Ana, still talking to Isabela, tells her that now she gets it, she trapped him into marrying her, but she’s the children’s nanny and will stay. Isa says that will change, but Ana knows better. As she leaves, Isa threatens that she will hurt Ana, just wait. As Ana stops around the corner to cry, she hears a sound and finds the kids. They are in a storage room somewhere on the estate sleeping.

Ana wakes them and takes them back to the house. They tell her that they don’t want dad to marry the witch and have her as their stepmother. Ana tries to calm them saying it may not be that bad. Huh! She brings them in and Fernando is relieved. Ana will take them up to bathe. Fer goes into the office with Isa and she hangs all over him, UGH! He tells her that the children ran away because he told them of the bad news of their impending marriage. She advises that they will get used to the idea over time.

Luz and Alicia want to know why he’s marrying Isa and not Ana. Ana says dad needs to tell them. She then talks with Seb and the twins. The kids need to be understanding about his marrying Isa. Nando and Fanny tell gramps the bad news. The wheels turn in Nico’s brain and he figures out that Isa is the one who’s pregnant. He tells Fanny because Nando already knows.

Jen calls Ana to meet up for a talk.

As Isa leaves the mansion, Fanny asks her if she got pregnant on purpose to trap her father. Go FANNY! Isa accuses Ana of poisoning her mind already. She tells Fanny that she loves Fer with all her heart and is happy to be having his baby. 

Fer is reprimanding Luz and the twins, they want to know why he’s marrying her and not Ana. He passes up the perfect opportunity to tell them she’s going to have a baby. He tells them that she’s a nice person and they need to be nice to her.

Fernando next talks with Ana. They agree to going back to speaking to each other formally, and Fer tells her that Isa is expecting his baby. She tells him that she knows already. Then he asks her if she still feels something for him (why?) and says no, she doesn’t. Falling for him was the biggest mistake she ever made, and she is only staying for the children because she loves them with all her heart. She leaves. She cries again. The end.


This comment has been removed by the author.

BTW, all, Pablo Montero is 40 years old today.

Time flies by far too quickly.

What a great job SN did last night. Wow.

Despite all the emotion from a broken Ana it pales in comparison to what Jenny may be facing.

Fernando just had to ask if Ana had feelings for him, as if nothing had transpired, what an egotistical, pompous ass.

Nic - you got off easy

Jenny - got my fingers & toes crossed

Isabela - "New Rules"

Yolanda - you had me worried there for a minute

Fanny - the reign of terror won't be yours

Fernando - what's she all butthurt about

Bruno - get your resume ready

Nando - who's side you on anyway

Ana - thank you sir, may I have another

Juan - I smell blood in the water


Cathyx, thanks so much

"I guess this means that Nicolas and Jen won’t be getting it on after all. I sigh with relief."

"Then he asks her if she still feels something for him (why?)" Been asking myself the same.

Thanks, Cathyx.

Isabela showed just how declasse she really is last night. Pulling rank before she has any right to and also showing that she is incapable of treating people with even a microgram of respect.

When you think about it, this is small stuff compared to how she treats Fernando, as though she hears nothing he ever says. He doesn't love her and I think she intends to brainwash him into doing so. Like that's even possible.

As for Fernando asking Ana if she still felt anything for him, that was foolish at best. She really needs to be as far away from him as possible, but won't leave the children at Isabruja's (lack of) mercy.

Will Isabela's mother move into the mansion too? Hmm.

Perhaps I'm wrong but I assumed Yolanda would move in, she is already thinking of the status the union will bring so why would she miss the chance to live in a house that has it's own zip code. She'll likely believe she has a shot at Nic.

cathyx, thanks for the great recap. I so agree with your hatred of one character not letting another explain themselves. I so wanted Ana to just shut up so she would hear the whole story from Fernando's point of view. Then, it could have been just as dramatic with him chasing after her. I also loved that Fanny has Isela's number right from the start and called her on the pregnancy.

Having expected Ana to stay on,, it is no surprise she is doing so for the "sake of the children" and her own neediness. I would have so liked her to have just quit as I said yesterday. Self-sacrifice is only good up to a point, and Ana is on the losing end in this equation. I hope she develops some self worth that is not dependent on relationship with others.

