Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #71 15 Apr 2014... The secrets are out!! And MA is confronted again on his vision for the future.

Ahole at cloob… Chabela and Geno comment about his ‘accident’. He tries to deny deny… assures them Isela and Mini made up the story. The ladies won’t buy what he’s selling, and leave.

Lupe and Perla at kitchen in Fonda, Perla ruins the potatoes with too much adobo (seasoned salt). Mati offers to help. Lupe has Mati, Perla, Tizoc and Frida in kitchen, and they all look mighty busy. Chuy comes down, is heading out. Lupe sends him with some deliveries. MA and Nepo come in. MA announces that Nepo will pay for some medical tests Mati needs. Lupe thanks Nepo. Lupe looks very worried and MA notices it.

Later, at hospital or Dr office, MA thanks Nepo more in private. Nepo again brings up the Lupe deal. Nepo tells MA he appreciates Mati… and him(MA) too. Dr and Mati come out. Dr summons MA to his office.

At A-hole’s, Mini still is trying to open the door to get in closet. Isela says they still don’t remember the date of Aureliano’s death. Mini is cursing. Isela mocks Mini that she did not ask MA for the date Isela suggests Mini ask MA for the date. Mini says not until I can get something really valuable for whatever I find in the safe. Isela keeps whining that she can’t live without a plastic card… without spending money!

At Fonda, everyone is trying to help out. Lupe is in kitchen and Perla and Tizoc are serving. Perla stops by AS, who is sitting at a table on her own… AS keeps suggesting to Perla to take the etiquette class… Perla tells her what she wants is to be a model… AS says then her class would be even more useful. Perla suggests instead of paying AS with money, what about discouting the class fee from their food tab.

DR and MA… MA tells Dr that he heard that her condition would get worse at night at the ‘home’. Dr says the meds are not enough, she also needs therapy. MA tries to pay… but Dr says Nepo paid for everything already. Bring your grandma back after she has started the treatment. It will take time but she will be fine. MA thanks him.

Saul and his assistant… Saul will spend all afternoon looking at the MA files… She is confused, everyone thinks you are giving up the case. Saul says that is what everyone SHOULD think, that he is off the case. But MA is his friend so he will do what he can for MA.

MA tells family and the Menchaacas what the Dr said. Nepo and Lupe are glad. Nepo leaves. MA tells Nepo he will be back at the market as soon as he can. Nepo reminds MA about the ‘jugos’ project.

At office, A-hole says he would love to kill her (Mini). Vilma says don’t worry, she will get her due in time. Mini and Isela arrive. A-hole refers to Mini and Isela as ‘alacranas’. Mini demands respect. A-hole mocks her again. He has no time for them, have a meeting at the conference room. Mini demands he open again the credit cards, or he will regret it. (Ahole seems to pay attention to her threat).

Back at Fonda, Mati and Emiliano leave, MA asks Lupe what is going on. Lupe is afraid to run into A-hole again. MA says don’t be so paranoic. Lupe says MA also looks worried. MA admits that keeping their relationship from Nepo is becoming harder with Nepo poking him so much. But we will find the way to let him know. They share a cute smile.

Mati and Frida with AS… Mati and Frida talk about the etiquette class ‘old-fashioned’… Leo also agrees with them that the class is a bit old fashioned, but he wishes her luck educating ‘los changos del pueblo’ (the chimps in town). AS whines that the shower water was too cold.

MA visits Emiliano at his room. MA asks Emi how it went at the school show and tell. Emi tells him his friends had fun. Emi tells MA that the strange thing happened at recess, that a man was talking to him asking about his dad. Emi tells MA he did not tell the man his name… MA tells Emi he has no need to avoid questions about his dad. Lupe is watching the MA and Emi conversation… MA tells Emi he can keep the polo stick, ‘by now it is more yours than mine’. Emiliano is excited, Lupe smiles happy.