Fernando is such a coward but not entirely unrealistic sad to say. It did not surprise me that he would ask Ana if she still felt something for him. Just trying to feed his ego at that point I would say because he already knew the answer to his question from her reaction. And if she said yes, would he have changed his "morally" directed decision. Don't think so. In a way, his strong ethical code makes it all easier for him, because he really never had to make a decision: his ethical code did it for him. Rigid "don Hielo" Fernando is going to have very long and painful journey back to Ana because even though he is basically a nice guy he is weak.

Another thing, why to we have to have a PSA on HPV or on any medical/psychological/social situation? If we have to put up with a certain level of drama in these "comedies" or " dramadies", why do we also have to go down the PSA path? I watched this recorded so I easily could fast forward through those parts. Boring.

After all that, I did enjoy the episode and am looking forward to the kids giving Isabela hell and Ana and Isabela facing off. Shuld be good.



"Should be good."


cathyx, sort of off topic: I saw your Jazzercise logo there and have thought of an analogy: the captions are to the speech in the telenovelas what the dance notes are to the training dvd's--Bad captions are like when the notes tell you the movement is a back touch and the instructor is doing a back ball change on the dvd. Been there, done that, loved it.


Thanks! I appreciate the heads up. Ill be back as soon as I finish my research!


I think they could have picked a different disease to feature in their PSA. According to the Centers for Disease Control: "Most people with HPV do not know they are infected and never develop symptoms or health problems from it" Certainly doesn't sound like the exruciating pain Jenn was having. I was thinking appendicitis... Hope she is okay, I like the Jennifer character.

As far as Isabel trapping Fer with a pregnancy, yah, it sounds like something she would do, however she seemed truly surprised by her mother's suggestion that she might be Pregnant...

J in Oregon

Good points Jarifa, Ana's neediness is keeping her in this, another, bad relationship. She will endure constant reminders of what might have been along with a hell hound Isabela kicking her everyday. I think Fernando knows her neediness will keep her in his orbit and one reason why he never seriously considered her as marriage material. Why buy the cow when you honestly believe you can get the milk for free?


Jarifa, were you a jazzercise instructor in the past? I love it and hope to never quit doing it.

I think the point of the psa's are for the viewers who are less educated about health issues. I'm sure that in rural areas of Mexico and the US, there are plenty of those viewers.

As far as Isabela's surprise about the pregnancy, that could be an explanation for the possibility that it isn't Fernando's child. I do think that she does think she loves him, and she does have money problems, and she has a mother breathing down her neck to get them out of their financial straits. So how perfect does it work out that she tells him it's his? So we'll wait until either she the baby needs a blood transfusion and they find out the baby isn't his or the baby dies in utero before Ana and Fer will be together.

A PSA does no good if it doesn't provide correct information. What's going to be the message here? That you can go for years without PAP smears, and then acute abdominal pain will alert you to the fact that you have HPV? If Jenny turns out to be okay with just a little treatment, which I hope for storyline purposes is the sake, then the de facto lesson will be that you can neglect your body, fail to have check-ups, and wait until you feel serious pain--and then have things treated smoothly and successfully. (Why waste time and money going to judgmental, unpleasant doctors for treatment if you don't absolutely have to?) Oh yes, and the message also is that doctors are judgmental jerks and there's nothing you can do about that.

Utah Desert, the HPV story line isn't done yet. We may still get more info about it, so be patient. I seem to be the only one who doesn't have a problem about health psa's or product placements.

Thanks, Cathyx, for striking all the right notes in this, though I am a little bit more into the fairy godmother!
I liked the Cinderella motif, too, though it didn't really go anywhere with the shoe ending up in the shed with the kids.

I did wonder about how the HPV virus became such a health threat in that it is rampant among young people in the States and an antibiotic generally cures it. I am NOT advocating risky behavior, just wondering where this is going. Jenny is a sympathetic character and I don't want to see her develop cancer.

It must be tough to direct these child actors. Luz and the twins really are the best aong the younger set. Nando and Fanny are already pretty accomplished and may be older than chidlren at this stage.

Poor Ana. SN has certainly managed to make her plight very sad. I would love to see her hit Isabela every time that she has the temerity to touch her. But she will do what she must for the kids. She did give Isabruja a pretty good tongue lashing on the steps of the mansion.

cathyx, thank you for the spot on title and fantastic recap.

"I’m completely irritated with Ana right now because she wails that she doesn’t understand why he’s marrying her, but if she just let him explain when he tried, she would know why. UGH!" was well stated. It was exasperating that Ana would not let Fer speak. Is she happier she had to hear the truth from Isa herself?

Poor Jen has had to bear her situation alone. She must be so frightened. She needs Ana and I hope she tells her soon. They really need each other's support.

Please, no more fairies.

Bring on Pablo Montero. We need some new stroylines and fresh characters.

Thanks again.


Thank you, Cathyx, for the concise recap.

SN certainly captured the heartache Ana experienced. At least Ana and Jen have each other.

Fer - You're dead to me.

I hate what has happened to Ana and think Fernando has played with her like a new toy, broke it and now kicks it into the closet. However, on what planet does Ana seriously believe she has a shot with a guy like him? I know tinkerbell told her to go for it and she is good with the kids, but really. She is uneducated, poor, lacks refinement and loud and performs striptease at an infamous gentlemans club. Fernando wants a woman that will be acceptable in polite society, educated, cultured and has table manners. Ana was way outta her league into fairytale land and delusional.

Having said all that, somebody needs to take that clown Fernando down a couple notches. Isabela have at him and please don't let up even if he whines uncle.


cathyx, it is so good to see you recapping! I always enjoyed your comments on MPV!! :))

tofie, you have hit MANY nails on the head. You have too, Jarifa. I especially agree with your points re Ana being needy.

Rigidly Right Don Fer is going to be in for a heck of a ride. He deserves it. What an ego to ask Ana if she still cared for him as IF that would change anything. Bozo.


Tofie, I think that if Isa hadn't gotten pregnant, Fernando and Ana would have continued with the relationship until they got married. So I don't think that she was aiming too high.

Fatima, I'm glad you're here. Here's hoping that this TN isn't a waste of time like CI was.So far so good.

Speaking of CI, I saw a commercial for La Gata and it has the same actor, Daniel Arenas, as in Corazon Indomable and a woman who looks just like Maricruz did when she was a salvaje, lol. Oh the flashbacks.


I interrupt this blog to repeat what Jimmy Fallon said.

Back to school time, when children and parents switch facial expressions.

I know he's a parent after hearing that.

Hi Cathyx, thanks for the Friday recap. I agree you and everyone else who think its annoying when the characters refuse to hear the other's explanation. While it couldn't have avoided the heart break, it could have served to avoid so much wailing!

Also, Jarifa and Tofie, while I see what you mean about Ana's neediness in being part of a family, after all, she was abandoned by her mother, I don't recall anything about her father, and the only people she seems to have been close to are Jen and Johnny, I think truly, if it weren't for the children who she has grown to love so much, she would not stay. She will not leave them alone at the mercy of Isabella even though her heart is breaking and I kind of admire her for that. These kids have already lost their mom, their dad pulled away and now losing the one person that kind of holds them together would be too much for them.

As for Yolanda, I have no doubt she will be moving into the mansion too. I just hope the kids give her and Isa a really tough time!


Cathyx, perhaps had Isabela not become pregnant but she was still involved with Fernando and invited herself over anytime she wanted. It also would just be a matter of time before it was revealed Ana works at the club and we'd be right back to square one.

I love Ana but also cannot ignore the type of man Fernando is and confident he won't take that disclosure well.

I'm at the opposite end from most of you about Ana not wanting to hear Fernando's explanation at the restaurant, or as he gave chase and understand why her flight response kicked in. I give her a pass.


Thanks for this excellent recap cathyx... well done.

As for Jen...

I doubt that it's appendicitis since it's an intermittent severe right lower abdominal pain which hasn't apparently changed much and there is apparently no fever or other symptoms consistent with that diagnosis.

HPV is not generally associated with abdominal pain in the absence of advanced cervical cancer. By the way Mati, I'm not sure what you are thinking about but HPV does not respond to antibiotic therapy. However with the finding of the presence of HPV a cervical biopsy as suggested by the Dr is certainly in order. I assume that a pelvic exam and Pap smear have already been done.