Board meeting. Board members ask A-hole to clarify some rumors they have heard… about an accident he had and also a problem of domestic violence.. Mini and Isela come in and have an announcement about A-hole. A-hole gets white concerned. Mini tells board members (while she walks around and caresses their faces.. yuk!!) she knows some secrets about A-hole… (Ahole comes by and whispers to Isela to get her daughter outahere.)… A-hole tries to reroute what Mini said, tells the board that it is all rumors while he whispers to Mini that he will re-open all her credit cards and her mother’s…if she keeps quiet… When the board members insist in hearing what she came to say, she says it was about the loss of her baby…A-hole is a great man..a MAN in every sense of the word. That serious and apparently cold man is a great man, and we are a very happy married couple. A-hole says everything else is ill-intentioned rumors against him and his wife. (she squeezes his cheeks)

Lupe and MA… Lupe admits she accidentally overheard the conversation of MA with Emiliano. She thanks MA for doing special things like that for Emiliano. MA starts talking sweet things in her ear. He feels fulfilled when he is with her, feels like yelling that he loves her… (she feels the same)… They move somewhere else(bathroom?) She is not quite sold on the idea, pushes him off… he gets a couple kisses in between her protests… She’s still not ready to tell families, he is. She still wants to find the right moment. He will defend her from his mother… She offers to defend him from her dad. She asks if he is THAT brave. Nope, THAT much in love(and we get a long awaited embraced kiss)… (Frida and AS are coming down while MA and Lupe are kissing in next room… Frida opens the door, sees them kissing… and closes the door so AS won’t see what she saw… MA gets a scared face) …

Frida tattles AS with stories about smelly dirty bathroom etc. ‘porca miseria!!’ AS tells DaVinci she will have to give him cloth baths from now on…

Frida and AS leave. MA insists they have to tell their families right away. Lupe still wants to wait until they find the right moment. If you really feel something for me promise me! He protests it’s blackmail. She insists that he promise her… He will, for the love he feels for her (thanks La Paloma: and he looks around and also swears for a fake squirrel statue on a dresser) ... (one final kiss before they split).

Outside the conference room, A-hole warns Mini that she is walking on thin ice, he won’t accept another ‘scene’ like this. Your threats won’t work anymore. Mini says if she were to tell about his bank accounts all around the world. That would raise suspicions about you. A-hole insists she is getting in dangerous zone. He could hurt her and her dear mommy. Mini ignores his warnings, demands for some cash. A-hole asks for the divorce. Mini says she has been talking it over with her pillow. Takes the money and goes. (throughout this scene, Isela was echoing Mini’s statements.) A-hole tells Vilma he has to find a way to get rid of Mini. Vilma has to find a way to force the tarantula of his wife to sign off the divorce.

MA walks around the market, looking for Queta, but her post is closed. Noone’s seen her, seems she left. Nepo comes to get MA back. Nepo tells MA doesn’t have to come so early to carry stuff around… by the way, how’s Lupita? (MA protests again that Nepo cannot talk to him without mentioning Lupita).
(thanks to La Paloma:   Nepo, sure that Mi Mike is attracted to the cute guys in the market, assuring him he has an open mind. )

Back in conference room, A-hole assures the board that Mini could still get pregnant. One of the members asks ‘with whom? The holy spirit?’ A-hole keeps assuring that his ‘accident’ was not critical.

Chuy and Chilaquiles, Chila asks Chuy if his resentment with Mike is over… Chuy says MA is ok, but when he remembers the ‘move’ his cousin played on us, he is only waiting for A-hole to make a move to try to hurt them again and Chuy assures ‘no se la va a acabar’ (basically stte of ‘he won’t live to tell about it’).

At Ahole’s, Mini and Isela arrive, they love everything they bought. Mini asks Isela why she bought so many potato peelers, garlic presses, etc. Isela says she loves to collect stuff (LOL!!) Mini calls MA, tries to summon him for another meeting saying she found more evidence. MA suggests she meet with Saul to tell him about the new evidence.. She accepts reluctantly. Mini rants with her mom about MA sending her to Saul. Isela says that is not such a bad idea, how about we try to get from Saul who it is that is your competition for MA? That ‘sulipanta’ (not sure what that is) won’t be able to beat both of us.