There are numerous possibilities which I won't enumerate, but a pelvic ultrasound would certainly be useful at this point.


cathyx, yes, I was an instructor for many years; great company.


Thanks to cathyx and the other recappers.
Been away from telenovelas and any study of Spanish, and find that I've, not surprisingly, slid back on my already limited comprehension.
Liking this show so far.
Not thrilled with the animations, but at least so far the occasional use isn't too annoying.
Thanks Carlos for the info on the PSA on HPV. Perhaps there'll be discussion of the vaccine in a later visit? Thanks also for confirming that sharp pain is not a common symptom. I had been guessing ectopic pregnancy.
Too many evening obligations for me to consistently watch the 8 eastern time slot, but I'll be watching when I can and keeping updated here.
Chris in FL

Welcome back, Chris!

I like your point about the HPV vaccine. Alicia is about the right age for it at this point and Jen's situation makes for the perfect argument in favor of the vaccine. This vaccine is controversial because a lot of parents see it as a license for sexual activity. How ridiculous.

Tofie, Ana is not a stripper! What she does would have had her working in a circus in earlier times. In the scenes where she is performing she doesn't flirt with any of the patrons and I didn't notice her making any eye contact with them. She also leaves the stage as soon as the act is over. Granted, this is not something to talk about with anyone she would meet related to Fernando's work, but she knows that.

She's also doing a Pygmalion number on herself and she's light years ahead of Maricruz from CI.

I think that no matter what happens to Jen's relationship with Nick it's the final gateway for Fernando to be with Ana once he sees what a bitch Isabela is.

Cathyx - Great recap. Thanks!

In some ways, I admire Fernando for sticking to his values. He wants this new kid to share the same advantages of his other kids: married parents, his name, living with him in his house, etc. But thinking he can last a lifetime married to this woman is crazy.

So many young women, who are at risk, watch TNs that it would be a shame not to have a good storyline in one on HPV. The doctor seemed more compassionate to me in this episode.

SN is a fine actress. She needs no help from special effects like a fairy and shattered glass.

Hi Chris,

Welcome back. I had meant to say a few words about the HPV vaccine last night but didn't want to make my comment too long and tedious. The vaccine is a good thing. as you may or may not recall, here in Texas the governor attempted to make it required for girls and came under withering fire for it mainly for the reason UA cited. Eventually I believe that it will be commonly and routinely administered to both girls and boys.

As for ectopic pregnancy, Jenny said that it's been many months since she last had sex so that would be extremely unlikely. Endometrosis or an ovarian cyst are possibilities although the writers seem to linking her symptoms to HPV.


"... she doesn't flirt with any of the patrons and I didn't notice her making any eye contact with them."

Well, of course with the exception of her little interludes with Fernando in her Lola disguise.


Don't want to get caught up in the terminology but the bottom line is she works in a Gentelman's Club, for some slimy people and had a manager/ex bf, that now says he does strip for women on Wednesdays for tips. If this were Las Vegas and she a showgirl or billed as burlesque, I totally get your point. What we're getting is a Disney interpretation of a purported infamous men's club and the reputation that goes with it. Socially, I doubt Fernando will take the time to argue the distinctions. Even Ana doesn't want anyone to know what she does for a living and now wants to get away from that life. I want the same for her and appreciate the internal struggle she is experiencing, independent of what Fernando may think. She knows those men aren't there, at that club, for her dancing ability.


Cathyx: Super title and I am right there with you when it comes to not letting the other speak and give his reasons in a conflict. We'd be breaking telenovela rules, tho', I believe. However, I'm surprised this tidbit of confusing data was cleared up so quickly for once! It did allow for Ana to verbally land one between DonFer's eyes the next morning during that impossible convo. How he could have dared ask her if she felt something for him --a loaded question at least and a minefield at best-- and it just made me go EWWWWW! Made naive DonFer come across as a perverted 2 timing playboy type. And we know he's anything but.
I give Ana 10 Bonus Points for giving it right back to Bela. Rather than turning into a milktoast heroine while facing threats from her nemisis, Ana gave her where to and what for despite the heart ache. She even had the control to wait to cry until she was out of earshot or view.

Cathyx - If Yolanda moves into the mansion, at least she and Bruno can share face-mask recipes!

If HPV is a STD, shouldn't the doctor have told Jen to contact her former lovers to initiate treatment and prevent further infection?


Thanks so much for the good medical information. I didn't mean to sound glib or to misinform: my comment was based on the experiences of a few young adults I know who were treated for what I thought was HPV. I must have the story wrong.

I do think a storyline about the vaccine would be informative. It is a public health concern that is in the interest of young women to address.

Great to have expert commentary to counter novela-medicne, which in this case seems to have been on target if not especially sympathetic, at least the first doctor visit.


As usual, this blog teaches me things and leads me to seek out additional information. I just read a National Cancer Institute report (short one) indicating that in a 2007 study more than one-quarter of the U.S. female population tests positive for some strain of HPV, with highest concentration among 20-24 year old. Most strains do not lead directly to cancer but some do. Reason enough to promote the vaccine and even to take some telenovela time with it.

I didn't see any man candy!

Cynderella, it's at the very beginning. It's a leftover scene from the day before.

tofie, you said: " Socially, I doubt Fernando will take the time to argue the distinctions. ". You are absolutely right on this count. I also agree with your entire paragraph. Very well written, amiga. :) Thank you, too, for your kind comments. :))


Juan's bod is fine but put a bag over his head and tell him don't say a word, just work it.

He's practicing? Right? I love him. He's funny! As I've said before, he's a "buthisface" with a rockin' body.

Who cares about his face when the lights go out? Know what I mean?

I know what you mean, but who wants to get up and run right after?

Urban!!! TOO funny!


I'm not a face person. I'm not saying they can be Quasimoto, but as long as they have a booming body..I'm good! Johnny is not a Quasimoto. I can work with him.


P.S. Your comment was funny Urban.


Adriana Noel here

Hi, guys!
I just got back from my vacation, one that included a spectacular and totally unplanned champagne tasting in the very region of Champagne - in France, where champagne was born.
That being said, I'm very behind on watching and reading the recaps.
I will catch up in time for my Thursday recap, but so far I can't comment on anything that has happened in the last week.
I can, however, thank you all, wonderful recappers, in advance, because I might not have the time to watch the show, but I will most definitely read your recaps.

I'll be back soon! (I hope!)

Welcome back! I envy you the experience of France.

Tonight's will post on schedule although I will be out. I will check in when I get home, which will probably be at midnight.

Adriana- That sounds like a fabulous trip!

I didn't see this epi, but I'm not surprised that Ana is staying for the kids. This isn't an ordinary situation. These kids were really in a bad way when she arrived, and she does not want to leave in the hands of a not-caring woman just when they are starting to make personal breakthroughs or are still in the middle of figuring things out. I don't see that as needy. I see that as selfless. Yes, she loves those kids like crazy, so she also needs them too. But love goes two ways like that-- needing and giving. Ana feels both for the kids. I'm glad to read that she is not rolling over and being a doormat to Isabel. That shows me that she's not some pathetic weakling.

Great recap, cathyx!
just a couple details..
Jen asks Ana if she’s going to go back to work at the mansion, and Ana realizes she can’t leave the kids exposed to the bruja nightmare that will be Isabela. She gets dressed
this was actually two separate scenes... Jena sks Ana if she will go back and Ana says of course, have to protect the kids from that hypocrit!!
I loved the fact that Ana is pretty realistic saying 'she is a hypocrit!! no, not ugly but hypocrit!!'
and then in the morning after everyone has gone crazy about the little ones being lost, Fernando notices the shoe he put in the coffee table is gone (Luz took it on their way out) and asks about it. then he realizes the little ones might have gone to look for Ana so he asks Bruno to call Ana. then we see the scene at Johnny's where Ana is in a hurry getting dressed telling Jen that the little ones ran away and she has to go help... so Ana is coming back in a hurry because Bruno has alerted her of what is going on.
and regarding...
Then he asks her if she still feels something for him (why?) and says no, she doesn’t. Falling for him was the biggest mistake she ever made, and she is only staying for the children because she loves them with all her heart.

she did not say falling for him was the biggest mistake... he mentioned that the kiss they ahd was a mistake and she said yes... the biggest mistake i ever made... (but i don't remember her saying anything about coming back because she loves the kids... maybe i did miss that.)