Saul has not really found anything useful to help MA with. His assistant encourages him that he will find something. Saul will continue looking, she goes home for the day.

Frida summons MA to the clothes line… Frida reminds MA he had asked her to be careful with Tizoc, and now he is with ‘Guadapunk’. MA assures her that his relationship with Lupe is serious. It is not a lie at all. Frida gets MA to come closer and look her in her eyes. ‘Tell me… If we had not gone through everything we have gone through and you had not lost all your money… would you still have noticed ‘guadapunk’? What will happen when you get your money back?’ MA assures her his relationship with Lupe is solid. Frida diagnoses what he is going through as ‘amor de rato’ (seasonal love).

Saul runs into some woman… (not sure if we have seen her before). This woman is coming on to him at warp speed and he tells her that. She goes for the kiss right away.

At Mercado, MA is showing Nepo his proposal. Nepo can’t separate his feelings for Lupe to the ideas for the juice advertising. Even refers to Chuy as his father in law. MA tries to redirect to his ideas of marketing. To no avail. Trofeo arrives whistling happy. Nepo sends him away to make deliveries. (MA nods geeezzz!!)

Morning at Fonda. Frida is in kitchen. Lupe comes out. Frida wants to talk to her about MA.

Frida confronts Lupe, what do you feel for my brother?

What your brother and I feel is just between us. We will tell everyone.

Then why do you throw all the Menchaaacas against my brother? Why hurt him only for a capricho/frenesi/calentura(moment of heated passion)..

Lupe assures her she knows the difference between capricho/calenture/frenesi and being in love. And she loves MA. She wants to be with him all day. She wishes him all the best, even if not with her. She feels as if he brings out the best of her when she is with him. That and much more she feels for Frida’s brother. (Chuy is coming so Lupe has to leave, Frida stays there confused and a bit upset). ‘Then what about me and Tizoc? Why can’t we??’

Mini visits Saul at his office. She tells him MA asked her to come tell him what she found in A-hole’s laptop. IS that any good? Saul says he has not been able to trace completely the accounts. Most probably A-hole would be able to justify how he got all that fortune. Saul has to show Mini the ‘balance, here is the ‘out accounts’, here are the ‘in accounts’ and here are the amounts that were transferred…’

Mini in total shock about the huge fortunes A-hole has. She then plays victim of domestic violence with A-hole. Mini asks Saul if he would accept being her lawyer and handle her divorce (and she cries and apologizes immediately after asking, to try to get his pity).

At the office, A-hole tells Vilma she is not as efficient and productive for him as she used to… He wants to fire everyone around him and hire new personnel… He is asking her to leave without a severance pay or recommendation. She has been trying to get his attention since she came in and now she is turning the tone up so he will listen. I have the DNA results!! Ahole rants at her for not having told him before…

That child… is mine!...


A-hole wants to reconquer Lupita, marry her and with that he would get complete control over the company!!


Thank you for the recap, I missed parts of the novela tonight.

I am still waiting for Frida to question her own hypocrisy, she talks a good game about helping people, and equality, etc, but she still very much sees herself and her family as better than the Menchacas, even if she would never admit it as such. She thinks she (and her family) are above them.
Also all the RP are convinced that things will get fixed and they'll go back to their old lives instead of coming to terms that they're basically poorer than the Menchacas and need to be more proactive and prepare for a future that reflects their current reality.

Nepo is such a good person. It's going to be terrible when he finds out the truth.

Thanks for the recap, Marta. It's the little moments I enjoy here.

Mini and Mamita Suegra continue their flawless patter with each other, complete with facial expressions.

Loved when MA was swearing to Lupita that he would wait to tell about their relationship--he swears on the love he has for her, then desperately looking for something else, sees a fake squirrel and swears on the squirrel! Not sure why, but that had me falling out of my chair laughing.

Nepo, sure that Mi Mike is attracted to the cute guys in the market, assuring him he has an open mind.

The older directors at the board meeting, with the quick comeback about the holy spirit fathering Mini's next baby.


Thanks so very much for this fab recap. I always enjoy the little dichos you explain and all your detail.

I loved the talk that Frida and Lupe had. It's too bad that Chuy interrupted, or else Frida would have told her about Tizoc.

I just knew Ahole would eventually find out about Emi being his son, but how in the heck does he think Lupe will go along with him, blackmail probably. Ahole is such a Snidely Whiplash.

I do like those board members, they crack me up every time and have the best lines on the show ; ) I too liked the line about the holy spirit, too funny.

Aren't Mini and Saul cute together? Maybe Mini will end up with him in the end. She did finally get how much Ahole is worth and I hope she socks it to him in the divorce. But then again the majority of that money is probably MA's.

Vilma really needs to get a clue. I wish she would wake up, and smell the coffee and start working against Ahole instead of for him. I hope that eventually happens.

Thanks again Marta for this fab recap.


Thanks for the recap Marta. I'm concerned about the jerk knowing he's Emiliano's father. Alejo might be hanging out around the Fonda very soon.

Anon @ 11:43 pm, good point about the RPs. They still have a ways to go concerning their former lives and reality.

ITA w/La Paloma, Mini and her mom are the most fun comedy duo. They are silly, vapid, ruthlessly money-focused, and crazy, all at once. Uni needs to have these two as a mother-daughter team again.

And the board members continue to deliver great quips.

Mads, I'm not sure Vilma is going to see the light. Perhaps Alejo's pursuit of Lupita will be her moment of catharsis.

I kind of think Vilma is going to end up with Saul based on their interactions. If Vilma sees the light, of course!

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I agree that it is concerning that now Alejo will be hanging around the Fonda to try to woo Lupita into marrying him... he would not get that voluntarily but perhaps when he finds out that Lupe has strong feelings for MA, he will be able to blackmail her by threatening to harm him 'otherwise i will sink MA deep in a jail cell for life!' or maybe taking Emiliano far away... (would be harder to threaten her with harming Emiliano since he needs Emiliano alive and well to secure the company control)

I agree that Vilma will probably have her catharsys when she sees that Alejo now is focusing on Lupita... i agree that Mini and Saul could end up together... I seriously doubt Vilma and Saul would end up together now that she has taken aim at him directly.

So Paloma!! you revealed the mystery!! i know MA had sworn to Lupita for his love for her and for something else he had seen in the room, my guess was a statue of the virgin or Jesus, but if it was just a fake squirrel, that is even funnier than if it was a holy statue.
And I totally missed the Nepo comment to Mi Mike... thanks!
that happens when I am trying to type up as I watch, i have to look at the monitor and miss some of those 'blink and you missed it' quips!


Marta, thank you for another quick and fabulous recap! It was very enjoyable. I still don't know how you do it in real time.

A "suripanta" is a woman of low morals: a prostitute.

The most disturbing scene was don Chuy talking with his bud about MA. Just my feeling but I don't think he is going to be happy when he finds out about the MA/Lupita romance. I still think he has his suspicions about that possibility because I have seen that look on his face twice before when he was discussing MA with Lupita.

"El Manual de Carreño" that doña Mati mentioned to AS when belittling her idea for etiquette classes really does exist and dates back to the 19th century and was the "go to" book for any kind of etiquette info at the time. Señor Carreñno was the Emily Post of his time. These novelas never fail to teach me something!

The funniest scene for me was Minerva and Isela jockeying for position in front of Alejo's desk with Vilma pushing back and ending up on the floor.



Marta, thanks for the great recap. I am grateful for the extra detail as I had little time to try to work on some of my translations.

I wondered about some of the stuff with Saul last night. Two scenes of him and his assistant just rehashing that he's still helping MA. Was that filler?
Then the scene with him and the woman in the bar…where did that come from? Have we seen her before?

And, when Saul was showing Mini how money came from this account, ended up in this account, etc. …he kept slapping the paper in front of Mini's face in what I thought was a really condescending, arrogant fashion. If it hadn't been Mini there for her own reasons, I would have really wanted to slap him.


Thanks Marta, I couldn't understand who that woman was who ran into Saul at the bar, but it seemed to me that they knew each other from the past. I hope Saul gets a love interest. He's such a great guy.