tofie: totally agree on your line for Ana for friday... looks like she has appointed herself the martyr in this show... she will be there for the kids, even if she is suffering her own agony and being treated as 'cinderella' by Isa... (this is where we need Diego here, to give her some support and credibility in Fer's eyes/mind)
ITA with all of you who said Fer is a jerk asking Ana if she has any feelings for him... why??

and then i read Jardinera's comment and thought the same... maybe he is trying to figure out if he can keep Ana as side entertainment while still marrying Isabella... the jerk has a big ego... like this would not totally confuse his kids as to what is proper/correct compared to his telling some of them that he is marrying Isa becuase that is what is correct/proper.
the selfish jerk wants to see if Ana will stay for love for him so he can keep seeing her every day and who knows what else... so he can have his 'needs' met while being 'correcto'...
I wonder what he will do when the first Isabella/Ana confrontation happens in front of him and they try to pull rank... who will he side with? will he tell Ana that Isa is boss? will he tell Isa to lay off the kids, that's Ana's territory?? that is the least Ana would deserve here... Fer can let Isa do whatever with the house and his sorry ass... but Ana should have top priority where the kids are concerned... but if Fernando expects Isa to win over the kids, he can't just undermine her... we'll see...

i was laughing since i made so many mentions of the cinderella story for the prep of the dinner date... and now he ends up carrying the shoe she lost on her run out (I was waiting to hear the midnight bells as she was running out of that restaurant... LOL!!)

Fernando is almost in the same position as Pedro in Como Agua Para Chocolate. He needs to have Ana near him because he loves her while he is forced to marry Isabeyotch.

Pesos to empanadas he will not have sex with her and that will make her bitchier than ever.

Isabela already tried to pin Fanny's comment about trapping her father on Ana so she will constantly blame any issue on the nanny and I think Fernando will believe her. While I would love for him to support Ana, unless she expresses her undying love and servitude to him he's gonna side with Isabela. How dare Ana not throw herself at his feet.

Marta, I laughed when she lost her shoe and recalled your Cinderella comment.

He needs to have Ana near him because he loves her while he is forced to marry Isabeyotch.

Pesos to empanadas he will not have sex with her and that will make her bitchier than ever.

UA, I so TA with you on that one..

Cathx: Thanks for the recap.

I don't think Fer was being consciously selfish in asking Ana is she still cared for him. I think he's drowning. He's not a "playboy". Like I noted before, I believe that he's only been with one women, his wife. He's only been in love twice: his wife and Ana. He's simply not equipped to deal the situation. Here's where Nico could help.

HPLP list to come.

Salvador: loved the Dharma & Greg shoutout the other day.


While I would love for him to support Ana, unless she expresses her undying love and servitude to him he's gonna side with Isabela. ITA. that is what i am afraid we are in to endure for months to come... Ana as the new Cynderella and even though there are no nasty step sisters... there will be the nasty wife and MIL making her life miserable.
I agree with whoever said Ana can work during the day there but not be there at night...
When the revelation of Ana's night job comes to Fernando, we will think the nasty episode where the similar thing happened in Refugio was child's play... even when we know all kids (and Fanny already knows) will side with Ana.
The oh so proper Fernando will be oh not so proper in his reaction.

Nanette, you do have a point... that Fernando was not asking her for selfishness... i think he just wanted to have one thing to look forward to, or feel good about (being corresponded in his hopeless feelings for her). Especially when this scene came after he had to endure all the kid's reactions to the wedding bells ringing for the wrong bride.

Week of August 18, 2014:


Nando/Brianna bond over Stephen Hawking.
Face painting.
Ana keeps Fer from interfering with Fan/Leon kiss.
Fer in casual clothes.
Kids/Ana watching the dance lesson.
Fer dancing in the study.
Fer and Fan talk without fighting.
Nando/Fer playing chess scene.
Fer is OK with Fan taking time off school, but she has to work.
Fer kiss fake out.
Fer/Ana kiss.
The twins covering each other eyes after Luz tells everyone that Fer/Ana kissed.
The kids give Fer/Ana the third degree.
Luz calling Ana out on her lie.
Nando/Ana astronomy lesson.
Nando pleased Brianna likes him.
The kids and Nico on board with helping Bruno.
Fer talking to Nando man-to-man.
Nando tells Fer love is more important.
Fer/Nando “first kiss” conversation.
All Fer/Nando scenes. Love seeing them bond.
Jen tells Johnny stop the pity party.
Ana gets Jen to promise to see the doctor.
Jen suggests an idea to Johnny.
Bruno tells his mother the truth.
Fan’s mature response to Leon wondering if they should break up.
Pimp likes Johnny’s idea (hopefully, gets his attention off Ana).
Dancing on the bus.
Nando won’t betray his dad’s trust.
Alicia/Tattoo guy moment.
Jen finally goes to the doctor.
Ana’s guitar playing and song.
Nando has become a stud.
Kids won’t let Fer explain.
Ana doesn’t back down from Isa.
Ana finds the kids.
Fan asks Isa if she trapped her dad.

Low Points:

Fan’s zoo hat.
Isa throws up.
Bruno/Manuela continued.
Isa is eating a lot.
Isa is preggers.
Jen again in pain.
Johnny again gets rough with Ana.
Bruno/Manuela nightmare continues.
Isa tells Fer she’s preggers (seriously, dude, what kind of example is this for your children?).
Fer is cold to Ana.
Bruno lying to his mother.
Fer tells Nando he’s in love with Ana and Isa is preggers.
Manuela is all over Bruno at the dinner table in front of his mother.
Jen has another pain.
It’s official—Isa is preggers.
Fer decides to marry Isa.
Jen has yet another pain.
Leon’s secret must be big.
Fan knows something is up with Leon and is worried.
Fer keeps asking Ana for forgiveness.
Fer “proposes” to Isa.
Isa’s manic glee at Fer’s “proposal”.
Nico’s big misunderstanding.
Everyone thinks Fer is going to propose to Ana.
Nando caught in the middle.
Ana hurt by Nando’s attitude.
Nando isn’t able to warn his dad.
Fer tells Ana he’s marrying Isa.
Ana won’t let Fer explain.
Ana distraught.
Three little ones run away.
Ana Fairy.
Isa is a bruja to Ana.
Jen has HPV.
Isa clings to Fer like the leech she is.
Fer asks Ana if she still feels something for him.

Thanks everyone.

One point I want to make, as a recapper, we have so much detail we can put in the story that it can make the recap be a thousand words long. I consciously left out the part where Ana loses her shoe and Fer picks it up, and then later what happens with the shoe. I determined it had no relevance to the story and it would take a lot of words to explain it all. I call that my literary license to omit that which I want to omit based on irrelevancy.

cathyx, please don't take it as any criticism that we mention it... its just that it connects well with my comment from thursday's ep that it looked to me like a twisted version of Cinderella with the one 'magic evening' getting spoiled after the fairy godmother (or godkids in this version) made her over.

Marta, I wasn't. I just mentioned it because I know several commenters don't watch the show, or at least miss some episodes, and I didn't want them thinking that I left out an important detail to the story. I try to get everything that seems pertinent to the story in the recap, but even doing that, it can be so long that it becomes tedious to write and read.

Still not convinced it was not selfishness on Fernando's part, he asking if she has feelings for him. This came after everything had been fully disclosed, pregnancy included. His fiancee had just left the library and he got in her face, almost grasping her arms, asking this, as if nothing had changed. He assumed it hadn't.

Perhaps I project, because I would have slapped him.

I still think something will have to happen with the pregnancy if Fernando and Ana are to end up together. But it's so early in the show that anything and everything can happen.


Perhaps I project, because I would have slapped him.

believe me, you would not be the only one... but it has been mentioned here that Fernando probably has little experience dealing with women and relationships that are not black and white, clear way to the finish line like his first with late Estefania probably was...
so when he is torn between duty and love like here, he finds himself lost... and as he is lost, he doesn't think of other's feelings when he tries to get his own needs met...
I remember Paula H going to length on this comparing self-centered (don't care about others feelings) to self-absorbed (don't notice other's feelings) people. Fernando reminds me of self-absorbed... he is so busy and so totally disconnected (he used to be) with his family's day to day goings that he doesn't know how to handle being torn like this.

and as to whether 'he assumed nothing hadn't (changed)', I beg to disagree... the moment Isa announced to him she was pregnant, he realized this was going to affect his realationship with Ana... as well as his entire family. He could tell how his kids feel about Ana and that somehow Ana had won them over so much it didn't seem they were uncomfortable with the idea that he would get together with Ana (he remembers how they reacted to his kissing Ana and Luz announcing it... he had heard Luz wanted them to marry, and that Fanny suggested it as well...)
Now he was going to impose an alternate 'wife' to them, one they disliked from the get go and were not shy to show it.
this is why when Isa left his office, he sat down deflated and asked himself 'what have I done??' (que hiciste??)

Fernando did muse to himself. "what am I going to do with this love for Ana?" Problem for me is he hasn't really considered what this has done and will do to her. What can she do with her love for him? She has no choice or input in the matter and has been decided for her.

You are correct he is self absorbed and to the detriment of those closest to him.


my bad choice of wording in my last sentence, using assumed. My point is he knew things had changed yet had the audacity to ask her if she had feelings for him as if they hadn't. That is why I would have given him a double slap.

What I always fail to understand in these situations is why nobody thinks in terms of the long term. How long does Fernando expect to have to stay married to Isabitch?

-- A year, until after the baby is born?
-- Six years, until the baby is in school?
-- 22 years, until the baby graduates college?
-- Until she bankrupts him?
-- The rest of his life?

i don't think he wants to make any distinction between his first 7 angelitos and this new one... so since I doubt he woudl turn away from Luz or any of the others anytime (even after they turn 21 he would be supportive and available to them) my guess would be he plans to be part of this child's life and to do that he needs to stay with Isa... so...
sadly... the rest of his life.

My speculation without any real basis is that if the baby is indeed Fernando's, Isa will have a miscarriage and either hide that fact, or else work the sympathy for her grief to the max to keep Fer from leaving her. And maybe accuse Ana of throwing her down the stairs and causing it.

Jen's symptoms of stabbing pain were perplexing. Is HPV the entire diagnosis, or is there more?

I know Fer thinks the new baby deserves the same thing his other kids had...married parents, stable home, legitimacy, etc., etc., but he needs to face the fact that no matter what he tries to do, life cannot be as good for the coming baby. It has a witch for a mother instead of his saintly first wife, he doesn't love Isa, the other kids hate Isa. He can do all he wants to provide and he might be able to bring the kids around to loving the new hermanit@, but Isa will always be the thorn in the roses and there's no way the kid wouldn't pick up on all that tension and resentment. So it isn't going to have the same loving family experience the other kids had, no matter what (unless Isa disappears).

Julia, i agree, but wanting to do the 'correct' thing, he doesn't see that... he has never been in (possibly even witnessed) a dysfunctional family (other than his dad being so busy and self-absorbed as he is now) so i doubt he sees that reality now. He can't see that with Ana he can have the family at home and this new baby can have the same experience, at least partially with them(per custody arrangements), if the baby is his and is born.

With Ana staying, Fernando has the best of both. He marries the mother of his child and raises that child with both biological parents and he get to keep the hired nanny that will do all the trench work and damage control for both he and Isabela. Great deal Fernando has there and if he can some how convince Ana to allow him some "alone time" he's got it made.

I don't see how Fer has the best of any worlds. Married to a shrew, a woman he's going to end up despising and in constant contact with the woman he does love, who's hands off, and constantly fearing that she will eventually leave. He's in a hell (of his own making, granted), but through trying to do what he thinks is the right thing. There's no malice in him.

Agree no malice in him but causing pain absent malice is still pain.


In attempting to give his newest child a loving, two-parent home, he is giving his other SEVEN a stressful, combative evil stepmother environment. Sucks to be you, Fer.

I would say Fer has the worst of both. He has Ana there, but can't be affectionate and loving and intimate with her, and he has Isa there making life hell for everyone, and she'll be wanting husbandly attentions but he can't stand her.

Tofie: I agree. But as a viewer, motivations make a difference to me in how I feel about a character.

I hate all this because I like Fernando but also know someone needed to be a bonehead or the thing would wrap up this week. On with the show.

If everyone acted reasonable, TN's would resolve everything in about a week.

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