I wonder what is wrong with Mati and what kind of therapy will help her. She seems ok to me.
Who was that guy that Don Chuy gave the food to and what were they talking about? I didn't understand any of that.

It is so funny that Nepo thinks that MA is gay. And that he's ok with it. And if Diego turns out to be gay, will he still be ok with it?

Thank you, Marta. I enjoyed this recap very much. I enjoy them all, but there was just so much going on in this one.

I don't understand why Mini and Mom are having so much trouble figuring out the date when Aureliano died. It would have been in the newspaper. Heck, it would have been in the RPs' magazines.

Ahole has been talking about killing Mini for a while, but I've noticed that at least twice he's specifically mentioned burning her. Perhaps fire will play a role in Ahole's day of reckoning. (Like when he wanted to shoot Mini's "lover" and shot himself instead.)

I laughed when Mati said that AS's etiquette book was way outdated. Just yesterday on the Today show was a teenage girl who had reinvented herself based on an etiquette book for teens that was published 50 years ago. It worked for her, apparently.

In the bathroom, I thought MA was just about to tell Lupe something when she kissed him, and then Frida came in and the moment was over. Was he going to tell her about the grandfather clause? The million dollar bonus for the house?

(I LOVED when MA swore on the squirrel.)

When I saw Saul with his assistant, I thought they might someday be a couple. But then I saw him with Mini and saw some possibilities there, too. Then I realized that because of his dimples, it should probably be me.

I never once considered Saul with Vilma. She's Ahole's accomplice, so isn't she going to end up in jail? Still, it's an interesting idea... maybe Vilma will be a very different person after she divests herself of Ahole.

As for the chick at the bar, I wonder if she is part of Vilma's campaign against Saul, like a Stage 2 where this chick can get into Saul's stuff, find out if he has anything on Ahole and take it away. In an episode last week or the week before, Saul was really hung over one morning and was telling MA it had been a big night. Maybe that was with her. I think he complained last night that she snuck out on him without saying goodbye.

Barbara, I think Saul was being condescending with Mini because he figured that such a money-grubbing woman should at least know how to read a bank statement.

Cathyx, that guy with Chuy was his friend Chilaquiler/Chilly Killer/etc. Interesting question about Nepo's attitude about MA being gay... he is awfully dense and is slow to believe things he doesn't want to. Even if Diego told him he was gay, Nepo would probably just try to fix him up
with the "right girl."

I LOVED it when Mini reassured the zombies that Ahole could still impregnate her: "He's still young" (the subtext being, "unlike you guys").

Julie, I am with you, when that girl came on to Saul like at warp speed and they seemed to know each other from before, I was wondering the same, if it was somehow staged by Vilma/A-hole to have this girl as the undercover spy on Saul, to find out what he knows, what he has and if he is still working to save MA from trouble.

Nepo would likely be in denile if Diego turns out to be gay just like he is in denile about Lupita. It would take a lot for him to accept both things.

I don't know what Vilma sees in Alejo other than his good looks. He is demeaning towards her, arrogant, self-centered and the list goes on. She is a very smart woman and can do so much better. I'm hoping there will be some redemption for her in the end.

I've been wondering about Vilma and redemption myself. Wasn't she the one that set up all these fake money trails though? I know Ahole defrauded the company along with Bambi and Adolfo, but she is the one that hid that money. I too think she will be going to jail, unless she turns Ahole in and fixes those accounts to reflect Ahole doing it.

About Mini, she may act dumb and look dumb sometimes, but when it comes to money, she is as smart as a whip. I think she was looking at the accounts all wrong until Saul showed her what was up. Now she has a way of finding out more, if she can just get into that safe in Ahole's closet by remembering or finding the date of Don A's death. She should have asked Saul, he knows.

Somehow I think Vilma will be visiting Alejo when he is behind bars and counting the days until he is free and all hers.


I just hope vilma repents and maybe even turn Alejo in, even if she has to serve jail time. (She should since she's done a lot of the dirty work for Alejo)

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